1560 documenti
► autolesionismo e suicidio ◄ ► dell'omicidio ◄
CSM - Commissione mista # R.E.M.S. Roma, 22gennaio 2025 |
Enrico Di Croce # I conflitti sempre irrisolti della psichiatria: sono gli stessi di 50 anni fa https://www.quotidianosanita.it/ 09 LUGLIO 2024 Mario Iannucci, Gemma Brandi # Carceri, REMS e follie. Reply https://www.quotidianosanita.it/ 11 LUGLIO 2024 |
Liliana Lorettu, Eugenio Aguglia (Presidenti Società italiana di Psicopatologia e Psichiatria forense - Sipps) # Rems e liste d’attesa, il 50% degli ospiti non ha reali malattie mentali e può essere curato in carcere. Psichiatri Sippf: «Possibile ‘liberare’ 400 posti per chi ha davvero bisogno di cure e aiuto» https://www.sanita24.ilsole24ore.com/ 21 giugno 2024 |
Amanda Butler, Tonia L Nicholls, Hasina Samji. Sheri Fabian # Mental Health Needs, Substance Use, and Reincarceration: Population-Level Findings From a Released Prison Cohort CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR, 202X, Vol. XX, No. X, Month 2024. 1-18 |
Benedetto Saraceno # A società contenitive si risponde con società fondate sulla certezza del diritto https://www.casadellacarita.org/ 29 maggio 2024 |
Benedetto Saraceno # A società contenitive si risponde con società fondate sulla certezza del diritto https://www.casadellacarita.org/ 29 maggio 2024 |
Louis Favril, Josiah D Rich, Jake Hard, Seena Fazel # Mental and physical health morbidity among people in prisons: an umbrella review www.thelancet.com/public-health Vol 9 April 2024 |
Mario Iannucci # Il suicidio del paziente schizofrenico a Le Vallette e la Corte Costituzionale https://www.quotidianosanita.it/ 02 aprile 2024 |
Stephen Eide # How to Reform Correctional Mental Health Care https://media4.manhattan-institute.org/ March 2024 |
Lorenzo Pelizza, Simona Pupo # Mental health interventions in Italian prisons: are we ready for a new model? Suggestions from the Parma experience Rivista di Psychiatria, 59, gen-feb 2024 |
Thomas Fovet, Marion Eck, Ali Amad # Épidémiologie des troubles psychiatriques en milieu pénitentiaire en France Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, Volume 182, Issue 2, February 2024 |
Mario Iannucci # Il dilagante disagio psichico “detenuto”: Rems, Atsm, suicidi in carcere e l’inesorabile declino delle competenze quotidianosanita.it, 26 febbraio 2024 |
Ufficio del Garante delle persone sottoposte a misure restrittive della libertà personale Consiglio regionale della Toscana # Psichiatria, carcere, misure di sicurezza - Rapporto di ricerca Consiglio regionale della Toscana, Gennaio 2024 |
Jude Kelman, Laura Palmera, Rachael Gribble, and Deirdre MacManus # Time and Care: A Qualitative Exploration of Prisoners’ Perceptions of Trauma-Informed Care in Women’s Prisons INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MENTAL HEALTH, 2023 |
Thomas Fovet, Camille Lancelevée, Marielle Wathelet, Oumaïma El Qaoubii, Pierre Thomas # La santé mentale en population carcérale sortante: une étude nationale https://www.f2rsmpsy.fr/ Décember 2023 |
Graham Durcan # Prison Mental Health Services in England, 2023 https://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/ 4 april 2023 |
Nur Oktavia Hidayati, Suryani Suryani, Laili Rahayuwati, Efri Widianti # Women Behind Bars: A Scoping Review of Mental Health Needs in Prison Iran J Public Health, Vol. 52, No.2, Feb 2023 |
Emma Facer-Irwin, Nigel Blackwood, Annie Bird and Deirdre MacManus # Trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder and violence in the prison population:prospective cohort study of sentenced male prisoners in the UK BJPsych Open (2023) |
Giulia Melani, Katia Poneti (eds) # Psichiatria, carcere, misure di sicurezza Consiglio regionale della Toscana, Firenze gennaio 2024 |
Pellegrini # Dialogando con Questione Giustizia sulle REMS. Lettera di uno psichiatra. convitato di pietra nel dibattito sulle Residenze per l'Esecuzione delle Misure di Sicurezza (REMS). https://www.questionegiustizia.it/ 22 febbraio 2023 |
Kwanele Shishane, Johannes
John-Langba, Eyitayo Onifade # Mental health disorders and recidivism among incarcerated adult offenders in a correctional facility in South Africa: A cluster analysis PLOS ONE | January 19, 2023 |
Andrew Forrester,
Anne Aboaja, Lukas Beigel, Adrian P. Mundt, Guillermo
Rivera, Julio Torales # Mental health in prisons in Latin America: The effects of COVID-19 Medicine, Science and the Law, 2023 |
F2RSM Psy (Fédération Régionale de Recherche en
Santé Mentale et Psychiatrie) coordonnée par Pierre
Thomas # La santé mentale en population carcérale sortante: une étude nationale https://www.f2rsmpsy.fr/ Décembre 2022 |
Presidenza del
Consiglio dei Ministri. Conferenza Unificata # Rems. Accordo in conferenza unificata Re, Atti n. 188/CU del 30 novembre 2022 |
Lombardia - Commissione speciale sulla situazione
carceraria in Lombardia # Relazione conclusiva sull’ indagine conoscitiva “Salute mentale e carcere” https://www.regione.lombardia.it/ 5 ottobre 2022 |
Gómez-Figueroa, Armando Camino-Proaño. # Mental and behavioral disorders in the prison context. Rev Esp Sanid Penit. 2022;24(2):66-74 |
Fazel, Matthias Burghart, Thomas Fanshawe, Sharon Danielle
Gil, John Monahan, Rongqin Yu # The predictive performance of criminal risk assessment tools used at sentencing: Systematic review of validation studies Journal of Criminal Justice, 81, 2022 |
Ramezani, Alex J. Breno, Benjamin J. Mackey, Jill
Viglione, Alison Evans Cuellar, Jennifer E. Johnson,
Faye S. Taxman # The relationship between community public health, behavioral health service accessibility, and mass incarceration BMC Health Services Research, 29 July 2022 |
Melani, Katia Poneti, Lisa Roncone, Franco Corleone (eds) # Ricerca intervento per un nuovo modello di assistenza psichiatrica e di tutela della salute mentale in carcere dopo l’abolizione degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari (OPG) www.societadellaragione.it/ Luglio 2022 |
Monaco # REMS: riserva di legge e competenze del Ministro della giustizia. Dopo un’ampia istruttoria, ancora una pronuncia di incostituzionalità accertata ma non dichiarata. Osservazioni su Corte cost. n. 22/2022 Osservatorio Costituzionale, 7 giugno 2022 1. Premessa: molteplici profili di interesse della sentenza n. 22 del 2022. – 2. Assegnazione in REMS e riserva assoluta di legge. – 3. REMS e competenze del Ministro della giustizia. – 4. Utilizzo delle risultanze dell’istruttoria svolta ai sensi dell’art. 12 N.I. – 5. Ancora una incostituzionalità accertata ma non dichiarata. |
Scarlatti # Tutela dei diritti e trattamento dei detenuti vulnerabili. A proposito del recente caso Sy contro Italia Dirittifondamentali.it - Fascicolo 1/2022 - 11 aprile 2022 # Cedu, Sentenza Sy contro Italia, 24 gennaio 2022 |
Anastasìa (Garante delle persone private della libertà
della Regione Lazio) # Attenzione: così ritornano i manicomi criminali Il Riformista, 5 aprile 2022 |
# European
Court of Human Rights, Affaire SY c. ITALIE,
24/01/2022 [Rems]
Gómez-Figueroa, Armando Camino-Proaño # Mental and behavioral disorders in the prison context Rev Esp Sanid Penit. 2022;24(2):66-74 |
Vladimiro Zagrebelsky Le Rems sono appena 32 e nemmeno distribuite su tutto il territorio. In attesa che si liberi un posto continua la detenzione negli istituti di pena. La Corte europea ha posto la questione della natura sistemica delle violazioni della Convenzione europea dei diritti umani da parte dell'Italia nei confronti di coloro che continuano ad essere detenuti, non ostante l'ordine del giudice di ricovero. Occorrono concreti provvedimenti urgenti, poiché è prevedibile che la attuale situazione sia "condannata" sia dalla Corte costituzionale che dalla Corte europea, come illegale, pericolosa e produttiva di trattamenti inumani. |
www.societadellaragione.it/ 26 ottobre 2021 |
Pietro Pellegrini
Dopo l'Opg
e oltre le Rems: un sistema giudiziario e di cura di
comunità Il sistema delle REMS deve restare sanitario ed è del tutto fuori luogo ogni tentativo di riportarlo nell’ottica giudiziaria, di comandarlo e disporne facendolo gestire ad una sanità sottomessa. Una deriva di questo tipo aprirebbe, almeno per me, un’obiezione etica e tecnica perché, una REMS staccata dal territorio e magari forzata nel numero chiuso, diventerebbe con buona pace delle migliori intenzioni, inevitabilmente un nuovo pericoloso miniOPG. |
Damian Santomauro
(ed) - COVID-19 Mental Disorders Collaborators # Global prevalence and burden of depressive and anxiety disorders in 204 countries and territories in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic www.thelancet.com/ October 8, 2021 We estimated an additional 53·2 million (44·8 to 62·9) cases of major depressive disorder globally (an increase of 27·6% [25·1 to 30·3]) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such that the total prevalence was 3152·9 cases (2722·5 to 3654·5) per 100000 population. We also estimated an additional 76·2 million (64·3 to 90·6) cases of anxiety disorders globally (an increase of 25·6% [23·2 to 28·0]), such that the total prevalence was 4802·4 cases (4108·2 to 5588·6) per 100 000 population. Altogether, major depressive disorder caused 49·4 million (33·6 to 68·7) DALYs and anxiety disorders caused 44·5 million (30·2 to 62·5) DALYs globally in 2020... |
Allen Frances # Save Trieste’s mental health system www.thelancet.com/psychiatry Vol 8 September 2021 Saving Trieste is not just a local Italian question; it is symbolic of saving decent community psychiatry and housing for people with mental illnesses everywhere. |
Stephanie Brooks
Holliday, Nicholas M Pace, Neil Gowensmith, Ira Packer,
Daniel Murrie, Alicia Virani, Bing Han, Sarah B Hunter # Estimating the Size of the Los Angeles County Jail Mental Health Population Appropriate for Release into Community Services www.rand.org/ 2021 |
Elisa Jacome # How better access to mental health care can reduce crime Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), July 2021 |
Laura M.
Maruschak, Jennifer Bronson, Mariel Alper # Indicators of Mental Health Problems Reported by Prisoners: Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016 https://bjs.ojp.gov/ June 2021 |
# Abbattere il
muro dell'imputabilità. Una proposta che guarda
La legislazione penale, 5 giugno 2021
1. Considerazioni introduttive. – 2.
La «rivoluzione gentile». Tra conquiste, punti
fermi e criticità – 2.1. Le conquiste: la legge n.
81/2014 e l’esperienza felice delle REMS – 2.2.
Punti fermi da confermare e preservare. Contro le
nostalgie del manicomio – 2.3. Criticità da
monitorare. Per iniziare a guardare oltre. – 3.
Una rivoluzione «che aspetta la riforma». I nodi
da affrontare – 4. La responsabilità è
terapeutica. Una proposta radicale. – 4.1. Breve
storia delle proposte – 4.2. La radicale
continuità – 4.3. I contenuti – 5. Conclusioni.
Eleonora Martini # Rems, una questione di cura. Ma la giustizia dov'è? Il Manifesto, 11 giugno 2021 Sulle Residenze per l'esecuzione delle misure di sicurezza, che hanno sostituito gli Opg, pende il giudizio della Consulta e della Corte Edu. Alla Camera depositate due leggi per modificare il percorso dedicato ai folli-rei. A fine mese, dopo vent'anni, la II Conferenza nazionale sulla salute mentale. |
Princivalli, Alvise Sbraccia # La
"manica stretta". Ipotesi di regolazione della
somministrazione di psicofarmaci in carcere www.rapportoantigone.it/ XVII
rapporto dulle condizioni
di detenzione, 27 maggio 2021
Michele Passione # Come una terra che diventa straniera https://dirittodidifesa.eu/ 18 maggio 2021 ... Sarebbe il caso di riflettere sulle cause del fenomeno, che si rinvengono nella percentuale prossima al 40% dei presenti in REMS e nelle liste di attesa di soggetti destinatari di misure di sicurezza provvisorie, disposte in dispregio del criterio di extrema ratio previsto dalla L.n.81/2014. |
David C. Yamada # Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Foundations, Expansion, and Assessment Uiniversity of Miami Law Review, 2021 |
Antonella Calcaterra # Il soggetto pericoloso: misure personali di sicurezza e di prevenzione, tra tradizione e modernità. Le misure di sicurezza psichiatriche nella prassi: il ruolo dei protocolli operativi Diritto Penale e Uomo (DPU), 7 aprile 2021 1. Introduzione. 2. Brevi cenni alla normativa di rif erimento. 3. I profili problematici nella realtà applicativa. 3.1. Nella fase di cognizione penale. 3.2. Nella fase di esecuzione penale. 4. Il ruolo dei protocolli operativi. 5. Riflessioni conclusive. |
Madeline Petrillo |
Jessica Reichert,
Lindsay Bostwick # Post-traumatic stress disorder and victimization among female prisoners in Illinois Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, November 2020 A total of 217 female inmates were randomly selected to be interviewed... Eighty-three percent of the sample reported being bothered by a PTSD symptom in the past month (n=136). Three-fourths of the sample reported being bothered in the past 30 days by the PTSD symptom of feeling very upset when something reminded them of a stressful past experience (n=122). Seventy-one percent reported being bothered by repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past, and the same percentage (71 percent) reported avoiding thinking about or talking about a stressful past experience to avoid having feelings related to it (n=116) |
Cameron, Najat Khalifa, Andrew Bickle, Hira Safdar, Tariq
Hassan # Psychiatry in the federal correctional system in Canada BJPsych International , Volume 18 , Issue 2 , May 2021 , pp. 42 - 46 The unique challenges of the correctional healthcare environment are well-documented. Access to community-equivalent care, voluntary informed consent of offenders with mental disorder, violence risk, suicide risk, medication misuse, and clinical seclusion, confinement and segregation are just a few of the challenges faced by correctional psychiatric services. This paper shares experiences for dealing with the ongoing challenges for psychiatrists working in the field. It provides an overview of the current state of mental healthcare in the federal correctional system in Canada, the legislative framework and initiatives aimed at addressing the healthcare needs of federal inmates. |
Emanuele Preti,
Rossella Di Pierro, Erika Fanti, Fabio Madeddu, Raffaella
Calati # Personality Disorders in Time of Pandemic Current Psychiatry Reports (2020) Empirical literature on the effect of pandemic on patients with personality pathology, however, lacks. PDs are severe mental disorders that manifest with moderate to severe impairment in both self and interpersonal functioning. That is, such patients show serious difficulties in emotion regulation and interpersonal relationships. Since pandemic showed to be a stressful event with consequences on emotions and social life, we can expect that it might represent a relevant risk factor for the exacerbation of negative psychological consequences specifically connected to personality pathology. |
Emanuele Preti,
Rossella Di Pierro, Erika Fanti, Fabio Madeddu,
Raffaella Calati # Personality Disorders in Time of Pandemic Current Psychiatry Reports (2020) Empirical literature on the effect of pandemic on patients with personality pathology, however, lacks. PDs are severe mental disorders that manifest with moderate to severe impairment in both self and interpersonal functioning. That is, such patients show serious difficulties in emotion regulation and interpersonal relationships. Since pandemic showed to be a stressful event with consequences on emotions and social life, we can expect that it might represent a relevant risk factor for the exacerbation of negative psychological consequences specifically connected to personality pathology. |
Storm Ervin, Jahnavi Jagannath, Janine Zweig, Janeen Buck Willison, Kierra B. Jones, Katy Maskolunas, Benjamin McCarty, Chafica Agha Urban Institute. October 2020 Many women bring past trauma into prison settings, where they often experience similar violence, abuse, and trauma as they experienced on the outside. As the population of women incarcerated in the US grows, so does the dire need for services that address trauma and victimization. Given that incarceration can be inherently retraumatizing and many justice-involved women have experienced trauma, correctional facilities are uniquely positioned to serve as de facto victim service providers. Many facilities rely on peer support programs and peer mentors. These may also be called survival coaches or peer navigators. Such programs allow incarcerated women to assist other women. |
Nena Messina,
Elizabeth Zwart, Stacy Calhoun # Efficacy of a Trauma Intervention for Women in a Security Housing Unit ARCH Women Health Care, Volume 3(3): 1–9, 2020 The high rates of trauma exposure, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and related substance use disorders among incarcerated women suggests a significant need for trauma-informed treatment for women in correctional settings. Healing Trauma [1] is a 6-session brief intervention that was designed for women who have experienced trauma associated with adverse childhood experiences. The results demonstrated strong support for the efficacy of this brief intervention for women housed in SHUs. Participants exhibited significant improvement across depression, anxiety, PTSD, aggression, anger and social connectedness from the brief intervention. Effect sizes were moderate to large in size, with the largest impact on physical aggression. |
Brooks Holliday, Nicholas M. Pace, Neil Gowensmith, Ira
Packer, Daniel Murrie, Alicia Virani, Bing Han, Sarah B.
Hunter # Los Angeles County Jails Could Divert More Individuals to Community-Based Mental Health Services https://www.rand.org/ 2020 On an average day in Los Angeles County jails in 2018, 30 percent of individuals were taking psychotropic medications or were housed in units for individuals with mental illness, according to 2019 data from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. The county could potentially divert up to two-thirds of those individuals out of jails and into community-based treatment services |
Stefania Amato # E' tempo per un finale diverso Diritto Penale e Uomo, settembre 2020 1. Suicidi in carcere: una follia. – 2. La sentenza Citraro e Molino c. Italia. – 3. Un nome, due persone, tante storie simili. – 4. Prove per un finale diverso. – 5. Una decisione importante. La riflessione pone a confronto le storie di due persone detenute affette da problemi psichiatrici: Antonio Citraro, morto suicida in carcere quasi vent’anni fa, i genitori del quale hanno recentemente ottenuto una condanna dello Stato italiano dalla Corte EDU, e un altro detenuto a rischio, la cui vita non viene oggi adeguatamente tutelata, mentre una tortuosa vicenda davanti alla Magistratura di Sorveglianza non pare trovare sbocco. E non è colpa del COVID. |
Stefano Cecconi |
F. Starace, F. Baccari (eds) |
Fabio Gianfilippi # Citraro e Molino c. Italia. La responsabilità dello Stato per la vita delle persone detenute ed un suicidio di venti anni fa giustiziainsieme.it, 7 luglio 2020 # C. Edu, sez. I, Citraro e Molino c. Italia, Ricorso n. 50988/13, 4 giugno 2020 Il 4 giugno 2020 la I sezione della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo ha condannato l’Italia per violazione dell’art. 2 della Convenzione (“Il diritto alla vita di ogni persona è protetto dalla legge…”), in particolare perché tale disposizione non si limita a richiedere agli Stati che si astengano dal provocare la morte, ma impone invece l’adozione delle misure necessarie alla protezione della vita delle persone sottoposte alla loro giurisdizione. Una affermazione che diventa particolarmente cogente per le persone private della libertà personale e che la Corte circostanzia alla luce della sua giurisprudenza più recente in materia (vd. Fernandes de Oliveira c. Portogallo, 31 gennaio 2019... |
Thomas Hewson,
Andrew Shepherd, Jake Hard, Jennifer Shaw # Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of prisoners www.thelancet.com/psychiatry Vol 7 July 2020 To date, little focus has been given to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of prisoners; an area of concern given their high rates of pre-existing mental disorders, suicide, and self-harm, and the links between poor mental health, suicide, and self-harm, and reoffending behaviour... The effects of the pandemic are considerable but they also create opportunities for new, innovative methods of supporting prisoners. |
Pietro Pellegrini |
Marco Patarnello Disciplina ideologica, assenza di risorse e indifferenza hanno abbandonato gli autori di reato psichiatrici e gravemente pericolosi in un groviglio normativo denso di ipocrisie, silenzi e trascuratezze. La Corte Costituzionale sembra l’unica strada |
# Tribunale
Ordinario di Tivoli - Sezione G.I.P. - G.U.P., Giudice
Aldo Morgigni,
Ordinanza - 11 maggio 2020 ... Dichiara di ufficio rilevante e non manifestamente infondata la questione di legittimità costituzionale degli artt. artt. 206 e 222 cod. pen. nonché dell’art. 3 ter del D. L. n. 211/2011 in relazione agli artt. 27 e 110 Cost. nella parte in cui, attribuendo l’esecuzione del ricovero provvisorio presso una Residenza per l’esecuzione delle misure di sicurezza (REMS) alle Regioni... escludono la competenza del Ministro della Giustizia in relazione all’esecuzione della detta misura di sicurezza detentiva provvisoria nonché nella parte in cui consentono l’adozione con atti amministrativi di disposizioni generali in materia di misure di sicurezza in violazione della riserva di legge in materia, rispetto a quanto previsto dagli artt. 2, 3, 25, 32 e 110 Cost. |
Ministère des
Solidarités et de la Santé # Coronavirus (Covid-19). Fiche établissements pénitentiaires. Organisation de la prise en charge sanitaire des patients détenus nécessitant des soins psychiatriques https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/ 2 avril 2020 |
Jenna Bao |
Marco Bastianello |
Nathaniel P. Morris, Sara G. West |
Kristen M. Zgoba, Rusty Reeves, Anthony
Tamburello, Lisa Debilio |
Gualtieri, Fabio Ferretti, Alessandra Masti, Andrea
Pozza. Anna Coluccia # Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Prisoners’ Offspring: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health, 2020, Volume 16 37 PTSD is a serious mental health condition among prisoners’ offspring, particularly when mothers are incarcerated. Six studies (2512 participants) were included. Fifteen percent of prisoners’ offspring had PTSD. While offspring’s gender was not related to the effect sizes, parents’ gender was significantly and positively associated with the effect sizes suggesting that in studies with higher percentages of incarcerated mothers, the prevalence of offspring’s PTSD was higher... |
Marta Bertolino |
Mario Iannucci, Gemma Brandi |
Dinesh Bhugra # Imprisoned bodies, imprisoned minds Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 1, 2020 Prisoners with imprisoned bodies are the prisoners who often have comorbid mental illness, substance abuse, personality disorder or other disorders. Clinicians, on the other hand, have minds which are often unaware of or closed to mental health needs of prisoners. In countries around the world, rates of physical and mental illnesses are raised in prison populations. The rates of various psychiatric disorders in this population are shown to be higher than in the general population for a number of reasons. In the USA, for example, seriously mentally ill persons were more than three times likely to be in jails and prisons rather than in hospitals thus creating asylums without adequate treatment. These numbers are likely to increase as psychiatric beds are reduced in general. |
Franco Corleone (a cura di) |
Franco Corleone (a cura di) Fondazione Michelucci Press, 2018 Nel 1988, dieci anni dopo l’approvazione della riforma, tanti manicomi “civili”, così erano chiamati per distinguerli da quelli criminali o giudiziari, erano ancora funzionanti per gestire quello che con un termine brutalmente liquidatorio era definito il residuo manicomiale. Il “residuo” era costituito da migliaia di donne e di uomini spesso ab-bandonate a se stesse e ridotte in condizioni bestiali, indegne rispetto a uno standard minimo di umanità. |
Mario Iannucci, Gemma Brandi Moltissimi dei gravi episodi aggressivi degli ultimi tempi (non importa che si tratti di mass shootings, ma specie si tratta di mass shootings) vengono compiuti da persone con gravissime turbe psichiche. Turbe psichiche talora non adeguatamente riconosciute dai servizi di salute mentale, ovvero non adeguatamente curate. Oppure si tratta di folli completamente “abbondanati per strada”, perché i servizi non possono o non vogliono prendersene cura. Come nel caso degli stranieri affetti da grave malattie mentali. |
Kimberly A.
Houser, E. Rely Vîlcica, Christine A. Saum, Matthew L.
Hiller # Mental Health Risk Factors and Parole Decisions: Does Inmate Mental Health Status Affect Who Gets Released Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 2950 The stereotype that mentally ill are prone to violent and criminal behavior is, however, deeply rooted in public opinion. Studies suggest that the media has long cultivated and reinforced this stereotype. Indeed, Parrott and Parrott’s review of U.S. fictional crime- ased television programs found that the mentally ill were disproportionately portrayed as violent and criminal. This is, they argue, the “initial step in stigmatization, informing attitudes and subsequent prejudicial behavior in the real world”. Unfortunately, the stigmatization and stereotyping of mental illness is not, however, “confined to the uninformed public, but includes trained professional from most mental health disciplines”. |
Corte d'Appello
di Milano # Protocollo operativo in tema di misure di sicurezza psichiatriche per il Distretto di Milano Milano, 12 settembre 2019 |
Calcaterra # Salute mentale e detenzione: un passo avanti. è possibile la cura fuori dal carcere www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ Settembre 2019 La riforma perfezionatasi nel 2015 con la chiusura degli Ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari (OPG) e con la trasformazione della disciplina delle misure di sicurezza aveva lasciato scoperta la tutela giudiziaria delle persone colpite da patologie psichiatriche sopravvenute. Si è assistito ad una regressione trattamentale, per il venir meno di un controllo giurisdizionale, e ad un’assenza di soluzioni di cure. In totale divergenza con la tutela garantita alle persone in stato di grave infermità fisica e con i principi secondo cui il carcere non cura, ma aggrava e riacutizza |
Chiara Daina # Dopo la chiusura degli Opg troppi falsi pazienti psichiatrici spediti nelle Rems Il Fatto Quotidiano, 16 luglio 2019 Sono falsi pazienti psichiatrici con un disturbo antisociale di personalità che però non va confuso con una malattia e non va curato con i farmaci - spiega Enrico Zanalda, direttore del Dipartimento di salute mentale dell'Asl Torino 3 e presidente della Società italiana di psichiatria (Sip), che ha lanciato l'allarme -. Trasgrediscono le regole, non rispettano l'autorità, aggrediscono il personale e sono elemento di disturbo per gli altri pazienti. Di solito hanno un uso problematico di sostanze e per procurarsi droga o alcol appena possono scappano dalla comunità... |
Miriam Di Cesare,
Teresa Di Fiandra, Lidia Di Minco, Liliana La Sala,
Natalia Magliocchetti, Morgan Romanelli, Elisabetta
Santori # Rapporto salute mentale. Analisi dei dati del Sistema Informativo per la Salute Mentale (SISM) - Anno 2017. Dicembre 2018 # Sintesi http://www.salute.gov.it/ luglio 2019 Fabrizio Starace e Flavia Baccari, # Salute Mentale: dai dati alle informazioni, siep.it/ 8 Luglio 2019 |
Le Contrôleur général des lieux de privation
de liberté Le CGLPL constate régulièrement que la notion de « nuit » renvoie, au sein des lieux d’enfermement, à des organisations et des durées très hétérogènes. La nuit représente un enfermement dans l’enfermement : enfermement dans les cellules et chambres de lieux eux-mêmes clos. La nuit, qui peut débuter à 18h30, est le moment où les portes se referment, où les équipes se réduisent. Les activités cessent, l’ennui s’installe, les difficultés à dormir aussi quand l’intimité et le respect de la dignité sont mis à mal. La conscience que les portes ne se rouvriront peut-être pas assez vite en cas d’urgence est parfois source de peur et d’angoisse. Arriver dans un lieu de privation de liberté ou le quitter une fois la nuit tombée est souvent synonyme d’un accueil tronqué, d’une sortie improvisée. |
# Corte Costituzionale, sentenza 99 del 2019 Valentina Stella # I detenuti con gravi patologie mentali si possono curare fuori dal carcere, Left, 20 aprile 2019 Andrea Pugiotto # La follia fuori dal carcere, la sentenza della Consulta, Il Manifesto, 24 aprile 2019 Antonella Calcaterra # Salute mentale e detenzione: un passo avanti. È possibile la cura fuori dal carcere https://dirittopenaleuomo.org/ 02.05.2019 |
Aamna Mohdin, Pamela Duncan |
Yvonne Jewkes,
Melanie Jordan, Serena Wright, Gillian Bendelow # Designing ‘Healthy’ Prisons for Women: Incorporating Trauma-Informed Care and Practice (TICP) into Prison Planning and Design International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019 Women in prison report an acutely more painful experience than their male counterparts, with many suffering complex emotional biographies and histories of community-based trauma and abuse pre-imprisonment. In England, 65% of imprisoned women have been diagnosed with depression compared to 37% of incarcerated men, and women account for almost a quarter (23%) of all prison self-harm incidents, even though they make up just 5% of the overall prison population [6]. Bloom et al. conclude that ‘addressing the realities of women’s lives through gender-responsive policy and programs isfundamental to improved outcomes at all criminal justice phases. |
Heather Stringer |
Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica |
Pietro Pellegrini |
Francesco Maisto |
European Court of Human Rights |
Seena Fazel,
Achim Wolf, Maria D. L. A. Vazquez-Montes, Thomas R.
Fanshawe # Prediction of violent reoffending in prisoners and individuals on probation: a Dutch validation study (OxRec) https://www.nature.com/ Accepted: 7 December 2018 Risk assessment tools in criminal justice, forensic mental health, and clinical psychiatry are increasingly used to stratify individuals into different categories based on their predicted future risk of crime and violence. In criminal justice, such tools are variously used to inform decision-making at sentencing, release, parole, and probation. In clinical settings, such tools are used less frequently, and assist in determining treatment, discharge timing and conditions, particularly in forensic psychiatry, and also the need for further assessments1. The extent to which the use of these tools have improved outcomes is uncertain, with only one randomised controlled trial to date in outpatients that reported that criminal outcomes were no different, and violent crime outcomes worse, in settings that added a structured clinical judgement tool to routine violence risk assessment |
Shelby Hayne |
Shivpriya Sridhar, Robert Cornish, Seena
Fazel |
Francesco Ungaretti |
Sebastian Schildbach, Carola Schildbach |
Seena Fazel, E. Naomi
Smith, Zheng Chang, John Richard Geddes # Risk factors for interpersonal violence: an umbrella review of meta-analyses The British Journal of Psychiatry, 213, 2018 We identified 22 meta-analyses reporting on risk factors for interpersonal violence. Neuropsychiatric disorders were among the strongest in relative and absolute terms. The neuropsychiatric risk factor that had the largest effect at a population level were substance use disorders, with a PAF of 14.8% (95% CI 9.0–21.6%), and the most important historical factor was witnessing or being a victim of violence in childhood (PAF = 12.2%, 95% CI 6.5–17.4%). There was evidence of small study effects and large heterogeneity. |
Consiglio Superiore
della Magistratura # Protocolli operativi in tema di misure di sicurezza psichiatriche Risoluzione del 24 settembre 2018 |
Lucilla Amerio # Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Messina, ordinanza, 22 febbraio 2018 |
Giuseppe Ortano # Il diritto alla cura, la cura del diritto. Il profilo degli utenti a partire dai dati sulle rems. La deistituzionalizzazione continua Napoli, 30 maggio 2018 Al 20/04/2018 risultano attive 30 REMS per un totale di 604 (+2) p.l., mentre 591 sono le persone internate, mentre al 18/09/2017 erano 596. Di queste 350 persone sono in misura di sicurezza definitiva, 215 in misura di sicurezza provvisoria e 31 sono sottoposte a misure di sicurezza miste hanno più procedimenti in corso). Mentre sono 441 sono le persone con misura di sicurezza in “lista di attesa”, al 18/09/2017 erano 289. Si registra dunque un elevato incremento con una curva crescente anche di 50 persone a settimana... |
G. Hopkin,
Evans‑Lacko, A. Forrester, J. Shaw, G. Thornicrof # Interventions at the Transition from Prison to the Community for Prisoners with Mental Illness: A Systematic Review. https://eprints.lse.ac.uk/ march 2018 |
Laure Anelli |
Thomas Fovet, Laurent Plancke, Pierre Thomas |
Thomas Fovet,
Laurent Plancke, Pierre Thomas # Prévalence des troubles psychiatriques en prison Santé Mentale, 227, Avril 2018 Toutes soulignent la surreprésentation de l’ensemble des pathologies psychiatriques et des addictions. La fréquence particulièrement importante des troubles psychiatriques associés à un trouble addictif, plus d’un quart des détenus, interroge sur les limites de l’accès aux soins avant et après la détention. La prévalence élevée des troubles psychiatriques en prison a plusieurs conséquences au premier rang desquelles le suicide. Au vu des données épidémiologiques, il apparaît qu’une des priorités est de proposer aux personnes incarcérées des soins de qualité équivalente à ceux proposés à la population générale. Les liens entre personnel soignant exerçant en milieu pénitentiaire et personnel soignant du secteur de psychiatrie général s’avèrent primordiaux pour assurer la continuité des soins. |
Mathieu Nacher, Gulen Ayhan, Romain Arnal,
Célia Basurko, Florence Huber, Agathe Pastre, Louis
Jehel, Bruno Falissard, Vincent About |
Jesse T Young, Ed Heffernan, Rohan
Borschmann, James R P Ogloff, Matthew J Spittal, Fiona
G Kouyoumdjian, David B Preen, Amanda Butler, Lisa
Brophy, Julia Crilly, Stuart A Kinner www.thelancet.com/ April 18, 2018 |
Marco Leyton # Are people with psychiatric disorders violent? J Psychiatry Neurosci 2018;43(4) Violent behaviour reflects the confluence of many, often intricately interacting, factors. Despite this complexity, the steady decrease in homicide rates provides optimism that progress can be made. Many of the contributing factors are within the domain of psychiatry. This includes obtaining a better understanding of biological, psychological, legal and other sociocultural factors that influence problematic behaviours, and using this information when making decisions about patients and policy. Our communities will be best served, it is proposed, if we focus on these features while avoiding the temptation to use fears of the mentally ill to obtain more funding. |
Håkansson, Virginia Jesionowska # Associations between substance use and type of crime in prisoners with substance use problems – a focus on violence and fatal violence Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation 2018:9 Crime and substance use are known to be closely associated, and substance use disorders are common in criminal justice settings; in a systematic review of studies in prison populations, alcohol abuse and dependence were reported in 18%–30% of males and 10%–24% of females, whereas drug abuse and dependence were reported in 10%–48% and 30%–60% of male and female clients, respectively. Also, substance use disorders are known to be associated with violent crimes... |
Alisa Roth # A 'hellish world': the mental health crisis overwhelming America's prisons www.theguardian.com/ 31 March 2018 In America, jails and prisons have become the nation’s de facto mental healthcare providers – and the results are chilling... Between 1950 and 2000 the number of people with serious mental illness living in psychiatric institutions dropped from almost half a million people to about 50,000. But none of the rest of it has gone away, not the cruelty, the filth, the bad food or the brutality... The only real difference between Kesey’s time and our own is that the mistreatment of people with mental illness now happens in jails and prisons. Today, the country’s largest providers of psychiatric care are not hospitals at all, but rather the jails in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City... |
Corte di Cassazione, I sez. pen,
Ordinanza n. 13382/2018
| Udienza 23.11.2017 |
G. B. I. Polichetti |
Olli Vaurio, Eila Repo Tiihonen, Hannu
Kautiainen, Jari Tiihonen |
Gergo Baranyi,
Megan Cassidy, Seena Fazel, Stefan Priebe, and Adrian P.
Mundt # Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Prisoner Epidemiol Rev. 2018;40:134–145 This systematic review of the prevalence of PTSD in prison populations is based on 56 samples from 20 countries world wide. Point, 1-year, and lifetime prevalence rates indicate high levels of PTSD in this population. Imprisoned women have prevalence rates of PTSD that are approximately 3-fold than those in men. Prisoners in HICs and, in particular, in the United States, had higher a PTSD prevalence than did imprisoned people in other countries. When data were pooled, the point prevalence of PTSD was 6% in male prison populations and 21% in female prison populations, the 1-year prevalence rates of PTSD were 10% in male and 26% in female, and the lifetime prevalence estimates of PTSD were 18% in male and 40% in female prison populations |
Mario Iannucci,
Gemma Brandi # Il reo folle e le modifiche dell'Ordinamento Penitenziario www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 19 febbraio 2018 1. Introduzione – 2. La normativa – 2.1. Le norme dello schema di DL – 2.2. L. 103 del 2017 – 2.3. Le leggi sul “superamento degli OPG” e altri recenti documenti che riguardano la materia – 3. Breve storia del “doppio binario” e delle proposte della sua abolizione: verso la cancellazione del concetto di “internamento” – 4. Informazione e disinformazione sui malati di mente in ambito penitenziario. – 5. L’ipocrita e contraddittoria utopia della “responsabilizzazione” dei folli-rei – 6. Le camaleontiche trasformazioni della “malattia trasgressiva” e la granitica resistenza delle istanze punitive della società – 7. La cattiva coscienza degli psichiatri: il conformismo o il silenzio – 7.1. La bisbigliante arrendevolezza della cosiddetta “psichiatria forense” – 8. Considerazioni finali sulle norme dello schema e sulle possibili conseguenze della loro applicazione. |
Samuele Ciambriello |
Miriam Di Cesare,
Teresa Di Fiandra, Lidia Di Minco, Liliana La Sala,
Natalia Magliocchetti, Morgan Romanelli, Elisabetta
Santori | Ministero della Salute # Rapporto salute mentale. Analisi dei dati del Sistema Informativo per la Salute Mentale (SISM) Anno 2016 http://www.salute.gov.it/ Dicembre 2017 |
House of Commons. Committee of Public
Accounts |
Anna Ferrari # Il trattamento terapeutico dell’infermo di mente autore di reato e il ritorno nella comunità Giurisprudenza Penale Web, Dicembre 2017 La finalità degli interventi legislativi in materia di esecuzione delle misure di sicurezza si basa sul principio secondo cui per il non imputabile il ricorso alla misura di natura lato senso custodiale deve considerarsi la soluzione estrema e residuale. Si ricorre al ricovero in REMS soltanto quando sono acquisiti elementi dai quali risulta che ogni misura diversa non è idonea ad assicurare, da un lato, cure adeguate, dall’altro lato, a fronteggiare la pericolosità sociale dell’infermo... |
Mary O'Hara |
London Assembly Healt Committee |
Jane C. Daquin, Leah E. Daigle |
Laura Fierro |
IRES Piemonte # Salute mentale in Piemonte 2017 www.ires.piemonte.it/ 2017 Nel corso del 2016 il sistema regionale di presa in carico dei pazienti autori di reato è andato a regime. Dal 15 novembre 2016, alla REMS San Michele si è affiancata la REMS di San Maurizio Canavese “Anton Martin” di 20 posti letto di cui due destinati a ospiti donne. Nel corso dell’anno si è dunque giunti al numero di 38 posti letto in REMS come previsto dalla normativa regionale. Come conseguenza della disponibilità dei nuovi posti letto in REMS e grazie al lavoro dei servizi territoriali, nel novembre 2016, gli ultimi pazienti piemontesi sono stati dimessi dalla REMS di Castiglione delle Stiviere. |
Damiano Aliprandi # Chiusi gli Opg, resta l'emergenza psichiatrica Il Dubbio, 27 settembre 2017 Il carcere è un amplificatore dei disturbi mentali e può alimentare una sorta di circolo vizioso della sofferenza psichica: l'isolamento e la mancanza di contatto con l'esterno, insieme allo shock della detenzione, possono facilitare la comparsa o l'aggravarsi di un disagio psichico che può essere già diagnosticato o ancora latente. La patologia psichiatrica riguarda 1 detenuto su 7, l'abuso di sostanze interessa il 10-15% dei detenuti, il suicidio resta una delle prime cause di morte in carcere... |
Pierpaolo Rivello |
Antonella Massaro (ed) |
Stephen Allison, Tarun Bastiampillai, Doris A
Fuller |
European Court of Human Rights |
Tala Al-Rousan,
Linda Rubenstein, Bruce Sieleni, Harbans Deol, Robert B.
Wallace # Inside the nation’s largest mental health institution: a prevalence study in a state prison system www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 17:342, 2017 The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world which has created a public health crisis. Correctional facilities have become a front line for mental health care. Public health research in this setting could inform criminal justice reform. We determined prevalence rates for mental illnesses and related comorbidities among all inmates in a state prison system. Methods: Cross-sectional study using the Iowa Corrections Offender Network which contains health records of all inmates in Iowa... The average inmate (N= 8574) |
MOPAC Mayor of London |
Isabel A. Yoon, Karen Slade, Seena Fazel |
National Audit Office NAO |
Nazionale di Costruzione e Sviluppo del PDTA # Raccomandazioni per il paziente con disturbo mentale negli Istituti Penitenziari italiani Riv Psichiatr 2017; 52(6 Suppl 1): S1-S33 Il Documento mette a disposizione una definizione condivisa di orientamento operativo, cioè di Percorso Diagnostico Terapeutico Assistenziale (PDTA) per pazienti con problematiche psicopatologiche e disturbi mentali all’interno degli Istituti Penitenziari italiani, nel tentativo di identificare e descrivere le priorità che, almeno tendenzialmente, devono essere individuate e dovranno essere fatte proprie dai più diversi interlocutori... |
Afis Agboola,
Emmanuel Babalola, Owoidoho Udofia # Psychopathology among Offenders in a Nigeria Prison International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2017, 5(1): 10-15 There was a high prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in the prison (49%). The commonest diagnosis was depressive episode 19 (32.8%), the majority of the depressed cases belonged to mild or moderate subtype. Anxiety disorder accounted for 22.4%, Schizophrenic illness was found among three (5.2%) of the studied subjects, and all were of the paranoid subtype... |
Brian McKenna, Jeremy Skipworth, Krishna
Pillai |
Office of the
Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice # Review of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Use of Restrictive Housing for Inmates with Mental Illness https://oig.justice.gov/ July 2017 BOP (Federal Bureau of Prisons) data showed that, as of 2015, only 3 percent of the BOP’s sentenced inmate population was being treated regularly for mental illness. Yet, the BOP’s FY 2016 Performance Budget Congressional Submission cited an internal BOP study, which suggested that approximately 19 percent of federal inmates had a history of mental illness. Moreover, a 2006 Bureau of Justice Statistics report concluded that 45 percent of federal inmates had symptoms or a recent history of mental illness. We found that the BOP cannot accurate ly determine the number of inmates who have mental illness because institution staff do not always document mental disorders. |
Asiri Cuyay Nathalie Niño, Diana Carolina
Díaz M, Luisa Fernanda Ramírez |
National Audit Office NAO - Comptroller and
Auditor General |
Paul Bebbington,
Sharon Jakobowitz, Nigel McKenzie, Helen Killaspy,
Rachel Iveson, Gary Duffield, Mark Kerr # Assessing needs for psychiatric treatment in prisoners: 1. Prevalence of disorder Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2017) 52:221–229 Gender differences were less marked than might have been expected: morbidity rates were consistent across the sexes, except for PTSD and phobias, which were more than twice as frequent in women... Rates of depressive and anxiety disorders were similar in NPMS-P and the current study, though we found higher rates of PTSD in women |
Jennifer Bronson, Marcus Berzofsky |
Marin County
Civil Grand Jury # Care of Mentally Ill Inmates in Marin County Jail www.marincounty.org/ June 8, 2017 Today in the United States there are nearly 10 times as many mentally ill persons in prisons and jails as there are in mental hospitals. A particularly severe burden has been placed on California’s county jails by the closing of most of the state’s mental hospitals and changes in California laws that have resulted in an increased number of felons being sentenced to jails rather than prisons... |
Stanford Justice Advocacy Project |
Hot Topics
National Association of Counties # Breaking the Cycle. Counties move to divert mentally ill from jail www.naco.org/ May 1, 2017 Mary Ann Barton, Stepping up jamming the revolving door | Maggie Hart Stebbins, Large Urban Counties Should ‘Step Up’ | Mary Ann Barton, Dutchess County, N.Y. opens 24/7 walk-in mental, substance abuse health center | Charlie Ban, Community health survey kick-starts rural mental health treatment options | Ron Manderscheid, Pilot project from NACo affiliate aims to stop incarcerations before they happen | Nastassia Walsh, What about Data? | Sally Heyman, The Federal Outlook | Charlie Ban, The Doctor Is In: The role of psychiatrists in the Stepping Up Initiative |
Margaret Heslin, Lynne Callaghan, Barbara
Barrett, Susan Lea, Susan Eick, John Morgan, Mark
Bolt, Graham Thornicroft, Diana Rose, Andrew Healey,
Anita Patel |
Fredrick E. Vars, Shelby B. Calambokidis Prisons today are as atrocious for people with mental illness as mental hospitals used to be. And the remedies sought by plaintiffs in prison reform litigation could be quite expensive for the state. Alternative treatment in the community may finally be seen as the more attractive option. It will be too late for Jamie, but if our theory is correct and if prison litigation succeeds more broadly, we may incline toward a second deinstitutionalization — this time from prison rather than mental hospitals. |
Francesco Schiaffo |
Marie Barbier |
Seena Fazel |
K. M. Babchishin, M. C. Seto, A. Sariaslan,
P. Lichtenstein, S. Fazel, N. Långström |
Sean Kim, Gayoung Lee, Eric Kim, Hyejin Jung,
Jongwha Chang |
Ignazio Marino |
Cate Graziani, Liat Ben-Moshe, Haile Eshe
Cole |
Liat Ben-Moshe |
Mark Townsend, Denis
Campbell, Prison
psychiatrists warn care is ‘at breaking point’.
Shortage of officers means basic mental health
provision is under threat --
www.theguardian.com/ Saturday 11 March 2017 |
Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura |
Radicali Italiani # Riforma della procedura di applicazione del Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio (Proposta di modifica della L. 23.12.1978 n° 833 – artt. 33 - 34 - 35) - Relazione illustrativa www.radicali.it/ aprile 2017 A 39 anni dalla pubblicazione della legge 180/78, cosiddetta “Legge Basaglia”, confluita con gli articoli 33, 34, e 35 nella L. 23.12.1978 (Istitutiva del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), l’Istituto del Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio (da adesso anche solo TSO), appare oggi meritevole di un riesame, non più rinviabile... |
Gloria Bertotti # ECHR, Case of Murray v. Netherlands, Strasbourg, 26 April 2016 |
Michael Ollove # Getting the Mentally Ill Out of Jails www.pewtrusts.org/ April 07, 2017 The Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC), a nonprofit advocating on behalf of those with severe mental illness, estimates that in 2016, nearly 400,000 inmates in U.S. jails and prisons had a mental illness. Jails, in the minds of many in law enforcement and mental health advocates, have become modern-day asylums.... Crisis intervention teams, the most widespread model to divert mentally ill offenders, began in 1989 in Memphis. Selected police officers receive up to 40 hours of training in mental illness and ways to de-escalate crises involving those exhibiting signs of mental disorder. Instead of arresting people who commit low-level crimes — such as disorderly conduct, public urination or trespassing — and taking them to jail, officers can take them to community mental health facilities. |
Fabrizio Starace # Psichiatria ko in mezza Italia. Siep: «Dsm sotto organico e assistenza diseguale» www.sanita24.ilsole24ore.com/ 28 febbraio 2017 Il quadro che emerge dall’analisi dei dati sulla dotazione di personale dei Dipartimenti di Salute mentale italiani presenta tinte fosche in almeno la metà del Paese, e anche nelle Regioni che in media offrono condizioni più rassicuranti vi è motivo di supporre una elevata variabilità intra-regionale. Ve ne è abbastanza perché di Salute mentale e delle effettive condizioni del sistema di cura si riprenda a discutere e a programmare, sulla base di informazioni precise e attendibili. |
Rita Bernardini e
Massimo Lensi # I "folli-rei" che vagano tra le Rems e le carceri Il Dubbio, 22 febbraio 2017 La recente storia del superamento degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari rischia di diventare il paradigma di quelle cure che lungi dal risolvere il malanno ne favoriscono la metastasi. Pensata per lasciarsi definitivamente alle spalle strutture troppo spesso simili a discariche medioevali per i folli- rei, la legge 81/ 2014 vede svanire, già nella sua applicazione, il lavoro di riforma che l'ha guidata e il profilarsi del quanto mai concreto rischio di partorire tanti mini- Opg all'interno degli istituti penitenziari. |
Michele Passione La norma impugnata è diretta a evitare i cosiddetti ergastoli bianchi, cui può dar luogo la permanenza a tempo indeterminato in strutture detentive per l’esecuzione delle misure di sicurezza, e pone così fine a situazioni in cui per l’infermità mentale, anche nel caso di commissione di reati di modesta gravità, persone senza supporti familiari o sociali rimanevano perennemente private della loro libertà in un contesto di natura penale... |
F. Starace, F.
Baccari, F. Mungai (a cura di) - SIEP # La salute mentale in Italia. Analisi delle strutture e delle attività dei Dipartimenti di Salute Mentale Quaderni di Epidemoilogia Psichiatrica, n. 1, 2017 L’utenza trattata dai servizi di Salute Mentale nell’anno 2015 è stata di 777.035 soggetti, con un tasso pari a 1.593,8 / 100.000 ab.), mentre l’utenza al primo contatto è stata di 369.569 soggetti, pari al 47,6% dei trattati e a 728,9 / 100.000 ab.). Sono stati trattati 150.287 soggetti (308,3 / 100.000 ab.) con diagnosi di «Schizofrenia altre psicosi funzionali», di cui 30.932 al primo contatto (61,0 / 100.000 ab.). Le prestazioni erogate sono risultate pari a 10.199.531 (13,5 per utente)... |
Giulio Magliano 1. Premessa; 2. In principio era l’infirmitas, il dibattito sul vizio di mente; 3. La soluzione delle Sezioni Unite “Raso”; 4. La “ludopatia”: qualificazione tecnica e giurisprudenziale; 5. La pronuncia del 13 ottobre e la causalità negata. |
Doris A. Fuller,
Elizabeth Sinclair, H. Richard Lamb, Judge James D.
Cayce, John Snook # Emptying the ‘New Asylums’. A Beds Capacity Model to Reduce Mental Illness Behind Bars www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/ January 2017 Historically, state hospitals were called “asylums” because they were associated with longterm care and protection. Incarcerating pretrial and convicted criminal offenders with serious mental illness is so common today that jails and prisons are routinely called the “new asylums.” They are anything but protective. Behind bars, inmates with mental illness are at heightened risk for victimization, including assault and sexual abuse. They are also more likely to attempt or complete suicide, which is the leading cause of death in US jails. And the number of inmates with mental illness is growing, particularly among those awaiting IST (incompetent to stand trial) services... |
Sergio Mauceri (a cura di) | A buon diritto # Legge Basaglia. Dopo 40 anni un report per "contenere" la contenzione, 180gradi.org, 13 aprile 2017 |
Giacomo Galeazzi, Raphaël Zanotti |
Alejandro Calvo Schwarzwälder |
Camille Lancelevée
Pietro Pellegrini |
Ministero della Salute | Miriam Di Cesare,
Teresa Di Fiandra, Lidia Di Minco, Liliana La Sala,
Natalia Magliocchetti, Giulia Masiero, Davide Orlandi,
Morgan Romanelli, Elisabetta Santori Gli utenti psichiatrici assistiti dai servizi specialistici nel corso del 2015 ammontano a 777.035 unità (mancano i dati della Valle d‟Aosta, della P.A. di Bolzano e della Sardegna), con tassi standardizzati che vanno dal 107,73 per 10.000 abitanti adulti in Basilicata fino a 205,82 nella regione Emilia Romagna. Nel 2015 i pazienti che sono entrati in contatto per la prima volta durante l‟anno con i Dipartimenti di Salute Mentale ammontano a 369.569 unità di cui il 90,3% ha avuto un contatto con i servizi per la prima volta nella vita (first ever pari a 333.554 unità)... la più alta concentrazione si ha nelle classi 35-44 anni e 45-54 anni... # Sintesi |
Gianluigi Gatta Il dato più allarmante, segnalato dal Commissario unico, è quello relativo all’incidenza delle misure di sicurezza provvisorie sul numero complessivo dei pazienti assegnati alle R.E.M.S., pari al 40%. La relazione trimestrale segnala in particolare come a fine ottobre 2016 risultavano in attesa di essere eseguite 241 misure di sicurezza, gran parte delle quali (176) provvisorie: misure queste non eseguibili per mancanza di posti disponibili, con incidenza del fenomeno riferibile in particolare ad alcune regioni (ad es., la Sicilia). Proprio il ricorso all’applicazione provvisoria delle misure di sicurezza del ricovero in O.P.G. e in C.C.C. rappresenterebbe, secondo il Commissario Corleone, un fattore capace, numeri alla mano, di portare al collasso il neo istituito sistema delle R.E.M.S... |
Prodromou M,
Koukia E. # Differences in Psychopathology among Patients with Dual Diagnosis Receiving Treatment in Mental Health Services and Substance use Treatment Programs Dual Diagn Open Acc. 2016, 1:1. Participants of this study demonstrated high rates of hospitalizations, outpatient visits for psychological problems and prison time, with mental health service patients presenting higher means in these characteristics. Outpatient visits were almost more than three times higher and prison time was about twice as high in the case of mental health patients. There are numerous studies showing that the use of health services, frequency of hospitalizations, and conviction rates and imprisonment rates are generally higher in patients with dual diagnosis. |
Cristiano Cupelli |
Luciano Vella |
Avshalom Caspi,
Renate M. Houts, Daniel W. Belsky, Honalee Harrington,
Sean Hogan, Sandhya Ramrakha, Richie Poulton, Terrie
E. Moffitt # Childhood forecasting of a small segment of the population with large economic burden www.nature.com/ nature human behaviour, 12 december 2016 Policymakers are interested in early-years interventions to ameliorate childhood risks. They hope for improved adult outcomes in the long run that bring a return on investment. The size of the return that can be expected partly depends on how strongly childhood risks forecast adult outcomes, but there is disagreement about whether childhood determines adulthood. We integrated multiple nationwide administrative databases and electronic medical records with the four-decade-long Dunedin birth cohort study to test child-to-adult prediction in a different way, using a population-segmentation approach. A segment comprising 22% of the cohort accounted for 36% of the cohort’s injury insurance claims; 40% of excess obese kilograms; 54% of cigarettes smoked; 57% of hospital nights; 66% of welfare benefits; 77% of fatherless child-rearing; 78% of prescription fills; and 81% of criminal convictions. Childhood risks, including poor brain health at three years of age, predicted this segment with large effect sizes. Early-years interventions that are effective for this population segment could yield very large returns on investment. |
Ministero della Salute | a cura di Miriam Di
Cesare, Teresa Di Fiandra, Lidia Di Minco, Liliana La
Sala, Natalia Magliocchetti, Giulia Masiero, Davide
Orlandi, Morgan Romanelli, Elisabetta Santori Gli utenti psichiatrici in cura presso strutture residenziali, nell'anno di osservazione 2015 sono pari a 29.733 unità, con tassi che vanno da 0,4 per 10.000 abitanti nella regione Calabria a 14,3 della regione Emilia Romagna. I pazienti con diagnosi di schizofrenia e altre psicosi funzionali (14.836 unità) rappresentano la metà dell‟utenza delle strutture residenziali (49,9%); con riferimento all‟età si tratta di utenti appartenenti soprattutto alle fasce di età 45-64 anni. Il tasso relativo a tale diagnosi è pari a 2,9 per 10.000 abitanti (3,9 per 10.000 abitanti nei maschi, 2,1 per 10.000 abitanti nelle femmine)... |
State of Washington Office of Financial
Management |
Doris A. Fuller, Elizabeth Sinclair, John
Snook |
Franco Corleone # Seconda relazione trimestrale sull’attività svolta dal Commissario unico per il superamento degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari 19 agosto 2016 – 19 novembre 2016 La chiusura del manicomio criminale, degli Ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari, rappresenta davvero una rivoluzione culturale e sociale che si ricollega alla fine del manicomio civile iniziata con la legge 180 attribuita, nell’ispirazione, a Franco Basaglia. Personalmente ho l’orgoglio di partecipare alla realizzazione di un obiettivo che rende l’Italia un modello unico in Europa e nel mondo. Sono ben consapevole che questo passaggio si svolge su un terreno ricco di contraddizioni, dal momento che la legge 81 non ha eliminato alla radice il nefasto doppio binario del Codice Rocco... |
Michele Passione Formalmente, sono passati 19 mesi dalla prevista chiusura degli Opg, ma tanti problemi restano ancora sul tavolo. Dopo l’entrata in vigore di una Legge di assoluta civiltà giuridica, che ha già superato con successo un ricorso davanti alla Corte Costituzionale, continua incessante la limitazione della libertà personale di autori di reato (anche per fatti bagatellari) affetti da disturbi psichici, malgrado la legge 81 del 2014 preveda la presa in carico territoriale quale risposta primaria, ed il ricorso alle misure di sicurezza in REMS quale extrema ratio. |
Pietro Pellegrini Va assolutamente evitato che le REMS diventino sede di “scarico” delle povertà, dei migranti e senza fissa dimora ma anche una soluzione per i casi psichiatrici difficili da trattare (pazienti con disturbi resistenti, disturbi antisociali) nei servizi territoriali. |
M López, FJ
Saavedra, A López, M Laviana # Prevalence of Mental Health problems in sentenced men in prisons from Andalucía (Spain) 82.6% of the sample had a history of having suffered some type of mental health problem throughout their life (prevalence-life) and 25.8 have suffered from them in the past month (month prevalence). The most common disorders of the Axis I (DSM-IV) are related to abuse of and dependence on psychoactive substances (prevalence life of 65.9% and month prevalence of 6.6%), with an important but less frequent presence of affective (31.4%-9.3%), anxiety (30.9%-10, 4%) and psychotic disorders (9.5%-3, 4%). As regards personality disorders, the estimated probable prevalence lies between the 56.6% (“5” cut-off point) and the 79.9 (“4” cut-off point). |
Zheng Chang, Paul Lichtenstein, Niklas
Långström, Henrik Larsson, Seena Fazel |
Caroline Guibet Lafaye, Camille Lancelevée,
Caroline Protais La présente recherche met en évidence une ligne de fracture récurrente entre, d’une part, ceux qui voudraient revenir à une interprétation maximaliste du principe d’irresponsabilité, c’est-à-dire un élargissement de son champ d’application, et d’autre part, ceux qui promeuvent au contraire une interprétation limitative voire la suppression de ce principe. La seconde option semble s’affirmer avec force, dans une logique de défense sociale, c’est-à-dire avec l’ambition de mieux protéger la société tout en proposant un accompagnement ajusté aux personnes vues comme « dangereuses »... |
Federación de
Servicios a la Ciudadanía de CCOO # Informe sobre la situacion actual de Institutiones Penitenciarias: Analisis desde la perspectiva sindical de CCOO www.fsc.ccoo.es/ Octubre 2016 Las prisiones se han ido convirtiendo en los manicomios de la sociedad actual, lo que subvierte, por un lado, la naturaleza y la finalidad de las mismas, y por otro, impide una respuesta de salud para estas personas enfermas... La carencia de recursos psiquiátricos, tanto en el ámbito penitenciario como con el cierre de los hospitales psiquiátricos, sin dar alternativas a las personas con enfermedad mental necesitados de ese tipo de recursos, han convertido a las prisiones en auténticos manicomios sin que se hayan producido las modificaciones organizativas, funcionales y de recursos que esta nueva realidad demanda. |
Marta Bertolino # Il “crimine” della pericolosità sociale: riflessioni da una riforma in corso www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 24 ottobre 2016 Il saggio svolge alcune riflessioni che portano a dubitare della affidabilità scientifica della nozione di pericolosità sociale e che rilevano come essa sia in realtà strumentale alla costruzione di tipologie legali d’autore alle quali riservare un trattamento sanzionatorio differenziato, quanto a severità e a modalità... Emergono indicazioni per l’abbandono della pericolosità sociale, quale criterio guida per la scelta del trattamento, a favore del bisogno di cura e di trattamento; per il superamento del sistema del doppio binario a favore di un sistema monistico, caratterizzato da un ampio spettro di possibili risposte sanzionatorie dai contenuti terapeutico-riabilitativi... |
AdnKronos |
Advocacy Center # Psychiatric Bed Supply Need Per Capita www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/ September 2016 By early 2016, the state hospital bed population had dropped more than 96%, to 37,679 beds, or 11.7 beds per 100,000 people. Of these, nearly half were occupied by criminal offenders with serious mental illness; barely six beds per 100,000 people remained for individuals with acute or chronic psychiatric disease who had not committed crimes. |
Rachel Edworthy, Stephanie Sampson, Birgit
Völlm |
Arthur Robinson Williams |
Patricia Constantino, Simone Gonçalves de
Assis, Liana Wernersbach Pinto |
Mansfield Mela,
Gu Depiang # Clozapine’s Effect on Recidivism Among Offenders with Mental Disorders J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 44:82–90, 2016 Among those with mental illness, the severity of mental disorder and its manifestations, substance use, and the threat– control override symptoms of psychosis increase the likelihood of criminal reoffending. Nonadherence to medications and substance use signaled a higher risk for violent behavior in a study involving 331 subjects with major mental illness. Attempts to disrupt the link between mental disorder and criminal activity have produced various models of treatment of those with mental illness, especially among resistant patients or those who are difficult to treat.. |
Jillian Peterson,
Kevin Heinz # Understanding Offenders with Serious Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System Mitchell Hamline Law Review, vol 42, issue 2, 2016 Individuals with serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression are overrepresented in the criminal justice system. This overrepresentation has become a growing concern nationally among mental health workers, corrections departments, lawyers, public policy makers, and human rights advocates. Although estimates vary widely, approximately 14 to 16% of people in the criminal justice system have a serious or persistent mental illness. This translates to over one million people. |
Lenore E.A.
Walker, James M. Pann, David L. Shapiro, Vincent B. Van
Hasselt # Best Practices for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System ia800202.us.archive.org/ Springer 2016 It is clear that the challenges presented by the mentally ill involved with the judicial system suggest policies are in need of revision as indicated by a recent Department of Justice report illustrating that over 50 % of people in jails and prisons across the nation have been treated for a mental illness and/or substance abuse problem at some point prior to their being detained. It is estimated that at any time, approximately 20 % of all inmates will have a diagnosable mental illness that needs treatment during the time they are held in jail or prison. If the numbers of substance abusers are added to this group, the need for services would be greater than the ability to effectively provide them... |
StopOPG # Rafforzare i programmi di tutela della salute in carcere. Completare la chiusura degli OPG, non stravolgere la funzione delle Rems www.stopopg.it/ 20 settembre 2016 |
Franco Vatrini |
Daniele Piccione |
Franco Corleone # Relazione semestrale sull’attività svolta dal Commissario unico per il superamento degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari www.stopopg.it/ 19 febbraio - 19 agosto Le basi concettuali e pratiche di un modello come le REMS, perché evitino il rischio di diventare “mini – OPG”, sono la territorialità e il numero chiuso, il rifiuto della coercizione, in particolare la contenzione, e la consapevolezza che la permanenza nella struttura ha un tempo definito. Occorre saper vivere la dimensione del rischio. La libertà comporta il rischio e la REMS vive sul rischio di convivere quotidianamente con esperienze difficili. E’ una scommessa che si può vincere con una sinergia piena con i servizi dellapsichiatria sul territorio, non isolando queste strutture in luoghi sconosciuti e dimenticati. |
Patricia H. Hasbach, Nalini Nadkarni, Tierney
Thys, Emily Gaines, Lance Schnacker |
Sophie Wickham,
Richard Bentall # Are Specific Early-Life Adversities Associated With Specific Symptoms of Psychosis? A Patient Study Considering Just World Beliefs as a Mediator The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease • Volume 204, Number 8, August 2016 Epidemiological studies have suggested that there may be associations between specific adversities and specific psychotic symptoms. There is also evidence that beliefs about justice may play a role in paranoid symptoms. In this study, we determined whether these associations could be replicated in a patient sample and whether beliefs about a just world played a specific role in the relationship between adversity and paranoia. We examined associations between childhood trauma, belief in justice, and paranoia and hallucinatory experiences in 144 individuals... Of particular relevance to the present study is the finding that beliefs about injustice... |
Saínza García,
Mónica Martínez-Cengotitabengoa, Saioa López-Zurbano,
Iñaki Zorrilla, Purificación López, Eduard Vieta, Ana
González-Pinto # Adherence to Antipsychotic Medication in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenic Patients: A Systematic Review Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology • Volume 36, Number 4, August 2016 Analyzing 38 studies conducted in a total of 51,796 patients, including patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and bipolar disorder, we found that younger age, substance abuse, poor insight, cognitive impairments, low level of education, minority ethnicity, poor therapeutic alliance, experience of barriers to care, high intensity of delusional symptoms and suspiciousness, and low socioeconomic status are the main risk factors for medication nonadherence in both types of disorder. In the future, prospective studies should be conducted on the use of personalized patient-tailored treatments, taking into account risk factors that may affect each individual, to assess the ability of such approaches to improve adherence and hence prognosis in these patients. |
Azza AbuDagga, Sidney Wolfe, Michael Carome,
Amanda Phatdouang, E. Fuller Torrey | Public Citizen’s
Health Research Group - The Treatment Advocacy Center |
Allison V. Downer, Robert L. Trestman |
Bonnie L. Green, Priscilla Dass-Brailsford,
Alejandra Hurtado de Mendoza, Mihriye Mete, Dana D.
DeHart, Joanne Belkamp Three factors described theobserved patterns of trauma exposure: family dysfunction (FD), interpersonal violence (IPV), andexternal events (EE). Life events were analyzed as a separate group of items. FD and IPV eachcontributed independently to the odds of having each of the 4 mental disorders studied; significant oddsratios were in the range of 1.38–2.05. All 3 factors contributed to the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Theonly diagnosis to which stressful life events made a unique contribution was to the likelihood of havingPTSD. |
Glorimar Ortiz,
Vera Hollen, Lucille Schacht # Antipsychotic Medication Prescribing Practices Among Adult Patients Discharged From State Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitals Journal of Psychiatric Practice Vol. 22, No. 4 July 2016 Antipsychotic polypharmacy continues at a high enough rate to impact nearly 10,000 patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia each year in state psychiatric inpatient hospitals. Given such a large sample, further analysis of the clinical presentations of these patients may highlight particular aspects of the illness and its previous treatment that are contributing to practices outside the best practice guidelines. |
Seena Fazel, Adrian J Hayes, Katrina
Bartellas, Massimo Clerici, Robert Trestman |
Kathryn A. Burns # Expert Report (on mental health care in the Alabama Department of Corrections - ADOC - prison system) www.splcenter.org/ Submitted July 5, 2016 Mental health treatment is inadequate to meet the needs of the prisoner population with serious mental illness. Residential and stabilization unit treatment beds are underutilized but also provide little treatment beyond psychotropic medication due to staffing level shortages of both treatment and custody staff. Individual contacts with mental health staff are brief, infrequent and often not conducted in confidential settings. There is little group treatment in mental health treatment units and even less in outpatient settings. As a consequence, prisoners with untreated and undertreated serious mental illness are over-represented in the segregation population – essentially punished for manifestations of serious mental illness. |
Matt DeLisi |
Seena Fazel, Zheng Chang, Thomas Fanshawe,
Niklas Långström, Paul Lichtenstein, Henrik Larsson,
Susan Mallett |
Seena Fazel, Stal Biorkly in International Perspectives on Violence
Risk Assessment, 2016, pp.16-25 |
Ministero della Salute | Ministero della
Giustizia |
Doris A. Fuller, Elizabeth Sinclair, Jeffrey
Geller, Cameron Quanbeck, John Snook |
Margreet ten
Have, Roel Verheul, Ad Kaasenbrood, Saskia van
Dorsselaer, Marlous Tuithof, Marloes Kleinjan, Ron de
Graaf # Prevalence rates of borderline personality disorder symptoms: a study based on the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study-2 BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:249 The epidemiology of borderline personality disorder (BPD) has been studied in various large adult populationbased surveys, mainly in the United States. These studies have shown that the prevalence rates for BPD vary between 0.5 % and 1.4 % of the total population. Two studies, based on data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, have found higher rates, of 2.7 % and 5.9 % respectively, depending on how strictly the diagnostic rules are applied. A prudent assumption seems to be that, generally speaking,the population prevalence rate of BPD is circa 1 % |
Derek Gilna Recent data indicates that over a million mentally ill people are incarcerated annually, cycling in and out of jails. The U.S. Department of Justice reports that almost a quarter of all prisoners suffer from serious mental illnesses, and many complain of inadequate treatment by prison and jail medical staff who often change or discontinue the psychotropic drugs they were receiving to treat their conditions. In most correctional facilities, suicidal prisoners are placed in solitary confinement and monitored by guards rather than by qualified mental health professionals in a treatment setting. |
Greta Agnifili |
E. Fuller Torrey,
Robert D. (Joe) Bruce, H. Richard Lamb, Carla Jacobs,
D.J. Jaffe, John Snook # Raising Cain. The Role of Serious Mental Illness in Family Homicides Treatment Advocacy Center, 2016 The goal of this study was to quantify the role of serious mental illness as a con-tributing factor in family homicides. According to the CDC’s National Vital StatisticsSystem, 16,121 individuals died by homicide in 2013. In 6,681 of these cases, law enforcement identified the relationships between the victims and the offenders to the FBI in Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHRs). Of the homicides for which this in-formation was reported, 25% involved one family member’s killing another. Applyingthis factor to the CDC data on all homicides in the United States yields an estimate of 4,000 individuals killed by members of their own families in 2013 |
H. Richard Lamb,
Linda E. Weinberger # Rediscovering the Concept of Asylum for Persons with Serious Mental Illness J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 44:106–10, 2016 The early architects of deinstitutionalization often made the serious error of destroying the “function” of asylum, for many persons with serious mental illness, when they dismantled state hospitals. When planners and caregivers disapproved of the abuses they saw inside places called asylums, they often rejected the entire concept of a need for asylum. Consequently, very little was written about the importance of asylum and sanctuary. Currently, there is gathering support in the professional literature for providing asylum as an essential aspect of care for those with serious mental illness. |
Seena Fazel, Zuzanna Fiminska, Christopher
Cocks, Jeremy Coid |
Sonya G. Wanklyn # Associations between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use: A Longitudinal Investigation of Individuals Recently Exposed to Trauma Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2016 Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder (SUD) commonly cooccur following trauma, and their co-occurrence is associated with substantial costs; however, our understanding of the timing and sequencing of these posttrauma mental health conditions is limited. This study examined the trajectories of PTSD symptom severity and substance use among individuals recently exposed to a traumatic event, with a focus on the potential moderating roles of PTSD and SUD diagnoses at the final assessment. Additionally, in attempt to better understand the functional relationship between PTSD symptoms and substance use posttrauma, this study compared models reflecting the theories of self-medication, susceptibility, and mutual maintenance... |
Rachel Claire Judges |
Joe Simpson |
Gary Cordner | Community Oriented Policing
Services Neither jail nor prison is a good setting for mental health treatment, if such treatment is even available. People with mental illness often get worsewhile incarcerated, and tragedies involving victimization and suicide are too common.66 In the long run, criminal justice incarceration of the mentally ill harms the lives of those people, interferes with the proper operation of jails and prisons, and accomplishes little or no long-term solution to the original crime-and-disorder problems that led to arrest and incarceration in the first place. Referral, treatment, and civil commitment for people with mental illness should be preferred over arrest and criminal justice incarceration as reasonses to minor crime-and-disorder problems. |
Dominic Sisti # Psychiatric Institutions Are a Necessity www.nytimes.com/ May 9, 2016 Behind the bars of prisons and jails in the United States exists a shadow mental health care system where nearly half a million inmates have a serious mental illness like schizophrenia. In hospitals, severely mentally ill patients languish for months in acute care units, which are designed to stabilize patients, not to help their long-term recovery... High quality, ethically administered psychiatric asylums would provide the seriously mentally ill with a place to stabilize and recover. |
Sarah Jillani,
Prina Patel, Robert Trestman, Jayesh Kamath # Atomoxetine for the Treatment of ADHD in Incarcerated Adolescents J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 44:158 – 63, 2016 Effective interventions for adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the correctional setting may improve care during incarceration, decrease risk of substance relapse, and reduce recidivism after release from the correctional setting of these individuals. The present report delineates the epidemiology of adolescent ADHD in the correctional setting and its association with substance use disorders and comorbid psychiatric illnesses. |
Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa |
Franco Corleone
(Intervista di Alessia Guerrieri) # Lavoro finito per agosto. Ora decreto sulle Rems www.avvenire.it/ 22 maggio 2016 Tre mesi per chiudere tutti gli opg, «ma allora si apre la partita più delicata: rendere le Rems luogo dei diritti e non di contenzione ». Sta emergendo un dato preoccupante. Nelle Rems, escludendo Castiglione, ci sono 331 persone di cui 179 con condanne definite e 162 provvisorie, cioè quasi il 50%. Questo dà l’idea di come ci sia una contraddizione su questo luogo: si rischia diventi un posto in cui le persone vengano mandate anche in condizioni patologiche ancora incerte... |
Doris A. Fuller |
Kiran Sukeri, Orlando A. Betancourt, Robin
Emsley, Mohammed Nagdee, Helmut Erlacher |
European Court of Human Rights |
Human Rights Watch |
Human Rights Watch #
Double peine.
Conditions de détention inappropriées pour les
personnes |
Damiano Aliprandi # In cella centinaia di malati psichiatrici, aspettando le Rems Il Dubbio, 22 aprile 2016 |
StopOpg # Vademecum sulle misure di sicurezza per chi è internato/ricoverato in OPG o in una REMS per favorire misure non detentive e prevenire internamenti www.stopopg.it/ Aprile 2016 |
Gemma Brandi Venivano e vengono avviati, infatti, alla Osservazione Psichiatrica quei detenuti mai o mal valutati nelle fasi del giudizio di merito e condannati come presunti sani di mente, che però tali non erano e non sono; le persone che in udienza di convalida di arresto presentano franchi scompensi e i quadri di confine che oggi si preferisce definire “cattivi”, quanti cioè mostrano disagi complessi, trattati sul territorio nei Servizi Psichiatrici di Diagnosi e Cura attraverso prese in carico limitate alla emergenza, risultando pressoché impossibile, con gli attuali strumenti della Salute Mentale, rispondere in maniera salda e costante ai problemi di persone da inseguire, più che da seguire. |
Christine Tartaro |
Marvin S. Swartz, Allison G. Robertson |
Nationale - Group de travail sur la détention # Repenser la prison pour mieux réinsérer. Rapport n. 808 www.assemblee-nationale.fr/ 21 mars 2018 Au-delà du caractère daté et partiel des éléments épidémiologiques disponibles, il manque une analyse qualitative fine de la souffrance psychique, de l’évolution des troubles au cours de la détention et de l’effet pathogène potentiel de l’incarcération. Comme le relevait le professeur Frédéric Rouillon dans son enquête épidémiologique de 2006, « dans un contexte d’emprisonnement (privation de liberté, de l’environnement familial, de sexualité, etc.), [la]souffrance psychique ne relève (...) pas nécessairement d’un état pathologique ». Le constat, évident pour les troubles anxio-dépressifs, se vérifie aussi pour les troubles psychotiques car « la perte de contact avec la réalité est un élément central de tout trouble psychotique » et « la vie carcérale est un facteur de risque majeur de déréalisation ». |
E. Fuller Torrey # A Dearth of Psychiatric Beds www.psychiatrictimes.com/ February 25, 2016 |
Molinari # Interrogazione a risposta scritta 4-05333 al ministro della Giustizia sul superamento degli ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari con trasferimento degli internati verso le nuove REMS http://parlamento17.openpolis.it/ 23 febbraio 2016 |
Patrick R. Krill, Ryan Johnson, Linda Albert |
Robert Eme # Life-Course-Persistent Antisocial Behavior Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2016 The article reviewed the status of the Life Course Persistent category of antisocial behavior some two decades plus from its original formulation as well as the finding from the landmark Dunedin longitudinal study of antisocial behavior that this category is comprised almost entirely of males. The importance of this category for forensic psychology is the robust and remarkable finding that the small group of individuals (5-10%) who tend to cluster in this category are responsible for over half of all crimes in the United States and other developed countries, and an even greater proportion of violent crimes. |
Gautam Gulati,
Robert Cornish, Hasanen Al-Taiar, Christopher Miller,
Vivek Khosla, Christopher Hinds, Jonathan Price, John
Geddes, Seena Fazel # Web-Based Violence Risk Monitoring Tool in Psychoses: Pilot Study in Community Forensic Patients Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, vol. 16, n. 1, 49-59, 2016 We describe the development and pilot testing of a novel, web-based, violence risk monitoring instrument for use in community patients with psychoses. We describe the development of the tool, including drawing on systematic reviews of the field, how item content was operationalized, the development of a user interface, and its subsequent piloting. Sixtyeight patients were included from three English counties, who had been discharged from forensic psychiatric services. Over 12 months, 310 questionnaires were completed on the sample by professionals from several disciplines and qualitative feedback collected relating to the use of the tool using an electronic survey. Strengths of this approach for risk assessment, and potential limitations and areas for future research, are discussed. |
John Dale Dunn |
Paula Ditton Henzel, Jim Mayfield, Andrés
Soriano, Barbara E.M. Felver |
Ben Quinn, Sandra
Laville, Pamela Duncan # Mental health crisis takes huge and increasing share of police time www.theguardian.com/ Wed 27 Jan 2016 The research found that the overall number of incidents with a mental health aspect rose by 33% between 2011 and 2014, the last full year for which data is available. This was despite the overall number of incidents recorded by the police forces falling by 10% in the same period. The College of Policing estimates 20-40% of police time and vast amounts of money are taken up dealing with incidents involving people with mental health problems... |
Roberto Monarca et al |
Leah G. Pope, Kim Hopper, Chelsea Davis,
David Cloud |
Jay P. Singh # International Perspectives on Forensic Risk Assessment: Measuring Use, Perceived Utility, and Research Quality Universitat Konstanz, 18 januar 2016 Forensic risk assessment refers to the attempt to predict the likelihood of future violence in order to identify individuals in need of intervention. Risk assessment protocols have been implemented in mental health and criminal justice settings around the globe to prioritize risk reduction strategies for those most at need. Helping to allocate scarce resources more effectively and efficiently while protecting our communities, risk assessment has come to be a cornerstone of forensic practice in many jurisdictions. The present thesis investigates the use, perceived utility, and research quality on forensic risk assessment tools. |
Valentina Calderone |
Dahlia Lithwick |
Ministero della Salute - Ministero della
# Allegati |
Daniele Piccione # L’orizzonte di tutela del reo infermo di mente secondo la Costituzione. (Umanizzazione del sistema delle misure di sicurezza: rileggendo la lezione di Franco Bricola) www.costituzionalismo.it/ fascicolo 3 | 2015 Ripercorrendo le fertili intuizioni di Franco Bricola, l’A. riflette sulla lunga transizione che caratterizza il sistema delle misure di sicurezza per il non imputabile. Le novità legislative succedutesi dal 2012 al 2014 hanno determinato il progredire di un’opera di deistituzionalizzazione che, pur non ancora completata, lascia intravedere il definitivo tramonto del paradigma di neutralizzazione del folle reo e la crisi inarrestabile della categoria giuridica della pericolosità sociale. |
Sylva D'Amato # Osservazioni sulla contenzione in psichiatria e i suoi riflessi in tema di stato di necessità. Recensione a Piero Cipriano, Il manicomio chimico. Cronache di uno psichiatra riluttante. Elèuthera, Milano, 2015 www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 15 Dicembre 2015 1. La pratica psichiatrica dal punto di vista di uno psichiatra «riluttante». - 2. L'indagine di Withaker sulla rivoluzione psicofarmacologica. - 3. Verso la psicopatologizzazione della normalità. - 4. Il manicomio chimico e la contenzione farmacologica. - 5. Il ricorso alla contenzione in psichiatria, quale pratica «scorciatoia gestionale», «antiterapeutica, oltre che illegale», è non necessitato ed 'altrimenti evitabile'. |
Affaticati, Maria Lidia Gerra, Andrea Amerio, Maria
Inglese, Carlo Marchesi # The Controversial Case of Biperiden. From Prescription Drug to Drug of Abuse Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology • Volume 35, Number 6, December 2015 Anticholinergic drugs such as biperiden are commonly used in psychiatry for the prophylaxis and treatment of extrapyramidal symptoms caused by antipsychotics, as well as for tremors in Parkinson disease. Anticholinergic abuse has been reported in nonpsychotic patients probably because of inducing mild euphoria with increased sociability and energy through an increase of dopaminergic activity... Further studies are needed to estimate the impact of biperiden as a substance of abuse, especially among marginalized people. Concerning Italy, the preliminary data presented in Table 1 support that biperiden is particularly abused by prisoners coming from North-African countries. |
Anna Cilento,
Dorella Costi, Paolo Ugolini (eds) # Oltre l’ospedale psichiatrico giudiziario: quali percorsi? Sestante, 01 novembre / 2015 Contributi di: Paolo Ugolini, Anna Cilento, Dorella Costi, Francesco Maisto, Mila Ferri, Alessio Saponaro, Valeria Calevro, Anna Cilento, Teresa Di Fiandra, Mila Ferri, Natalia Magliocchetti, Anna Cilento, Dorella Costi, Paolo Ugolini, Pietro Pellegrini, Giuseppina Paulillo, Giovanni Francesco Frivoli, Pietro Domiano, Valerio Giannattasio, Sandra Grignaffini, Roberto Zanfini, Michele Sanza, Anna Mori, Claudio Bartoletti, Velia Zulli, Federico Boaron, Maria Grazia Fontanesi, Gemma Verbena, Franca Bianconcini, Ivonne Donegani, Angelo Fioritti, Pietro Pellegrini, Giuseppina Paulillo, Clara Pellegrini, Diego Gibertini. |
Matteo Luca Andriola |
Joseph A.
Schwartz, Kevin M. Beaver, J. C. Barnes # The Association between Mental Health and Violence among a Nationally Representative Sample of College Students from the United States PLOS ONE | October 7, 2015 The results revealed that college students were less likely to have engaged in violent behavior relative to the non- student sample, but a substantial portion of college students had engaged in violent behavior. Age- and sex- standardized prevalence rates indicated that more than 21% of college students reported at least one violent act. In addition, more than 36% of college students had at least one diagnosable psychiatric disorder. Finally, the prevalence of one or more psychiatric disorders significantly increased the odds of violent behavior within the college student sample. |
Carl Salzman, Richard I. Shader |
Casey Tolan |
Thomas J. Cole # Getting high in prison Albuquerque Journal, September 5, 2015 There is good reason that jails and prisons have been described as America’s new asylums for the mentally ill. New Mexico’s only state-owned and -operated psychiatric hospital, in Las Vegas, has 157 behavioral health beds for adults. By comparison, 2,036 inmates in state prisons have received clinical services for chronic mental illness this year, according to the Corrections Department. The state also has a 104-bed unit in Los Lunas for the most seriously mentally ill inmates, including the homicidal. The number of inmates receiving clinical services for chronic mental illness has grown 29 percent in three years, and there has been a parallel growth in the number of inmates receiving psychotropic medications. A total of 2,166 inmates have received the drugs this year, up 29 percent from 2012. There were a total of 6,597 female and male state inmates as of April 30, and nearly 71 percent of the women and 28 percent of the men were receiving psychotropic drugs, according to the Corrections Department. |
Andrea Pugiotto |
Jeffrey Guina, Sarah R. Rossetter, Bethany J.
DeRhodes, Ramzi W Nahhas, Randon S. Welton, |
Kanya D'Almeida # In US Prisons, Psychiatric Disability Is Often Met by Brute Force www.truth-out.org/ Saturday, July 18, 2015 The so-called Mandela Rules contain a clause that deals explicitly with mental illness, stating: "Persons who are ... diagnosed with severe mental disabilities ... for whom staying in prison would mean an exacerbation of their condition, shall not be detained in prisons, and arrangements shall be made to transfer them to mental health facilities as soon as possible."The resolution reiterates commitments made decades ago to uphold the human rights of all prisoners, but at the time of writing, the United States could not be further from the realization of these obligations. |
Federal Public Defender’s Office | Speakers:
Thomas Price, Michelle Guyton It is time we recognize that the system is broken and that, current prison conditions traumatize the brains of those incarcerated. These conditions are not a substitution for flogging, but are a flogging of the most important organ in the human body. And if that is not cruelty, and injustice, what constitutes it? |
Matt Ford # America's Largest Mental Hospital Is a Jail www.theatlantic.com/ jun 8, 2015 At Cook County Jail, an estimated one in three inmates has some form of mental illness. At least 400,000 inmates currently behind bars in the United States suffer from some type of mental illness—a population larger than the cities of Cleveland, New Orleans, or St. Louis—according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI estimates that between 25 and 40 percent of all mentally ill Americans will be jailed or incarcerated at some point in their lives. |
Mary Jane England, Adrienne Stith Butler,
Monica L. Gonzalez (eds) |
Michael Ollove |
Alan R. Felthous,
Matthew S. Stanford # A Proposed Algorithm for the Pharmacotherapy of Impulsive Aggression J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 43:456 – 67, 2015 A rational algorithm for effective pharmacotherapy for impulsive aggression takes into account five factors: sufficiently defined and characterized aggressive behavior; availability of agents studied by trials of sufficient quality; risks, side effects, and contraindications; severity of aggressive outbursts; and co-occurring mental and medical conditions. Clinicians in forensic and correctional treatment centers, indeed in any treatment setting, should be able to optimize their effectiveness in treating impulsive aggression by using methods that consider these five factors. |
S. Young, O.
Sedgwick, M. Fridman, G. Gudjonsson, P. Hodgkins, M.
Lantigua, R. A. González # Co-morbid psychiatric disorders among incarcerated ADHD populations: a meta-analysis Psychological Medicine (2015), 45, 2499–2510 Compared with population rates, there is robust evidence to support an over-representation of youths and adults with ADHD in the criminal justice system, most likely reflecting high rates of co-morbidity with conduct disorder. A meta- nalysis of 42 international studies reported that 30% and 26% of the youth and adult prison populations, respectively, had clinically diagnosed ADHD... |
S. Young, D. Moss, O. Sedgwick, M. Fridman,
P. Hodgkins |
Robyn L. Gobin,
Madhavi K. Reddy, Caron Zlotnick, Jennifer E. Johnson # Lifetime trauma victimization and PTSD in relation to psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder in a sample of incarcerated women and men International Journal of Prisoners Health, Vol. 11 NO. 2 2015, pp. 64-74, We found a significant association between ASPD symptom severity and exposure to crime-related trauma. Associations were not explained by PTSD symptoms. These findings offer implications for treatment with incarcerated populations. The current findings suggest that interventions with incarcerated men and women with ASPD and psychopathic traits may benefit from sensitivity to histories of physical and crime-related trauma. Finally, the findings contribute to our understanding of the nature of the relationship between ASPD/psychopathy and trauma exposure, namely, that the association between personality disturbance and trauma is not explained by PTSD symptom severity. |
Jeffrey Guina,
Sarah R. Rossetter, Bethany J. DeRhodes, Ramzi W.
Nahhas, Randon S. Welton # Benzodiazepines for PTSD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal of Psychiatric Practice Vol. 21, No. 4 July 2015 BZDs are ineffective for PTSD treatment and prevention, and risks associated with their use tend to outweigh potential short-term benefits. In addition to adverse effects in general populations, BZDs are associated with specific problems in patients with PTSD: worse overall severity, significantly increased risk of developing PTSD with use after recent trauma, worse psychotherapy outcomes, aggression, depression, and substance use. |
Rivista di Psicodinamica Criminale |
# Corte Costituzionale, Sentenza n. 186/2015 (Decisione del 24/06/2015 - Deposito del 23/07/2015)La Corte Costituzionale ha respinto il ricorso promosso dal Tribunale di sorveglianza di Messina contro la legge 81/2014 sul superamento degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari, giudicando non fondata la questione di legittimità costituzionale. Il ricorso contestava la legge 81/2014 nelle parti in cui stabilisce che l’accertamento della pericolosità sociale “è effettuato sulla base delle qualità soggettive della persona e senza tenere conto delle condizioni (cosiddette ambientali) di cui all’articolo 133, secondo comma, numero 4, del codice penale” e che “non costituisce elemento idoneo a supportare il giudizio di pericolosità sociale la sola mancanza di programmi terapeutici individuali”. La Consulta conferma la piena legittimità costituzionale della legge 81, laddove in sostanza ci dice che un malato povero, emarginato, senza casa o abbandonato dai servizi non può diventare, per questa ragione, socialmente pericoloso e finire in OPG. Come troppo spesso sinora è accaduto... |
Corte d'Appello di Bologna |
Andrea Pugiotto |
Piróg-Balcerzak, Bogusław Habrat, Paweł Mierzejewski # Misuse and abuse of quetiapine www.psychiatriapolska.pl/ Psychiatr. Pol. 2015; 49(1): 81–93 Most reports concern males, and especially those with a history of other psychoactive substance abuse, and personality disorders, often in conflict with the law. Therefore, clinicians should be cautious when prescribing quetiapine to such patients. Descriptions of cases of improper admission or abuse of quetiapine are mainly related to men. Another high-risk population are prisoners and persons with criminal records, and in some prisons it is a widespread phenomenon. |
Giuliano Balbi |
Neelu Sharma, Om
Prakash, K. S. Sengar, A. R. Singh # A Study of Mental Health Problems in Criminals in Terms of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Global Journal of Human Social Science - Volume XV, 2015 In present study mental health problems were found to be prevalent in both the groups of offender though rapist’s group had more prevalence of mental health problems. The findings of the present study emphasize the need of assessment of psychiatric disorders in prison setting on a broad level. The high prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress in riminals points toward the dire needs of psychiatric assessment, management and rehabilitation programs in prison. |
Stefano Cecconi |
Giovanna Bellini, Marco Strano (a cura di) |
Democratica # Chiudere gli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari, superare le REMS: le proposte di Psichiatria Democratica per governare il cambiamento www.psichiatriademocratica.com/ 26 maggio 2015 ... Si è commesso - da parte delle Istituzioni - l’errore di partire dal posto letto, di puntare sul luogo e non sulle persone, di oggettivare e non soggettivare il bisogno: in questa ottica, come ben sappiamo, i posti letto non saranno mai sufficienti né nelle REMS provvisorie né in quelle definitive; non si è partiti, cioè, dal programma individualizzato, per ciascuna persona, come si dovrebbe fare, sempre, nell’approntare progetti che riguardano la vita di ciascuno. Ecco perché i “gruppi tecnici” hanno, in genere, di nuovo fallito e, comunque, non sono riusciti a scrollarsi di dosso la neo- manicomializzazione che la paura del folle porta con sè... |
Human Rights Watch |
Alan R. Felthous That the dramatic reduction in the hospitalization of seriously mentally ill individuals has been a factor in the progressive and substantial increase in the numbers of incarcerated individuals in the United States is well known. Less well publicized is the failure of state governments to keep up with the increasing need for hospitalization within correctional systems and in some cases the withdrawal of hospital services for mentally disordered inmates in need of this level of care. Textbooks on correctional psychiatry do not address the nature and purposes of security hospitals. Neither have courts addressed whether the community practice of administering enforced medication in a mental hospital or ward should apply as well for incarcerated persons in need of this level of treatment ... |
Alfred J.Lewy # Circadian Rhythms and Mood Disorders: A Guide for the Perplexed J Clin Psychiatry 76:5, May 2015 |
Zheng Chang, Paul Lichtenstein, Henrik
Larsson, Seena Fazel |
Mona Sobhani |
Mirella Ruggeri, Chiara Bonetto, Antonio Lasalvia, Angelo Fioritti, Giovanni de Girolamo, Paolo Santonastaso, Francesca Pileggi, Giovanni Neri, Daniela Ghigi, Franco Giubilini, Maurizio Miceli, Silvio Scarone, Angelo Cocchi, Stefano Torresani, Carlo Faravelli, Carla Cremonese, Paolo Scocco, Emanuela Leuci, Fausto Mazzi, Michela Pratelli, Francesca Bellini, Sarah Tosato, Katia De Santi, Sarah Bissoli, Sara Poli, Elisa Ira, Silvia Zoppei, Paola Rucci, Laura Bislenghi, Giovanni Patelli, Doriana Cristofalo, Anna Meneghelli, and The GET UP Group #
and Effectiveness of a Multi-Element Psychosocial
Intervention for First- Episode Psychosis: Results
From the Cluster-Randomized Controlled GET UP PIANO
Trial in a Catchment Area of 10 Million Inhabitants Interest in psychosocial interventions to facilitate recovery and reduce long-term disability in patients with firstepisode psychosis (FEP) has been growing. Clinical guidelines for this population recommend an early and integrated approach, based on psychosocial interventions. The results of multi-element interventions, including early detection strategies; individual, group, and family therapy; case management; and pharmacological treatment, are promising, with symptom reduction, improved quality of life, increased social and cognitive functioning, lower inpatient admission rates, less in-hospital time, improved insight, greater treatment satisfaction, decreased substance abuse, and fewer self-harm episodes... |
New South Wales Government | Family &
Community Services |
Carol Fisler |
Hon. John H. Guthmann While mental health courts are not the only answer, they are an important part of the answer. RCMHC (Ramsey County Mental Health Court) has a proven record of success.260 With continued public support, RCMHC and other mental health courts in Minnesota and around the country will continue to enhance public safety, reduce recidivism, and help individuals with mental illness who commit crimes improve their lives. |
Megan A. Lee # Mental Health Services and the American Inmate: A Systematic Review of Literature Master of Social Work Clinical Research Papers, Paper 482, 2015 As the number of patients treated for mental illness by state hospitals has decreased over the last few decades, county, state, and federal prisons have become inundated with mentally ill offenders who often lack the proper treatment and support to manage their illnesses. It has been estimated that over 50% of criminal offenders in jails and prisons in the United States have issues with mental health, compared to 11% of the general population, with higher rates for females (73%)... |
Ana Swanson |
Laura Wallis # Neglecting Mental Health Treatment in Prisoners. High rates of recidivism are only one of the costs AJN, Vol. 115, No. 4, April 2015 In the United States today, we have more mentally ill people behind bars than anywhere else, which in effect, makes our correctional system the largest provider of mental health services in the nation... |
Nazionale per la Bioetica # La contenzione: problemi etici www.governo.it/ 23 aprile 2015 Il parere “La contenzione: problemi bioetici” affronta il tema della contenzione nei confronti dei pazienti psichiatrici e degli anziani, con particolare riguardo alle forme di contenzione meccanica, che più sollevano riserve dal punto di vista etico e giuridico. Numerose prese di posizione di organismi internazionali e dello stesso CNB in precedenti pareri hanno già indicato con chiarezza l’obiettivo della riduzione fino al superamento della contenzione, che è da considerarsi un residuo della cultura manicomiale. |
Michele Passione, # Opg, le tante resistenze alla chiusura, il Manifesto, 21.4.2015 # Dopo la chiusura degli Opg. Psichiatri e magistrati: “Tutto risolto? Neanche per sogno”, www.ilFarmacistaonline.it/ 18 Aprile 2015 Mario Iannucci # Il “superamento degli OPG” fra incompetenza, scelleratezza, ipocrisia e ignavia, www.ristretti.org/ 16 aprile 2015 Andrea Fiorello # Halden, un'altra idea del carcere, www.ilpost.it, 10 aprile 2015 Jessica Benko # The Radical Humaneness of Norway’s Halden Prison. The goal of the Norwegian penal system is to get inmates out of it, www.nytimes.com/ March 26, 2015 |
Emilio Sacchetti
(Presidente Società Italiana di Psichiatria) # Opg: dopo il superamento, il nodo del cambiamento: psichiatri e giuristi a confronto www.sanita24.ilsole24ore.com/ 17 aprile 2015 |
Luigi Ferrannini # OPG: per le Regioni quali problemi (in)attesi? Va' Pensiero n° 658 | 15 aprile 2015 Pericolosità sociale = malattia psichiatrica è un’equazione che – anche per gli aspetti diagnostici, clinici e terapeutici – andrebbe assunta con molta cautela per non rischiare di rimanere fermi ad una concezione oggi non comprensibile... Sia i comportamenti-reato sia le motivazioni dello stesso sono profondamente modificati rispetto al passato, così come lo sono gli intrecci complessi tra reato, abuso di sostanze stupefacenti ed effetti personali degli abusi di sostanze stupefacenti delle quali in molti casi non si conoscono nemmeno le azioni. |
Francesco Maisto Francesco Maisto |
Teresa Di Fiandra, Fabio Voller
(coordinamento) | Giorgio Bazzerla, Eleonora Fanti,
Fabio Ferrari, Marco Grignani, Sandro Libianchi,
Gianrocco Martino, Antonio Maria Pagano, Franco
Scarpa, Caterina Silvestri Settore sociale, Cristina
Stasi | ARS Toscana Nella nostra coorte il 41,3% (N=6.504) del totale dei detenuti arruolati è risultato affetto da almeno una patologia psichiatrica. Le diagnosi di disturbi psichici sono state 9.886, vale a dire circa il 43% del totale di quelle rilevate. Ciò significa che ogni soggetto con un disturbo di salute mentale era portatore mediamente di 1,5 diagnosi di malattie appartenenti a questo grande gruppo... Quasi la metà delle diagnosi di questo grande gruppo di malattie è attribuibile al disturbo mentale da dipendenza da sostanze, un problema che affligge circa il 24% di tutta la popolazione detenuta arruolata nello studio... |
Giulia Alberti |
Saverio Migliori |
Didier Fassin Plus tolérantes à l’égard de la maladie mentale, mais aussi mieux équipées pour la prendre en charge en dehors de l’espace asilaire, les sociétés contemporaines sont devenues plus sévères, à l’inverse, contre la petite délinquance et plus généralement la criminalité, en enfermant plus et plus longtemps et en tenant de moins en moins compte de la santé mentale des personnes qu’on punit et des conséquences psychologiques d’une telle sanction... |
Adrian P Mundt, Sinja Kastner, Jan Mir,
Stefan Priebe |
Jessica Benko |
Toshi A Furukawa |
Mark Toynbee # The Penrose hypothesis in the 21st century: revisiting the asylum http://ebmh.bmj.com/ Evid Based Mental Health August 2015 Vol 18 No 3 |
Adrian P. Mundt, Winnie S. Chow, Margarita
Arduino, Hugo Barrionuevo, Rosemarie Fritsch, Nestor
Girala, Alberto Minoletti, Flávia Mitkiewicz,
Guillermo Rivera, María Tavares, Stefan Priebe |
Massimo Casacchia, Maurizio Malavolta,
Valeria Bianchini, Laura Giusti, Vittorio Di Michele,
Patricia Giosuè, Mirella Ruggeri, Massimo Biondi, Rita
Roncone, Direttivo sezione italiana World Association
for Psychological Rehabilitation (WAPR) |
Terry A. Kupers |
Dustin DeMoss |
Seena Fazel,
Achim Wolf, Zheng Chang, Henrik Larsson, Guy M Goodwin,
Paul Lichtenstein # Depression and violence: a Swedish population study www.thelancet.com/ Lancet Psychiatry 2015; 2: 224–32 Depression is associated with increased risk of a wide range of adverse outcomes, including reduced life expectancy, suicide, self-harm, acute myocardial infarction, and a worse prognosis for comorbidities, such as heart disease and diabetes. Clinical experience and expert opinion also suggest an association with the risk of perpetrating violence, including homicide in male perpetrators. |
Stefano Rossi |
KiDeuk Kim,
Miriam Becker-Cohen, Maria Serakos # The Processing and Treatment of Mentally Ill Persons in the Criminal Justice System. Scan of Practice and Background Analysis www.urban.org/ Urban Institute, March 2015 Although a number of important gaps in the current literature and, particularly, in rigorous quantitative evaluations of the success of programs and their costs have limited our ability to arrive at more concrete conclusions, the data remain clear about one thing: individuals with mental illness are still largely overrepresented in the criminal justice system. With such high numbers, their care and treatment is not just a humanitarian concern; it is a critical economic, societal, and public safety issue. |
CQ Researcher. In-depth reports on today's
issues Thousands of people with schizophrenia, severe depression, delusional disorders or other mental problems are locked up, often in solitary confinement. While some committed violent crimes and remain a threat to themselves or other inmates and prison staff, many are incarcerated for minor offenses, simply because there is no place to send them for treatment. The number of mentally ill inmates has mushroomed in recent years as states have closed their psychiatric hospitals in favor of outpatient community mental health centers that typically are underfunded and overcrowded. In an attempt to reduce the influx of mentally ill inmates, some 300 specialized mental health courts have diverted them into court-monitored treatment instead of jail. |
Sarah Glowa-Kollisch, Jasmine Graves,
Nathaniel Dickey, Ross MacDonald, Zachary Rosner,
Anthony Waters, Homer Venters Thomas R. Blair, Keramet A. Reiter |
Julia Stasch |
Health Capital
Topics # Mental Health Status of Inmates & the Homeless Population www.healthcapital.com/ vol. 8, issue 2, February 2015 Jails and prisons have now become the housing ground for most of these patients, and are places where the most severe forms of psychosis are treated, with the inmates’ symptoms becoming more severe over time. Inmates are sometimes left untreated and or punished for acts that are exacerbated by their illness. In 2012, there were roughly 356,268 inmates with severe mental illnesses who were incarcerated in the U.S. In comparison, only 35,000 people with the same severity in illnesses were sent to a psychiatric hospital... |
Nancy Wolff, M. Gregory Chugo, Jing Shi,
Jessica Huening, B. Christopher Frueh |
Timothy Williams Jails across the country have become vast warehouses made up primarily of people too poor to post bail or too ill with mental health or drug problems to adequately care for themselves, according to a report issued Wednesday. |
Ram Subramanian, Ruth Delaney, Stephen
Roberts, Nancy Fishman, Peggy McGarry | Vera
Institute of Justice |
Buffel, Vera van de Straat, Piet Bracke # Employment status and mental health care use in times of economic contraction: a repeated cross-sectional study in Europe, using a three-level model International Journal for Equity in Health (2015) 14:29 Our findings stress the importance of taking the macro-economic context and changes therein into account when studying the mental health care use of unemployed people compared with the employed, in particular among men. Moreover, it is important to make the distinction between primary and specialized medical care use, as the impact of macro-economic conditions is dependent on the type of care, which also applies when controlling for mental health. |
Corte Costituzionale, 2013: Il tema degli “eternamente giudicabili” torna davanti alla Corte Costituzionale |
Regione Lombardia # Schema di accordo tra Regione Lombardia e Regione Liguria per l'accoglimento di pazienti con residenza in Liguria presso residenze per l'esecuzione delle misure di sicurezza sanitaria (REMS) realizzate in Regione Lombardia Deliberazione n° X / 3274 Seduta del 16/03/2015 |
Paola Di Nicola # La chiusura degli OPG: un'occasione mancata www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 13 marzo 2015 Da dove partiamo. – 2. Dal manicomio giudiziario all’ospedale psichiatrico giudiziario (OPG). – 3. Chi viene internato o recluso nell’ospedale psichiatrico giudiziario. – 4. Il lento percorso legislativo della chiusura degli OPG: sintesi delle fonti principali. – 5. La valutazione di pericolosità sociale prima della “riforma”. – 6. L’Autorità giudiziaria preposta alla valutazione della pericolosità sociale. – 7. La valutazione della pericolosità sociale dopo “la riforma” e la realtà giudiziaria. – 8. La cosiddetta “non pericolosità condizionata”. – 9. Il silenzio della “riforma” sull’obbligo di tutela delle vittime dei reati. – 10. Gli effetti della mancanza di programmi terapeutici individuali per gli internati. – 11. I termini di durata delle misure di sicurezza detentive: una “riforma” a legislazione processuale invariata. – 12. Il calcolo della durata delle misure di sicurezza detentive e orientamenti giurisprudenziali sull’applicabilità di altre misure. – 13. Conclusioni. |
Paolo Giordano #
ultimi internati della nostra storia. Così finisce
un’idea di detenzione Il 31 marzo è prevista la chiusura degli Opg. Le incognite sul futuro. Per i soggetti considerati gravi nuove «residenze» affidate alla Sanità... Ma sarebbe troppo comodo accodarsi alla scia dello sdegno comune, condannare gli Opg come luoghi isolati di sadismo sfrenato, senza rilevare la parte di responsabilità che ognuno di noi ha avuto in tutto questo: la convenienza di una nazione intera che, dopo avere applaudito a lungo se stessa per la chiusura dei manicomi, ha tollerato per decenni delle realtà perfino peggiori, in ragione della presunta pericolosità sociale di alcuni infermi... e forse è il concetto stesso di «pericolosità sociale» a essere errato... |
Roger H. Peters, Harry K. Wexler, Arthur J.
Lurigio |
Christy K. Scott, Michael L. Dennis, Arthur
J. Lurigio |
Beverly Frazier, Hung-En Sung, Lior Gideon |
Holly M. Harner, Mia Budescu, Seth J.
Gillihan, Suzanne Riley, Edna B. Foa |
Donatela Coccoli # Oltre gli OPG la nebbia. Il 31 marzo la chiusura degli ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari. Allorizzonte, l'incognita sulla destinazione dei "folli rei" Left, 28 febbraio 2015 |
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri.
Conferenza Unificata |
Thierry Brigaud,
Jean-François Corty, Claude-Olivier Doron, Vincent
Girard # Troubles psychiatriques et prison: casser la spirale http://blogs.mediapart.fr/ 06 Janvier 2015 |
Equality and
Human Rights commission # Preventing Deaths in Detention of Adults with Mental Health Conditions www.equalityhumanrights.com/ February 2015 Between 2010 and 2013 367 adults with mental health conditions died of ‘nonnatural’ causes while in state detention in police cells and psychiatric wards. Another 295 adults died in prison of ‘non-natural’ causes, many of these had mental health conditions. Since 2013 that number has risen considerably. Each of them left behind loved ones who have suffered as a result of these deaths. |
Randeep Ramesh |
S. Hoke OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
Vol. 20, No. 1, Manuscript 3, January 31, 2015 |
Sam P. K. Collins |
Piróg-Balcerzak, Bogusław Habrat, Paweł Mierzejewski # Misuse and abuse of quetiapine Psychiatr. Pol. 2015; 49(1): 81–93 The paper presents and discusses the reports of quetiapine misuse, abuse, and even mentaladdiction, as well as symptoms similar to the so-called discontinuation syndrome, often mixedwith withdrawal syndrome occurring in the course of addiction. Most reports concern males, and especially those with a history of other psychoactive substance abuse, and personality disorders, often in conflict with the law. Therefore, clinicians should be cautious when prescribing quetiapine to such patients. |
Rich Lord |
Deirdre M. Smith # Dangerous Diagnoses, Risky Assumptions, and the Failed Experiment of “Sexually Violent Predator” Commitment Okla. L. Rev. 619 (2015) In 1990, the state of Washington was consumed by news of a highly publicized, violent sexual crime committed against a young child by an offender with prior convictions for violence against children. In response to public outcry, the Washington legislature enacted a statute allowing the state to continue to detain certain sex offenders after they had completed their criminal sentences. The targets of these new laws were dubbed “Sexually Violent Predators” (SVPs), a label intended to connote a subclass of sex offenders who run a high risk of recidivism after their release due to the presence of a mental abnormality or personality disorder... |
Francesco Schiaffo |
Eduardo De Cunto |
Mark Olfson, Marissa King, Michael Schoenbaum |
Senato - 12ª Commissione permanente (Igiene e sanità) - Palazzo Giustiniani, 11 novembre 2014 «Salute mentale, OPG e diritti umani» |
Liat Ben-Moshe |
T. Fovet, M. Bertrand, A. Amad |
Gerard Drennan, James Wooldridge, Anne
Aiyegbusi, Debbie Alred, Joe Ayres, Richard Barker,
Sally Carr, Helen Eunson, Hilary Lomas, Estelle Moore,
Debbie Stanton, Geoff Shepherd |
Liberiana Maria
Dattoli # L’incidenza dei disturbi della personalità sulla capacità di intendere e volere. Psichiatria e giurisprudenza a confronto sul tema Crimen et Delictum, VIII (November 2014) Affinché possa rilevare ai sensi degli artt. 88 e 89 cod. pen., il disturbo della personalità deve avere in concreto determinato una tale compromissione delle funzioni dell’Io che, incolpevolmente, renda l’agente incapace di fruire di una percezione veritiera e fisiologica della realtà esterna e del disvalore sociale del fatto commesso, impedendo al soggetto una consapevole e libera autodeterminazione. |
Raffaele Bianchetti #
questione di legittimità costituzionale in merito ai
nuovi criteri di accertamento della pericolosità
sociale del seminfermo di mente |
Irene Forcellini # Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari e Costituzione Università degli Studi Roma Tre |
Antonella Calcaterra Il Garantista, 14 novembre 2014 |
Psichiatria Democratica |
Giulia Melani |
Sara Magrin |
Tommaso Sannini # Vizio di mente e pericolosità sociale. Aspetti storici, giuridici e sociologici www.altrodiritto.unifi.it/ (2014) |
Evan Mayo-Wilson, Sofi a Dias, Ifi geneia
Mavranezouli, Kayleigh Kew, David M Clark, A E Ades,
Stephen Pilling |
Klara Latalova, Dana Kamaradova, Jan Prasko |
Encarnación Lozano Galván |
Claudia C. Hurducas, Jay P. Singh, Corine de
Ruiter, John Petrila |
Rohan Derek
Borschmann # The development and testing of joint crisis plans for people with borderline personality disorder: a feasibility study Institute of Psychiatry King’s College London , May 2014 This dissertation expands the knowledge about effective crisis management for people with borderline personality disorder, a group who have traditionally been alienated from mainstream mental health services and are still perceived to be difficult to help. The study showed that it is possible to recruit and retain adult service users with borderline personality disorder to a trial of joint crisis plans. Although the intervention was not clinically effective, the findings suggest that the brief intervention was perceived as helpful to participants with borderline personality disorder. |
Dan J. Stein, Katie A. McLaughlin, Karestan
C. Koenen, Lukoye Atwoli, Matthew J. Friedman, Eric D.
Hill, Andreas Maercker, Maria Petukhova, Victoria
Shahly, Mark van Ommeren, Jordi Alonso, Guilherme
Borges, Giovanni de Girolamo, Peter de Jonge, Koen
Demyttenaere, Silvia Florescu, Elie G. Karam, Norito
Kawakami, Herbert Matschinger, Michail Okoliyski, Jose
Posada-Villa, Kate M. Scott, Maria Carmen Viana,
Ronald C. Kessler |
Ilaria Lega,
Debora Del Re, Angelo Picardi, Isabella Cascavilla,
Antonella Gigantesco, Andrea Di Cesare, Guido Ditta,
Teresa Di Fiandra # Valutazione diagnostica dei pazienti psichiatrici autori di reato: messa a punto di una metodologia standardizzata e riproducibile Rapporti Istisan 14/10, 2014 Questo rapporto descrive la metodologia e gli strumenti utilizzati per la valutazione diagnostica e dei bisogni socio-sanitari dei circa 1000 pazienti psichiatrici autori di reato ricoverati negli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari (OPG) italiani nell’ambito di un progetto coordinato dall’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS). Le informazioni raccolte dal progetto, indispensabili per predisporre interventi terapeutico-riabilitativi appropriati e individualizzati, consentiranno di caratterizzare le condizioni cliniche di questi pazienti, per i quali un ampio processo di riforma attualmente in corso prevede una presa in carico alternativa all’OPG. |
Camera dei
Deputati | Lorenzin, Ministro della salute - Orlando,
Ministro della giustizia # Relazione sullo stato di attuazione delle iniziative per il superamento degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari (Aggiornata al 30 settembre 2014) www.camera.it/ Trasmessa alla Presidenza il 30 settembre 2014 L'esame ha evidenziato come nei mesi successivi all'entrata in vigore della legge, nel periodo compreso tra maggio e settembre 2014, si è rilevata una leggera ma costante diminuzione delle presenze, che alla data del 9 settembre 2014 vede 793 Internati presenti a fronte degli 880 alla data del 31 gennaio 2014. |
Corte di Cassazione, Sezione I # Sentenza 12 settembre 2014, n. 37573 Ai fini del riconoscimento del vizio totale o parziale di mente, anche i “disturbi della personalità”, che non sempre sono inquadrabili nel ristretto novero delle malattie mentali, possono rientrare nel concetto di “infermità”, purché siano di consistenza, intensità e gravità tali da incidere concretamente sulla capacità di intendere o di volere, escludendola o scemandola grandemente, e a condizione che sussista un nesso eziologico con la specifica condotta criminosa, per effetto del quale il fatto di reato sia ritenuto causalmente determinato dal disturbo mentale |
Lamiece Hassan,
Martin Frisher, Jane Senior, Mary Tully, Roger Webb,
David While, Jenny Shawl. # A cross-sectional prevalence survey of psychotropic medication prescribing patterns in prisons in England Health Serv Deliv Res 2014;2(33) Large, representative and random samples of prisoners from prisons in England and Wales participated in clinical interviews with psychiatrists (see Table 1 for details). Overall, psychiatric disorders were diagnosed in 40% of adult and 33% of young sentenced men. The most common disorders were substance misuse, personality disorders and neurosis. The highest rates of psychiatric disorder were seen among women (56–77%) and remand prisoners (53–77%). Among sentenced prisoners, it was estimated that 44% of women and 23% of men required some form of treatment, most commonly on an outpatient basis, within prison or as part of a therapeutic community. |
Michiel de Vries Robbé |
Icro Maremmani, Angelo G. I. Maremmani, Sonia
Lubrano, Roberto Nardini, Liliana Dell’Osso, Matteo
Pacini |
Lauri Tuominen Harm Avoidance and Neuroticism are traits that predispose to mental illnesses. Studying them provides a unique way to study predisposition of mental illnesses. Understanding the biological mechanisms that mediate vulnerability could lead to improvement in treatment and ultimately to pre-emptive psychiatry. These personality traits describe a tendency to feel negative emotions such as fear, shyness and worry. Previous studies suggest these traits are regulated by serotonin and opiate pathways. |
Marco Pelissero |
Schimmenti, Alessia Passanisi, Ugo Pace, Sergio
Manzella, Giovanbattista Di Carlo, Vincenzo Caretti # The Relationship between Attachment and Psychopathy: A Study with a Sample of Violent Offenders (pre-print) 2014 ...It is possible that treatments addressing disorganised states of mind and childhood trauma during detention might reduce the risk of violent behaviors and recidivism; also, a close investigation of attachment styles and representations could be particularly relevant in the forensic assessment of offenders who committed violent crimes, especially for criminal offences where the dimension of romantic attachment is likely to be involved, as with stalking behaviors... |
Carl E. Fisher, David L. Faigman, Paul S.
Appelbaum |
Rebecca L.
Collins, Eunice C. Wong, Jennifer L. Cerully, Elizabeth
Roth # Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mental Illness Stigma in California www.rand.org/ 2014 The goal of this report is to identify racial and ethnic groups in California that are more likely to stigmatize those with mental illness. Identifying these groups can help in understanding who is at greatest risk of experiencing stigma within their own communities and with the targeting of stigma reduction efforts... |
Alexandre Dumais,
Gilles Côté, Caroline Larue, Marie-Hélène Goulet,
Jean-François Pelletier # Clinical Characteristics and Service Use of Incarcerated Males with Severe Mental Disorders: A Comparative Case-Control Study with Patients Found Not Criminally Responsible Issues Ment Health Nurs 2014 Aug;35(8):597-603 Following psychiatric deinstitutionalization and changes in involuntary civil commitment laws, many individuals with severe mental disorders have been receiving mental health services through the back door, that is, the criminal justice system. Significant changes to the section of Criminal Code of Canada dealing with individuals with mental disorders have led to significant annual increases in the number of individuals declared Not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder (NCRMD), many of whom are directed to civil psychiatric settings. The goal of the present study was to describe the psychosociocriminological and risk characteristics of individuals found NCRMD remanded to civil psychiatric hospitals (CPH) compared to a forensic psychiatric hospital (FPH). |
David M Gardner # Competent Psychopharmacology The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 59, No 8, August 2014 Although its use in the treatment of schizophrenia has declined, quetiapine now represents one-half of all antipsychotic prescriptions in Canada, with rapidly increasing use in mood and anxiety disorders as well as insomnia, especially in moderate doses. The abuse potential of this agent and its overprescription for prison inmates further exemplify prescribing and patient care inadequacies. |
Dignity and Power Now | Patrisse Cullors,
Mark-Anthony Johnson |
Luca Cimino |
Kevin S. Douglas,
Stephen D. Hart, Christopher D. Webster, Henrik
Belfrage, Laura S. Guy, Catherine M. Wilson # Historical-Clinical-Risk Management-20, Version 3 (HCR-20 V3 ): Development and Overview International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13:2, 93-108, 2014 The HCR-20 Version 3 (HCR-20(V3)) was published in 2013, after several years of development and revision work. It replaces Version 2, published in 1997, on which there have been more than 200 disseminations based on more than 33,000 cases across 25 countries. This article explains (1) why a revision was necessary, (2) the steps we took in the revision process, (3) key changes between Version 2 and Version 3, and (4) an overview of HCR-20(V3)' s risk factors and administration steps. Recommendations for evaluating Version 3 are provided. |
Chris Ford,
Fergus Law # Guidance for the use and reduction of misuse of benzodiazepines and other hypnotics and anxiolytics in general practice www.emcdda.europa.eu/ July 2014 Use of clonazepam, licensed for use in epilepsy, has changed over the past 10 years and the drug is now much misused in the prison environment. Many prisoners report use in the community and claim to be epileptic to procure a continuous supply. The reasons for this are complex because clonazepam has a relatively slow onset of action therefore on its own causes little buzz but it can be used to help pass the time in prisons, and can enhance the effects of other rapid onset drugs used at the same time. Clonazepam 0.25mg is approximately equivalent to 5mg diazepam. |
Svenja Eichhorn,
Elmar Brähler, Matthias Franz, Michael Friedrich, Heide
Glaesmer # Traumatic experiences, alexithymia, and posttraumatic symptomatology: a cross-sectional population-based study in Germany European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014 Our study constitutes the first international populationbased evidence for the mediating effect of posttraumatic symptomatology on the association between number of traumatic experiences and alexithymia. The strong association between alexithymia and posttraumatic symptomatology highlights the lack of conceptual and diagnostic consideration of alexithymia as it relates to PTSD and complex PTSD formulations. |
Sarah Liebowitz, Peter J. Eliasberg, Ira A.
Burnim, Emily A. Burnim |
Darrell Steinberg, David Mills, Michael
Romano |
Sinead Frances Devine |
Doris A. Fuller # Mental Health Briefing on the Institutions of Mental Diseas (IMD) Exclusion to Medicaid http://treatmentadvocacycenter.org/ July 30, 2014 Numerous studies have found that short-length hospitalization of individuals in psychiatric crisis is associated with higher rehospitalization rates, and revolving-door hospitalization is extremely expensive. Also costly are the forensic beds, jail and prison cells and homelessness services that become the default “institutions of mental disease” for psychiatrically fragile people who do not receive the medically necessary treatment they need to function safely and successfully in the community. |
Robert Rigg |
Stefano Ferracuti, Giuseppe Nicolò, Rinaldo
Perini |
Seth J. Prins, |
StopOPG nazionale | Stefano Cecconi, Giovanna
Del Giudice, Patrizio Gonnella |
Sharam Kohan |
Warren Reich,
Sarah Picard-Fritsche, Lenore Cerniglia, Josephine
Wonsun Hahn # Predictors of Program Compliance and Re-Arrest in the Brooklyn Mental Health Court Center for Court Innovation, June 2014 Partnerships between the criminal justice and mental health systems have become common over the past 30 years, and mental health courts are one product of this partnership. Since the first mental health court was established in Broward County Florida in 1997, their number has grown to more than 300 across the United States. As a special case of “problem-solving courts” mental health courts seek to divert mentally ill offenders from conventional prosecution through a combination of community-based mental health treatment and intensive judicial oversight of the treatment process. The primary goal is to reduce recidivism and stop the “revolving door” for justice-involved people with mental illness. |
Gunnar Wiklund,
Vladislav V. Ruchkin, Roman A. Koposov, Britt af
Klinteberg # Pro-bullying attitudes among incarcerated juvenile delinquents: antisocial behavior, psychopathic tendencies and violent crime Int J Law Psychiatry. 2014 May-Jun The objective was to evaluate a new scale aimed at assessing antisocial attitudes, the Pro-bullying Attitude Scale (PAS), on a group of 259 voluntarily-recruited male juvenile delinquents from a juvenile correctional institution in Arkhangelsk, North-western Russia |
Emily Thuma # Against the “Prison/Psychiatric State”: Anti-violence Feminisms and the Politics of Confinement in the 1970s Feminist Formations, Vol. 26 No. 2 (Summer) pp. 26–51 - 2014 The article examines the grassroots organizing efforts of the Coalition to Stop Institutional Violence, a broad-based alliance of prisoners’ rights, mental patients’ rights, and feminist groups in Greater Boston that opposed the expansion and medicalization of maximum-security units for women in Massachusetts’s prisons and state mental hospitals in the 1970s. The case of the coalition, it argues, illustrates how grassroots feminist opposition to incarceration produced an epistemology of “violence against women” that complicated and contested liberal feminist demands for more aggressive criminalization and law enforcement of sexual and domestic violence during this period. |
Joe Gorton, Keith Crew The total estimate for annual cost savings produced by the mental health jail diversion program is $237,509. According to the officials from the First Judicial District Department of Correctional Services, annual program costs are $100,000. Therefore, the annual fiscal benefit of the program (without cost estimates for prosecutions, prison confinement, and taxpayer funded victimization programs) is estimated at $137,509. |
Marin County Civil Grand Jury |
Roberto Catanesi # Misure di sicurezza e pericolosità: Superare l’equivoco www.news-forumsalutementale.it/ 13 marzo 2014 La pericolosità sociale è un concetto vecchio (e inadeguato) almeno quanto gli OPG. Nessuna categoria di esperti che ad essa si sia avvicinata, negli ultimi decenni, si è esentata dal chiederne l’abolizione, “tout court”, per manifesta inadeguatezza. Si tratti di giuristi esperti, criminologi o psichiatri, tutti ne hanno denunciato l’assoluta obsolescenza... |
Glenn Roberts,
Jed Boardman # Becoming a recovery-oriented practitioner Advances in psychiatric treatment (2014), vol. 20, 37–47 Coercion is a particular concern. Compulsion and coercion are often taken to be synonymous but the word coercion does not appear in either the Mental Health Act or the Code of Practice. At times of incapacity, unacceptable risk and excessive suffering there may be a legally mandated need for involuntary or compulsory measures, but this does not need to be conducted through coercive measures with overtones of force, intimidation, threat, punitive restrictions or punishments. |
Graham Durcan,
Anna Saunders, Ben Gadsby, Aidan Hazard # The Bradley Report five years on. An independent review of progress to date and priorities for further development www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/ June 2014 We are also now seeing the emergence of new and creative ways of supporting people with mental health problems and those with learning difficulties across the criminal justice system. Initiatives like street triage, which offers a more humane crisis response, and youth justice liaison and diversion, which provides support to children and young people when they come into contact with the police. [The Bradley Report] |
Eric B Elbogen, Sally C Johnson |
Darrell Steinberg, David Mills, Michael
Romano | Stanford Law School’s Three Strikes Project |
C Chérrez-Bermejo, R Alás-Brun |
Shirley S. Wang |
Jeanine Chamond, Virginia Moreira, Frédérique
Decocq, Brigitte Leroy-Viémon |
Suann Kessler |
Seena Fazel, Achim Wolf, Camilla Palm, Paul
Lichtenstein |
Douglas Hurd # Standards for mental health care in prisons Commonwealth Health Partnerships 2014 United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners have stood for over 50 years. Mental health care plays a crucial role within prisons and, by extension, is fundamental to the revision process. The United Nations has made a solid foundation for building consensus on standards that apply across diverse jurisdictions, are accepted by practitioners as authoritative and set challenging expectations. In too many countries, prisons remain our least visible, most neglected institutions and this is to the detriment of us all. |
Jane Langille # Quand la maladie mentale et le système judiciaire se rencontrent www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/ Juin 2014 Brett Batten, 45 ans, a presque toujours vécu avec un trouble bipolaire avec caractéristiques psychotiques. Il y a environ 14 ans, il a eu des démêlés avec la justice et passé trois ans dans diverses prisons avant d’être traité pour sa maladie mentale. « Je perturbais la vie de la prison à cause de mes délires, alors ils m’ont mis “au trou” [isolement cellulaire]. Quand le psychiatre est enfi n venu me voir, il a donné l’ordre de me placer dans une cellule médicalisée. J’ai alors commencé à prendre le bon médicament et à prendre conscience du temps et de l’espace. » |
Gian Luigi Gatta Un ulteriore passo verso il superamento degli OPG e una svolta epocale nella disciplina delle misure di sicurezza detentive: stabilito un termine di durata massima (applicabile anche alle misure in corso, a noi pare) | L. 30 maggio 2014, n. 81 (Conversione in legge, con modif., del d.l. 31 marzo 2014, n. 52). Gian Luigi Gatta # Tribunale di Roma - VIII Sezione Penale - Ordinanza 3 giugno 2014 |
Federica Fogli # Il concetto di rischio e la pericolosità sociale: aspetti sociologici e giuridici www.istituto-meme.it/ 2014 ... Dobbiamo parlare solo di pericolosità sociale per ciò che concerne gli internati sottoposti alle misure di sicurezza, oppure si rende necessaria una visione più completa della situazione di queste persone senza dimenticare la loro condizione di povertà? Con il termine povertà non s’intende solo quella economica (queste persone non hanno un lavoro, sono spesso senza abitazione...), ma ci riferiamo anche ad una povertà che potremmo definire “socio-relazionale”... |
George Szmukler, Rowena Daw, Felicity Callard |
Colin A. Espie, Simon D. Kyle, Peter Hames,
Maria Gardani, Leanne Fleming, John Cape |
Patrick W. Corrigan, Benjamin G. Druss,
Deborah A. Perlick |
Sacha Raoult,
Bernard E. Harcourt # The Mirror Image of Asylums and Prisons: An International Study www.researchgate.net/ May 2014 ... One could describe the relationship as mirror image: when prisons rise, asylums fall; when prisons fall, asylums rise… This is not the first time an inverse relationship between asylums and prisons was found. In fact, the French situation is entirely consistent with recent research on the United States and also tracks the trends in other European countries. In the United States, over the entire period of available population statistics, asylum and prison rates have trended in opposite directions, producing a virtual mirror image of each other... |
Seena Fazel, Johan Zetterqvist, Henrik
Larsson, Niklas Långström, Paul Lichtenstein |
Jillian K.
Peterson, Jennifer Skeem, Patrick Kennealy, Beth Bray,
Andrea Zvonkovic # How Often and How Consistently do Symptoms Directly Precede Criminal Behavior Among Offenders With Mental Illness? Law and Human Behavior, 2014, Vol. 38, No. 5, 439 – 449 Although offenders with mental illness are overrepresented in the criminal justice system, psychiatric symptoms relate weakly to criminal behavior at the group level. In this study of 143 offenders with mental illness, we use data from intensive interviews and record reviews to examine how often and how consistently symptoms lead directly to criminal behavior. First, crimes rarely were directly motivated by symptoms, particularly when the definition of symptoms excluded externalizing features that are not unique to Axis I illness. Specifically, of the 429 crimes coded, 4% related directly to psychosis, 3% related directly to depression, and 10% related directly to bipolar disorder (including impulsivity). Second, within offenders, crimes varied in the degree to which they were directly motivated by symptoms. These findings suggest that programs will be most effective in reducing recidivism if they expand beyond psychiatric symptoms to address strong variable risk factors for crime like antisocial traits. |
American Psychological Association www.apa.org/ April 21, 2014 |
Claudia Sale # Analisi penalistica della contenzione del paziente psichiatrico www.penalecontemporaneo.it/ 27 Aprile 2014 1. La contenzione: evoluzione storica del fenomeno - 2. Tipologia contenitiva - 3. Coercizione e trattamento sanitario in psichiatria. Parallelismo o intersezione? - 4. Legittimità della contenzione in psichiatria: «dovere» o mero «potere» di intervenire? - 5. Fonti dell'obbligo di contenere - 6. Assenza di presupposti di legittimità e reati ipotizzabili - 7. Contenzione non attuata - 8. Contenzione impropriamente attuata - 9. Un'ipotesi particolare: la contenzione farmacologica - 10. Chi può disporre la contenzione? |
Terri Langford,
Cathaleen Qiao Chen # Lawmakers to Examine Rehab of Mentally Ill, Addicted Inmates The Texas Tribune, April 22, 2014 Of the more than 150,000 inmates currently incarcerated in the 109 Texas facilities, about 25,000 are diagnosed with a mental illness, and 62 percent have chemical dependency issues. In 2012 and 2013, TDCJ (Texas Department of Criminal Justice) expenditures on offender mental health services totaled $60 million, while substance abuse treatment spending was about $172 million. |
Frank J. Porporino |
Melissa Kong # Cook County Jail: A De Facto Hospital for the Mentally Ill Public Interest Law Reporter, Spring 2014 Overall, the mentally ill inmate population has a high recidivism rate at about 80 percent higher than the general inmate population. Many inmates leave jail without a plan and no support system. These factors are compounded when a released inmate doesn’t know how to access “social services, food stamps, social security disability, or computers to try and obtain health insurance,” said Monahan. Monahan further explained that the culmination of these factors leads to a downward spiral... |
Nikki Barrowclough |
Adam Miller # Government of Canada | Correctional Service of Canada, New Approval Criteria for Quetiapine, Feb 07 2011 |
Provincial System Support Program (PSSP) |
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) |
Sandy Jung and Lisa Jamieson |
Thomas R. Insel # The NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Project: Precision Medicine for Psychiatry Am J Psychiatry 171:4, April 2014 RDoC might be considered a 21st-century version of RDC, building on clinical description and subjective experience to create a matrix of information for individual patients, leading ultimately to precision medicine for psychiatry. This is not a short-term project. The problems are complex; our tools are still primitive. We recognize that no framework will yield a “cause or cure” for “all that human hearts endure,” but we must not accept the current state of the art. Patients and their families are understandably demanding better outcomes. It is precisely because of this urgent unmet medical need that we must embark on a new approach to diagnosis. RDoC is a first step toward that approach, inviting a diverse research community to bring precision medicine to psychiatry. |
Treatment Advocacy Center | E. Fuller Torrey,
Mary T. Zdanowicz, Aaron D. Kennard, H. Richard Lamb,
Donald F. Eslinger, Doris A. Fuller |
Graham Durcan | Centre for Mental Health |
Andrea Pugiotto # Opg della vergogna, non sarà l’ultimo rinvio il manifesto • 5 apr 14 Superare gli Opg è costituzionalmente necessario. Si doveva fare prima. Si poteva fare meglio, perché la vera follia giuridica è nella misura di sicurezza dell’internamento in manicomi criminali e in quegli altri buchi neri chiamati case di lavoro e colonie agricole |
Massimo Niro |
Senato della Repubblica
www.governo.it/ |
Desi Bruno (Garante dei diritti dei detenuti
della Regione Emilia-Romagna) ... La riforma interviene in assenza di una contestuale modifica della disciplina sostanziale delle misure di sicurezza personali detentive. L’“Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario” rimane, di conseguenza, la misura di sicurezza destinata agli autori di reato non imputabili e socialmente pericolosi, ma deve essere eseguita esclusivamente nelle nuove strutture ad hoc. |
31 marzo 2014, n. 52 Dario Stefano Dell'Aquila |
Ashimesh Roychowdhury, Gwen Adshead |
H. Richard Lamb, Linda E. Weinberger |
Robert Keers,
Simone Ullrich, Bianca L. DeStavola, Jeremy W. Coid # Association of Violence With Emergence of Persecutory Delusions in Untreated Schizophrenia Am J Psychiatry, 171, 2014 The results indicate that the emergence of persecutory delusions in untreated schizophrenia explains violent behavior. Maintaining psychiatric treatment after release can substantially reduce violent recidivism among prisoners with schizophrenia. Better screening and treatment of prisoners is therefore essential to prevent violence. |
Luigi Benevelli |
Matthew R. J.
Vandermeer # Secondary Traumatic Stress and Alexithymia in High-Risk Professionals University of Western Ontario, April 2014 |
Camera dei Deputati www.leparoleritrovate Le parole ritrovate - Il fare assieme nella salute mentale, # Proposta di legge "181" - Con lo sguardo rivolto al futuro. Norme per valorizzare, in continuità con la Legge 180/1978, la partecipazione attiva di utenti, familiari, operatori e cittadini nei Servizi di salute mentale e per promuovere buone cure in tutta Italia. Testi curati da Renzo De Stefani e discussi e condivisi in alcune riunioni di coordinamento de Le Parole ritrovate del 2010/2011/2012 # Commenti |
Jay P. Singh,
Seena Fazel, Ralitza Gueorguieva, Alec Buchanan # Rates of violence in patients classified as high risk by structured risk assessment instruments The British Journal of Psychiatry 204, 180–187, 2014 Violence risk assessment is an increasing part of psychiatric practice. Psychiatrists, psychologists and other health professionals seeking to manage the risk of their patients acting violently have a range of structured risk assessment instruments (SRAIs) to assist them. These instruments score a patient on variables associated with violence. Such scores are then either combined mathematically (the ‘actuarial’ approach) or assist clinicians in making risk classifications (the ‘structured professional judgement’ approach). The most widely used instruments have satisfactory psychometric qualities in a range of settings and populations, and are reported to provide more accurate predictions of violence than unstructured clinical assessments. |
Adiel Doron, Rena
Kurs, Tali Stolovy, Aya Secker-Einbinder, Alla Raba # Voting Rights for Psychiatric Patients: Compromise of the Integrity of Elections, or Empowerment and Integration into the Community? Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci - Vol. 51 - No 3 (2014) The right to vote is an important basic right for individuals coping with mental disorders.However, it is important to evaluate the capacity to understand the voting process among individuals with mental disorders who have legal guardians. Thus, the integrity of the elections would be preserved by eliminating the risk of undue influence or manipulation of individuals who lack the capacity to understand the nature and meaning of voting, while preserving the right to vote for those with the capacity to do so, whether or not they have guardians. |
Mario Iannucci # Road-maps per superare gli Opg. Labirinti, disorientamenti e contraddizioni Ristretti Orizzonti, 26 marzo 2014 La decostruzione dell’OPG invece, finora, è stata fatta dall’esterno, senza grande determinazione e con pochissima competenza. Noi stiamo investendo le carceri ordinarie, queste disastrate e inadempienti carceri italiane, di un problema rilevantissimo di assistenza di salute mentale e, occorre considerarlo, andremo a investirle sempre di più con le azioni proposte dalla road-map. Ma queste carceri attuali, il cui trattamento, come ci dice la CEDU, è al limite della tortura, possono davvero sopportare il peso di questa assistenza? |
Società Italiana
Psichiatria # Chiusura degli OPG, scacco in sette mosse. Ecco la "road map" degli psichiatri italiani www.psichiatria.it/ 12 marzo 2014 Tempi brevi e maggiori certezze, ma senza rischi sociali, per gli oltre 1000 detenuti con malattie psichiche che si trovano sottoposti a regime carcerario negli ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari italiani. Strutture definite “esempi di inciviltà umana e sociale” dal Presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano. Per questo La Società Italiana di Psichiatria, da sempre favorevole ad una profonda revisione del sistema, ritiene che non si possa più continuare a rinviare la chiusura degli OPG per mancanza di strutture alternative, e che si debba individuare una “road map” per ‘svuotarli’ e renderli quindi inutili. Un progetto condiviso per porre fine a strutture ormai fuori dal tempo. |
Comitato Nazionale stopOPG |
Jo-Ann Brown |
Alzheimer’s Australia NSW # Dementia in Prison https://fightdementia.org.au/ Discussion Paper #9 March 2014 A person with dementia in prison will, as they would in the community, struggle with gradual loss of: memory; functioning; coordination; health; and retaining their sense of identity. Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia such as agitation, aggression, paranoia, delusions, self-neglect and incontinence can commonly occur at some point in the course of dementia and provide challenges for their carers. |
Geoff Shepherd,
Jed Boardman, Miles Rinaldi, Glenn Roberts # Supporting recovery in mental health services: Quality and Outcomes Centre for Mental Health and Mental Health Network, NHS Confederation march 2014 Relationships are at the heart of recovery. The creation of supportive relationships depends upon establishing shared values and demonstrating empathy, warmth, respect and a willingness to go the ‘extra mile’. These form the bedrock for all forms of care and, some would argue, have been undermined by the increasing ‘marketisation’ of healthcare with its emphasis on impersonal service transactions, rather than the relationships within which these transactions take place. Positiverelationships are at the heart of basic, good care highlighted in... |
Astrid M. Kamperman, Jens
Henrichs, Stefan Bogaerts, Emmanuel M.E.H. Lesaffre,
Andre´ I. Wierdsma, Razia R. R. Ghauharali, Wilma
Swildens, Yolanda Nijssen, Mark van der Gaag, Jan R.
Theunissen, Philippe A. Delespaul, Jaap van Weeghel,
Jooske T. van Busschbach, Hans Kroon, Linda A. Teplin,
Dike van de Mheen, Cornelis L. Mulder In the past year, almost half of the severely mentally ill outpatients (47%) had been victim of a crime. After control for demographic differences, prevalence rates of overall and specific victimisation measures were significantly higher in severely mentally ill outpatients than in the general population. The relative rates were especially high for personal crimes such as violent threats, physical assaults and sexual harassment and assaults. In concordance, severely mentally ill outpatients reported almost 14 times more personal crime incidents than persons from the general population |
Achim Wolf, Ron Gray, and Seena Fazel |
Matthew M. Large,
F.R.A.N.Z.C.P. # Treatment of Psychosis and Risk Assessment for Violence http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/ Am J Psychiatry 2014;171:256-258 The complex nature of violence risk factors should not be underestimated. As currently formulated, violence risk assessment instruments generally do not consider interactions between risk factors. They operate by simply adding risk factor items to obtain an overall risk score. It remains to be seen whether future risk assessment instruments can be improved by methods that acknowledge the complexity of violence risk factors. |
Virginia Aldigé Hiday, Bradley Ray, Heathcote
W. Wales |
Hans Joachim Salize, Juha Lavikainen, Allan
Seppänen, Milazim Gjocaj The prevalence of mental ill health in Kosovo has constantly been reported as very high. In 2005, the Kosovo Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT) found 27.7% of the population having substantial psychiatric morbidity, indicated by a General Health Questionnaire-28 score of 12 and higher. As a long-term consequence of the Kosovo war, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and emotional distress remained high among the population, with 22% prevalence of PTSD symptoms, 41.8% prevalence for depression (HSCL-20 score), and 43.1% prevalence for emotional distress. |
Philip Mulvey,
Michael White # The potential for violence in arrests of persons with mental illness An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management Vol. 37 No. 2, 2014 The current study offers insights on the dynamics of formal arrest encounters of suspects who are mentally ill. These encounters differ from arrests of non-mentally ill suspects in distinctive ways, including a greater likelihood of suspect resistance and, although rare, greater use of weapon force by police. This last finding may suggest that police respond to the affronts by PMIs differently than affronts from other suspects. Given the consequences surrounding poor police responses in encounters with PMIs, as well as the concerns over use of force, future research should continue to explore these questions. |
Erin Bagalman,
Angela Napili # Prevalence of Mental Illness in the United States: Data Sources and Estimates Congressional Research Service - February 28, 2014 The National Survey on Drug Use and Health NSDUH identifies adults (aged 18 or older) as having a serious mental illness if (1) they have a mental illness (excluding substance use disorders and developmental disorders) and (2) the illness substantially interferes with or limits at least one major life activity. The same approach used to impute any mental illness is applied to impute serious mental illness. According to the 2012 NSDUH, the estimated 12-month prevalence of serious mental illness excluding substance use disorders is 4.1% among adults (aged 18 or older). |
Social Care, Local Government and Care
Partnership Directorate |
Federal Bureau of
Prisons - Clinical Practice Guidelines # Detoxification of Chemically Dependent Inmates www.bop.gov/ February 2014 Substance use disorders are highly prevalent among inmate populations, affecting an estimated 30–60% of inmates. Drug intoxication and withdrawal may be particularly evident at the time of incarceration. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that an estimated 70% of all inmates in local jail facilities in the U.S. had committed a drug offense or used drugs regularly, and an estimated 35% were under the influence of drugs at the time of the offense. |
Advocacy Center # Mental Health Commitment Laws. A Survey of the States http://www.tacreports.org/ February 2014 The tragic consequences of ignoring the needs of individuals with the most severe mental illness who are unable or unwilling to seek treatment are on vivid display nationwide: on our city streets, where an estimated quarter million people with untreated psychiatric illness roam homeless; in our jails and prisons, which now house 10 times as many people with severe mental illness than do our psychiatric hospitals; in our suicide and victimization statistics, where individuals with psychotic disorders are grossly overrepresented; and in our local news, which reports daily on violent acts committed by individuals whose families struggled vainly to get them into treatment. |
Giandomenico Dodaro |
épargner la prison aux détenus atteints de maladies
mentales ? |
Goldsworthy, Matthew Raj # Stopping the Stalker: Victim Responses to Stalking Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity, Volume 2(1) 2014 In an attempt to delineate and differentiate the nebulous behaviours of stalking, a range of terms has been used to describe stalking and stalking-related phenomena, including: obsessive relation intrusion; obsessional following; obsessional harassment; unwanted pursuit behaviours; pre-stalking; and criminal stalking... Obsessive relational intrusion is defined as the ‘repeated and unwanted pursuit and invasion of one’s sense of physical or symbolic privacy by another person, either stranger or acquaintance, who desires and/or presumes an intimate relationship’ ... |
Department of
Health | Social Care, Local Government and Care
Partnership Directorate # Closing the Gap: Priorities for essential change in mental health www.gov.uk/ February 2014 We are also looking at how other frontline services respond to incidents of self-harm – including across the criminal justice system, whether in prison or where the police attend an incident involving self-harm. For example, self-harm is closely monitored within prisons. There is a well-established process for supporting prisoners at risk of, or who have, self-harmed, called Assessment, Care in Custody and Teamwork (ACCT). The process includes a requirement to consider mental health, and where appropriate refer prisoners on to mental health services. We will examine what other services can learn from this. |
Clifton Adcock, Shaun Hittle |
Arielle Baskin-Sommers, Elizabeth Krusemark,
Elsa Ronningstam |
Nicholas Kristof |
Massachusetts -
Department of Mental Health Forensic Services # Pre-Arrest Law Enforcement-Based Jail Diversion Program www.mass.gov/ Report July 1, 2011 to January 1, 2014 There is a longstanding recognition that persons with mental illness are over-represented in the criminal justice system. While some arrests are necessary and appropriate, there are others in which individuals with mental illness might more appropriately be “diverted” into mental health and other treatment services in lieu of arrest and/or incarceration. The concept of “jail diversion” as it relates to the criminal justice system has many meanings. Different diversion programs target different points along the criminal justice continuum |
Ben Hartman |
Anthony O. Ahmed,
Kristin M. Hunter, Eva G. Van Houten, Joel M. Monroe,
Ishrat A. Bhat # Cognition and Other Targets for the Treatment of Aggression in People with Schizophrenia Ann Psychiatry Ment Health 2(1): 1004 (2014) Schizophrenia spectrum disorders are associated with an increased risk of violent offending in comparison to non-clinical samples, which in turn puts both victims and perpetrators of schizophrenia-related violence at risk of harm. There are currently few interventions for aggression in schizophrenia with existing treatments demonstrating limited efficacy. The impact of several factors—neurocognition, social cognition, alexithymia, emotion regulation capacity, and the treatment milieu—on aggression in people with schizophrenia creates an opportunity for the development and/or evaluation of new treatments for aggression. The authors recommend studies into the possible anti-aggressive benefits of treatments that target these factors. The etiological heterogeneity of aggression in schizophrenia calls for the development of a comprehensive treatment program that targets several contributors to aggression. |
Peppe Dell’Acqua Non potevamo accettare che al posto dei sei ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari (Opg) se ne costruissero più di venti, più piccoli, più puliti e più medicalizzati, dove finalmente si può curare! Non più istituti per l’esecuzione della misura di sicurezza, Opg appunto, ma Residenze per l’esecuzione della misura di sicurezza (Rems), mini Opg come li abbiamo chiamati. Non più istituti ma residenze! Ci aspettavamo che cambiasse la finalità, non il nome della struttura dedicata. |
Michael F. A. Morehart | Office of the State
Inspector General (OSIG) http://sfc.virginia.gov/ January 17, 2014 In July 2012 local and regional jail systems reported 6,322 incarcerated persons with mental illness. 48% 3,043 individuals) qualified for a diagnosis of serious mental illness. The number of individuals identified with mental illness in jails increased by 30% from 4,879 to 6,322 from 2008 to 2012. One in four inmates in local and regional jails was known, or suspected, to be mentally ill— making Virginia’s jails one of the Commonwealth’s largest provider of mental health services for persons with mental illness. |
European Court of
Human Rights | Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme # Détention et santé mentale www.echr.coe.int/ janvier 2014 |
Gianfranco Nuvoli
[Francesco Bollorino - Franco Scarpa] # Sulla pericolosità sociale... in margine al caso Gagliano www.psychiatryonline.it/ 7 gennaio, 2014 Credo che sia assolutamente necessario che i due percorsi, psichiatrico e penitenziario, rimangano paralleli e rigorosamente separati. Il tentativo, spesso strisciante, di alcune amministrazioni penitenziarie di attribuire “di fatto“ agli operatori della sanità pubblica anche compiti di valutazione del percorso penitenziario dei detenuti, scevri da finalità di cura, va assolutamente avversato e respinto, mantenendo per gli operatori sanitari esclusivi compiti di cura e per quelli del Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia la competenza valutativa in sede criminologico/ penitenziaria... Lo stesso sistema italiano di erogazione delle pene, centrato sulla carcerazione, ha spesso l’effetto di favorire la cronicizzazione del comportamento criminale... |
Alessia Guerrieri Ancora un rinvio. Il primo aprile 2014 non sarà la data in cui si metterà la parola fine agli ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari. Non è bastata la prima deroga che fece slittare la chiusura dal 31 marzo 2013 al 1° aprile 2014, per avviare i piani di dismissione e realizzare i 990 posti letto nelle 43 Rems (Residenze per l'esecuzione della misura di sicurezza sanitaria...la Liguria e l'Emilia Romagna, ad esempio, da quanto emerge nelle 20 pagine del report interministeriale, si distinguono per aver utilizzato i finanziamenti in modo virtuoso, riducendo la spesa in conto capitale, cioè per il mantenimento delle strutture, e investendo invece in risorse per la parte corrente, ovvero per i servizi sul territorio necessari a impostare i percorsi individuali di cura e inserimento sociale dell'ex internato. Ma molte altre hanno impiegato i fondi per costruire nuovi istituti... |
Tony Ward # The dual relationship problem in forensic and correctional practice: Community protection or offender welfare? The British Psychological Society 10 december 2013 / Legal and Criminological Psychology (2014), 19, 35–39 Sometimes the conflict can occur between cultures or clusters of professional norms. In forensic and correctional work practice, the broader dual relationship problem is evident in conflict between (at least) two sets of professional norms: those concerned with community protection versus norms related to offender/defendant well-being. The two sets of norms are relatively coherent and structure the practice of clinicians working with offenders in assessment and interventions contexts. |
Caitlin Gormley # Mapping of Active Criminal Justice Diversion Schemes for Those with Mental Health Problems in Scotland Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, University of Glasgow - December 2013 People with mental ill-health are disproportionately found within the criminal justice system and imprisonment can lead to an acute worsening of mental health problems. In Scotland little is known about diversionary schemes or practices which focus specifically on people with mental health issues. This report was commissioned by the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) in association with the Centre for Mental Health (CfMH) in order to identify the stages at which people with mental health problems can be diverted during their route through the criminal justice system in Scotland. |
Silvia D’Autilia, Peppe Dell’Acqua
Vittorino Andreoli # Intervista a cura di Michele Brambilla La Stampa 21 dicembre 213 |
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction EMCDDA # Co-morbid substance use and mental disorders in Europe: a review of the data www.emcdda.europa.eu/ December 2013 Psychiatric co-morbidity particularly affects vulnerable groups, such as young people, people from ethnic minorities, prisoners and sex workers. Psychiatric co-morbidity in prison settings is a problem affecting a large part of the prison population. A large number of studies have estimated the prevalence of mental disorders as well as substance use in prisons, with prevalence estimates varying widely. In general, studies on the prevalence of mental illnesses in prison show large differences between the prison population and the general population in severe pathologies such as psychosis and personality disorders, as well as problems such as anxiety and depression... |
D.AP. Ufficio Studi Ricerche e Rapporti
Internazionali – Cassa delle Ammende . F.S.E. (Fondi
sociali Europei) |
Prison Reform Trust A significant number of prisoners suffer from a psychotic disorder. 14% of women and 7% of men serving prison sentences have a psychotic disorder; 23 and 14 times the level in the general population. A more recent study found that 25% of women and 15% of men in prison reported symptoms indicative of psychosis.692 The rate among the general public is about 4%. 10% of men and 30% of women have had a previous psychiatric admission before they entered prison. 26% of women and 16% of men said they had received treatment for a mental health problem in the year before custody. Personality disorders are particularly prevalent among people in prison. 62% of male and 57% of female sentenced prisoners have a personality disorder... |
Tania Dupuis,
Robin MacKay, Julia Nicol # Current issues in mental health in Canada : mental health and the criminal justice system http://www.lop.parl.gc.ca/ 16 december 2013 |
World Health Organization |
Brian Stettin, Frederick J. Frese, H. Richard
Lamb | Treatment Advocacy Center |
Taylor Salisbury # The Relationship Between Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy: A Proposed Trajectory Western Undergraduate Psychology Journal: Vol. 1 2013 This review paper critically examines the literature on oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), antisocial personality disorder (APD) and psychopathy. Through examining diagnostic criteria laid out in the DSM-IV along with statistics related to diagnosis and prognosis, the idea that ODD, CD, and APD may fall on a developmental trajectory as opposed to being distinct, categorical entities is proposed. Additionally, the notion that these three disorders may represent narrow, behavioural indicators of a general psychopathic personality is suggested using comparisons to Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R). Several implications related to child development, family instability and violence, as well as labeling and stigma are discussed and the importance of family intervention and involvement is highlighted. Finally, a number of implications related to the criminal justice system, including the prediction of conviction and recidivism rates, are explored. |
Australian Government | National Mental
Health Commission |
Government | National Mental Health Commission # The justice system and mental health www.mentalhealthcommission.gov.au/ 2013 The Commission is highly concerned about how we as a society criminalise people who live with a mental health difficulty. We know that people living with mental illness are over-represented in our prisons, in the number of police incidents and in the number of police shootings. We w ere dismayed to learn that in 2012, 38% of all people entering our prison system reported having been told they have a mental illness. If these findings w ere applied to the 29,000 prisoners in Australia, 207 then this w ould equate to around 11,000 people each year. |
Arthur J. Lurigio In the early 1970s, Dr. Marc Abramson, a jail psychiatrist in California, was the first to report in the scholarly literature that people with serious mental illnesses (PSMI) (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression) were being criminalized: being processed through the criminal justice system instead of the mental health system. Since that time, studies have suggested that the mentally ill are arrested and incarcerated at levels that exceed both their representation in the general popu-lation and their tendency to commit serious crimes. Estimates suggest that 14% of offenders (more than one million people) in the criminal justice system in the United States suffer from serious mental illnesses. This phenomenon has come to be known as the “criminalization” of the mentally ill. |
Alessandro Grispini, Giuseppe Ducci 1. introduzione – 2. Cosa dice la legge – 3. Punti di forza e punti di debolezza – 4. Lo stato dell’arte – 5. Alcune considerazioni critiche - 5.1 Bisogni specifici e tipologia delle strutture - 5.2 L’imputabilità - 5.3 La pericolosità sociale - 5.4 La valutazione obiettiva dei fatti - 5.5 Salute mentale e carcere – 6. Conclusioni – 7. bibliografia. |
Enrico Zanalda, Claudio Mencacci Introduzione sullo stato del percorso in riferimento alla normativa nazionale – alcune precisazioni sulle misure di sicurezza - I programmi di superamento degli oPG e delle CCC: 1. Recupero delle persone internate negli OPG - 2. Potenziare la tutela della salute mentale negli Istituti di Pena. - 3. Realizzare le Residenze per l’Esecuzione delle Misure di Sicurezza (REMS ai sensi del DM 1° ottobre 2012, Legge 296/1993, e s.m.i.). - 4. Definizione e monitoraggio di percorsi di cura territoriali per i pazienti autori di reato e sottoposti a misure di sicurezza per pazienti con pericosità sociale «attenuata». - 5. Formazione degli operatori coinvolti nei percorsi di esecuzione delle misure di sicurezza. - Considerazioni conclusive. |
Ministero della
Giustizia - Ministero della Salute # Relazione al Parlamento sul Programma di superamento degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari, ai sensi dell'articolo 3- ter del decreto-legge 22 dicembre 2011, n. 211 convertito dalla legge 17 febbraio 2012, n. 9, come modificato dal decreto-legge 25 marzo 2013, n. 24 convertito con modificazione, dalla legge 23 maggio 2013, n. 57, alla data del 30 novembre 2013 www.quotidianosanita.it/ 18 dicembre 2013 Dalle valutazioni dei programmi presentati e dagli incontri con le Regioni è emerso che il termine previsto dalla normativa vigente, IO aprile 2014, per il superamento degli OPG, non è risultato congruo, soprattutto per i tempi di realizzazione delle strutture, fase che si deve confrontare con una serie di procedure amministrative complesse. Sulla base delle valutazioni rese, si prospetta la necessità che il Governo, anche sulla scorta delle indicazioni regionali, proponga al Parlamento una proroga del termine che rispecchi la tempistica oggettivamente necessaria per completare definitivamente il superamento degli OPG. |
Giandomenico Dodaro Franco Basaglia invitava a fare « attenzione alle facili euforie con l’inserimento dei malati di mente negli ospedali » e con la tendenza ad omologare la psichiatria alla medicina, ossia il comportamento al corpo (Basaglia, 1978). Strutture extra-ospedaliere residenziali, spogliate dalla mission socio-riabilitativa, irrigidite sul modello ospedaliero rischiano di riprodurre luoghi di internamento, la cui funzione primaria è l’incapacitazione-neutralizzazione del “reo folle”. |
Adam Joseph Evans
Blanchard # Dynamic Risk Factors in Violence Risk Assessment: A Multiple Time-Point Evaluation of the HCR-20 and START Simon Fraser University, Fall 2013 The consideration of dynamic risk factors when conducting risk assessments is generally considered best practice. However, little empirical research can speak to intraindividual change over time in putatively dynamic risk factors included in violence risk assessments instruments, and even fewer studies can speak to whether this change is associated with violence. The present study investigated change on putatively dynamic scales included on the Historical-Clinical-Risk Management-20 (HCR-20) and the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START), using a prospective repeated measures design with a civil psychiatric and a correctional sample. Intraindividual change on these scales was seen in a notable proportion of the assessments. More change was seen on the HCR-20 when the reassessment interval was over two months compared to less than two months, whereas the proportion of change on the START scales was consistent across different reassessment intervals. As well, fluctuations on these scales were predictive of subsequent violence. |
Martina Nasso # Custodire o curare? Una scelta di diritto: la chiusura degli Ospedali Psichiatrici Giudiziari e la presa in carico del paziente giudiziario Università di Bologna, 2013-14 Non è possibile continuare ad escludere dal processo penale chi viene dichiarato “incapace d‟intendere e di volere”: deve essere considerato e riconosciuto imputabile. A chi muove l‟accusa del possibile regime peggiorativo che la persona andrebbe a vivere se sottoposto a pena, va costantemente ricordato che essa non può e non deve consistere nel carcere, luogo principe per lo sviluppo del disturbo mentale. Il carcere è, per sua natura, un luogo di esclusione e sofferenza, dunque, non può essergli riconosciuta alcuna funzione responsabilizzante... |
Le plus France
Info # La prison, "asile républicain" ? www.franceinfo.fr/ france info 6 novembre 2013 ... sept des dix médicaments les plus distribués sont des psychotropes... 15% des détenus consultent un psychiatre... |
Anne Elizabeth Bain |
Patrick Callaghan, Nico Oud, Johan Håkon
Bjørngaard, Henk Nijman, Tom Palmstierna, Roger
Almvik, Bart Thomas |
Allen Frances,
Melissa Raven # Two Views on the New DSM-5. The Need for Caution in Diagnosing and Treating Mental Disorders www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician, Oct. 2013 DSM-5, published in May 2013, has stimulated the opposition of more than 50 mental health associations, which have petitioned for an independent scientific review based on the belief that the manual’s proposals for change are not safe or scientifically sound. DSM-5 seems likely to convert diagnostic inflation into diagnostic hyperinflation by adding new, questionable, and untested diagnoses, and by reducing the thresholds for existing diagnoses. |
Sophie Crampagne |
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) |
Elsa Ronningstam, Arielle R. Baskin-Sommers |
Ivano Abbadessa | west Welfare Society Territory # Are prisons becoming the new asylums? www.west-info.eu/ 10.22.2013 The current emergency situation in US prisons has its roots in the closure of hundreds of nursing homes during the seventies, under the presidency of Jimmy Carter, which was justified by a lack of funding. Many patients were abandoned to wander through the city’s streets: without homes, jobs or psychiatric treatment. This created the ideal conditions for them to end up in jail because their marginality, poverty and drug use made them an easy prey for crime. |
Srivastava, Veeranna Patil, Yvonne Da Silva Pereira # A Case Series of Quetiapine Addiction/Dependence German Journal of Psychiatry, 2013 After few days, he was found to consume an increased number of quetiapine tablets, which he used to borrow from other inmates in the prison. He demanded higher doses of quetiapine from treating doctors, which was not complied with. In jail, he apparently continued to take quetiapine in doses up-to 800mg/day, which he borrowed from other inmates. During his next visit, he presented with similar complaints of irritability, sleep disturbances, and dysphoric mood and was hospitalised.. |
Her Majesty’s
Inspectorate of Constabulary | Her Majesty’s
Inspectorate of Prisons | Care Quality Commission |
Healthcare Inspectorate Wales # A Criminal Use of Police Cells? The use of police custody as a place of safety for people with mental health needs www.hmic.gov.uk/ 2013 The use of a police station as a place of safety has been subject of several specific reports. In 2008, the IPCC reported that police stations were commonly used as a first resort rather than the last. |
Jonathan Martin |
Gordon Chit-Nga Shen |
Eva-Maria Seidel, Daniela Melitta Pfabigan,
Katinka Keckeis, Anna Maria Wucherer, Thomas Jahn,
Claus Lamma, Birgit Derntl |
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union of New
Mexico |
Allen J. Frances Sexual abuse is shockingly common in the US prison system. A recent survey conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that about 200,000 prisoners are sexually abused each year. Most of the abused prisoners are misplaced psychiatric patients who make especially vulnerable targets because they are less able to defend themselves and to be believed if they report infractions. Although prison is clearly not the right place for psychiatric patients, almost a million are behind bars for crimes that could have been avoided if there were proper community treatment. Because there isn't, prison has become the default disposition for those patients who can't make it on their own. They usually get incarcerated for non- iolent nuisance crimes that result from neglect, not evil intent. |
Daniel Yohanna |
Mathew George,
Maya Haasz, Alvaro Coronado, Steven Salhanick, Lindsey
Korbel, Joseph P Kitzmiller # Acute dyskinesia, myoclonus, and akathisa in an adolescent male abusing quetiapine via nasal insufflation: a case study www.biomedcentral.com/ 13:187, 2013 Quetiapine is an atypical antipsychotic, and its indications include psychosis, mood disorders, and bipolar disorder. It is intended for oral administration with total daily doses up to 800 mg in adults. Quetiapine has good efficacy, but also has some potential for abuse. Routes of abuse include insufflation and intravenous entries. |
Mental Health
Foundation # Starting today. The future of mental health services www.mentalhealth.org.uk/ We cannot countenance a situation in 20-30 years’ time when a failure to exchange relevant data leads to the death, or even serious harm, of a patient or any other individual as a result of a mental illness. Information Technology (IT) systems that allow comprehensive information sharing must be developed both within health and social care, and across relevant organisations such as schools, housing organisations, prisons and the police, while still ensuring that people’s legally-enshrined rights to privacy remain protected. |
Brandi Grissom |
Gemma Brandi,
Mario Iannucci # La coazione benigna al servizio della salute e della sicurezza Rassegna penitenziaria e criminologica, 3, 2013 Gli Autori declinano il concetto di coazione benigna all’interno delle istituzioni sanitaria e penitenziaria, fondando il loro ragionamento sulle pratiche di salute mentale territoriale e sulla indicativa prevalenza di disturbi psichiatrici tra i detenuti nelle carceri italiane – desunta dall’unica ricerca psicopatologica standardizzata svoltavi su autorizzazione del DAP, che ebbe per oggetto, tra il 2001 e il 2002, i nuovi giunti nella Casa Circondariale di Firenze Sollicciano nell’arco di sei mesi – passando attraverso due temi attuali e scottanti: la evoluzione dell’internamento giudiziario in corso e la contenzione fisica del portatore di sofferenza psichica. |
Stefano Rossi |
Giuseppe Craparo,
Adriano Schimmenti, Vincenzo Caretti # Traumatic experiences in childhood and psychopathy: a study on a sample of violent offenders from Italy European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2013 There was a high prevalence of childhood experiences of neglect and abuse among the offenders. Higher levels of childhood relational trauma were found among participants who obtained high scores on the PCL-R. There was also a significant negative association between age of first relational trauma and psychopathy scores. Conclusions: Findings of this study suggest that an early exposure to relational trauma in childhood can play a relevant role in the development of more severe psychopathic traits. |
John Monahan |
Polly McConnell, Jenny Talbot |
Aidan G. C. Wright, Aaron L. Pincus,
Katherine M. Thomas, Christopher J. Hopwood, Kristian
E. Markon, Robert F. Krueger |
Poreddi, Ramachandra, Konduru Reddemma, Suresh Bada Math # People with mental illness and human rights: A developing countries perspective Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Apr-Jun; 55(2): 117–124. Human rights violations among the people with mental illness were not an uncommon occurrence. The present study was aimed to compare persons with psychiatric illness and their caregivers’ perceptions regarding the human rights status of people with mental illness in the community. |
Judge Tom
Rickhoff, Ellen Patterson # Dangerous Minds. Addressing violence and serious mental illness from one judge’s perspective www.texasbar.com/ Texas Bar Journal • September 2013 We can certainly agree that in every group, there exist individuals who monopolize our care, resources, and attention because of an identified propensity for violence. This is no less true for the mentally ill, and thus we should consider identifying and distinguishing them from those 80 percent or greater who are nonviolent. |
Gary Fields, Erica E. Phillips |
Scientific American’s Board of Editors Some 80,000 people are held in solitary confinement in U.S. prisons, according to the latest available census. The practice has grown with seemingly little thought to how isolation affects a person’s psyche. But new research suggests that solitary confinement creates more violence both inside and outside prison walls. |
Carlo Petrini # Ethical considerations for evaluating the issue of physical restraint in psychiatry Ann Ist Super Sanità 2013 | Vol. 49, No. 3 : 281-285 This article examines some of the ethical issues associated with the use of physical restraint in psychiatry and neurology. It offers no specific answers to individual operational problems, but a methodological matrix is proposed as an aid to experts in the various settings in which decisions are taken. The subject is addressed mainly by considering two sources: reference documents published by eminent organisations, and the theoretical framework of ethical values (or principles). A number of analytical criteria arising from these sources are then identified and proposed. The proposed criteria can be applied in cases for which the legitimate use of restraint may be an option, bearing in mind that restraint is an extremely serious affront to human dignity and is widely held to be of no therapeutic value. Its abuse is illegitimate in both ethical and legal terms |
David H. Cloud •Better coverage in the community. Currently about 85-90 percent of people passing through jails are uninsured. This will be reduced in states opting to expand Medicaid. Only means they will have Medicaid in the community. • Increased Access to comprehensive health: Essential benefits mean they will have access to substance use and mental health treatment: many for the first time. • Health homes = better solution to promote care coordination and continuity. • More opportunities for early diversion! |
Julie Repper, Becky Aldridge, Sharon
Gilfoyle, Steve Gillard, Rachel Perkins, Jane Rennison |
Dona Sapp, Brad
Ray # Traumatic Brain Injury Prevalence: Indiana Department of Correction Prisoner Population https://policyinstitute.iu.edu/ June 2013 The Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons recommends increased health screenings and treatment programs for offenders who had experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury TBI. Further, reentry programs should include specialized transition services and treatment to better assist individuals with TBI-related problems as they return to their communities. |
Jesse Meijers, Frédérique V Scherder, Joke M
Harte, Erik J A Scherder |
Virginia Aldigé
Hiday, Heathcote W. Wales # Mental Illness and the Law in C.S. Aneshensel et al. (eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health, Second Edition, 563 Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, 2013 ...Recognize that (1) not all offenders with severe mental illness are the same; (2) severe mental illness is not a sufficient condition to explain offending behavior by most persons with severe mental illness (even in the small group whose psychoses drive the crime, there is still the likelihood that micro- and/or macro-social factors explain why only some with psychotic delusions and hallucinations act on them) ; and (3) mental illness is only indirectly causative of crime in the overwhelming majority of offenses by persons with severe mental illness... |
Virginia Aldigé Hiday, Heathcote W. Wales,
Bradley Ray |
Ajith Gurusinghe, Steffan Davis, Huw Stone Relevant demographics: Approx. 90000 prisoners in E & W Pop. Growth 0.7% Globally 10 million (14/10000 population) Total of 102 In-reach teams (2007) 58 suicides in 2011 (1:1500) MOJ Functional psychosis 7-14% (ONS 1998) Personality disorder 50-78% Depression/OCD, Anxiety – 40-76%... |
Marta Pelazza # La coazione terapeutica. Uno studio comparato Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca | Dottorato Scienze Giuridiche | 2012/2013 In questa sede si è inteso esplorare un diverso tipo di problematica correlata alla pratica terapeutica, concernente in particolare quelle situazioni in cui è comunemente riconosciuta liceità all’agire del medico anche in assenza di un valido consenso del paziente, o addirittura contro l’espressa volontà di quest’ultimo... |
Mauro Percudani,
Giorgio Cerati, Lorenzo Petrovich, Antonio Vita (a cura
di) # La psichiatria di comunità in Lombardia. Il Piano Regionale per la Salute Mentale lombardo e le sue linee di attuazione (2004-2012) www.eupolis.regione.lombardia.it/ Regione Lombardia, 2013 |
Miriam Light, Eli
Grant, Kathryn Hopkins # Gender differences in substance misuse and mental health amongst prisoners. Results from the Surveying Prisoner Crime Reduction (SPCR) longitudinal cohort study of prisoners www.gov.uk/ Ministry of Justice Analytical Series 2013 This research explored substance misuse and mental health of male and female prisoners, using the Surveying Prisoner Crime Reduction (SPCR) longitudinal survey of 1,435 newly sentenced prisoners in England and Wales in 2005 and 2006. The sample consisted of 1,303 male and 132 female prisoners. Other surveys and management information were used as secondary sources. The research examined: drug and alcohol use; rates of self-harm and suicide; the presence of specific mental health disorders; and links to reconviction. |
Michel Lejoyeux, Fabrizia Nivoli, Anne Basquin, Aymeric Petit, Florence Chalvin, Houcine Embouazza # An
investigation of factors increasing the risk of
aggressive behavior among schizophrenic inpatients |
Gary Fields,
Erica E. Phillips # The New Asylums: Jails Swell With Mentally Ill. America's Jails Face Growing Need to Provide Mental-Health Treatment http://online.wsj.com/ The Wall Street Journal Sept. 25, 2013 America's lockups are its new asylums. After scores of state mental institutions were closed beginning in the 1970s, few alternatives materialized. Many of the afflicted wound up on the streets, where, untreated, they became more vulnerable to joblessness, drug abuse and crime. The country's three biggest jail systems—Cook County, in Illinois; Los Angeles County; and New York City —are on the front lines. With more than 11,000 prisoners under treatment on any given day, they represent by far the largest mental-health treatment facilities in the country. By comparison, the three largest staterun mental hospitals have a combined 4,000 beds. Put another way, the number of mentally ill prisoners the three facilities handle daily is equal to 28% of all beds in the nation's 213 state psychiatric hospitals, according to the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute Inc. |
Marieke Liem, Maarten Kunst
# Is there a recognizable post-incarceration syndrome among released “lifers”?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 2013
Diana Fries,
Astrid Rossegger, Jérôme Endrass, Jay P. Singh # Utility of a violence screening tool to predict recidivism in offenders with schizophrenia: A total forensic cohort study www.forensicpsychologyunbound.ws/ Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 40-52 (2013) The aim of the present study was to investigate the utility of the screening tool developed by Wootton and colleagues (2008) to predict recidivism in a total cohort of offenders diagnosed with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders in the Canton of Zürich, Switzerland. The sample consisted of violent (including sexual) offenders between the ages of 18 to 65 years with ICD-10 diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, affective psychosis, and delusional disorder, sentenced either to court-ordered therapy or at least 10 month’s prison and discharged into the community (N = 34). The instrument was found to be useful in prospectively identifying low-risk individuals and retrospectively discriminating recidivists. Albeit the adaptation of the screening tool may have some usefulness when identifying low-risk individuals, caution is warranted when used in forensic samples. |
Ruth McCausland, Eileen Baldry, Sarah
Johnson, Anna Cohen |
Brian Stettin,
Frederick J. Frese, H. Richard Lamb | Treatment Advocacy
Center # Mental Health Diversion Practices. A Survey of the States http://tacreports.org/ August 2013 A 2010 study by the Treatment Advocacy Center found that more than three times as many severely mentally ill persons in the U.S. are doing time in jails and prisons than receiving treatment in hospitals. Other studies indicate a near-tripling over the last 30 years of the percentage of U.S. inmates who suffer from severe mental illness, to a current level of at least 16%... |
Alan de Freitas Passos, Bárbara Perdigão
Stumpf, Fábio Lopes Rocha |
Mika’il DeVeaux # The Trauma of the Incarceration Experience Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, vol 48, 2013 The self that I had constructed prior to prison was assaulted at the beginning of my incarceration. My reactions to the physical and psychological attacks were defensive in nature. I did not know how to be a prisoner, and I was not willing to learn; even so, the socialization process was unavoidable when immersed in that environment. The degradation and humiliation I and others experienced during my reception was intentional and part of the process of institutionalization. |
Giancarlo Nivoli, Liliana Lorettu |
Salvatore Aleo La pericolosità sociale è nozione poco scientifica. E la seminfermità mentale è nozione poco credibile. Tutte queste nozioni sono altresì estremamente discrezionali, lasciate al giudizio scarsamente controvertibile. Premesso che la materia è molto difficile, certo essa richiede una profonda revisione, concettuale e pratica. Si propone qui di limitare la detenzione agli autori di reati gravi. Si mette pure in discussione a tal proposito la distinzione fra imputabili e non imputabili. |
Maria Laura Fadda La legislazione vigente, penale e civile, disciplina diversamente la salute del corpo da quella della mente e ancora diversamente la cura dei malati psichici a seconda che siano o no autori di reato. Il principio, accolto dalla riforma Basaglia e cardine della legislazione civile e amministrativa vigente, della “volontarietà” della cura non vige per i malati psichici autori di reato. Per queste persone, qualora ritenute socialmente pericolose, la cura può essere imposta. A chi spetta tale valutazione di pericolosità sociale? Al medico o al giudice? Qual è l’ambito delle risposte della scienza e quello del diritto? In che modo possono dialogare il giudice e il perito? |
Cour européenne
des droits de l’homme CEDH - ECHR # Affaire Claes c. Belgique, 10 janvier 2013 - Définitif 10/04/2013 http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/ 84. Le requérant allègue que sa détention pendant plus de quinze ans dans une annexe psychiatrique de prison où il ne bénéficie pas des soins et de l’encadrement appropriés à son état et sans perspective réaliste de reclassement constitue un traitement inhumain et dégradant contraire à l’article 3 de la Convention»... 102. La Cour conclut, en l’espèce, à un traitement dégradant en raison du maintien en détention du requérant pendant une période significative dans les conditions examinées ci-dessus. Partant, il y a eu violation de l’article 3 de la Convention. |
Tom Burns, Jorun Rugkåsa, Andrew Molodynski,
John Dawson, Ksenija Yeeles, Maria Vazquez-Montes,
Merryn Voysey, Julia Sinclair, Stefan Priebe |
Liat Ben-Moshe # “The institution yet to come:” Analysing incarceration through a disability lens www.academia.edu/ 2013 Although several attempts have been made to estimate the number of prisoners who have psychiatric diagnosis, it is impossible to quantify their number with any degree of precision, even if taking the label of “mental illness” as a viable construct. The American Psychiatric Association reports in 2000 that up to 5 percent of prisoners are actively psychotic and that as many as one in five prisoners were “seriously mentally ill” (APA, 2000). Other attempts to estimate the prevalence appear to have used a substantially more expansive definition of mental illness. Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that in 2005 more than half of all prison and jail inmates were reported as having a mental health problem... |
Tracy D. Gunter,
John T. Chibnall, Sandra K. Antoniak, Robert A.
Philibert, Donald W. Black # Childhood Trauma, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Mental Health Disorders Associated With Suicidal Ideation and Suicide-Related Behavior in a Community Corrections Sample J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 41:245–55, 2013 Suicidal ideation and suicide-related behavior among community-supervised offenders are significant public health problems. In a sample of 418 subjects served by the community corrections office of Iowa’s Sixth Judicial District, 56 percent of subjects denied suicidal ideation and suicide- elated behavior (control group), 17 percent reported suicidal ideation without suicide-related behavior (ideator group), and 27 percent reported engaging in suiciderelated behavior (actor group). A model comprising five independent variables differentiated the ideator and actor groups from the control group: Caucasian race, depressive symptom sum, brain injury, childhood trauma, and avoidant personality. These five factors, combined with the additional variables of PCL:SV Factor 2 (Psychopathy Checklist-Screening Version) score and lifetime anxiety disorder, differentiated the actor group from the control group. |
Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ | Joann
Fontanarosa, Stacey Uhl, Olu Oyesanmi, Karen M.
Schoelles # Interventions for Adult Offenders With Serious Mental Illness www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ AHRQ Publication August 2013 We identified some promising treatments for individuals with serious mental illness during incarceration or during transition from incarceration to community settings. Treatment with antipsychotics other than clozapine appears to improve psychiatric symptoms more than clozapine in an incarceration setting. Two interventions, discharge planning with Medicaid-application assistance and integrated dual disorder treatment programs, appear to be effective interventions for seriously mentally ill offenders transitioning back to the community. The applicability of our findings may be limited to the populations and settings in the included studies. |
Jean Trounstine Prisons are designed to keep those convicted of a crime locked within secure walls—not to take the place of mental-health facilities. But over the past decade, that’s exactly what has happened. |
Clare McInerney,
Mary Davoren, Grainne Flynn, Diane Mullins, Mary
Fitzpatrick, Martin Caddow, Fintan Caddow, Sean Quigley,
Fergal Black, Harry G Kennedy, Conor O’Neill # Implementing a court diversion and liaison scheme in a remand prison by systematic screening of new receptions: a 6 year participatory action research study of 20,084 consecutive male remands International Journal of Mental Health Systems 2013, 7:18 A landmark paper on Mental Health in prisons internationally by Fazel and Baillargeon recommended that greater health-care resources should be targeted at prisons since they provide “a rare public health opportunity” for screening and treatment. While ideally, diversion services should be delivered at the earliest stage of contact with the criminal justice system, such as police stations and courts, the centralized model described here provides for a standardized and equitable approach for large population aggregates, as well as economies of scale through integration with prison inreach services for remand prisoners. |
National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence |
James Gilligan,
Bandy Lee # Report to the New York City Board of Correction http://solitarywatch.com/ September 5, 2013 The nation’s jails and prisons have become de facto mental hospitals over the past halfcentury, in large part as the after-math and unintended consequence of the de-institutionalization of people with mental illness. The movement of the severely mentally ill from mental hospitals to prisons and jails has created a situation in which major jail systems, such as those in Los Angeles and NYC, house more mentally ill people than all the mental hospitals combined... |
Sagar V. Parikh,
Benjamin Goldstein # CANMAT 2013 Update of Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Bipolar Disorder Mood and Anxiety Disorders Rounds 2013 Vol. 2, Issue 1 The 2013 update to the CANMAT guidelines both re-emphasizes the essential diagnostic and management approaches to the significant global health issue of BD and provides important new therapeutic options for its various components and presentations. Therapies must be tailored to the individual patient, optimally with pharmacological and psychotherapeutic components and with ongoing regular comprehensive patient assessment to maximize outcomes and safety... |
Adrian Mundt | Rubén Alvarado, Rosemarie Fritsch, Danilo Jimenez, Sinja Kastner, Alberto Minoletti, Diego Piñol, Stefan Priebe, Catalina Poblete, Carolina Villagra # Prevalencias de trastornos mentales en cárceles Chilenas |
Jan Looman,
Jeffrey Abracen # The Risk Need Responsivity Model of Offender Rehabilitation: Is There Really a Need for a Paradigm Shift? International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 2013, Vol. 8, NO. 3-4 The Risk, Need and Responsivity (RNR) model has been the prominent approach to the treatment of offenders in Canada, as well as other parts of the world (e.g., the U.K, New Zealand, and Australia) for three decades. The RNR approach and the theoretical model on which it is based have resulted in measurable gains in terms of the reliable assessment of offenders, as well as significant reductions in rates of recidivism among offenders treated in programs that have adopted this perspective... |
Fred C. Osher |
Dana D. DeHart, Shannon M. Lynch, Joanne
Belknap, Priscilla Dass-Brailsford |
Stacie Anne Deslich, Timothy Thistlethwaite,
Alberto Coustasse |
Lisa Watson,
Kelly Marschall | Nevada Department of Health and Human
Services # Comprehensive Gaps Analysis of Behavioral Health Services http://health.nv.gov/ 2013 Nevada currently has one of the most restrictive civil commitment laws in the country. The state forces individuals to deteriorate to the point of dangerousness before help can be provided. In Nevada, there are almost ten seriously mentally ill persons in jails and prisons for every one person in a hospital. |
Denis Robiliard L’encadrement qui nous est proposé prévoit des conditions spécifiques pour les malades ayant commis des actes pour lesquels les peines encourues sont d’au moins cinq ans d’emprisonnement s’agissant des atteintes à la personne et de dix ans d’emprisonnement s’agissant des atteintes aux biens. Il s’agit donc de malades très dangereux. Quant aux malades qui seront condamnés à deux ou trois ans d’emprisonnement, ils pourront sortir beaucoup plus facilement, ce qui pose un problème de sécurité. |
Denis Robiliard S’agissant d’ailleurs des prisons, nous visitions hier, lundi, à Bron, près de Lyon, l’unité hospitalière spécialement aménagée (UHSA) dans le centre hospitalier Le Vinatier. L’enveloppe extérieure de l’unité est administrée par les services pénitentiaires tandis qu’à l’intérieur, c’est un hôpital. L’odeur que l’on y sent ne trompe pas : c’est une odeur d’hôpital et non de prison... |
Christina Lund |
Anne Comeaux, Deidre Ashley | Teton County
Court Supervised Treatment Program |
Kenneth A. Ray, Mark Goldman |
Christine M. Sarteschi |
Alan R. Felthous |
Kelly Paull # Alexithymia, attachment and psychological wellbeing in young adults leaving care University and the South Wales Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology, May 2013 |
Stephanie C. Kennedy, Stephen J. Tripodi,
Carrie Pettus-Davis Results indicate that women who experienced multi-victimization were 2.4 times more likely to report current symptoms of psychosis than other women prisoners who experienced only physical or sexual victimization in childhood. Likewise, a one-unit increase in frequency of childhood victimization was associated with a 3.2% increased likelihood of having reported symptoms of current psychosis. These results provide support for the dose-response model hypothesis that multi-victimization is an important predictor of psychosis for the women prisoner population. |
Giandomenico Dodaro |
Andrea Pugiotto # L'ergastolo nascosto (e altri orrori) dietro i muri degli ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari Quaderni Costituzionali, a. XXXIII, n. 2, giugno 2013 Secondo l'impostazione del codice Rocco, pena e misura di sicurezza non sono assimilabili, anche se entrambe limitative della libertà personale. Sono diverse per natura: punitiva l'una, non punitiva l'altra. Sono diverse per funzione: retributiva e rieducativa la prima, curativa e precauzionale la seconda. Questa diversità ontologica le fa partire da stazioni differenti. La pena, infatti, presuppone la capacità di intendere e di volere del soggetto agente. Diversamente, il reo non imputabile verrà prosciolto ma, se pericoloso, andrà sottoposto ad una misura di sicurezza, perché «se posso rimproverarti, ti punisco», ma «se non posso punirti (...) posso comunque difendermi da te»... |
Claudia Sale # La responsabilità penale in psichiatria - Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Diritto ed Economia dei Sistemi Produttivi - Università degli Studi di Sassari 2013 ... L’espressione posizione di garanzia è correttamente riferita alle sole ipotesi di responsabilità omissiva. Non può parlarsi, pertanto, di posizione di garanzia quando oggetto di accertamento sia una condotta commissiva. L’art. 40 comma II c.p., con l’espressione “non impedire un evento”, fa appunto riferimento ad una condotta omissiva, cioè al mancato inserimento di un fattore ostacolante il processo causale che autonomamente può sfociare nell’evento lesivo. |
Gary Fields |
Karen M. Abram,
Linda A. Teplin, Devon C. King, Sandra L. Longworth,
Kristin M. Emanuel, Erin G. Romero, Gary M. McClelland,
Mina K. Dulcan, Jason J. Washburn, Leah J. Welty,
Nichole D. Olson # PTSD, Trauma, and Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Detained Youth www.ojjdp.gov/ Juvenile Justice Bulletin, June 2013 Each year there are approximately 2.11 million arrests of youth, accounting for 16 percent of all violent crime and 26 percent of all property crime arrests (Puzzanchera, 2009). On a typical day, approximately 81,000 youth are detained (Sickmund, 2010). The number of youth with psychiatric disorders in the juvenile justice system is a considerable public health problem. Two-thirds of males and three-quarters of females in juvenile detention have one or more psychiatric disorders... |
Gilien Silsby |
H. Richard Lamb,
Linda E. Weinberger # Some Perspectives on Criminalization J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 41:287–93, 2013 In recently published articles, there has been an underemphasis on the role serious mental illness (SMI) plays in causing persons to be in the criminal justice system. Increasing attention has been paid to other factors, including criminogenic needs. While these needs may be present and contribute to criminal behavior, persons with SMI who are at greatest risk of criminalization are those who are not receiving adequate treatment, structure, social control, and, when necessary, 24-hour care in the mental health system. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been used to reduce recidivism for prisoners, including those with SMI, but persons impaired by their untreated psychotic symptoms may not be able to profit from it. The importance of psychiatric treatment must not be underestimated. Moreover, given their current constraints, correctional systems may not be able to continue accepting large numbers of persons with SMI. Many offenders with serious mental illness pose difficult and expensive problems in treatment and management, such as nonadherence to medication, potential for violence, and substance abuse. The mental health system needs to be given more funding and to take more responsibility for these challenging individuals. |
Hanne Stevens |
Sergio Apfelbaum,
Pilar Regalado, Laura Herman, Julia Teitelbaum, Pablo
Gagliesi # Comorbidity between bipolar disorder and cluster B personality disorders as indicator of affective dysregulation and clinical severity Actas Esp Psiquiatr 2013;41(5):269-78 The relation between bipolar disorder (BD) and cluster B personality disorders (PD-B) has been extensively debated, mainly due to the symptomatic overlapping between BD and borderline personality disorder (PD).1,2 At present, the classification of personality disorders has not yet been shown to be satisfactory to either researchers or clinicians. Some authors even question the usefulness of the existence of Axis II as they consider that Axes I and II are state and trait characteristics, respectively, of the same psychopathologic phenomenon. This argument weighs so heavily that it was a decisive factor for classification in the fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)... |
Department of Justice - Office of Justice
Allen J. Beck, Marcus Berzofsky, Rachel Caspar, Christopher Krebs # Sexual
Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by
Inmates, 2011–12. National Inmate Survey, 2011–12 |
New South Wales Law Reform Commission The focus of this report, broadly speaking, is on the law relating to people with mental health and/or cognitive impairments who have committed serious offences. We consider fitness to plead, the defence of mental illness, substantial impairment, and infanticide. We also examine the procedures that follow a finding of unfitness or not guilty by reason of mental illness (NGMI), and the management of people who become forensic patients. Further, we consider issues relating to apprehended violence orders against people who have cognitive and/or mental health impairments... |
Jeremy Kenney-Herbert, Mark Taylor, Ramneesh Puri, Jaspreet Phull | College Centre for Quality and Improvement (CCQI) of the Royal College of Psychiatrists # Standards
for Community Forensic Mental Health Services |
Franck Johannès |
Vittorio Lingiardi |
Rob Reardon,
Marie Collins # The New Asylum. Behavioral Health and the Criminal Justice System www.lafayettesheriff.com/ 2013 |
Michael S Martin,
Ian Colman, Alexander IF Simpson, Kwame McKenzie # Mental health screening tools in correctional institutions: a systematic review BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13:275 Screening is a critical component to a correctional mental health strategy, and there appear to be some improvements in screening tools in recent years. Five tools with replicated results warrant consideration for implementation. A small number of tools that have been less extensively studied may also warrant further research. We have suggested four potential standards that could be used to determine what adequate performance of a screening tool means within each specific context. |
Hans Joachim Salize # Routinedaten –
Wer hat die Deutungshoheit? | Routine Data in
Psychiatry – Who has the Interpretative Power? Daten sind der Roh- und Treibstoff der Informationsgesellschaft, ähnlich wie es Erdöl im 20. Jahrhundert und Kohle während der Industrialisierung war. Spätestens seit der flächendeckenden Einführung von mobilen elektronischen Endgeräten ist die Verfügbarkeit und Interpretationshoheit über telematische Informationen und Daten die Bedingung für politische und ökonomische Dominanz. Die exponentielle Wachstumsdynamik, mit der elektronische Daten anfallen und verarbeitet werden können, ist dabei nicht nur der entscheidende gesellschaftspolitische Machtfaktor unserer Zeit, sondern viel weitreichender noch prägt diese Dynamik immer stärker die Art und Weise, wie die Welt wahrgenommen und interpretiert wird. |
B. Zipursky, Thomas J. Reilly, Robin
M. Murray # The Myth of Schizophrenia as a Progressive Brain Disease Schizophrenia Bulletin vol. 39 no. 6 pp. 1363–1372, 2013 This idea of schizophrenia as a progressive disease of the brain has also been an important part of the rationale for developing early intervention services. Indeed, the notion that psychosis itself may be toxic to the brain provided a major impetus for programs designed to minimize the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) in order to prevent further brain tissue loss. |
Marianne Bourke # Therapist’s emotional, cognitive and linguistic responses to patients with borderline personality disorder in psychotherapy Doctor of Philosophy thesis, School of Psychology, University of Wollongong, 2013 Clinical and theoretical literature frequently report that mental health professionals experience interpersonal challenges and emotional distress in providing treatment for patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). This thesis involved a series of four studies which compared therapists’ (N = 20), responses to patients with BPD (N = 40) to patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD; N = 40)... |
Defensor del
Pueblo Andaluz # La situacion de los enfermos mentales en Andalucia www.defensordelpuebloandaluz.es/ Abril 2013 También el informe especial elaborado por esta Defensoría en diciembre de 1997, sobre la “Situación de los enfermos mentales internados en centros penitenciarios andaluces”, detectó que muchos internos afectados por trastornos mentales, acaban siendo tratados en las enfermerías de los centros penitenciarios, en lugar de en el Hospital Psiquiátrico. Existe unanimidad entre los especialistas sobre la inadecuación de mantener en prisión a los enfermos mentales, por dos razones: la carencia en el centro de recursos especializados y de una atención integral para dichos enfermos y la incidencia negativa sobre el enfermo derivada de la propia permanencia en la cárcel. En nuestro país existen únicamente dos centros de estas características, cuales son el Hospital psiquiátrico penitenciario de Sevilla y el de la provincia de Alicante, dependientes de la Dirección General de Instituciones Penitenciarias del Ministerio del Interior, el primero de los cuales, además, solo es para hombres. |
Arielle R. Baskin-Sommers, Joseph P. Newman |
Allen Frances The public revulsion over repeated mass
shootings has placed mental health in the spotlight.
This is both good and bad. Bad because focusing on the
mentality of the shooter diverts attention away from
the lethality of the weapon – and from the fact that
many mass shooters had no history of mental health
involvement. We will never be able to predict who will
commit random acts of violence, but we can reduce our
ridiculously high rates of gun death by having a sane
gun control policy. |
Robert E.
Brutcher # Effects of sleep disruption and quetiapine on cocaine abuse: the path to development of a monkey model of PTSD Wake Forest University, May 2013 |
Federico Fortugno, Christina
Katsakou, Stephen Bremner, Andrzej Kiejna, Lars
Kjellin, Petr Nawka, #
Associated with Victimization in Patients with
Schizophrenia and Related Disorders |
Michael G.
Vaughn, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Matt DeLisi and
Brandy R. Maynard # Violence and Externalizing Behavior Among Youth in the United States: Is There a Severe 5%? Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 15 March 2013 Despite research demonstrating that approximately 5% of study populations are composed of severely antisocial persons who account for a disproportionate share of problem behaviors, there have been no nationally representative studies assessing this phenomenon among adolescents. Using a large nationally representative sample (N ¼ 18,614), we identified a severe group (4.7% of respondents) characterized by involvement in varied and intensive externalizing behaviors, greater internalizing, lower academic achievement, and less parental involvement. The current study is the first nationally representative study of criminal careers/externalizing behaviors among adolescents in the United States, which is convergent with prior research and theory. |
Jeremy W. Coid, Simone Ullrich, Constantinos
Kallis, Robert Keers, Dave Barker,Fiona Cowden,
Rebekah Stamps |
Katrina Witt, Richard van Dorn, Seena Fazel |
Alexander I. F.
Simpson, Jeffry J. McMaster, Steven N. Cohen, # Challenges for Canada in Meeting the Needs of Persons with Serious Mental Illness in Prison J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 41:501–9, 2013 The number of prison inmates is predicted to rise in Canada, as is concern about those among them with mental illness. This article is a selective literature review of the epidemiology of serious mental illness (SMI) in prisons and how people with SMI respond to imprisonment. We review the required service components with a particular focus on care models for people with SMI in the Canadian correctional system. An estimated 15 to 20 percent of prison inmates have SMI, and this proportion may be increasing. The rate of incarceration of aboriginal people is rising. |
M. Lejoyeux , H. Embouazza |
Anthony C. Tamburello, MD, Zoe¨ Selhi |
Jacqueline P.
Camp, Jennifer L. Skeem, Kimberly Barchard, Scott O.
Lilienfeld # Psychopathic Predators? Getting Specific About the Relation Between Psychopathy and Violence Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2013, Vol. 81, No. 3, 467–480 Because criminal behavior in general, and instrumental violence in particular, are most likely the product of multiple interacting factors (e.g., disinhibition, social disadvantage, and social learning), clinicians and researchers should avoid conveying the impression that psychopathy-specific traits cause “predatory” violence. Moving beyond studying the predictive utility of measures of psychopathy to test competing hypotheses from alternative perspectives (e.g., psychological, sociological) will help researchers to more precisely explain violence and inform useful intervention and prevention strategies. |
Glen I. Spielmans, Margit I. Berman, Eftihia
Linardatos, Nicholas Z. Rosenlicht, Angela Perry, Atypical antipsychotic medications for the adjunctive treatment of depression are efficacious in reducing observer-rated depressive symptoms, but clinicians should interpret these findings cautiously in light of (1) the small-to moderate-sized benefits, (2) the lack of benefit with regards to quality of life or functional impairment, and (3) the abundant evidence of potential treatment-related harm. |
David Cloud, Chelsea Davis |
Nathan Stall #
Agony behind bars |
Pompidou Group
of the Council of Europe |Co-operation Group to Combat
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs. # Mental Health and Addiction in Prisons. Written controbutions to the International Conference on Mental Health and Addiction in Prisons. 27-28 Febrary 2013, Bucharest - http://www.coe.int/ 2013 Introduction, by Robert Teltzrow, Pompidou Group | Drug use, mental health and drugs in prisons by Prof Heino Stöver | Professional independence of health care workers in the penitentiary system by Dr Jörg Pont | Opiate Substitution Treatment and Harm Reduction in prisons: the Geneva model by Dr Hans Wolff | Mental Health Services in the Belgian prison system by Dr Sven Todts | Romania and illegal drugs at a glance – Trends and services by Dr Mihai Corciova | Drug treatment and risk assessment of drug-using inmates in Serbia: Treating drug users in prison | Prison reforms in the Republic of Macedonia – Drug treatment in Macedonian prisons by Ms Elisaveta Sekulovska | Psychological and medical care for drug users in prison establishments in the Republic of Moldova by Svetlana Doltu and Iuliana Adam | Art Therapy in Prisons by Prof Peter Sinapius | Drugs and mental health in prisons: constant concerns of the Health in prisons Programme (HIPP) of WHO/Europe by Mr Stefan Enggist |
Charlotte White, Richard Byrt |
Adam Moll |
Mental health foundation # Losing track of time. Dementia and the ageing prison population: treatment challenges and examples of good practice www.mentalhealth.org.uk/ February 2013 Across much of the developed world, the number of older men serving prison sentences has risen to unprecedented levels. This swelling population is accompanied by an abundance of healthcare needs unfamiliar to prisons primarily designed to manage younger people. In recent years there has been an increase in research focusing on both the physical and mental health needs of older prisoners, but as yet very little attention has been given to the management and treatment of inmates with dementia. |
Community and Mental Health team, Health and
Social Care Information Centre | Claire Thompson |
E. Fuller Torrey # Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill. JFK's dream of replacing state mental hospitals with community mental-health centers is now a hugely expensive nightmare http://online.wsj.com/ The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 4, 2013 According to multiple studies summarized by the Treatment Advocacy Center, these untreated mentally ill are responsible for 10% of all homicides (and a higher percentage of the mass killings), constitute 20% of jail and prison inmates and at least 30% of the homeless. Severely mentally ill individuals now inundate hospital emergency rooms and have colonized libraries, parks, train stations and other public spaces. |
Ana Natasha Cervantes, Annette Hanson Psychiatrists working in corrections, particularly in smaller systems, where there may be a limited number of providers, may find themselves simultaneously assuming a treatment role and the role of a forensic evaluator. Psychiatrists who assume care of an inmate, for purposes of treatment, are expected to act in the inmate’s best interests, whereas forensic evaluators serve the interests of the judicial system. It is now a well-established and widely accepted principle that acting in dual roles (as a forensic evaluator and a treatment provider) for the same individual is not advisable and can lead to ethics-based conflicts... |
Ostermann, Jason Matejkowski # Estimating the Impact of Mental Illness on Costs of Crimes: A Matched Samples Comparison Criminal Justice and Behavior 2013 This study uses a propensity scoring and matching approach to compare the costs of crimes committed by former inmates with mental illness (MI) and without MI. Our findings indicate that the recidivism costs of those with MI over the course of 3 years of follow-up are nearly 3 times as large as similar reintegrating former inmates without MI. However, prior to matching on mental health indicators, the costs of the reoffense patterns of the average reintegrating individual with MI are less than half those of the average former prisoner without MI. Our discussion centers on the identification of relevant groups that corrections officials should focus their rehabilitative resources on and whether those with MI should be a group they focus on during this process. |
Akihiro Shiina |
James Bonta,
Julie Blais, Holly A. Wilson | Corrections Research:
User Report # The Prediction of Risk for Mentally Disordered Offenders: A Quantitative Synthesis www.publicsafety.gc.ca/ 2013-01 In Canada, the results from a computerized mental health screening inventory found that 38.4% of federal prison admissions reported both a history and current high levels of psychological distress (Stewart et al., 2010). Nowhere has this become a more serious problem than in the United States where the percentage of prison inmates with a “mental condition” has risen from 16% of state prison inmates in 1998 (Ditton, 1999) to 56% of state inmates in 2005 (James & Glaze, 2006). Setting aside substance abuse as a mental health issue (estimated at approximately 55% of state and jail inmates), 15.4% of state prison inmates and 23.9% of jail inmates reported symptoms that met the criteria for a psychotic disorder (James & Glaze, 2006). A similar picture emerges in community corrections... |
Terry L. Schell |
Jan Volavka # Violence in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Psychiatria Danubina, 2013; Vol. 25, No. 1, pp 24-33 There were statistically significant increases of risk of violence in schizophrenia and in bipolar disorder in comparison with general population. The evidence suggests that the risk of violence is greater in bipolar disorder than in schizophrenia. Most of the violence in bipolar disorder occurs during the manic phase. The risk of violence in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder is increased by comorbid substance use disorder. Violence among adults with schizophrenia may follow at least two distinct pathwaysone associated with antisocial conduct, and another associated with the acute psychopathology of schizophrenia. Clozapine is the most effective treatment of aggressive behavior in schizophrenia. Emerging evidence suggests that olanzapine may be the second line of treatment. Treatment adherence is of key importance. Non-pharmacological methods of treatment of aggression in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are increasingly important. Cognitive behavioral approaches appear to be effective in cases where pharmacotherapy alone does not suffice. |
Carol Jonas |
James L. Knoll IV, Robert Wilbur |
Simona Cacace |
Cecilie Schou
Andreassen, Mark D. Griffiths, Siri Renate Gjertsen,
Elfrid Krossbakken, Siri Kvan, Ståle Pallesen # The relationships between behavioral addictions and the five-factor model of personality Journal of Behavioral Addictions 2(2), pp. 90–99 (2013) ... Conscientiousness was negatively associated with Facebook addiction, videogame addiction, Internet addiction, and compulsive buying and positively associated with exercise addiction and study addiction. The positive associations between the seven behavioral addictions suggest one or several underlying pathological factors. Hierarchical multiple regressions showed that personality traits explained between 6% and17% of the variance in the seven behavioral addictions, suggesting that personality to a varying degree explains scores on measures of addictive behaviors... |
Europea Court of Human Rights | Cour
Européenne des Droits de l'Homme |
Advisory Committee on Mental Health Initiatives # Improving Responses to Individuals with Mental Illness in New Jersey. www.judiciary.state.nj.us/ Submitted to the New Jersey Supreme Court: December, 2012 The large number of mentally ill inmates has prompted the description of prisons and jails as “surrogate psychiatric hospitals” and the wide-spread belief that individuals with severe psychiatric illnesses are being criminalized. According to a 2010 study, there are now three times more seriously mentally ill people in jails and prisons than in hospitals. |
Emily Turner |
Council of State Governments Justice Center # Improving Outcomes for People with Mental Illnesses Involved with New York City’s Criminal Court and Correction Systems http://www.nyc.gov/ December 2012 In March 2011, New York City Mayor sought support to develop and implement data-driven strategies to improve the City’s response to people with mental illnesses who are involved in the adult criminal justice system. In particular, the City wanted to understand and address how even as crime in New York City has decreased and the jail population has declined, individuals with mental illnesses represent an increasing percentage of the City’s jail population (less than 25 percent of the average daily population in 2005 vs. about 33 percent in 2011). |
Alain Milon | Sénat Session Ordinaire de
New York Civil Liberties Union NYCLU New York 2012 Every day, nearly 4,500 prisoners across New York live in extreme isolation, deprived of all meaningful human interaction or mental stimulation, confined to the small, barren cells where they spend 23 hours a day. Disembodied hands deliver meals through a slot in the cell door. “Recreation” offers no respite: An hour, alone, in an empty, outdoor pen, no larger than the cell, enclosed by high concrete walls or thick metal grates. No activities, programs or classes break up the day. No phone calls are allowed. Few personal possessions are permitted. These prisoners languish in isolation for days, weeks, months and even years on end. What occurs inside our prisons may seem remote, but it affects all New Yorkers. It impacts public safety: Of the roughly 56,000 people incarcerated in New York’s prisons,1 about 25,000 are released and return to our communities each year, bringing their prison experiences home with them.2 It reflects how we allocate increasingly scarce public resources: New York spends about $60,000 a prisoner – or $2.7 billion on state prisons – per year.3 And it raises essential questions about how we value and protect human dignity. |
Eno Louden, J.,
Skeem, J. L., Blevins, A. # Comparing the Predictive Utility of Two Screening Tools for Mental Disorder Among Probationers Psychological Assessment, 2012, December 17 To increase the likelihood that probationers with serious mental disorder can be identified by probation agencies, we tested the utility of two promising mental health screening tools, the K6 and the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen (BJMHS), in identifying probationers with DSM-IV Axis I mental disorders. In this study, 4,670 probationers completed the screening tools as part of routine intake procedures at a probation agency. We interviewed a subset of 149 probationers using a structured clinical interview to determine whether they met criteria for an Axis I anxiety, mood, or psychotic disorder at any point during their lifetimes. The BJMHS correctly identified 77% of probationers with mental disorder overall, and contrary to our hypotheses, the measure was as sensitive with women as it was with men. Adding items assessing posttraumatic stress disorder provided some incremental utility to the measure... |
Ralph Ashford |
Psychiatry on
line # La ricerca sui disturbi psichiatrici nei pazienti tossicodipendenti ed alcolisti www.psychiatryonline.it/ 1 dicembre 2012 |
Maria Teresa Collica |
Vincenzo Baldini # Teoriche della dignità umana e loro riflessi sul diritto positivo (a proposito della disciplina sul trattamento del malato mentale) Dirittifondamentali.it - Fascicolo 2/2012 I. Premesse metodologiche. - II. Il malato mentale: da soggetto socialmente pericoloso a soggetto debole dell’ordinamento giuridico. - III. I fondamenti umanistico-sociali della dignità umana: dalle teoriche giusnaturalistiche alla prospettiva volontaristica. - IV. La dignità umana come categoria del diritto positivo: principio costituzionale, diritto fondamentale o “nulla” ? - V. La sicurezza come diritto/valore “concorrente” alla dignità umana nella disciplina del trattamento del malato mentale? – VI. Conclusioni. |
Seena Fazel, Katharina Seewald David J. Vinkers, Micha van de Vorst, Hans W.
Hoek |
Chiara Fante ... Evidenze empiriche suggeriscono quindi la possibilità di considerare l'Alessitimia come una dimensione clinica transdiagnostica lungo un continuum, dalla normalità alla patologia. Particolare attenzione viene poi riservata dalla comunità scientifica allo studio dei processi implicati nella genesi di tale deficit, evidenziando come le teorie sullo sviluppo emozionale affermino l'importanza della dimensione interpersonale per il buon funzionamento individuale adulto... |
Catherine Louisa
Parry # The Nature of the Association between Male Violent Offending and Alexithymia Edith Cowan University, July 2012 A substantial body of research on violence exists that details a number of factors associated with violent behaviour, including personality, impulsivity and emotional and developmental factors, such as low emotional expressiveness and abuse and violence in family-of-origin. A number of factors associated with violent offending have also been reported in the alexithymia literature. Alexithymia, however, is a relatively unexplored factor in relation to violent offending. |
Rosemary Allgeier # Literature review: pharmaceutical services for prisoners https://www2.nphs.wales.nhs.uk/ Public Health Galles 08 October 2012 Few studies have been published on pharmaceutical services in prison settings. The studies identified have focused on specific aspects of pharmaceutical services to prisoners. Overall, they found pharmacist-led and joint pharmacist-physician collaboration services to be feasible and effective. However, lack of clinical information technology within prisons can impact on the effectiveness of the medicines management process. |
Karin Arbach-Lucioni, Marian Martinez-Garcia,
Antonio Andrés-Pueyo |
Riccardo Zerbetto, Cinzia Foglia |
Nadica Buzina |
Seena Fazel, Jay P Singh, Helen Doll, Martin
Grann Risk assessments were conducted on 73 samples comprising 24 847 participants from 13 countries, of whom 5879 (23.7%) offended over an average of 49.6 months. When used to predict violent offending, risk assessment tools produced low to moderate positive predictive values (median 41%, interquartile range 27-60%) and higher negative predictive values (91%, 81-95%), and a corresponding median number needed to detain of 2 (2-4) and number safely discharged of 10 (4-18). Instruments designed to predict violent offending performed better than those aimed at predicting sexual or general crime. |
Robert D. Morgan,
Daryl G. Kroner, Jeremy F. Mills # Re-entry: Dynamic Risk Assessment www.ncjrs.gov/ 2012 Offenders were able to self-predict when their impulsivity, substance abuse, or leisure was interfering with their parole success (i.e., they were able to indicate problems in these domains prior to their failure). These findings, though susceptible to type I error, may prove direction for the fields future research as it appears that we need to incorporate offender evaluations of their future success into risk assessment considerations... |
Ines Ciolli # I Trattamenti Sanitari Obbligatori e il paziente con problemi psichici. Profili costituzionali www.amministrazioneincammino.luiss.it/ 09.07.2012 1. La tutela della salute mentale nell’ordinamento italiano. – 2. La disciplina dei trattamenti sanitari obbligatori in Costituzione. – 3. La riserva di legge prevista dall’art. 32, comma 2. – 4. La legge n. 180 del 1978, le successive modifiche e le tutele approntate dal giudice ordinario . – 5. Considerazioni conclusive. |
Abogacía Española |
Arlie Loughnan |
Sarah Anderson |
Revolving Doors Agency # Big Diversion Project. Current State Analysis of Diversion Services in the North East Region – Final Report Revolving Doors Agency 13th April 2012 All of the prison mental health team managers expressed concern that a number of people with severe mental illnesses who were inappropriate for detention in prison were still making it through the criminal justice system as far as prison undetected. Many reported difficulties finding bed spaces to enable prisoners to be transferred out. The view was expressed that sentencers needed to be provided with sufficient health information at the remand and sentencing stages so that they had other choices but to engage in the false hope of sending vulnerable people to prison for the purposes of getting their needs identified and met. |
Hans Joachim Salize Nachgewiesene Effektivität ist jedoch zunehmend der Maßstab, anhand dessen die Notwendigkeit von Maßnahmen in der Gesundheitsversorgung gemessen wird. Institutionen wie das Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWIG) haben den Auftrag, hierfür die notwendige Informationsbasis zu schaffen. Dies ist grundsätzlich zu begrüßen. Gegenwärtig beschränken sich die Analysen des IQWIG noch weitgehend auf den Bereich der klinischen und pharmakologischen Therapien. Die Ausweitung der IQWIG-Aktivitäten auf rehabilitative Ansätze oder komplexere Versorgungsstrategien dürfte jedoch nur eine Frage der Zeit sein. |
Wouter Vanderplasschen, Jessica De Maeyer,
Kathy Colpaert, Serge Cogels, Andrea Rea, Geert Dom,
Bernard Sabbe, Eric Broekaert Poly substance use is the rule rather than the exception. At least 64% of the clients currently in treatment for substance use problems report poly substance use during the last 30 days before treatment entry. One can assume that this number is an underestimation of the reality, since numerous individuals included in the study were living in a controlled environment (e.g. hospital, prison) the last 30 days before entering treatment... |
Chiara Costantini |
Richard P.
Bentall, Sophie Wickham, Mark Shevlin, Filippo Varese # Do Specific Early-Life Adversities Lead to Specific Symptoms of Psychosis? A Study from the 2007 The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey Schizophrenia Bulletin, April 2012 In all likelihood, there is no such thing as the cause of any psychiatric symptom, and each emerges as a consequence of complex interactions between psychosocial and biological factors... The first-order associations between bullying and the different kinds of adversity were all statistically significant... As animal studies indicate that victimization leads to profound biological changes, including sensitization of the dopamine system... |
Dipartimento Politiche Antidroga -
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri |
Stefanie Rezansoff |
Carly Speed |
Nathalie Gourmelon Using a «new penology» matrix, the articles suggests an analysis of the development of psychiatric and social care of sex offenders in penal establishments. Psychotherapeutic treatment, like social care and rehabilitation today is moving towards psycho-social-educational support using cognitive behavioural techniques, stemming from a pragmatic perspective of risk management and reducing recidivism. This movement has been questioned by several professionals, but its generalisation also brings into play some basic paradoxes of these domains of practice. |
Lamiece Hassan, Mohammed Shaiyan Rahman,
Carlene King, Jane Senior, Jenny Shaw |
Jennifer Eno Louden, Jennifer L. Skeem |
Anette Kinley,
Lindsay Zibrik, Jennifer Cordeiro, Helen Novak Lauscher,
Kendall Ho # TeleHealth for Mental Health and Substance Use http://ehealth.med.ubc.ca/ August 24, 2012 Videoconferencing technology has been applied in a number of countries, including Australia, the US and the UK, for remote consultations with inmates in hospitals and correctional facilities. The features and benefits of videoconferencing can enable “an expanded range of services, including neuropsychological and competency assessments, diagnosis, and treatment” in correctional settings. Many of the forensics-focused articles referred to incarcerated youth, and indicate that this population group responds well to videoconferencing interventions. |
Jeffrey A. Mattes # Medications for Aggressiveness in Prison: Focus on Oxcarbazepine J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 40:234 – 8, 2012 Oxcarbazepine is a more recently marketed anticonvulsant that is structurally similar to carbamazepine. Like carbamazepine, it appears to be particularly helpful for temporal lobe (or complex partial) seizures, and it may also have mood-stabilizing effects... It seems that oxcarbazepine should be more widely considered for impulsively aggressive prison inmates (and for impulsively aggressive patients not in prison). In states that allow it, placebo-controlled studies would be helpful and important in evaluating efficacy. |
Amanda Pustilnik |
Allen Frances I agree completely with Schaler and Szasz that mental disorders are not diseases and that treating them as such can sometimes have noxious legal consequences. But I strongly disagree that mental disorders are worthless “myths” and think it greatly over-simplifies a complex clinical and legal conundrum to categorically assert that involuntary treatment should be completely eliminated. |
Rusty Reeves # Guideline, Education, and Peer Comparison to Reduce Prescriptions of Benzodiazepines and Low-Dose Quetiapine in Prison Journal of Correctional Health Care, 18(1) 45-52 | 2012 Benzodiazepines (antianxiety medications) and quetiapine (an antipsychotic medication) are subject to abuse in prison. Quetiapine is also expensive and has serious side effects. The prescription of these medications in prison for anxiety and insomnia is not the preferred choice. In order to reduce these prescriptions, the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey–University Correctional HealthCare (UCHC), working within the New Jersey Department of Corrections, provided its psychiatrists with a guideline to the treatment of insomnia in prison... |
Jeffrey A. Schaler I am not an anti-psychiatrist. I do not object to people who want to believe or go to a psychiatrist who believes in mental illness. I do not think the state should prohibit people from ingesting strong drugs to change the way they feel, either by prescription or by using those drugs that are currently illegal. I believe in the repeal of all drug prohibition, including prescription drugs. In my opinion, drugs are intrinsically neither safe nor dangerous, neither good nor bad. This all depends on how one uses a drug. My concern here is with institutional or coercive psychiatry. In contractual or consensual psychiatry, the psychiatrist is an agent of the patient. The patient can fire the psychiatrist any time he wants to do so. In institutional or coercive psychiatry, the psychiatrist pretends to be an agent of the patient, but is really an agent of a state institution. The patient cannot fire his psychiatrist. |
Rosemary Purcell, Richard Fraser, Catherine
Greenwood-Smith, Gennady N. Baksheev, Jennifer
McCarthy, David Reid, Anthea Lemphers, Danny H.
Sullivan |
Administrative Office of the Courts AOC
Literature Review |
Eleonora Fungher Sia nella fase di giudizio che in quella di esecuzione della pena di pertinenza della Magistratura di Sorveglianza, risulta evidente l’importanza assunta dalla nozione di pericolosità sociale (in rapporto all’infermità mentale) quale presupposto per l’applicazione, in via esclusiva o cumulativa, delle misure di sicurezza in un’ottica coerente, secondo le moderne concezioni presentate, con la finalità terapeutica, rieducativa e risocializzatrice insita nella loro definizione. |
Antonella Pomilla # Rischio di Violenza e Pericolosità Sociale: quali influenze? Applicazione delle scale HCR-20 e PCL-R ad un campione di internati presso gli OPG di Italia Università la Sapienza - Roma | Anno Accademico 2011-2012 La riflessione clinica attuata in primo luogo sulla gravità del vizio di mente e di conseguenza sulla pericolosità sociale, si trasforma poi in un percorso di trattamento che trova viceversa valenza giuridica, e che viene definito in termini di sedi, regimi di vigilanza e necessità di cautela (dal potenziale offensivo del soggetto, a favore/per la collettività). Sorgono a questo punto alcuni interrogativi... |
M Mars, S Ramlall, S Kaliski |
Jérôme Englebert Nous avons étudié, entre autres, les dimensions de l’espace, du temps, du corps, de l’imaginaire pour parvenir à un essai de définition de ce que nous appelons l’univers carcéral et discuter du statut de l’identité carcérale. Ces différents points de repère nous ont permis d’aborder la question de la subjectivité et de la sensation qui sont des contrées d’une complexité fondamentale que le psychologue se refuse souvent d’affronter dans le domaine de la recherche, mais auxquelles il est pourtant confronté quotidiennement dans sa pratique clinique... |
Anthony C. Tamburello, Jordan A. Lieberman,
Ray M. Baum, Rusty Reeves |
Tim Exworthy, Chiara Samele, Norman Urquía,
Andrew Forrester |
Luigi Ferranini, Paolo F. Peloso |
Regione Abruzzo |
Vincenzo Mastronardi, Antonio Del Casale |
Cristiano Cupelli |
Sara Paiero |
Amnesty International |
Armour, Cherie |
Adrian P. Mundt, Tanja Frančišković, Isaac Gurovich, Andreas Heinz, Yuriy Ignatyev, Fouad Ismayilov, Miklós Péter Kalapos, Valery Krasnov, Adriana Mihai, Jan Mir, Dzianis Padruchny, Matej Potočan, Jiří Raboch, Stefan Priebe www.plosone.org/ PLoS ONE 7(6) 2012 |
Peter Lehmann There are a lot of well-known factors that can trigger depression and suicidal behavior, but neuroleptics are never mentioned. At people with the diagnosis of "schizophrenia" - in general ending in the administration of neuroleptics - suicidality in found about 50 times more frequent than in the averrage society... |
Suzanne Yang,
Edward P. Mulvey # Violence risk: re-defining variables from the first-person perspective Aggress Violent Behav. 2012 ; 17(3): 198–207 In a key theoretical paper, Bentall and Taylor discuss aspects of paranoia that may link it to violence. After an overview of the psychology of paranoia, including perceptual and cognitive processes, they highlight the perception of threat, theory of mind deficits and attributional bias as potential candidates to explain the relationship between paranoia and violence. They emphasize that a dimensional view is needed in order to understand how processes such as jumping to conclusions or anomalous perceptual experiences contribute to paranoid states. Although their focus is on dimensions within delusions, aspects of their theoretical formulation could be productively extended to a non-clinical population, as done by Freeman and colleagues. |
E. Lea Johnston |
James R.P. Ogloff
; Michael R. Davis ; George Rivers ; Stuart Ross # Identification of Mental Disorders in the Criminal Justice System: Criminology Research Council Consultancy Criminology Research Council 2012 The literature review shows that the prevalence rates of a wide variety of mental disorders are disproportionately high in Australia’s criminal justice system; however, research shows that a relatively poor job is done in identifying the needs of mentally disordered offenders prior to the time they enter the criminal justice system. Police services are generally the first point of contact with the criminal justice system. The increased prevalence of mental disorders among jail inmates suggests that, at least in the past, arrest has been the predominant action police have pursued with persons having mental disorders. Several formal screening tools have been developed for identifying mentally disordered offenders... |
Elena L.
Grigorenko (ed) # Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry http://www.pitt.edu/ 2012 Juvenile justice officials increasingly understand the critical role that mental health services play in rehabilitating the youth in their care. At the same time, juvenile justice reformers seek ways to connect youth to the behavioral health services they need without having courts become the primary means for youth to access care. Budget pressures are forcing states to be more careful about how they spend their juvenile justice funds, and communities are searching for ways to keep youth in programs closer to home rather than relying on expensive, sometimes less effective out- f- home placements for youth far from their families and other supports. Mental health care providers play critical roles in these public policy dialogues, while also fulfilling essential evaluation and treatment functions in the community, through the courts, and in locked settings. The authors brought together in this publication have produced rich resources that can inform both policy and practice... |
Charlie Brooker, Coral Sirdifield, Robert
Blizard, Dean Maxwell-Harrison, Diane Tetley, Paul
Moran, Graham Pluck, Anne Chafer, David Denney,
Michael Turner |
James Phillips, Allen Frances, Michael A Cerullo, John Chardavoyne, Hannah S Decker, Michael B First, Nassir Ghaemi, Gary Greenberg, Andrew C Hinderliter, Warren A Kinghorn, Steven G LoBello, Elliott B Martin, Aaron L Mishara, Joel Paris, Joseph M Pierre, Ronald W Pies, Harold A Pincus, Douglas Porter, Claire Pouncey, Michael A Schwartz, Thomas Szasz, Jerome C Wakefield, G Scott Waterman, Owen Whooley and Peter Zachar # The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: a pluralogue part 1: conceptual and definitional issues in psychiatric diagnosis | # Part 2 | # Part 3 | # Part 4 Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2012 The six essential questions on the DSM involve: 1) the nature of a mental disorder; 2) the definition of mental disorder; 3) the issue of whether, in the current state of psychiatric science, DSM-5 should assume a cautious, conservative posture or an assertive, transformative posture; 4) the role of pragmatic considerations in the construction of DSM-5; 5) the issue of utility of the DSM - whether DSM-III and IV have been designed more for clinicians or researchers, and how this conflict should be dealt with in the new manual; and 6) the possibility and advisability, given all the problems with DSM-III and IV, of designing a different diagnostic system. |
Sachiko Donley, Leah Habib, Tanja Jovanovic,
Asante Kamkwalala, Mark Evces, Glenn Egan, Bekh
Bradley, Kerry J. Ressler |
María José Casares López |
Paul Lichtenstein, Linda Halldner, Johan
Zetterqvist, Arvid Sjölander, Eva Serlachius, Seena
Fazel, Niklas Långström, Henrik Larsson |
# L’Équipe du SMPR des Baumettes, Le SMPR de
Marseille a 30 ans : Histoire et engagement, regards
croisés. # Gilles
Chantraine, Le soin sous pression |
Julien Dubreucq # La contrainte: un outil de soins en psychiatrie? http://dumas.ccsd.cnrs.fr/ Université Joseph Fourier 2012 Il faut noter que, la population générale a une représentation assez négative de la plupart des utilisations de la contrainte (à l‟exception des soins ambulatoires obligés, de l‟obligation à la prise d‟un traitement retard et des obligations à but citoyen) qui évoquent pour elle une mauvaise image de la psychiatrie, et notamment celle de l‟asile psychiatrique ou de la prison. Elle les estime cependant nécessaires pour la protection des autres en raison d‟une mauvaise image des malades mentaux et donc est favorable à leur utilisation. |
Rongqin Yu, John R. Geddes, Seena Fazel |
Yvette Giblin, Andy Kelly, Enda Kelly, Harry
G Kennedy, Damian Mohan |
Jack Pemment # The neurobiology of antisocial personality disorder: The quest for rehabilitation and treatment http://neuroscience.olemiss.edu/ 2012 Psychopathy is perhaps one of the most misused terms in the American public, which is in no small part due to our obsession with those who have no conscience, and our boldness to try and profile others with this disorder. Here, I present how psychopathy is seen today, before discussing the classification of psychopathy. I also explore the neurological differences in the brains of those with psychopathy, before finally taking a look at genetic risk factors. I conclude by raising some questions about potential treatment. |
Roberto Flores de
Apodaca # Over-diagnosing Bipolar Disorder; History, Causes and Forensic Consequences International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 20 [Special Issue – October 2012] What was once classified some 60 years ago as a “Manic-Depressive Psychosis” and considered a rare disorder affecting only adults has come to represent one point along a broad spectrum of presumptively kindred conditions ranging from the mild to the severe, afflicting infants to adults. The formal definitions have expanded over the various editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Along with a number of earlier authors, we maintain that there has been an overexpansion of this diagnosis on the basis of theory rather than scientific findings. The reasons for this overexpansion have included; the advent of managed care (with its economic incentives to certain remunerable conditions, and pressure to treat conditions with medications whenever possible), the development of effective medications for use with genuine Bipolar Disorders, and an unconscious collusion between therapists and patients for the over-diagnosing of Bipolar Disorder, which ostensibly (but actually does not) serve the needs of both groups. This phenomenon of over-diagnosing can have adverse consequences in the forensic arena... |
Gwen Adshead |
Fred Osher, David A. D’Amora, Martha Plotkin,
Nicole Jarrett, Alexa Eggleston | National Institute
of Corrections (NIC) | Bureau of Justice Assistance
(BJA) | Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice
Center |
Goupe Hospitalier
Paul Guiraud # Soins psychiatriques aux personnes placées sous main de justice. Immersion au sein des services du Groupe Hospitalier Paul Guiraud http://horizons.paulguiraud.fr/ Dossier de presse – 27 septembre 2012 ... il existe de fait un mal surreprésenté et parfois inhérent à la condition carcérale : la souffrance psychique. Pour mémoire, - 3,8 % des personnes détenues souffrent de schizophrénie nécessitant un traitement, soit trois fois plus que l’ensemble de la population française ; - 17,9 % présentent un état dépressif majeur, soit cinq fois plus que l’ensemble de la population ; - 12 % sont victimes d’une anxiété généralisée ; - Les cas de suicide sont multipliés par onze en prison et un tiers de la population carcérale présente un problème de consommation d’alcool ou de toxiques à l’extérieur. |
Valérie Moulin,
Jacques Gasser # Intérêt et limites de l’évaluation du risque de récidive d’actes illégaux das les expertises psychiatriques Rev Med Suisse 2012 ; 8 : 1775-80 Les évolutions législatives impliquent un recours de plus en plus important à l’expertise psychiatrique afin d’évaluer la dangerosité potentielle d’un sujet. Or, malgré le développement de techniques et d’outils pour son évaluation, l’appréciation de la dangerosité d’un sujet demeure extrêmement complexe dans la pratique et controversée dans la littérature scientifique. Le passage de la notion de dangerosité à celle de risque a impliqué une technicisation de son évaluation qui ne doit pas faire oublier les limites de ces outils et la nécessité de restituer le sujet, le sens et la clinique dans cette évaluation. |
Darran Flynn,
Damian Smith, Luke Quirke, Stephen Monks, Harry G
Kennedy # Ultra high risk of psychosis on committal to a young offender prison: an unrecognised opportunity for early intervention www.biomedcentral.com/ BMC Psychiatry 2012 The ultra high risk state for psychosis has not been studied in young offender populations. Prison populations have higher rates of psychiatric morbidity and substance use disorders. Due to the age profile of young offenders one would expect to find a high prevalence of individuals with pre-psychotic or ultra-high risk mental states for psychosis (UHR). Although psychotic symptoms are common in community samples of children and adolescents, the prevalence of the UHR state in young offenders was higher than reported for community samples. The association with impaired function also suggests that this may be part of a developing disorder. Much more attention should be paid to the relationship of UHR states to substance misuse and to the health needs of young offenders. |
Sean H. Yutzy, Chad R. Woofter, Christopher C. Abbott, Imad M. Melhem, Brooke S. Parish #
Increasing Frequency of Mania and Bipolar Disorder:
Causes and Potential Negative Impacts |
E. Fuller Torrey |
E. Fuller Torrey,
E. Fuller Torrey, Jeffrey Geller, Carla Jacobs, Kristina
Ragosta # No Room at the Inn: Trends and Consequences of Closing Public Psychiatric Hospitals Treatment Advocacy Center, 2012 Per capita state psychiatric bed populations by 2010 plunged to 1850 levels. In 1850, at the beginning of the movement to provide more humane care by treating seriously mentally ill persons in hospitals, there were 14 beds per 100,000 population. In 2010, the supply was virtually identical at 14.1. In the absence of needed treatment and care, individuals in acute or chronic disabling psychiatric crisis increasingly gravitate to hospital emergency departments, jails and prisons. |
E. Mori, A. Drago, D. De Ronchi, A. Serretti |
Pomilla, Alberto D'Argenio, Vincenzo Mastronardi # Stalking: considerazioni clinico-criminologiche tramite i risultati di un contributo di ricerca Supplemento alla Rivista di psichiatria, 2012, 47, 4 Tra i considerevoli risultati forniti dalla letteratura psichiatrica in tema di stalking, pochi studi si concentrano sull’analisi delle condotte persecutorie agite nei confronti dei professionisti della salute mentale, che pure vengono individuati come uno dei campioni vittimologici più colpiti. In particolare, per gli studi condotti in tal senso, ulteriore approfondimento necessita la differenziazione secondo l’identità di genere per ciò che concerne sia le caratteristiche socio-anagrafiche degli autori sia le modalità comportamentali da essi agite nei confronti delle vittime... |
Mindy J. Vanderloo, Robert P. Butters |
Fernando Espi
Martinez, Fernando Espi Forcen, Arlenne Shapov, Amparo
Martinez Moya # Biperiden Dependence: Case Report and Literature Review www.hindawi.com/ Case Reports in Psychiatry (2012) Anticholinergic drugs are frequently used in psychiatry for the prophylaxis and treatment of extrapiramidal symptoms caused by neuroleptics. Abuse of anticholinergic agents has been reported in patients with psychotic disorders, on treatment with neuroleptics, and polysubstance use disorders. We are reporting the case of a patient who presented with hypoactive delirium as a consequence of biperiden dependence. The clinician must pay special attention to detect anticholinergic misuse in patients presenting with delirium of unknown cause. |
Richelle Isaak Based on the above admittedly limited research, it appeared that lack of attachment was positively related to psychopathy. Theoretically, it can be argued that the attachment avoidance type is the most consistent with key psychopathy traits since it reflects discomfort with close relationships and dependence on others. Also, attachment avoidance was a risk factor for interpersonal violence and antisocial behaviours. |
John L. Schwab |
Mastronardi, Antonio Del Casale # Simulazione di malattia mentale Supplemento alla Rivista di psichiatria, 2012, 47, 4 La simulazione ha una prevalenza vicina allo zero nella popolazione media, presentandosi quasi esclusivamente in soggetti detenuti in carcere, trattati in Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario, in individui sottoposti a giudizio, o in personalità in ogni caso deviate dal punto di vista criminologico. Diagnosticare la simulazione di malattia mentale può essere non semplice in alcuni casi, poiché tale comportamento si colloca in stretto rapporto con diverse patologie: sindrome di Ganser, stati isterici, stati psicotici, disturbo fittizio, forme pseudo-demenziali, ipomaniacali e disturbi di personalità sono solo alcune delle entità nosologiche vicine alla simulazione... |
Zhaoyu Gan, Zili
Han, Kanglai Li, Feici Diao, Xiaoli Wu, Nianhong Guan,
Jinbei Zhang # Validation of the Chinese version of the “Mood Disorder Questionnaire” for screening bipolar disorder among patients with a current depressive episode www.biomedcentral.com/ BMC Psychiatry 2012, 12:8 Many studies have reported that patients with BPD are frequently misdiagnosed with other disorders. The frequency of initial misdiagnosis was reported to be as high as 69%, with more than one third of patients with BPD incorrectly diagnosed for up to ten years or longer. At the same time, over-diagnosis of BPD is also reported to be common. Previous studies showed that the frequency of over-diagnosis could be more than 50%. Inaccurate and delayed diagnosis can often lead to inappropriate treatment, which in turn results in poor outcome. A number of strategies have been proposed to improve the detection of BPD in clinical practice. Using the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is one of the common strategies. |
S Naidoo, DL Mkize |
Jochem Willemsen,
Paul Verhaeghe # Psychopathy and internalizing psychopathology International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 35 (2012) 269–275 Although our sample consists of the most violent segment of offenders in the Belgian prison population and demonstrates a high level of externalizing pathology (a mean PCL-R score of 22.8), the level of internalizing psychopathology is considerably high: 20% of the participants manifest at least one current diagnosis of internalizing psychopathology. The distribution is asymmetrical with a large number of participants displaying no symptoms and a smaller number of participants displaying serious symptoms. The occurrence of internalizing psychopathology in our sample is more or less comparable to what has been found in previous studies. |
Iñaki Markez y Cristina Iñigo (Coords.) |
Grupo de trabajo sobre Salud Mental en Prisión (GSMP):
Sociedad Española de Sanidad Penitenciaria (SESP)
Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría (AEN) http://sesp.es/ GSMP: SampAEN y SESP 2012 Según datos de Instituciones Penitenciarias a 31 de diciembre de 2010, en España estaban encarceladas 63.403 personas de las cuales 5.041 eran mujeres (8%) (1). La prevalencia de la enfermedad mental ronda el 25-40%. De este porcentaje, entre el 4 y 6%, presenta un trastorno mental grave y entre un 30-50% de ellos tendría un trastorno relacionado con el consumo de drogas. Un 17,6% de los presos presenta antecedentes psiquiátricos previos a su ingreso en prisión; Entre ellos: un 2,6% padece trastornos de tipo psicótico; el 6,9% tiene antecedentes de un trastorno afectivo y un porcentaje igual padece algún trastorno de la personalidad. A estos datos hay que añadir el 9,6% de los internos de las prisiones tiene antecedentes de patología dual al coexistir en un mismo paciente un problema de abuso o dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas unido a cualquier otro trastorno psiquiátrico. |
Australian Government | Australian Institute
of Health andWelfare |
Marco Pelissero |
Christopher Slobogin |
Homer Venters, Allen S. Keller |
Sarah Ryan, Darius Whelan |
Clayton Cramer # Madness, Deinstitutionalization & Murder Engage Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2012 Deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill was one of the truly remarkable public policy decisions of the 1960s and 1970s, and yet its full impact is barely recognized by most of the public. Partly this was because the changes did not happen overnight, but took place state-by-state over two decades, with no single national event. While homelessness received enormous public attention in the early 1980s, the news media’s reluctance to acknowledge the role that deinstitutionalization played in this human tragedy meant that the public safety connection was generally invisible to the general public. The solution remains unclear, but recognizing the consequences of deinstitutionalization is the first step. |
Lisa Cosgrove, Sheldon Krimsky |
Steven Penney |
Alec Buchanan,
Renee Binder, Michael Norko, Marvin Swartz # Resource Document on Psychiatric Violence Risk Assessment Am J Psychiatry 169:3, March 2012 As deinstitutionalization advanced with the depopulation of state hospitals from their peak census of 550,000 in 1955, patients moved from hospitals to the community or, as some have argued, were “trans-institutionalized” to other institutions such as adult care facilities and criminal justice settings. Community mental health centers were often unprepared to accept the responsibility for the most impaired patients. |
William B. Hawthorne, David P. Folsom, David
H. Sommerfeld, Nicole M. Lanouette, Marshall Lewis,
Gregory A. Aarons, Richard M. Conklin, Ellen
Solorzano, Laurie A. Lindamer, Dilip V. Jeste |
Silvio Ciappi # Le catene di Pinel: pratiche riflessive della criminologia e della psichiatria forense Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia, anno VI, n. 2, 2012 Lo sguardo clinico ha infatti sempre più abbandonato la componente umanitaria fondata sulla comunicazione medico-paziente per attenersi all’oggettività esteriore dei dati: lo sosteneva già Karl Jaspers,e spesso ancor di più adesso accade che gli psicologi o psichiatri svolgano una mera attività nosografica, abdicando agli aspetti interpersonali della relazione, all’esame delle nebulose di senso che indirizzano ‘abduttivamente’ l’attività diagnostica... |
Michel Huyette |
Forum Santé Mentale |
Jane Senior,
Sharon McDonnell, Charlotte Lennox, Li Yao, Ning Zhang # The Development of a Pilot Electronic Multi-Agency Information Sharing System for Offenders with Menta IllnessQ www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/ National Institute for Health Research, February 2012 For people leaving prison with mental health problems, making contact with community mental health services can be difficult because they may not be registered with a family doctor, or have anywhere permanent to live. This study aims to establish a web-based eWorkbench service. This will provide browser-based fine-grain controlled access to the health records of mentally ill prisoners upon their release from the Multi Agency Information Sharing (MAIS) network prison. The study will evaluate the MAIS network and examine the feasibility of expansion to national roll-out... |
Daniele Piccione |
Ivan Zinger # Mental Health in Federal Corrections: Refl ections and Future Directions Health Law Review • 20:2, 2012 The latest internal CSC (Correctional Service of Canada) data suggest that 38% of the male federal offenders admitted to penitentiary require further assessment to determine if they have mental health needs. For admitted women offenders, more than 50% require further mental health assessment. |
Ministère chargé de la Santé |
Pat Bracken, Philip Thomas, Sami Timimi, Eia
Asen, Graham Behr, Carl Beuster, Seth Bhunnoo, Ivor
Browne, Navjyoat Chhina, Duncan Double, Simon Downer,
Chris Evans, Suman Fernando, Malcolm R. Garland,
William Hopkins, Rhodri Huws, Bob Johnson, Brian
Martindale, Hugh Middleton, Daniel Moldavsky, Joanna
Moncrieff, Simon Mullins, Julia Nelki, Matteo Pizzo,
James Rodger, Marcellino Smyth, Derek Summerfield,
Jeremy Wallace, David Yeomans |
Sophie Davison;
Aleksandar Janca # Personality Disorder and Criminal Behaviour. What Is the Nature of the Relationship? Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2012;25(1):39-45. Cluster A, B and C personality disorders are each associated with different types of offences. Although rates of personality disorder are high in all serious offenders, the role played by personality disorder may be greater in some offences than others, for example, in rapists compared with child molesters, men who kill their fathers rather than their mothers, men who kill their children compared with mothers who kill their children; and in less severe stalking behaviour compared with those who get convictions... |
Giovanni Fossa, Elisa Zanelli, Alfredo Verde |
Arthur Kleinman The reframing of experience shows that
medicine and its doctors may well be among the most
effective and usually unrecognised agents of cultural
change. Next time a bereaved person comes into the
clinic and is asked about his or her background to
assess how culture affects his or her |
Arthur Kleinman It is also my personal observation that just as psychiatry has moved away from social research and the social sciences, almost turning its back on anthropology in its romance with genetics and neuroimaging, anthropology has gotten much more involved with infectious diseases, the female reproductive life cycle, transplantation surgery, biomedical research, and bioethics, and, while not turning away from global mental health, has become less excited by it. |
Christiane de
Beaurepaire # La vulnérabilité sociale et psychique des détenus et des sortants de prison Revue du MAUSS 2012/2 (n° 40), p. 125-146 Les sortants de prison ainsi que les personnes sous main de justice sont globalement une population hautement « fragile/fragilisée » cumulant troubles psycho-pathologiques, psychiatriques et comportements déviants, avec une précarité socioéconomique attestée. On peut dire que leur prise en charge constitue un défi pour une politique d’insertion postpénale et pour les dispositifs qui y contribuent et qu’elle pose la question des partenariats « obligés ». |
Alan R. Felthous |
Eileen Baldry,
Leanne Dowse, Melissa Clarence # People with mental and cognitive disabilities: pathways into prison www.mhdcd.unsw.edu.au/ Background Paper for Outlaws to Inclusion Conference - February 2012 The presence of people with mental health disorders and cognitive disability (MHDCD) in criminal justice systems (CJS) in Australia, and internationally is not a new phenomenon but the rate of people with MHDCD and of those with cooccurring disorders in the CJS appears to have increased. International and national evidence points to widespread over representation of these persons in police work, the courts and juvenile and adult prisoner populations, both as victims and offenders. |
Service correctionnel Canada |
Vicky Short,
Charlotte Lennox, Caroline Stevenson, Jane Senior, Jenny
Shaw | The Offender Health Research Network OHRN # Mental Illness, Personality and Violence: A Scoping Review www.ohrn.nhs.uk/ January 2012 A relationship between Personality Disorder and offending had been reported, relating to both violent and sexual crimes. In particular, a link between Cluster B disorders such as Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic and Narcissistic has been shown, as these are the most prevalent within offender samples. As above, more research, over longer periods of time, using larger samples would clarify the nature of this relationship... Overall, studies have shown that a number of mental illnesses are linked to offending, but as yet, no causal relationships have been established. Further research exploring the nature of these links and addressing well-documented methodological problems is therefore required. |
Laura Batstra, Allen Frances |
Santhushi Mendis,
Richard E. Hodgson # Ganser syndrome: examining the aetiological debate through a systematic case report review Eur. J. Psychiat. Vol. 26, N.° 2, (96-106) 2012 The aetiology of the syndrome described by Ganser in 1898 has been the subject of disagreement. Proposed causes include hysteria, psychosis and stress. In addition, the presence of the syndrome in association with medical conditions raises the possibility of an organic aetiology... The absence of a comorbid mental illness in the majority of cases may suggest a specific aetiological mechanism which supports the argument that Ganser syndrome should be ranked as a distinct nosological entity along with some other rare psychiatric disorders... |
Singh JP, Grann, Lichtenstein, Niklas
Långström, Seena Fazel |
Peter Lehmann # About the Intrinsic Suicidal Effects of Neuroleptics: Towards breaking the taboo and fighting therapeutic recklessness International Journal of Psychotherapy, 2012, vol. 16, n. 1 Suicide is a frequent cause of death in people diagnosed with “schizophrenia.” These patients generally receive neuroleptics, which have an intrinsic suicidal effect. There are placebo studies, epidemiological surveys, first-hand reports, self-experiments and clinical research providing evidence about neuroleptic-caused depression and suicidality. Publications about the suicidal effects of neuroleptics – currently taboo – and suicide registers might reduce suicidality in “schizophrenics. |
Melissa Northcott # Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment Tools: A Review http://www.justice.gc.ca/ 20.10.2012 The majority of risk assessment tools used in criminal justice settings contain two types of risk factors: static and dynamic. Static risk factors are risk factors that are fixed and unchangeable, such as demographic factors (e.g., age, gender), childhood history and criminal history. Dynamic risk factors “fluctuate over time and reflect internal states or temporary circumstances of the individual, such as beliefs and cognitions, everyday associates, and feelings of hostility”. Dynamic risk factors are factors that can change and these changes may be associated with changes in risk level. Dynamic risk factors are also known as “criminogenic needs”... |
Stefan Leucht,
Sandra Hierl, Werner Kissling, Markus Dold, John M.
Davis # Putting the efficacy of psychiatric and general medicine medication into perspective: review of meta-analyses The British Journal of Psychiatry (2012) 200: 97-106 We included 94 meta-analyses (48 drugs in 20 medical diseases, 16 drugs in 8 psychiatric disorders). There were some general medical drugs with clearly higher effect sizes than the psychotropic agents, but the psychiatric drugs were not generally less efficacious than other drugs. Any comparison of different outcomes in different diseases can only serve the purpose of a qualitative perspective. The increment of improvement by drug over placebo must be viewed in the context of the disease’s seriousness, suffering induced, natural course, duration, outcomes, adverse events and societal values. |
Florian Seemüller, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Sandra
Dittmann, Richard Musil |
Vicky Short,
Charlotte Lennox, Caroline Stevenson, Jane Senior, Jenny
Shaw # Mental Illness, Personality Disorder and Violence: A Scoping Review www.ohrn.nhs.uk/ The Offender Health Research Network, January 2012 Studies report a high prevalence rate of personality disorders, in particular Cluster B. However, none of these studies attempted to establish a causal link between sexual offending and personality disorder as most studies measure only point prevalence in offenders located either in prison or treatment centres. Therefore, it cannot be presumed that the personality disorders were present at the commission of the sexual offence. More research is needed with larger sample sizes and more importantly, comparison groups. |
Steven Raphael,
Michael A. Stoll # Assessing the Contribution of the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill to Growth in the U.S. Incarceration Rate https://gspp.berkeley.edu/ January 2012 For the twenty year period from 1980 to 2000, we find significant trans-institutionalization rates for all men and women, with relatively large trans-institutionalization rate for men in comparison to women, and the largest trans-institutionalization rate observed for white men. Our stimates suggest that between 4 and 7 percent of incarceration growth between 1980 and 2000 is attributable to deinstitutionalization. While this is a relatively small contribution to prison growth overall, the results do suggest that a sizable portion of the mentally ill behind bars would not have been incarcerated in years past. |
A. Haines, B.
Goldson, A. Haycox, R. Houten, S. Lane, J. McGuire, T.
Nathan, E. Perkins, S. Richards, R. Whittington |
University of Liverpool # Evaluation of the Youth Justice Liaison and Diversion (YJLD) Pilot Scheme. Final Report www.gov.uk/ January 2012 The specific objectives of the YJLD pilot scheme are: To improve early identification at the point of entry into the youth justice system (YJS) (usually the police custody suite) of under 18 year olds with mental health, learning, communication difficulties or other vulnerabilities affecting their well being; To enhance access for these groups of vulnerable young people in the YJS to multi agency support equipped to meet their needs; Evaluation of the Youth Justice Liaison and Diversion Pilot Scheme. As appropriate, to divert young people either from the YJS towards personalised packages of health and social care or, within the YJS, to services better equipped to meet their health, emotional well being and welfare needs; To promote more timely and cost effective disposal... |
The Royal Society # Neuroscience and the Law http://royalsociety.org/ December 2011 Is it possible that evidence from neuroscience or behavioural genetics could one day be used, along with existing techniques, to increase the accuracy of risk assessment? Might it be possible to find neurobiological markers of a propensity to violent or impulsive behaviour that could be used in decisions about probation and parole? Whilst such identification might not of itself be accurate enough to make a decision on the fate of an individual when taken alone, it might be useful in combination with other information in the assessment of risk. In addition, evidence from neuroscience or behavioural genetics might help to provide a basis for effective treatment or rehabilitation. |
Rick Ruddell, G.
Larry Mays # Trouble in the Heartland: Challenges Confronting Rural Jails International Journal of Rural Criminology, Volume 1, Issue 1 (December), 2011 A follow-up study finds that the operations of rural jails were shaped by changing inmate populations and that special needs inmates (e.g., persons with mental illness) placed a significant demand on staff time and resources... Participants were also asked to rate how unruly these inmates were based on a list of disruptive or criminal behaviors within the facility (e.g., engaging in assaults or causing a disturbance). Respondents were given seven different examples of disruptive behavior, and the values were summed for each group; the most disruptive group had a maximum possible ranking of seven. Not surprisingly, persons with mental illness were identified as the most disruptive group, and they are commonly encountered in local corrections... |
Prison Reform Trust |
The Offender
Health Research Network | Jane Senior, Charlotte Lennox,
Heather Noga, Jenny Shaw # Liaison and Diversion Services: Current Practices and future directions www.ohrn.nhs.uk/ November 2011 The presence of people with mental illness in the England and Wales prison system has been of concern for several centuries. In 1990, the Home Office (HO) issued guidance to courts, reminding them of existing powers to divert people with mental illness away from criminal justice system (CJS) processes, into health and social care, where no public interest was to be served by continuing prosecution. More recently, an independent review into diversion from custody for offenders with mental health problems or learning disabilities was published, making recommendations to government about the organisation of effective court liaison and diversion arrangements and the services needed to support them... |
Francesca Maria Zanasi |
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug
Addiction (EMCDDA) |
Royal College of
General Practioners | Marcus Bicknell, Iain Brew, Cathy
Cooke, Howard Duncalf, Jan Palmer, Jimi Robinson # Safer Prescribing in Prisons. Guidance for clinicians www.emcdda.europa.eu/ November 2011 Within prisons the incidence of patients requesting treatment for pain is high and clinicians who issue these prescriptions should be aware of the abuse potential of prescription drugs. Clinicians should be acutely aware of the problems associated with analgesia abuse and dependence. The main area of concern is opiate based analgesia. |
Jan Volavka, Leslie Citrome |
Johnathan Fish # Overcrowding of the Ship of Fools: Health Care Reform, Psychiatry, and the Uncertain Future of Normality www.law.uh.edu/ Hous J. Health L. & Pol’y, 2011 The inverse relationship between psychiatric treatment and mental illness is not disputable. The more Americans submit to mental health care, the more mentally ill the nation becomes. The primary drivers of increases in mental health spending are psychotropic drugs, and increasing drug consumption is a function of supply (new drug treatments) as well as demand (the increasing number of people diagnosed as mentally ill). It is also attributable to more generous insurance coverage. In light of the prior editions of DSM and the proposals for DSM-V, it is clear that psychiatry is stubbornly committed to increasing the prevalence of mental illness. Therefore, new federal entitlement to mental health coverage all but guarantees more diagnostic expansion, a larger drug market, and a surge in diagnoses and psychotropic drug use. |
Michele Miravalle www.altrodiritto.unifi.it/ (2011) |
Sandeep Kumar Goyal, Paramjit Singh,
Parshotam D. Gargi, Samta Goyal, Aseem Garg |
Jay P. Singh,
Mark Serper, Jonathan Reinharth, and Seena Fazel # Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Schizophrenia and Other Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review of the Validity, Reliability, and Item Content of 10 Available Instruments Schizophrenia Bulletin vol. 37 no. 5 pp. 899–912, 2011 While a number of violence risk assessment tools exist that can be used to predict the likelihood of community violence in psychiatric patients, there is currently little direct evidence for their utility in individualswith schizophrenia. In addition, there is large variation in item content between instruments, and further research is necessary todeterminewhether theinclusionof alternative factors could improve risk assessment. |
Blagov, Pavel S.; Patrick, Christopher J.;
Lilienfeld, Scott O.; Powers, Abigail D.; Phifer,
Justine E.; Venables, Noah; Hudak, Marissa; Herres,
Daniel J.; Lieb, Kate; Leigh, Sophia C. Garvin;
Cooper, Gabrielle |
Jennifer L. Skeem, John Monahan |
Tarun Dua,
Corrado Barbui, Nicolas Clark, Alexandra Fleischmann,
Vladimir Poznyak, Mark van Ommeren, M. Taghi Yasamy,
Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos, Gretchen L. Birbeck, Colin
Drummond, Melvyn Freeman, Panteleimon Giannakopoulos,
Itzhak Levav, Isidore S. Obot, Olayinka Omigbodun,
Vikram Patel, Michael Phillips, Martin Prince, Afarin
Rahimi-Movaghar, Atif Rahman, Josemir W. Sander, John B.
Saunders, Chiara Servili, Thara Rangaswamy, Jürgen
Unützer, Peter Ventevogel, Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Graham
Thornicroft, Shekhar Saxena # Evidence-Based Guidelines for Mental, Neurological, Substance Use Disorders in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Summary of WHO Recommendations www.plosmedicine.org/ PLoS Med 8, November 2011 The treatment gap for mental, neurological, and substance use (MNS) disorders is more than 75% in many low- and middle-income countries. In order to reduce the gap, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a model intervention guide within its Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP). The model intervention guide provides evidence-based recommendations developed with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology. |
Pérez-Fernández, Joanne Mampaso-Desbrow, Nereida
Bueno-Guerra # El Psicólogo de Prisiones en España Psychologia Latina, 2011, Vol. 2, No. 2, 132-143 Persiste la tópica confusión en torno al papel del psicólogo y del psiquiatra en lo tocante a sus diferentes actividades. De hecho, ambos comparten tradicionalmente una metodología similar, con las variaciones normales debidas a los diversos ámbitos de aplicación de sus trabajos respectivos, que difiere, moderadamente, en el peso que unos y otros otorgan a las diferentes tipologías de tests mentales –cuantitativos, proyectivos, neuropsicológicos y etcétera– si bien nadie los consideraría contraproducentes en algún sentido y sea cual fuere su tipo... |
Medco Overall, the number of Americans on medications used to treat psychological and behavioral disorders has substantially increased since 2001; more than one]in]five adults was on at least one of these medications in 2010, up 22 percent from ten years earlier. Women are far more likely to take a drug to treat a mental health condition than men, with more than a quarter of the adult female population on these drugs in 2010 as compared to 15 percent of men. Women ages 45 and older showed the highest use of these drugs overall. Yet surprisingly, it was younger men (ages 20 to 44) who experienced the greatest increase in their numbers, rising 43 percent from 2001 to 2010. |
Mweene Tembalami
Nseluke, S Siziya # Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Correlates for Mental Illness Among Inmates at Lusaka Central Prison, Zambia Medical Journal of Zambia, Vol. 38, No. 2 (2011) Of the 206 inmates in Lusaka, 63.1% had current mental illness. Among the factors considered in the study, only marital status was significantly associated with mental illness. Married participants were 40% (OR=0.60; 95% CI [0.36, 0.98]) less likely to have mental illness compared with participants who were who were separated/divorced. |
Anne Laporte, Pierre Chauvin (Directeurs
scientifiques) | Observatoire du Samusocial de Paris
Anne Laporte, Erwan Le Méner, Pierre Chauvin
A. Laporte, M-A Détrez A Détrez, C. Douay, Y. Le Strat, E. Le Mener, P. Chauvin et l’équipe de recherche Samenta www.onpes.gouv.fr/ 2011 |
Haut Conseil de
la santé publique # Évaluation du Plan Psychiatrie et Santé mentale 2005-2008 www.hcsp.fr/ Octobre 2011 Trois types de mesures ont concerné les personnes détenues de façon générale : l’amélioration des soins psychiatriques en milieu hospitalier et en milieu pénitentiaire (élaboration de recommandations de bonnes pratiques par la HAS, renforcement des équipes hospitalières de secteur, déploiement des Unités hospitalières spécialement aménagées - UHSA)... La relance d’outils permettant une prise en charge globale et coordonnée... La mise en place d’un programme santé/justice développant la prévention du suicide des personnes détenues... |
Liat Ben-Moshe |
Ashley M.
Hosker-Field # Psychopathy and Aggression: Examining the Role of Empathy https://dr.library.brocku.ca/ Brock University August 2011 Empirical research has consistently demonstrated a positive association between psychopathic traits and physical aggression. Moreover, research has also found that the emotional/interpersonal psychopathy traits tend to be more closely associated with goal oriented, proactive aggression, whereas the social deviance psychopathy characteristics have been more closely linked to reactive aggression, which is perpetrated in response to threat or provocation... |
Lamiece Hassan,
Luke Birmingham, Mari A. Harty, Manuela Jarrett, Peter
Jones, Carlene King, Judith Lathlean, Carrie Lowthian,
Alice Mills, Jane Senior, Graham Thornicroft, Roger
Webb, Jenny Shaw # Prospective cohort study of mental health during imprisonment http://bjp.rcpsych.org/ The British Journal of Psychiatry (2011) The ‘diversion agenda’ has gathered momentum in recent years, with increasing calls for non-custodial alternatives for vulnerable groups. By reporting group differences in response to early imprisonment, our findings may usefully contribute to the growing policy and research literature surrounding this debate. Growth in the UK prison population means that for the foreseeable future, the number of people with mental illness in prisons is expected to rise... |
Eduard Vieta, Elena Blasco-Colmenares, Maria
Luisa Figueira, Jens M Langosch, Miriam
Moreno-Manzanaro, Esteban Medina |
David M. Fergusson, Joseph M. Boden, L. John
Horwood, Allison L. Miller, Martin A. Kennedy The British Journal of Psychiatry (2011) 198,
457–463 |
Association for
Criminal Justice Research & Development ACJRD # Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System - The deliverables of the Governments ‘Vision for Change’ www.acjrd.ie/ Friday 14th October 2011 Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System - Working Together - Jimmy Martin, Bairbre Nic Aongusa | Severe Mental Illness, Vision for Change and the Criminal Justice System - Harry Kennedy | Bringing recovery principles to the secure environment: Deborah Alred | Mental Health Issues in Criminal Trials - Dara Robinson, | Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System - The Perspective from the IPS - Fergal Black | Mental Health in Prisons – Because you’re worth it - Andrew Fraser |
Zen Faulkes # Can Brain Imaging Replace Interrogation and Torture? Global Virtue Ethics Review - Volume Six, Number 2, pp. 55-78 2011 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is the best known brain imaging technique, and can already be used to determine hidden conscious states of an individual, and to determine true and false statements with accuracy greater than chance. Thus, the main empirical question is no longer if brain imaging can be used productively in security situations, but rather how practical it might be and how confident users may be in the information obtained. Ethical questions about appropriate uses of brain imaging technology in security situations are immediate and urgent, but ethical concerns about privacy and similar issues raised by brain imaging appear minor compared to the ethical issues raised by torture. |
Bernard E. Harcourt |
Elisa Brietzke,
Ary Gadelha Araripe Neto, Álvaro Dias, Rodrigo Barbachan
Mansur, Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan # Early intervention in psychosis: a map of clinical and research initiatives in Latin America Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria • vol 33 • Supl II • out2011 In the majority of the cases, schizophrenia is associated with a devastating impact in the life of affected individuals, their families, and society. Uncountable losses related to professional life, social relationships, scholar achievements, and economic burden associated with schizophrenia spectrum disorders have been considered as major reasons to develop endeavors to prevent, reduce severity, and rehabilitate individuals with psychosis... |
Jill E. Rogstad # Psychopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder: Gender Differences in Empathy and Alexithymia University of North Texas, August 2011 |
Sidney M. Wolfe
(ed.) # Criminalizing the Seriously Mentally Ill: Two Decades Later http://www.citizen.org/ Healt Letter, July 2011, vol. 27, n. 7 The number of seriously mentally ill individuals in jails has increased sharply during the last two decades. As state psychiatric hospitals have increasingly been shut down, more individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder wander the streets untreated. Many commit minor crimes, such as shoplifting, but a few commit major crimes, including homicides, thus landing in jail. By 2000, the percentage of jail inmates with serious mental illnesses had increased to at least 10 percent and has now risen to 20 percent or higher. |
Carol Trevey # “Prisoners of the Mind”?: The Inappropriateness of Comparing the Involuntarily Committed Mentally Ill to Pretrial Detainees in Fourth Amnedment Analyses Journal of Constitutional Law Vol. 13:5 June 2011 Part I will discuss the Fourth Amendment as applied to convicted prisoners, pretrial detainees, and the civilly committed. Part II will outline the role of individualized suspicion in Fourth Amendment jurisprudence.Part III will discuss the legal status of the involuntarily committed, particularly precedents comparing the involuntarily committed and pretrial detainees, and civilly committed patients’ right to be free from punishment. Part IV will discuss the role of dangerousness in legal standards for civil commitment. Part V will discuss institutional concerns, including institutional violence and how individualized suspicion may be reconciled with the requirement that courts defer to the judgment of mental health professionals in Fourth Amendment analysis. |
Lois M. Davis, Malcolm V. Williams, Kathryn
Pitkin Derose, Paul Steinberg, Nancy Nicosia, Adrian
Overton, Lisa Miyashiro, Susan Turner, Terry Fain,
Eugene Williams III |
Antonio Salvati |
Heidi J. Wehring, William T. Carpenter |
Danièle Gilis |
Grupo PRECA (Prevalencia Carceles) |
Suresh Bada Math, Pratima Murthy, Rajani
Parthasarthy, C Naveen Kumar, S Madhusudhan |
Alessandro # L'inquadramento dei disturbi mentali atipici, la capacità giuridica penale e l'accertamento della pericolosità sociale dell'imputato Rassegna penitenziaria e criminologica, 2011 - Vol. 14 - Fasc. 3 (53-75) 1. Il dibattito scientifico sui disturbi mentali atipici e l’evoluzione della giurisprudenza di legittimità in tema di accertamento dell’imputabilità dell’imputato. – 2. L’inquadramento dei disturbi mentali atipici, il finalismo rieducativo della pena e i pericoli di intuizionismo giudiziario nell’accertamento delle infermità psichiche. – 3. L’incapacità giuridica penale dell’infermo di mente e l’accertamento dell’imputabilità nel rapporto di collaborazione tra giustizia penale e psichiatria forense. – 4. L’accertamento del nesso eziologico tra il disturbo mentale atipico e il comportamento illecito e la crisi del principio di causalità nelle scienze biologiche. – 5. L’inquadramento dei disturbi mentali atipici e la valutazione della pericolosità sociale dell’imputato nella prospettiva interpretativa prefigurata dalla sentenza della Corte Costituzionale n. 253 del 18 luglio 2003. |
Michael Soyka |
National Alliance
on Mental Illness NAMI | Ron Honberg, Sita Diehl, Angela
Kimball, Darcy Gruttadaro, Mike Fitzpatrick # State Mental Health Cuts: A National Crisis. A report by the National Alliance on Mental Illness www.nami.org/ NAMI, March 2011 In recent years, the worst recession in the U.S. since the Great Depression has dramatically impacted an already inadequate public mental health system. From 2009 to 2011, massive cuts to non-Medicaid state mental health spending totaled nearly $1.6 billion dollars. And, deeper cuts are projected in 2011 and 2012. States have cut vital services for tens of thousands of youth and adults living with the most serious mental illness. These services include community and hospital based psychiatric care, housing and access to medications. Massive cuts to mental health services also potentially impact public safety. As a whole, people living with serious mental illness are no more violent than the rest of the population. In fact, it is well documented that these individuals are far more frequently the victims of violence than the perpetrators of violent acts. “You will see…people (who lose mental health services) ending up in prison, jails, emergency rooms, homeless, harassing tourists and breaking into homes.” |
Sandra Sassaroli |
Marc Renneville # La dangerosité en psychiatrie : perspective historique Cahiers d'études pémitentiaires et criminologiques |
Alec Buchanan |
Scott Weich, Traolach Brugha, Michael King,
Sally McManus, Paul Bebbington, Rachel Jenkins,
Claudia Cooper, Orla McBride and Sarah Stewart-Brown |
Allen Frances,
Michael B. First # Paraphilia NOS, Nonconsent: Not Ready for the Courtroom J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 39:555– 61, 2011 Sexually violent predators (SVP) constitute a serious potential risk to public safety, especially when they are released after too short a prison sentence. Twenty states and the federal government have developed a seemingly convenient way to reduce this risk. They have passed statutes that allow for the involuntary (often lifetime) psychiatric commitment of mentally disordered sexual offenders after prison time is up. In three separate cases, the Supreme Court has accepted the constitutionality of this procedure, but only if the offender’s dangerousness is caused by a mental disorder and is not a manifestation of simple criminality. |
Seth J. Prins |
H.U. Wittchen, F. Jacobi, J. Rehm, A. Gustavsson, M. Svensson, B. Jönsson, J. Olesen, C. Allgulander, J. Alonso, C. Faravelli, L. Fratiglioni, P. Jennum, R. Lieb, A. Maercker, J. van Os, M. Preisig, L. Salvador-Carulla, R. Simon, H.-C. Steinhausen # The size and burden of mental disorders and other disorders of the brain in Europe 2010 European Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 21, 655–679 In every year over a third of the total EU population suffers from mental disorders. The true size of “disorders of the brain” including neurological disorders is even considerably larger. Disorders of the brain are the largest contributor to the all cause morbidity burden as measured by DALY in the EU. No indications for increasing overall rates of mental disorders were found nor of improved care and treatment since 2005; less than one third of all cases receive any treatment, suggesting a considerable level of unmet needs. We conclude that the true size and burden of disorders of the brain in the EU was significantly underestimated in the past. |
Gloria D.
Eldridge, Mark E. Johnson, Christiane Brems, Staci L.
Corey # Ethical Challenges in Conducting Psychiatric or Mental Health Research in Correctional Settings AJOB Primary Research, 2(4): 42–51, 2011 The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2.3 million individuals housed in federal or state prisons and local jails and 5 million under parole or probation supervision. Due to deinstitutionalization, lack of access to community mental health services (Markowitz 2006), and criminalization of the mentally ill, prisons and jails have become “America’s new mental hospitals”. Rates of psychiatric disorders in U.S. prisons and jails dramatically exceed general population rates, with 49.2% of individuals in state prisons, 39.8% of individuals in federal prisons, and 60.5% of individuals in local jails meeting criteria for major depression, mania, or psychotic disorders |
H. Richard Lamb, Linda E. Weinberger |
Annette S.
Crisanti, B. Christopher Frueh # Risk of trauma exposure among persons with mental illness in jails and prisons: what do we really know? Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2011, 24:431-435 Additional research is needed to improve our understanding of this issue and inform change efforts. Future research should include: epidemiological studies to improve our knowledge of risk factors and correlates of victimization; prospective studies to determine causality between trauma victimization and mental illness or other adverse outcome; and intervention studies to examine strategies for reducing violence and traumatic victimization inside correctional facilities, effective treatments for posttraumatic psychopathology, and improved re-entry outcomes. |
Roberto Catanesi,
Felice Carabellese # Suicidio e responsabilità professionale Rivista di psichiatria, 2011, 46, 2 Alcuni recenti pronunciamenti in tema di responsabilità dello psichiatra per suicidio dei pazienti hanno suscitato un vivace dibattito sugli obblighi assistenziali dei servizi psichiatrici pubblici, destando un diffuso clima di allarme fra i sanitari. In discussione in primo luogo i contenuti della "posizione di garanzia" dello psichiatra, in particolare i doveri di "protezione e sorveglianza" in relazione al pericolo di condotte autolesive, richiamati da recenti sentenze della Cassazione non solo quando il paziente si trovava in trattamento sanitario obbligatorio ma anche in regime volontario, in presenza di valido consenso alle cure. II tema del suicidio richiama inevitabilmente quello della prevedibilità delle condotte autolesive e, soprattutto,della loro prevenibilità; gli Autori mettono a confronto dati di letteratura scientifica in argomento, il modello organizzativo psichiatrico territoriale con i principi dettati dalle sentenze, in particolare con la richiesta di "ulteriori e più rigorose regole cautelari", ponendo in evidenza la loro difficile sintesi. |
Melissa S. Caldwell |
Seena Fazel, Rongqin Yu |
John Petrila,
Corine de Ruiter # The Competing Faces of Mental Health Law: Recovery and Access versus the Expanding Use of Preventive Confinement Amsterdam Law Forum, vol 3:1, 2011 There have been great advances in treatment of mental illnesses in the last two decades, and the emergence of recovery as the goal of treatment, even in the most serious cases, raises hope that individuals with serious mental illnesses can return in greater numbers to productive participation in society. However, the growing use of preventive detention in which mental health professionals play an active role, stands in contrast to this more hopeful vision of mental health treatment. In an era of scarce resources, with no foreseeable improvement in national economies, political decisions to focus resources on the putatively dangerous can only further postpone the implementation of effective community focused public mental health systems while potentially contributing to the erosion of broader due process protections and basic rights. |
Jay P. Singh, Martin Grann, Seena Fazel |
National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence NHS |
Gregory T. Bogart, Carol A. Ott |
Jennifer L. Skeem, Devon L. L. Polaschek,
Christopher J. Patrick, Scott O. Lilienfeld |
Giorgio Bignami |
Ugo Fornari # Il metodo scientifico in psichiatra e psicologia forensi (parte 1 e 2) www.brainfactor.it/ 2011 Il modello medico psichiatrico è “sufficiente e appropriato” in ambito forense? Possiamo realmente abbinare le categorie giuridiche e le categorie cliniche, “divergenti per significato, statuto epistemologico, obiettivi e fini”? Che tipo di “prove scientifiche” possono fornire psicologi e psichiatri forensi? I dati utilizzati nei Tribunali appartengono alla scienza o sono solo il frutto della nostra “meravigliosa” tecnologia? |
H. Belli, C. Ural, M. K. Vardar, B. Tezcan |
Shlomit Flaisher-Grinberg, Haim Einat |
Haute Autorité de
Santé # Audition publique – Rapport d’orientation de la commission d’audition Dangerosité psychiatrique : étude et évaluation des facteurs de risque de violence hétéro-agressive chez les personnes ayant des troubles schizophréniques ou des troubles de l’humeur www.has-sante.fr/ Haute Autorité de Santé – 2011 Ces dernières décennies, de nombreuses études ont montré une association modérée mais significative entre troubles mentaux graves et comportements violents envers autrui, en particulier en cas de troubles schizophréniques, même si les personnes ayant des troubles mentaux représentent de 3 à 5 %, voire 10 %, des actes de violence en général. Si dans les pays industrialisés le taux des homicides est compris entre 1 et 5 pour 100 000 habitants, les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves ne seraient responsables que de 0,16 homicide pour 100 000 habitants, soit environ un homicide sur 20... |
Emmanuelle Bernheim |
Caroline Mandy Créée par la loi n°2008-174 du 25 février 2008, la mesure de rétention de sûreté marque une rupture dans les principes républicains fondateurs du droit pénal. Il s'agit de maintenir un individu condamné enfermé au-delà de son temps de peine. Mesure ante delictum ne visant qu'à prévenir un risque de récidive, s'appuyant sur des prédictions de risque et non sur des faits, elle entre de plain-pied dans la logique de défense sociale : il s'agit de neutraliser l'individu probablement dangereux en vue de protéger la société, seul objectif recherché par le droit pénal dans le cadre de ce courant de pensée positiviste porté par Cesare LOMBROSO au XIXe siècle... |
Catherine E. Hewitt, Amanda E. Perry, Barbara
Adams, Simon M. Gilbody |
Protecteur du citoyen | Assemblée nationale
Quèbec |
Krzysztof Krysta,
Irena Krupka-Matuszczyk, Małgorzata Janas-Kozik and
Małgorzata Stachowicz # Comorbidity of a Serious Mental Illness with an Addiction to Psychoactive Substances Medical University of Silesia, Katowice (Poland) 2011 In the diagnostic process in psychiatry it often happens to set two or more diagnoses in the same patient. "Dual diagnosis" is a concept that doesn't appear in the official nomenclature of mental health and is not included in the ICD-10 and DSM-IV classifications. In a very general sense it concerns a patient who presents a psychopathological picture, in which we find simultaneously fulfilled criteria for two different psychiatric disorders. |
Bernard E. Harcourt |
Liat Ben-Moshe # Genealogies of Resistance to Incarceration: Abolition Politics within Deinstitutionalization and Anti-Prison Activism in the U.S. http://surface.syr.edu/ Sociology - Dissertations, Paper 70, 12-1-2011 “Genealogies of resistance to incarceration: Abolition politics within de-institutionalization and anti- prison activism in the U.S.” looks at two main sites in which abolition of “total institutions” is enacted. The first site is activism around penal and prison abolition. The second site is deinstitutionalization- the move to close down institutions for people labeled “mentally retarded” (or intellectual/developmental disabilities) and “mental illness” (or psychiatric disabilities). My goals in this study are twofold and interrelated... |
Tawandra L.
Rowell, Jeffrey Draine, Elwin Wu # Depression in a random sample of incarcerated African-American men Psychiatr Serv. 2011 January ; 62(1): 103–104 This study was conducted between April and August 2008 in one of the largest maximumsecurity male correctional institutions in the U.S. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was administered to assess depressive symptoms among 134 randomly selected incarcerated African-American men |
Marc Renneville # Le glaive et le caducée : évolution historique des rapports entre le droit pénal et la psychiatrie | La psychiatrie à l’épreuve de la justice, contribution au débat www.twicedaily.fr/ Twice Daily 2011 Quel est le nombre exact de malades mentaux en prison ? Que peut-on attendre de l’examen de l’état mental d’un prévenu ou d’un condamné ? Faut-il punir les malades mentaux ? Les soins pénalement ordonnés ne sont-ils pas une utopie ? Ces quelques questions illustrent l’intensité du débat contemporain entre la psychiatrie et la justice pénale. |
M. M. Burke, M. Griggs, E. M. Dykens, R. M.
Hodapp |
Suresh Bada Math, Pratima Murthy, Rajani
Parthasarthy, C Naveen Kumar, S Madhusudhan #
High Risk Behaviours in
Prison: the Need forBehavioural Rehabilitation The common saying about prison is that it houses the „SAD, MAD and BAD‟ of the society. Sad indicates that at least 50-75% of the prison population suffer from depression, Mad depicts that at least 30-15% of them have mental illness and Bad suggests that 20-10% of them are psychopaths. Persons suffering from personality disorders have their reasoning powers fully intact; hence none of the countries have granted insanity defence to those with personality disorders. However, they have been provided with an opportunity for treatment and rehabilitation. |
Laurent Mucchielli www.twicedaily.fr/ Twice Daily 2011 Le traitement médiatique des faits divers ne cesse de renouveler la peur très ancienne des « fous criminels ». Dans le langage d’aujourd’hui, ce sont les tueurs ou violeurs en série, les pédophiles, les détenus dangereux. Ils incarnent plus que jamais la figure du « Mal ». Cette médiatisation se trouve par ailleurs reprise et réutilisée par un pouvoir politique qui a enclenché une véritable « frénésie sécuritaire » dans les années 2000 multipliant les lois, souvent à l’occasion des faits divers en question. |
Lykouras, Athanassios Douzenis # The dangerousness of schizophrenia Psychiatriki 22 (2), 2011 Our knowledge about the dangerousness of the patients suffering from schizophrenia has evolved through various stages. Initially it was accepted that all schizophrenics are dangerous, belief which was based on solitary case reports. Based on epidemiological studies with more solid methodology, this assumption was challenged and the “pendulum” swung in the other direction... New data however have challenged this assumption and now it is accepted that: "Individuals suffering from schizophrenia are more likely to commit violent acts in comparison with the general public”. One has to underline though that this law-breaking behaviour has a very limited effect on violence and law breaking in our society. |
Michèle Lévy |
Ministerio del Interior, Secretaría General
de Institiciones Penitenciarias |
Jennifer Fleming, Natalie Gately, Sharan
Kraemer |
Cristina Iñigo e
Iñaki Markez (Coords.) | Grupo de trabajo sobre Salud
Mental en Prisión (GSMP): Sociedad Española de Sanidad Penitenciaria
(SESP) - Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría (AEN) # GUÍA. Atención primaria de la salud mental en prisión http://sesp.es/ GSMP: SaMPAEN y SESP 2011 En estos dos últimos años, más de 75.000 personas han estado ingresadas en el sistema penitenciario español, en torno al 8% mujeres. Los datos disponibles en este momento señalan que la prevalencia de enfermedad mental entre los reclusos es muy alta, entre el 25 y el 40% según los estudios presenta algún trastorno mental, entre el 4 y el 6% un proceso mental grave y entre el 30 y el 50% un trastorno relacionado con el consumo de drogas. La patología dual, la combinación de enfermedad mental y adicción a drogas, está presente en una proporción de internos que se sitúa entre el 20 y 30% del total. Todo ello se asocia a que la gran mayoría de estos enfermos pertenecen a grupos sociales de alta vulnerabilidad, debido a su exclusión social y alejamiento habitual de los recursos asistenciales... |
Fiona O’Connell, Lesley-Ann Black, Helena
Maginness There is a need for early screening, assessment and diversion of persons with mental health issues from the criminal justice system into health and social services in the community. This puts the focus on the need for improved community services in order to address levels of reoffending and recidivism. Some of the literature examined for this paper suggests that imprisonment may exacerbate mental health problems increasing likelihood of reoffending and emerging policies have acknowledged that mental health is a contributing factor in offending behaviour... |
Kathryn A. Burns |
Milena Pereira
Pondé, Antonio Carlos Cruz Freire, Milena Siqueira
Santos Mendonça # The Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Prisoners in the City of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil Journal of Forensic Sciences · February 2011 The number of individuals affected by serious psychiatric disorders in Brazilian prisons is unknown. This cross-sectional study was conducted in prison complexes within the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The sample consisted of 497 prisoners... The prevalence rates found in the closed and semi-open prison systems, respectively, were: depression 17.6% and 18.8%; bipolar mood disorder 5.2% and 10.1%; anxiety disorders 6.9% and 14.4%; borderline personality disorder 19.7% and 34.8%; antisocial personality disorder 26.9% and 24.2%; alcohol addiction 26.6% and 35.3%; drug addiction 27.9% and 32.4%; psychosis 1.4% and 12.6%; attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood 10.3% and 22.2%; and ADHD in adulthood 4.1% and 5.3%. |
Damien T. Ridge, Carol Emslie, Alan White |
Sébastien Saetta # L'intervention de l'expert psychiatre dans les affaires criminelles. De la production d'un discours à sa partecipation au jugement http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/ Université du Luxembourg | Université de Toulouse - Thèse présentée le 18 janvier 2011 |
Roy H. Perlis, Rudolf Uher, Michael Ostacher, Joseph F. Goldberg, Madhukar H. Trivedi, A. John Rush, Maurizio Fava # Association Between
Bipolar Spectrum Features and Treatment Outcomes in
Outpatients With Major Depressive Disorder |
Jim McGuire, Sean
Clark # PTSD and the Law: An update PTSD Research Quarterly, Vol. 22, n.1, 2011 The National Commission on Correctional Health Care also reported an estimated prevalence of PTSD among prison inmates, with lifetime prevalence ranges of 6-12% in state prisons and 5-7% in federal prisons. Studies using structured clinical interviews with inmates have found lifetime rates ranging from 20-33% ... Three quarters of prisons report availability of substance abuse and education services, over half report group counseling for substance abuse, and almost 60% provided mental health counseling services... |
Giovanna Del Giudice, Peppe Dell’Acqua e
Michela Rondi (a cura di) |
Ministry of Justice | Jackie Craissati, Phil
Minoudis, Jake Shaw, Stuart John Chuan, Sarah Simons,
Nick Joseph |
Michael G.
Vaughn, Matt DeLisi, Tracy Gunter, Qiang Fu, Kevin M.
Beaver, Brian E. Perron, Matthew O. Howard # The Severe 5%: A Latent Class Analysis of the Externalizing Behavior Spectrum in the United States Journal of Criminal Justice 39 (2011) 75–80 Data from the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), a nationally representative sample of 43,093 non-institutionalized U.S. residents aged 18 years and older were analyzed using latent class analysis to assess sociodemographic, psychiatric, and behavioral characteristics. Results: Four-classes of respondents were identified vis-à-vis lifetime externalizing behaviors. A normative class (66.1% of respondents) demonstrated little involvement in antisocial conduct. A low substance use/high antisocial behavior class (20.7% of respondents) and high substance use/moderate antisocial behavior (8.0% of respondents) class evinced diverse externalizing and psychiatric symptoms. Finally, a severe class (5.3% of respondents) was characterized by pathological involvement in more varied and intensive forms of antisocial and externalizing behaviors and extensive psychiatric disturbance. |
Haute Autorité de Santé | Audition publique –
Textes des experts |
Kathrin Ritter,
Isabel Dziobek, Sandra Preißler, Anke Rüter, Aline
Vater, Thomas Fydrich, Claas-Hinrich Lammers, Hauke R.
Heekeren, Stefan Roepke # Lack of empathy in patients with narcissistic personality disorder Psychiatry Res. (2010) The study's objective was to empirically assess cognitive and emotional empathy in patients with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). To date, “lack of empathy” is a core feature of NPD solely based on clinical observation. The study's method was that forty-seven patients with NPD, 53 healthy controls, and 27 clinical controls with borderline personality disorder (BPD) were included in the study. Emotional and cognitive empathy were assessed with traditional questionnaire measures, the newly developed Multifaceted Empathy Test (MET), and the Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC). The study's results were that individuals with NPD displayed significant impairments in emotional empathy on the MET. Furthermore, relative to BPD patients and healthy controls, NPD patients did not show deficits in cognitive empathy on the MET or MASC. Crucially, this empathic profile of NPD is not captured by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV for Axis II Disorders (SCID-II). The study's conclusions were that while NPD involves deficits in emotional empathy, cognitive empathy seems grossly unaffected |
Michelle L.
Esterberg, Sandra M. Goulding, Elaine F. Walker # A Personality Disorders: Schizotypal, Schizoid and Paranoid Personality Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2010 December 1; 32(4): 515–528 Cluster A personality disorders (PD), including schizotypal personality disorder (SPD), paranoid personality disorder (PPD), and schizoid PD, are marked by odd and eccentric behaviors, and are grouped together because of common patterns in symptomatology as well as shared genetic and environmental risk factors. The DSM-IV-TR describes personality disorders as representing stable and enduring patterns of maladaptive traits, and much of what is understood about Cluster A personality disorders in particular stems from research with adult populations... |
Fundación Atenea |
New Zealand. Law Commission. |
The Economist WHAT makes people psychopaths is not an idle question. Prisons are packed with them. So, according to some, are boardrooms. The combination of a propensity for impulsive risk-taking with a lack of guilt and shame (the two main characteristics of psychopathy) may lead, according to circumstances, to a criminal career or a business one. |
Talha Burki |
Florida Council for Community Mental Health |
Jessica Reichert,
Lindsay Bostwick # Post-traumatic stress disorder and victimization among female prisoners in Illinois Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, November 2010 In a study that addressed the prevalence of PTSD among female prisoners, 68 percent of incarcerated women had current or lifetime PTSD—48 percent had PTSD and 20 percent met the criteria at some other point in their lifetimes (Zlotnick, 1997). One study of females in a juvenile detention center found that 77 percent of them had been exposed to trauma and 33 percent had PTSD... A review of the literature found that trauma experienced by females in prison strongly influences offending behavior... |
Carmen Valiente,
Regina Espinosa, Carmelo Vàzquez, Dolores Cantero,
Filiberto Fuentenebro # World Assumptions in Psychosis Do Paranoid Patients Believe in a Just World? www.jonmd.com/ The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease • Volume 198, Number 11, November 2010 We examined whether these beliefs in a just world (BJW) were associated with the severity of psychopathology of participants. Our results showed that, compared with a healthy control group, the current persecutory beliefs group had weaker beliefs in a just world related to themselves (BJW-P), but there were no differences between both groups in their beliefs in general justice in the world (BJW-G). Regression analyses showed that BJW, particularly weaker beliefs in personal justice, significantly associated with more severe symptoms of depression and paranoia as well as with lower scores of psychological well-being. Our results support the relevance of the BJW framework in exploring world views in patients with persecutory beliefs. |
Antonio Salvati |
Giuliano Balbi Le Sezioni unite della suprema Corte, con la nota sentenza 9163 del 25 gennaio 2005, hanno recepito un modello estremamente ampio di infermità mentale rilevante per il sistema penale, ricomprendendovi anche i disturbi della personalità, per quanto atipici. Che questa decisione abbia davvero contribuito ad innalzare il complessivo standard di garanzie è, quanto meno, discutibile. Quello di disturbo della personalità, infatti, è un paradigma tutt’altro che rigido; basti pensare che il DSM (Manuale Diagnostico e Statistico dei Disturbi Mentali, IV edizione) lo definisce come «un modello di esperienza interiore e di comportamento che devia marcatamente rispetto alle aspettative della cultura dell'individuo». |
Michael L. Perlin # “They Keep It All Hid”: The Ghettoization of Mental Disability Law and Its Implications for Legal Education Saint Louis University School of Law, Vol. 54:857 (2010) I contend that the ghettoization reflects a hard truth that has passed under the radar of most civil rights teachers and civil rights students. Mental disability law is simply not a topic taken seriously as a civil rights topic (or as a constitutional law topic or as a federal courts topic). And this failure of inclusion goes directly to the heart of the challenge of teaching mental disability law. It is hidden (nearly totally hidden) from the traditional law school curriculum. It is not even in the curriculum at many law schools. It is largely invisible to students and professors alike. |
Heather Y. Bersot, Bruce A. Arrigo |
Dan J. Stein, Katharine A. Phillips, Derek
Bolton, K.W.M Fulford, John Z. Sadler, Kenneth S.
Kendler |
Liselotte Pedersen, Camilla Kunz, Kirsten
Rasmussen, Peter Elsass |
Allnutt, S., O’Driscoll, C., Ogloff, J.R.P., Daffern, M. & Adams, J. #
Clinical Risk
Assessment & Management: A Practical Manual for
Mental Health Clinicians. Mental health clinicians use tools for the identification of risk factors for future aggression and the assessment of level of risk widely. These tools provide the clinician with limited guidance on how to assess risk but more importantly they provide little guidance in relation to how a risk management plan should be developed... In New South Wales the Sentinel Events Review Committee reported on the analysis of homicides committed by persons who were receiving care or who had recently received care from public Mental Health Service in NSW during 2005/06... |
Ontario Ministry
of Community & Correctional Services |
Federal-Provincial-Territorial Partnership # Mental Health Strategy for Corrections in Canada www.csc-scc.gc.ca/ November 2010 The Canadian Mental Health Association (2009) attributes, in part, the expanding rate of incarceration of individuals with mental health problems and/or mental illnesses to the lack of a national mental health strategy for Canada. It stresses the importance of developing a strategy to assist the vulnerable men and women who come into conflict with the law. |
National Justice Chief Executive Officers’
Group | Victorian Government Department of Justice |
Ji Seun Sohn,
David Webb, Soo Jung Lee # Can Korean PCL-R Predict Implicit Aggression Among Korean Inmates? Asia Pacific Journal of Police & Criminal Justice, vol. 8 n. 2 2010 This paper focuses on the relationship between psychopathy scores measured by the Korean Psychopathy Checklist—Revised and inmates’ implicit aggression (as opposed to verbally/physically explicit aggression) by correctional staf ’s evaluations to suggest the utilization of Korean PCL-R. Numerous studies identified the Factor 2 score of the PCL-R as being a more significant predictor of higher levels of disruptive institutional behavior and recidivism than the Factor 1 score... |
Gerry Akland # Prisons & Jails are North Carolina’s New Mental Hospitals National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI - October 12, 2010 Jails and prisons are not created to be de facto mental hospitals. They are not structurally appropriate for severely mentally ill patients, and the staffs are not recruited as psychiatric caretakers. It costs more to take care of mentally ill inmates. For example, Texas has estimated the average cost to be about $22,000/year, but mentally ill inmates costs from $30,000 to $50,000 a year. Medication costs are a significant portion of the increased costs. Another identified problem relates injuries associated with treatment by other prisoners or staff while in prison. |
Judge Steven Leifman |
Royal College of
Nursing | Centre for Mental Health # Prison mental health: vision and reality www.rcn.org.uk/ September 2010 The need for better mental health care in prisons has been evident for some time. Reports throughout the last two decades have shown that prisoners have dramatically higher rates of the whole range of mental health problems compared to the general population. Not only is prison itself a risk factor for emotional distress but the prison population is comprised disproportionately of people from disadvantaged backgrounds with a history of trauma, loss and low resilience to distress. |
Roberto Nuevo, Somnath Chatterji, Emese
Verdes,Nirmala Naidoo, Celso Arango, José Luis
Ayuso-Mateos |
Ceri Evans, Phil Brinded, Alexander I.
Simpson, Chris Frampton, Roger T. Mulder Although the BJMHS (Brief Jail Mental Health Screen) and EMHS (English Mental Health Screen) did not perform well in terms of screening for MINI diagnoses, they appeared to be good at identifying a core group of prisoners who are psychotic and most likely to require urgent or semi- urgent intervention by mental health services. The most favorable clinical outcomes were achieved by defining a positive screen as one in which either the EMHS or the BJMHS criteria were fulfilled. |
Tim Aubry, John
Sylvestre, Jaclynne Smith, Donna pettey, Marnie Smith # An Evaluation of the Outcomes of a Court Outreach Program for People with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness Who Are Legally Involved Canadian Journal of CommunitY Mental Health, vol. 29 Special Issue Supplement 2010 The current study evaluated the outcomes of an outreach program that provides individualized services to people with severe mental illness who are legally involved. Client outcomes included increased community ability and reduced homelessness for a group of 45 clients still receiving services from the program, and increased community ability and diminished severity of mental health symptoms for 50 clients who had been discharged from the program. Only 2 of the 50 discharged clients (4%) were found to be incarcerated at termination. |
Nancy S. Koven, Robert M. Roth, Matthew A.
Garlinghouse, Laura A. Flashman, Andrew J. Saykin |
Karen J. Cusack,
Joseph P. Morrissey, Gary S. Cuddeback, Annabel Prins,
David M. Williams # Criminal Justice Involvement, Behavioral Health Service Use, and Costs of Forensic Assertive Community Treatment: A Randomized Trial Community Ment Health J. 2010 August ; 46(4): 356–363 Jail diversion and forensic community treatment programs have proliferated over the past decade, far outpacing evidence regarding their efficacy. The current study reports findings from a randomized clinical trial conducted in California for frequent jail users with serious mental illness that compares a forensic assertive community treatment (FACT) intervention with treatment as usual (TAU). Outcomes are reported at 12 and 24 months post-randomization for criminal justice outcomes, behavioral health services and costs... |
Robert D. Morgan, William H. Fisher, Naihua
Duan, Jon T. Mandracchia, Danielle Murray |
Jeslyn A. Miller |
Robert D. Hare, Craig S. Neumann |
Brant P. Hasler,
Daniel J. Buysse, David J. Kupfer, Anne Germain # Phase relationships between core body temperature, melatonin, and sleep are associated with depression severity: Further evidence for circadian misalignment in non-seasonal depression Psychiatry Res. 2010 June 30; 178(1): 205–207. Misalignment between the timing of sleep and the circadian pacemaker has been linked to depression symptoms. This study sought to extend earlier findings by comparing sleep and circadian markers in healthy controls and individuals with major depression. Two markers of circadian misalignment correlated with depression severity in the depressed group... |
Piero Porcelli,
Joni L. Mihura # Assessment of AlexithymiaWith the Rorschach Comprehensive System: The Rorschach Alexithymia Scale (RAS) Journal of Personality Assessment, 92(2), 128–136, 2010 In this study, we developed the Rorschach Alexithymia Scale (RAS) to be used with protocols scored with the Comprehensive System. A total of 92 patients with medical disease and 127 psychiatric outpatients were administered the Rorschach and the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale. We used a systematic approach, including cross-validation, to reduce a pool of 27 CS codes issued from an earlier investigation to 3 variables: Form%, CDI, and Pop. The RAS showed excellent diagnostic accuracy (hit rate of 92%, sensitivity of 88%, specificity of 94%, and area under the curve of .96).We suggest that the RAS can be used as a reliable integrative tool in a multimethod assessment approach to measuring alexithymia. |
Matteo Fiorani |
Angelo Puccia, Corrado Benatti, Francesca
Savazzi (Eds) |
Kevin Stoloff, John Joska |
Max Rutherford |
Donald W. Black,
Tracy Gunter, Peggy Loveless, Jeff Allen, Bruce Sieleni # Antisocial personality disorder in incarcerated offenders: Psychiatric comorbidity and quality of life Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, May 2010;22(2):113-120 ASPD is relatively common among both male and female inmates and is associated with comorbid disorders, high suicide risk, and impaired quality of life. Those with comorbid ADHD were more impaired than those without ADHD. ASPD occurs frequently in prison populations and is nearly as common in women as in men. These study findings should contribute to discussions of appropriate and innovative treatment of ASPD in correctional settings. |
A. K. L. von
Borries, I. A. Brazil, B. H. Bulten, J. K. Buitelaar, R.
J. Verkes, E. R. A. de Bruijn # Neural correlates of error-related learning deficits in individuals with psychopathy Psychological Medicine (2010), 40, 1559–1568 Individuals with psychopathy (PP) show little concern about the consequences of their actions for others and themselves. They often show poor planning skills and fail to avoid behaviours that have been punished previously. The latter is reflected in, for example, the amount and types of incidents occurring in clinical settings and in their poor response to treatment and the high relapse rates of criminal behaviour. |
National Center on Addiction and Substance
Abuse at Columbia University |
Nazilla Khanlou,
Beth Jackson (Intr) | Public Health Agency of Canada # Immigrant Mental Health. La santé mentale des immigrants www.metropolis.net/ Canadian Issues - Thèmes Canadiens Summer / Été 2010 Contributeurs: Nazilla Khanlou - Laura Simich - Edward Ng - D. Walter Rasugu Omariba - Mengxuan Annie Xu - James Ted McDonald - Biljana Vasilevska - Morton Beiser - Ruth Marie Wilson - Rabea Murtaza - Yogendra B. Shakya - Alice W. Chen - Charmaine C. Williams - Joanna Ochocka - Elin Moorlag - Sarah Marsh - Karolina Korsak - Baldev Mutta - Amandeep Kaur - Kwame McKenzie - Emily Hansson - Andrew Tuck - Steve Lurie - Lin Fang - Miu Chung Yan - Shahlo Mustafaeva - Regan Shercliffe - Ginette Lafrenière - Lamine Diallo - Cécile Rousseau - Ghayda Hassan - Nicolas Moreau - Uzma Jamil - Myrna Lashley - Yvonne Lai - Michaela Hynie - Yogendra B. Shakya - Nazilla Khanlou - Tahira Gonsalves - Yuk-Lin - Renita Wong - Josephine P. Wong - Kenneth P. Fung - Sepali Guruge - Enid Collins - Amy Bender |
Jean-Luc Roelandt |
Julian Elliott Thomas | National Justice
Mental Health Initiative Working Group |
Jane L. Ireland |
Northern Ireland Assembly |
Courtney Conn, Rebecca Warden, Jeffrey
Stuewig, Elysha H. Kim, Laura Harty, Mark Hastings,
June P. Tangney Most incarcerated offenders (50 percent to 80 percent) have behavioral histories that meet diagnostic criteria for anti-social personality disorder, whereas a smaller subgroup (15 percent to 30 percent) meets criteria for psychopathy. Psychopathy is a more severe disorder represented by a cluster of personality traits in addition to the anti-social behaviors characteristic of anti-social personality disorder. BPD is characterized by many of the behavioral features of psychopathy, including lack of inhibition, impulsivity, drug use and promiscuous sexual behavior. Both psychopathy and BPD have been found to be predictive of criminal activity in men and women |
Peter Lehmann |
Shrivastava # Suicide, schizophrenia and antipsychotics: Perspectives http://earlypsychosis.net/ The University of Western Ontario, 2010 |
Camilo J.
Ruggero, Mark Zimmerman, Iwona Chelminski, Diane Young # Borderline Personality Disorder and the Misdiagnosis of Bipolar Disorder J Psychiatr Res. 2010 April ; 44(6): 405–408 Recent reports suggest bipolar disorder is not only under-diagnosed but may at times be overdiagnosed. Little is known about factors that increase the odds of such mistakes. The present work explores whether symptoms of borderline personality disorder increase the odds of a bipolar misdiagnosis. Psychiatric outpatients (N = 610) presenting for treatment were administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) and the Structured Interview for DSM-IV Personality for DSM-IV axis II disorders (SIDP-IV), as well as a questionnaire asking if they had ever been diagnosed with bipolar disorder by a mental health care professional. Eighty-two patients who reported having been previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder but who did not have it according to the SCID were compared to 528 patients who had never been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Patients with borderline personality disorder had significantly greater odds of a previous bipolar misdiagnosis, but no specific borderline criteria was unique in predicting this outcome. Patients with borderline personality disorder, regardless of how they meet criteria, may be at increased risk of being misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder. |
Mark Zimmerman, Janine N. Galione, Camilo J. Ruggero, Iwona Chelminski, Diane Young, Kristy Dalrymple, Joseph B. McGlinchey # Screening for Bipolar Disorder and Finding Borderline Personality Disorder J Clin Psychiatry 2010;71(9):1212–1217 Bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder share some clinical features and have similar correlates. It is, therefore, not surprising that differential diagnosis is sometimes difficult. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is the most widely used screening scale for bipolar disorder. Borderline personality disorder was 4 times more frequently diagnosed in the MDQ positive group than the MDQ negative group (21.5% vs 4.1%, P < .001). The results were essentially the same when the analysis was restricted to patients with a current diagnosis of major depressive disorder (27.6% vs 6.9%, P = .001). Of the 98 patients who screened positive on the MDQ in the entire sample of patients, including those diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 23.5% (n = 23) were diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and 27.6% (n = 27) were diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. |
Philip B Mitchell, Colleen K Loo and Bronwyn
M Gould |
Joie Acosta, Janice C. Blanchard, Craig Evan
Pollack, Rhondee Benjamin-Johnson, David M. Adamson,
Carole Roan Gresenz, Brendan Salones |
Heathcote W. Wales, Virginia Aldigé Hiday,
Bradley Ray |
Mindy S. Bradley-Engen, Gary S. Cuddeback,
Mathew D. Gayman, Joseph P. Morrissey, David Mancuso |
Ariel Eytan, Dagmar M. Haller, Hans Wolff,
Bernard Cerutti, Paul Sebo, |
Jean-Luc Roelandt |
Randy A. Sansone, Lori A. Sansone |
Jeffrey L. Metzner, Jamie Fellner |
Michael Vitiello # Addressing the Special Problems of Mentally Ill Prisoners: A Small Piece of the Solution to Our Nation's Prison Crisis Denver University Law Review, vol. 88, 2010 As a result of the deinstitutionalization movement, mentally ill patients who were released from mental health facilities were sent back into their communities. The effect has been a change of venue for the mentally ill from mental hospitals to prisons, not just to nursing homes or the streets. While there are few data on incarcerations of mentally ill people prior to the deinstitutionalization movement,48 evidence suggests that, since deinstitutionalization, the rate of incarceration of mentally ill people has increased significantly. |
G. Escuder
Romeva, L.G. Gomollón Rubio, S. Ochoa Güerre, M.J. Ramos
Miravet, A. González Cáceres, Stuart D. M. Thomas # Clinical validation of the CANFOR scale (Camberwell Assessment of Need-Forensic version) for the needs assessment of people with mental health problems in the forensic services Actas Esp Psiquiatr 2010;38(3):129-137 Few studies have been performed in Spain on the prevalence of mental disease in prisons. According to the data published in 2007 regarding the penitentiary population in Catalonia, it has been confi rmed that there is a greater prevalence of mental disorders in the penitentiary setting than in the general population. A total of 40.9% of Convicted Offenders have been diagnosed of severe mental disorder (SMD), 44.3% of them being subjected to Security Measures. As a fi rst diagnosis, the most prevalent are Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders, since they are found in 44.5% of the security measures and 26% of the convicted offenders population seen by the Psychiatry Services. |
Jack JM Dekker, Jan Theunissen, Rien Van,
Jaap Peen, Pim Duurkoop, Martijn Kikkert |
Adrienne Rivlin,
Keith Hawton, Lisa Marzano, Seena Fazel # Psychiatric disorders in male prisoners who made near-lethal suicide attempts: case–control study The British Journal of Psychiatry (2010) 197, 313–319. A matched case–control study of 60 male prisoners who made near-lethal suicide attempts (cases) and 60 prisoners who had never carried out near-lethal suicide attempts in prison (controls) was conducted. Psychiatric disorders were identified with the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), and information on sociodemographic characteristics and criminal history was gathered using a semi-structured interview. Results Psychiatric disorders were present in all cases and 62% of controls. Although cases were more likely than controls to meet criteria for antisocial personality disorder, the difference was not statistically significant. Comorbidity was also significantly more common among cases than controls for both current and lifetime disorders. Conclusions In male prisoners, psychiatric disorders, especially depression, psychosis, anxiety and drug misuse, are ssociated with near-lethal suicide attempts, and hence probably with suicide. |
Olav Nielssen,
Matthew Large # Rates of Homicide During the First Episode of Psychosis and After Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Schizophrenia Bulletin 2010 vol. 36 no. 4 pp. 702–712 The findings of this study suggest that the rate of lethal violence by patients with previously treated schizophrenia is lower than previous estimates. In contrast, the rate of homicide prior to treatment of psychotic illness is higher than has previously been recognized. Homicide is a rare event, and it might never be possible to accurately predict who will commit homicide. However, awareness of the increased risk of homicide in patients in the first episode of psychosis should alert health care workers to the need for urgent treatment of emerging psychosis. |
The Offender Health Research Network |
Chris Fitch, Melba Wilson, Adrian Worrall |
Royal College of Psychiatrists - National Mental
Health Development Unit - National Mental Health
Equalities Programme |
E. Fuller Torrey,
Sheriff Aaron D. Kennard, Sheriff Don Eslinger, Richard
Lamb, James Pavle # More Mentally Ill Persons Are in Jails and Prisons Than Hospitals: A Survey of the States www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/ May 2010 In 1939 Lionel Penrose, a British psychiatrist and mathematician, published a paper on the relationship between the population of psychiatric hospitals and that of prisons. He postulated that the two populations were inversely correlated: as one decreases, the other increases.67 It has become known as the balloon theory—push in on one side and the other side bulges out. What Penrose did not know when he published his paper was that the United States was about to embark on a grand social experiment— deinstitutionalization—that would test his theory. |
Mairead Dolan, Regine Blattner |
Pål Hartvig |
Brian E. Perron,
Alicia Bunge2, Kimberly Bender, Michael G. Vaughn,
Matthew O. Howard # Treatment Guidelines for Substance Use Disorders and Serious Mental Illnesses: Do They Address Co-Occurring Disorders? Subst Use Misuse, 2010 June ; 45(0): 1262–1278 Substance use disorders (SUDs) and serious mental illnesses (SMIs) are significant public health concerns. Approximately 22 million people in the United States were classified with substance use or dependence in the past year 2004) and 44 million people have experienced a SMI within the past year. Furthermore, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimated in 1997 that the United States expended roughly $85 billion for these disorders, and 56% of this amount was from public sources in that year alone. |
F.A.J. Fluttert, Arnhem, The Netherlands |
Aidan G. C. Wright, Mark R. Lukowitsky, Aaron
L. Pincus, David E. Conroy |
Royal College of
Psychiatrists London # No health without public mental health www.rcpsych.ac.uk/ Approved by Council: October 2010 Risk factors disproportionately affect the mental health of people from higher-risk and marginalised groups. Those at higher risk include looked-after children, children who experienced abuse, Black and minority ethnic individuals,b,29–31 those with intellectual disability and homeless people. Prisoners have a twenty-fold higher risk of psychosis,32 with 63% of male remand prisoners having antisocial personality disorder,33 compared with 0.3% of the general population.8 Such groups are also at a higher risk of stigma and discrimination. Targeted intervention for groups at higher risk of mental illness can prevent a widening of inequalities in comparison with the general population. |
Anne Wyvekens # La rétention de sûreté en France: une défense sociale en trompe-l’oeil (ou les habits neufs de l’empereur) déviance et société 2010, vol. 34, n° 4, pp. 503-525 La législation pénale française n’a pendant longtemps été que modérément influencée par les théories positivistes. La loi du 25 février 2008 crée la rétention de sûreté, qualifiée de « révolution en droit pénal français ». Aboutissement d’une évolution placée sous le signe de la lutte contre la récidive, où la dangerosité et les mesures de sûreté tendent à supplanter les notions de responsabilité et de peine, elle ne représente pas pour autant la mise en oeuvre d’une politique moderne de défense sociale. La rupture évoquée, bien réelle sur le plan des principes, renvoie plutôt à une rhétorique, dissimulant mal la difficulté de répondre à la question soulevée en des termes autres que de neutralisation. |
T. E. Mofftt, A. Caspi, A. Taylor, J. Kokaua,
B. J. Milne, G. Polanczyk, R. Poulton |
Serap Erdogan # Quetiapine in Substance Use Disorders, Abuse and Dependence Possibility: A Review Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 2010 When evaluated in terms of DSM IV criteria it is noteable that quetiapine abuse and dependence were first reported among prisoner populations. In the Los Angeles County Jail, which is referred to as the “world’s biggest mental health institution”, it is reported that approximately 30% of prisoners pretend to have a severe psychiatric disorder by reporting symptoms (hearing noises, having paranoid thoughts) in order to get quetiapine... |
Lynn A. Stewart, Andrew Harris, Geoff Wilton,
Kyle Archambault, Colette Cousineau, Steve Varrette |
Steven Raphael,
Michael A. Stoll # Assessing the Contribution of the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill to Growth in the U.S. Incarceration Rate http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/ March 2010 Over half of state prison inmates, slightly less than half of federal prison inmates, and over 60 percent of jail inmates report having mental health problems or symptoms indicative of mental illness. The relative prevalence of severe mental illness is particular high (nearly five times that of the general adult population). Applying these prevalence rates to the 2008 incarcerated population yields the estimate that roughly 316,000 severely mentally ill people are inmates in the nation’s prison and jails (approximately 115,000 jail inmates and 201,000 state and federal prison inmates). |
Xavier Bébin # Maladie mentale, troubles de la personnalité et dangerosité. Quels liens, quelles réponses? www.institutpourlajustice.org/ Institut pour la Justice, Études & Analyses N°11 Août 2010 Depuis les années 1970, on a constaté chez bon nombre de praticiens et de familles de patients un refus de principe d‟envisager qu‟il puisse y avoir un lien entre violence et schizophrénie – i.e., que la schizophrénie puisse accroître le risque de passage à l‟acte violent de l‟individu. Cette position était éminemment compréhensible : le fait de souffrir d‟une maladie mentale constitue déjà un handicap, et il convient d‟éviter tout risque de stigmatisation supplémentaire. Et ce d‟autant plus que la grande majorité des malades mentaux ne sont pas violents, et que les malades mentaux ont plus de dix fois plus de chances d‟être victimes de violence qu‟une personne non malade... |
Alexandra H.
Smith, Jennifer J. Parish | Urban Justice Center’s
Mental Health Project # When a Person with Mental Illness Goes to Prison- How to Help. A Guide for Family Members and Friends Urban Justice Center 2010 There are some separate residential mental health units within the prison system. People assigned to the Intermediate Care Program (ICP), Intensive ICP (IICP), and Transitional ICP (TrICP or TICP) reside in separate housing areas from those in general population. These programs are staffed by both DOCS and OMH. The ICP and IICP are designed to serve as day treatment programs within the prison for people who are unable to function in the general prison population because of impairments related to their mental illness. People in the Transitional ICP have cells in a separate housing area from general population, have some separate programming, but may spend a portion of their time in and with the general population. |
Rich Daly |
Gusztáv Stubnya,
Zoltán Nagy, Claas-Hinrich Lammers, Zoltán Rihmer,
István Bitter # Deinstitutionalization in Europe: Two Recent Examples from Germany and Hungary Psychiatria Danubina, 2010; Vol. 22, No. 3, pp 406–412 Deinstitutionalization has made possible the development of modern community psychiatric services, however radical decrease in the number of hospital beds may result in a reduction in the overall standard of psychiatric care and disruptions in service delivery. The authors present an example of deinstitutionalisation in Hungary, which led to serious difficulties in the provision of healthcare in the field of psychiatry, contrasted with a case from Germany serving as an example of an alternative solution. |
Martyn Pickersgill |
Alice Keski-Valkama |
the WI Inspiring Women |National Federation
of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) |
Daniela Cantone, Raffaele Sperandeo, Paolo
Cotrufo, Alida Giuseppa Labella |
Sarah Santelé |
Senat | M. Gilbert Barbier, Mme Christiane
Demontès, MM. Jean-René Lecerf, Jean-Pierre Michel -
Sénateurs |
Randy A. Sansone,
Lori A. Sansone # Is Seroquel Developing an Illicit Reputation for Misuse/Abuse? Psychiatry 2010, Vol. 7, N. 1, January Quetiapine, an atypical antipsychotic, has been the subject of a series of case reports that suggest a potential for misuse/abuse. The available cases indicate a male predominance; oral, intranasal, or intravenous routes of administration; misuse/abuse in jail or inpatient psychiatric settings; and subjects with extensive histories of polysubstance abuse. While possible pharmacological explanations have been proffered, compared to the other atypical antipsychotics, there is no clear explanation for an alleged higher risk... |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Maria Laura Fadda www.associazionemagistrati.it/ "La Magistratura", luglio/dicembre 2009 |
Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme - European Court of Human Rights # Causa
Maiorano e altri c. Italia (Ricorso n. 28634/06) I ricorrenti ... sono parenti delle signore Maria Carmela Linciano e Valentina Maiorano che, in base alle dichiarazioni confessorie di Angelo Izzo, furono da lui assassinate il 28 aprile 2005... |
California HealthCare Foundation |
Hassan Ziaaddini,
Mansoureh Nasirian, Rezvan Amiri # Personality Disorder Diagnosis in Substance Dependent Women in Iran : Relationship to childhood Maltreatment Iran J Psychiatry 2009; 4:52-55 Results suggested that all types of maltreatment, including neglect are related to higher levels of personality disorder and substance use and should be considered serious risk factors during adolescence. Such studies are important for a more understanding of these problems and for practical efforts for alleviating them in female victims of childhood maltreatment. |
# The
Bradley Report. Lord Bradley’s review of people with
mental health problems or learning disabilities in
the criminal justice system |
Sainsbury Centre
for Mental Health # Briefing 39: Mental health care and the criminal justice system www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/ August 2009 Responsibility for prison health care lies with the NHS. It aims to give prisoners access to the same quality and range of health services as the general public receives in the community. This is an enormous challenge. Many prisoners have a combination of mental health problems, substance misuse and personality disorder, as well as a range of other issues to deal with. Overcrowding and a lack of staff skilled in identifying and managing mental health problems are major problems that need to be addressed. There is growing evidence that prisons are not effective at reducing offending and that the costs, both financial and social, of containing people in prison without access to appropriate health care are too high. |
Laura Knight, Mike Stephens |
Mélanie Voyer, Jean-Louis Senon, Christelle Paillard, Nemat Jaafari # Dangerosité psychiatrique et prédictivité L'information psychiatrique 8/ 2009 (Volume
85), p. 745-752 |
Graham D. Glancy, Michael Saini |
Seth Jacob Prins,
Laura Draper # Improving Outcomes for People with Mental Illnesses under Community Corrections Supervision: A Guide to Research-Informed Policy and practice Council of State Governments Justice Center, N. Y., 2009 People with mental illnesses, most of whom have co-occurring substance use disorders and face significant clinical, legal, and socioeconomic challenges, are overrepresented among probation and parole populations. These individuals are twice as likely as people without mental illnesses to have their community supervision revoked. The best predictors of probation or parole revocation for people with mental illnesses are similar to predictors of revocation for people without mental illnesses (for example, criminal history, substance use, problematic circumstances at home), but people with mental illnesses have more of these risk factors. In addition, people with mental illnesses face unique risk factors related to their clinical conditions (for example, some may have functional impairments). |
Antonio Lora # An overview of the mental health system in Italy Ann Ist Super Sanità 2009 | Vol. 45, no. 1: 5-16 The ESEMeD survey was carried out in Italy in 2001-2003, and interviewed a sample of 4712 Italian citizens. The annual prevalence for common mental disorders was 7.3%, anxiety disorder was 5.1%, mood disorder 3.5% and alcohol disorder 0.1%. The most common mental disorders were major depression (3%) and specific phobia (2.7%). Women were twice as likely as men to report a mood disorder and four times as likely as men to report an anxiety disorder, while men were twice as likely as women to report an alcohol disorder. There was a high co-morbidity of mood and anxiety disorders. |
Mariam A-Zanganeh
# The assessment and Management of Violence in Forensic Populations The University of Birmingham May 2009 The present research offers support for the ability of the HCR-20 risk assessment scheme to predict future acts of violence in a UK sample of mentally/personality disordered males under the care of a community forensic mental health service. The study offers further knowledge and understanding on the risk assessment and management process in UK samples and more specifically outlines the importance of both static and dynamic factors. |
Lacey N.
Oldemeyer # Demographic and Historical Factors in Violent and Nonviolent Offenders with Psychotic Disorders School of Professional Psychology Pacific University December 11, 2009 Individuals with severe mental illness, and more specifically, psychotic disorders, have become more present in the criminal justice system in the last few decades. Understanding background and historical factors that may be associated with crime, violent and nonviolent, is an important step in identifying and preventing these individuals from becoming involved in the system. More research in the area of risk assessment for this population is warranted and is an important step in reducing the number of psychotic individuals in jails and prisons. |
James A. Cranford, Daniel Eisenberg, Alisha
M. Serras |
Jacques Baillargeon, Ingrid A. Binswanger,
Joseph V. Penn, Brie A. Williams, Owen J. Murray |
Baillargeon, Brie A. Williams, Jeff Mellow, Amy Jo
Harzke, Steven K. Hoge, Gwen Baillargeon, Robert B.
Greifinger # Parole Revocation Among Prison Inmates With Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders Psychiatr Serv. 2009 November ; 60(11): 1516–1521 Parolees with a dual diagnosis of a major psychiatric disorder (major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or other psychotic disorder) and a substance use disorder had a substantially increased risk of having their parole revoked because of either a technical violation (adjusted odds ratio [OR]=1.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.4–2.4) or commission of a new criminal offense (OR=2.8, 95% CI=1.7–4.5) in the 12 months after their release. However, parolees with a diagnosis of either a major psychiatric disorder alone or a substance use disorder alone demonstrated no such increased risk. |
The American
Civil Liberties Union ACLU # Human Rights at Home: Mental Illness in U.S. Prisons and Jails www.aclu.org/ September 15, 2009 Empirical studies across custodial settings have found that mentally disabled detainees and inmates are held for longer periods of time than persons without mental disabilities, despite the fact that providing mental health treatment services in a custodial setting is the most costly and least effective form of mental health care. |
Fred Arne Thorberg, Ross McD Young, Karen A.
Sullivan, Michael Lyvers |
Lisa K. Richardson, B. Christopher Frueh,
Anouk L. Grubaugh, Leonard Egede, Jon D. Elhai |
Massimo Clerici # La comorbilità per disturbi mentali e uso di sostanze: evidenze dalla realtà italiana (PADDI - Psychiatric and Addictive Dual Diagnosis in Italy – Study) 5° Conferenza Nazionale sulle Politiche Antidroga - Roma, 15.09.2009 Ipotesi eziologiche • GENETIC MODEL: due separati rischi genetici nello stesso individuo • SECONDARY PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER MODEL: interazioni reciproche tra uso di sostanze e SMI (esordio, decorso, gravità, caratteristiche cliniche) • SELF-MEDICATION MODEL: l’uso di sostanze come strategia di coping utilizzata da individui con SMI, con preferenza di una sostanze sulla base di specificità psicofarmacologica • CONTESTO SOCIALE: disponibilità di sostanze, fattori demografici e locali culturali |
Stephen P.
Kliewer, Melissa McNally, Robyn L. Trippany # Deinstitutionalization: Its Impact on Community Mental Health Centers and the Seriously Mentally Ill The Alabama Counseling Association Journal, Volume 35, Number 1 2009 Deinstitutionalization and the CMHCA initiated in 1963 has had a profound effect upon the counseling profes-sion. While it has encouraged the development of the profession, it has also provided the profession with new challenges. Counselors have been forced to respond to the need to gain new competencies and encourage col-laborative relationships with other mental health providers. The biggest challenge remains with the funding of programs to support the continued deinstitutionalization of those with SMI, although from the institution of imprisonment rather than psychiatric hospitalization. Mental health services for those individuals with SMIs who are incarcerated need to be improved, including an aftercare component once released from jail or prison. |
Frank Sirotich # The Criminal Justice Outcomes of Jail Diversion Programs for Persons With Mental Illness: A Review of the Evidence J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 37:461–72, 2009 Diversion programs are initiatives in which persons with serious mental illness who are involved with the criminal justice system are redirected from traditional criminal justice pathways to the mental health and substance abuse treatment systems. This article is a review of the research literature conducted to determine whether the current evidence supports the use of diversion initiatives to reduce recidivism and to reduce incarceration among adults with serious mental illness with justice involvement. A structured literature search identified 21 publications or research papers for review that examined the criminal justice outcomes of various diversion models. The review revealed little evidence of the effectiveness of jail diversion in reducing recidivism among persons with serious mental illness. However, evidence was found that jail diversion initiatives can reduce the amount of jail time that persons with mental illness serve. Implications for practice and research are discussed. |
Thomas Hugh
Richardson # Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in Examining the Relationship Between Mental Illness and Violent Behaviour and Crime www.internetjournalofcriminology.com/ Internet Journal of Criminology 2009 A significant problem in research into the relationship between crime and mentally illness is what has become known as the ‘criminalisation’ of the mentally ill. Abramson first noted that a large proportion of the mentally ill were being dealt with by the criminal justice system rather than mental health services. Since this initial argument, a large body of evidence suggests that the mentally ill are arrested, convicted and sent to prison in proportions that surpass their actual criminal behaviour. |
SpearIt |
Brian G. Sellers, Bruce A. Arrigo |
Bernhard Pedersen, Arnulf Kolstad |
Joseph Morrissey, Jeffrey Fagan, Joseph
Cocozza |
Ian Needham,
Patrick Callaghan, Tom Palmstierna, Henk Nijman, Nico
Oud # Violence in Clinical Psychiatry Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry, Stockholm 21–24 October 2009 In Jiri Svarc, Jan Vevera, Marek Susta, Appropriate access to psychiatric hospitalization protects patients from criminal behaviour... Penrose in 1939 published a cross-sectional study from 18 European countries, in which he demonstrated an inverse relationship between the number of mental hospital beds and the number of prisoners. He also found strong negative correlations between the number of mental hospital beds and the number of deaths attributed to murder. He argued that by increasing the number of mental institution beds, a society could reduce serious crimes and imprisonment rates. The Penrose’s Law was viewed as oversimplification but 70 years later Hartvig and Kjelsberg (2009)2 have found the inverse relationship between mental institution beds and prison population and also crime rate in Norway... |
Randy A. Sansone, Lori A. Sansone According to the findings of the majority of studies in this area, compared to rates expected in the community, BPD is over-represented in prison populations. This finding may be particularly evident among female prisoners. Rates vary, depending on the methodology, but generally appear to be in the range of 25 to 50 percent. Factors that may be associated with the presence of BPD among criminals include being female, having a history of childhood sexualabuse, committing an impulsive and violent crime (e.g., murder), having antisocial personality disorder traits, and perpetrating domestic violence |
Flaminia Chizzola L’impossibilità di valutare la devianza del comportamento umano rispetto a un modello (materiale o formale) a-storico, fissato una volta per tutte, ha condotto parte del mondo scientifico – si veda ad esempio, in sociologia la teoria dell’etichettamento di Howard S. Becker e in psichiatria l’antipsichiatria... – a ritenere che della devianza (umana) non si possa giudicare affatto, e conseguentemente a cancellare la distinzione tra il normale e il patologico. |
Arindam Basu,
David Brinson # The effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for behavioural and psychological symptom management for people with dementia in residential care settings HSAC Health Services Assessment Collaboration, July 2010 |
Harald Dressing, Christine Kief, Hans-Joachim
Salize |
Human Rights Watch |
Eric B. Elbogen, Sally C. Johnson |
Jean-Louis Senon,
Mélanie Voyer, Christelle Paillard, Nemat Jaafari # Dangerosité criminologique: données contextuelles, enjeux cliniques et expertaux L’Information psychiatrique 2009 ; 85 : 719-25 Dans une société devenue de plus en plus sécuritaire, alors que les droits pénaux européens abandonnent le modèle welfare pour un modèle néolibéral, les psychiatres sont expressément sollicités pour l’évaluation de la dangerosité ou plutôt du risque de violence. Depuis la nouvelle pénologie et surtout les critiques apportées par les travaux de Monahan, l’évaluation clinique individuelle est abandonnée dans tous les pays anglo-saxons mais aussi européens. Après la loi rétention de sûreté de février 2008 et le rapport Lamanda de mai 2008, la justice exige des psychiatres experts français une évaluation actuarielle de la dangerosité. |
Martin P. Kafka # The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Paraphilia Not Otherwise Specified Arch Sex Behav 2009 The category of ‘‘Not Otherwise Specified’’ (NOS) forDSM-based psychiatric diagnosis has typically retained diagnoseswhose rarity, empirical criterion validation or symptomatic expression has been insufficient to be codified. This article reviews the literature on Telephone Scatologia, Necrophilia, Zoophilia, Urophilia, Coprophilia, and Partialism. Based on extant data, no changes are suggested except for the status of Partialism. Partialism, sexual arousal characterized by ‘‘an exclusive focus on part of the body,’’ had historically been subsumed as a type of Fetishism until the advent of DSM-III-R. |
Henry J.
Steadman, Fred C. Osher, Pamela Clark Robbins, Brian
Case, Steven Samuels # Illness Among Jail Inmates Psychiatric Services 60:761–765, 2009 Across jails and study phases the rate of current serious mental illness for male inmates was 14.5% and for female inmates it was 31.0%. There is broad consensus that jails are not the optimal settings to provide acute psychiatric treatment. In line with the recommendations of the Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus Project report and the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, many communities have instituted mechanisms to divert individuals with serious mental illnesses from the front door of the jail to community-based services or have established linkages to services by way of transition planning at the back door. |
Helinä Häkkänen-Nyholm, Robert D. Hare The final, definitive version of this paper will be published in Criminal Justice and Behavior, 2009 A sample of 546 offenders prosecuted for a homicide and convicted in Finland during 1995-2004 was examined. Their post-offense behavior, self-reported reasons for the killing, charges, sentences, and psychopathic traits, as measured by the Psychopathy Checklist- Revised, were coded from official file information. Offenders with high PCL-R scores were more likely than others to leave the crime scene without informing anyone of the killing, to deny the charges, to be convicted for involuntary manslaughter rather than for manslaughter or murder, and to receive permission from the Supreme Court to appeal their lower court sentence. Given the risk that psychopathic offenders pose for violent crime, the finding that they are able to manipulate the criminal justice system is cause for concern. |
Peter O. Ajiboye, Abdullah D. Yussuf, Baba A.
Issa, Olusola A. Adegunloye, Olubunmi N. Buhari |
Teresa Ambrosio,
Antonio Minopoli, Maria Beatrice Toro, Tonino Cantelmi # Disregolazione emotiva e agito sessuale nel sex offender: uno studio comparativo su rabbia e alessitimia all'interno del contesto carcerario Modelli per la mente, 2009 |
Gianluigi Basile,
Lauro Quadrana, Gianluigi Monniello # Alessitimia e Disturbi di Personalità in Adolescenza Psichiatria dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza (2009), vol. 76: 513-531 513 |
Howard Sapers | Enquêteur correctionnel
Canada |
SpearIt |
Matthew M. Large, Olav Nielssen In low-and-middle income countries the association between prison and psychiatric hospital populations may depend on the ability of governments to pay for custodial institutions as well as differences in cultural attitudes towards abnormal and criminal behaviour. In high-income (HI) countries psychiatric and prison populations are not related and probably determined by separate social and political factors. |
Robert A Bowen,
Anne Rogers, Jennifer Shaw # Medication management and practices in prison for people with mental health problems: a qualitative study International Journal of Mental Health Systems 2009, 3:24 Changes to medication management which accompany entry to prison appear to contribute to poor relationships with prison health staff, disrupts established self-medication practices, discourages patients from taking greater responsibility for their own conditions and detrimentally affects the mental health of many prisoners at a time when they are most vulnerable. Such practices are likely to inhibit the integration and normalisation of mental health management protocols in prison as compared with those operating in the wider community and may hinder progress towards improving the standard of mental health care available to prisoners suffering from mental disorder. |
Anna Scheyett, Jennie Vaughn, Melissa Floyd
Taylor |
ArboledA-Flórez # Mental patients in prisons World Psychiatry 2009; 8:187-189 Reluctantly, prisons have accepted the mentally ill ever since their invention over 200 years ago. Despite multiple government commissions and voluminous parliamentary reports in many countries, and the introduction of several alternatives to care, the problem persists and appears to be getting worse. In many cities, the large number of mental patients in the local jails has made the jail a practical extension of the general mental health services. The trans-institutionalization of mentally ill persons from hospital to prisons has been documented in a plethora of studies that have also estimated their numbers at different points of the justicecorrectional system. |
Kimmett Edgar, Dora Rickford |
Giuseppe Tibaldi, Lia Govers |
E Vicens-Pons, Grupo PRECA |
Mª del Carmen Núñez, Mª José López |
Nina Lindberg, Taina Laajasalo, Matti Holi,
Hanna Putkonen, Ghitta Weizmann-Henelius, Helinä
Häkkänen-Nyholm |
Joséfina Alvarez, Nathalie Gourmelon |
Jari Tiihonen,
Jouko Lönnqvist, Kristian Wahlbeck, Timo Klaukka, Leo
Niskanen, Antti Tanskanen, Jari Haukka # 11-year follow-up of mortality in patients with schizophrenia: a population-based cohort study (FIN11 study) www.thelancet.com/ July 13, 2009 Although the proportional use of second-generation antipsychotic drugs rose from 13% to 64% during follow-up, the gap in life expectancy between patients with schizophrenia and the general population did not widen between 1996 (25 years), and 2006 (22·5 years). Compared with current use of perphenazine, the highest risk for overall mortality was recorded for quetiapine (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1·41, 95% CI 1·09–1·82), and the lowest risk for clozapine (0·74, 0·60–0·91; p=0·0045 for the difference between clozapine vs perphenazine, and p<0·0001 for all other antipsychotic drugs). Long-term cumulative exposure (7–11 years) to any antipsychotic treatment was associated with lower mortality than was no drug use (0·81, 0·77–0·84). In patients with one or more filled prescription for an antipsychotic drug, an inverse relation between mortality and duration of cumulative use was noted. |
Douglas Mossman |
Doron Menashe # Is judicial proof of facts a form of scientific explanation? A preliminary investigation of ‘clinical’ legal method http://papers.ssrn.com/ May 27, 2009 This article examines the relationship between judicial proof of facts and positivistic explanation in the natural and social sciences. Although these two forms of factual inquiry share evident similarities, it is argued that, on closer analysis, legal fact-finding is not even a proximate model of scientific explanation. Judicial proof more closely resembles clinical deliberations, such as those encountered in a medical context, than classical scientific method. Comparison with clinical practices should therefore promote understanding and serve as a basis for further research, critical appraisal and practical improvement of the processes of judicial proof. |
Leucht S, Corves
C, D Arbter, Engel R R, Li C, Davis J M. # Second-generation versus first-generation antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia: a meta-analysis www.crd.york.ac.uk/ 07/04/2009 There is substantial variation in the properties of second-generation antipsychotic drugs. Small to medium effects are possible following treatment with amisulpride, clozapine, olanzapine and risperidone in terms of overall efficacy and positive and negative symptoms. Second generation drugs can also result in fewer extrapyramidal side effects, but can induce weight gain. |
Germana Agnetti, Antonio Amatulli, Angelo
Barbato, Stefania Borghetti, Arcadio Erlicher, Maria
Frova, Giorgio Legnani, Umberto Mazza, Pasquale
Pismataro, Gianfranco Pittini, Edoardo Re, Michele
Stuflesser, Enrico Varrani. Occorre poi contrapporsi in modo netto, attivo e propositivo agli orientamenti culturali, politici e tecnici che oggi ripropongono con forza la paura per il diverso, l’allontanamento dell’estraneo, la separazione e reclusione del malato, giustificando queste scelte conservatrici con le esigenze di sicurezza dei cittadini italiani “normali e bene integrati”. Quanto alla tendenza attuale di attribuire alla psichiatria compiti crescenti di tutela dell’ordine sociale e un prevalente profilo criminologico, occorre ricordare e far capire a tutti che ciò finisce per escludere un vero lavoro clinico-terapeutico e riabilitativo. |
Antonino Calogero # La donna da vittima ad autrice di reato www.siaecm.org/ Castiglione delle Stiviere, 04 febbraio 2009 Sono stati presi in considerazioni i comportamenti aggressivi delle donne affette da Disturbi di Personalità (dati preliminari di una ricerca in corso presso l’OPG di Castiglione delle Stiviere). Questi casi sono rappresentati, in particolare, da Disturbo narcisistico o bordeline di Personalità ed è stato correlato il reato grave (per lo più omicidio) con l’imputabilità. La valutazione dei profili delle varie dimensioni della personalità di questi soggetti permettono di identificare la natura ed il ruolo di fattori di rischio capaci di interferire negativamente nel loro equilibrio personologico, nel passaggio all’atto. Disturbo di personalità e Psicopatia al femminile sono in aumento sui reati gravi contro la persona.... |
Denis Lafortune,
Marion Vacheret # La prescription de médicaments psychotropes aux personnes incarcérées dans les prisons provinciales du Québec Santé mentale au Québec, vol. 34, n° 2, 2009, p. 147-170. Dans cet article, les auteurs tentent de mieux cerner la pratique de la prescription de médicaments psychotropes auprès des personnes incarcérées dans les prisons provinciales du Québec. Bien que la prescription de ces médicaments s’avère le « traitement psychiatrique » le plus utilisée, rares sont les études qui portent sur sa prévalence. L’étude porte sur un échantillon de 671 personnes détenues, soit 500 hommes et 171 femmes. Globalement, 40,3 % des incarcérés ont reçu au moins une ordonnance de médicament psychotrope dans la période comprise entre 2002 et 2007. |
Wayne A. Ray, Cecilia P. Chung, Katherine T.
Murray, Kathi Hall, B.S., and C. Michael Stein |
JM Arroyo, E Ortega # Los trastornos de personalidad en reclusos como factor de distorsión del clima social de la prisión Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2009; 11: 11-15 Se estudia la prevalencia de los Trastornos de Personalidad (TP) en una prisión y su efecto en el clima social del establecimiento. El trabajo demuestra una relación estadísticamente significativa entre indicadores de desajuste del clima social en una prisión, como por ejemplo las conductas interpersonales agresivas o la demanda compulsiva de psicofármacos en las consultas médicas y el diagnóstico de TP. Este tipo de trastorno mental, uno de los más frecuentes en prisión, requiere especial atención por parte de los servicios sanitarios y su manejo es extraordinariamente complejo en el medio penitenciario. |
Stephanie Leigh
Sullivan # Mental illness, co-occurring factors and aggression as examined in an American prison University of Nevada Las Vegas, 2009 More recently research has begun to focus on testing the hypotheses that mental illness is not an independent risk factor for aggressive behavior and bringing forth statistical data that shows more variables are involved, such as co-occurring factors of alcohol and/or substance abuse and history of severe head injury. Studying and identifying co-occurring factors could lead to a more grounded knowledge and understanding of risk factors specifically when dealing with the mentally ill and the prison population. |
Treatment Advocacy Center Briefing Paper |
Peppe Dell’Acqua,
Renata Bracco # I numeri dei servizi di salute mentale in Italia Italianieuropei nr. 2/2009) Le informazioni sulla rete dei servizi a tutela della salute mentale in Italia sono tuttora frammentarie. Non è stato attivato ancora un Sistema Informativo nazionale per la Salute Mentale che rilevi le strutture (quante sono, dove, con quali orari di apertura, per quanti giorni all’anno), i processi (quante persone si rivolgono ai servizi di salute mentale, che tipo di risposte ricevono, dopo quanti giorni, l’attività a domicilio è abituale, per quante persone, ecc.) e gli esiti (conclusioni concordate del rapporto terapeutico, ripresa del lavoro e suo inizio ex novo grazie al supporto del servizi di salute mentale, ripetuti ricoveri con le modalità del TSO per le persone già note al CSM, ecc.) |
Aino Mattila # Alexithymia in Finnish General Population Tampere School of Public Health, January 30th, 2009 |
Astrid Birgden # Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Offender Rights: A Normative Stance Is Required www.law.arizona.edu/ Revista Juridica UPR, n. 1, 2009 The explicit stance of a normative framework for offender rehabilitation is that community protection is enhanced by balancing community rights and offender rights (and deontological and consequential positions). Therapeutic jurisprudence can provide the framework to balance justice and therapeutic principles. |
Washington State Department of Social and
Health Services - Washington State Department of
Corrections Studies of general offenders and mentally ill
offenders in Washington and elsewhere have identified
Pål Gjerden,
Jørgen G. Bramness, Lars Slørdal # The use and potential abuse of anticholinergic antiparkinson drugs in Norway: a pharmacoepidemiological study Br J Clin Pharmacol / 2008/ 67:2 / 228–233 Anticholinergic antiparkinson drugs were prescribed to 4.5% of all outpatients who used antipsychotic drugs. This outnumbered sales to patients with Parkinson’s disease by >20 to 1.We found indications of abuse of benzodiazepine tranquillizers among patients using antipsychotics, but there were no clear indications of abuse of anticholinergics, even among patients who were strongly suspected of abuse of benzodiazepines. |
Michael L.
Perlin, Harold Bursztajn, Kris Gledhill, Eva Szeli |
Israel National Commission for UNESCO # Psychiatric Ethics and the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities in Institutions and the Community UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Office 2008 B was convicted of a criminal offence in the Netherlands and also found to be suffering from a mental disorder which meant that he was assessed as being dangerous for the future. The court imposed an order of preventive detention, which required that B spend time in an appropriate psychiatric institution after he had served the appropriate prison sentence for his offending. Dutch law provided that a person subject to a preventive detention order could continue to be held in a prison until the relevant psychiatric institution had been found, but this was supposed to occur within 6 months. It did not occur in B’s case, which meant that he was held in prison for an additional 14 months despite the basis for his ongoing detention being his mental disorder and the need for treatment for that. The problem was the lack of capacity to hold people who were subject to preventive detention. B brought a claim that since his detention was on the basis of mental disorder, he had to be detained in an appropriate setting, namely a hospital. |
Maria R. Sahuquillo |
Marina Morrow,
Paul K. B. Dagg, Ann Pederson # Is Deinstitutionalization a ‘Failed Experiment’? The Ethics of Re-institutionalization Journal of Ethics in Mental Health, November 2008 In the current neo-liberal context of mental health reform and welfare state restructuring, re-institutionalization is attractive to policy makers and community leaders seeking to make homelessness and poverty in urban centres less visible. Indeed, because neo-liberalism justifi es policies and programs that emphasize individual responsibility and bio-medical explanations of mental illnesses over social and systemic analyses, it contributes to a climate of opinion in which calls for re-institutionalization are not easily contested. |
Jeremy Coid # Epidemiological Linkages Between Mental Ill-health and Violence: Risk Factors and Wider Consequences www.dti.gov.uk/ Government Office for Science - September 2008 One additional subgroup of antisocial individuals at exceptionally high risk of violence includes those with psychopathic personalities. The prevalence of this condition is approximately 0.5% in the general population, but among male sentenced prisoners it is 6% and among female prisoners, 1.9%. This would suggest that persons with psychopathic disorder might be suitable for targeted intervention. This subgroup had the highest rates of violence of any form of psychiatric disorder. |
Melle Mélanie Voyer |
Vincent Lamanda |
E. Fuller Torrey,
Kurt Entsminger, Jeffrey Geller, Jonathan Stanley, D. J.
Jaffe # The Shortage of Public Hospital Beds for Mentally Ill Persons. A Report of the Treatment Advocacy Center Treatment Advocacy Center - March 17, 2008 In 2005 there were 17 public psychiatric beds available per 100,000 population compared to 340 per 100,000 in 1955. Thus, 95 percent of the beds available in 1955 were no longer available in 2005. The total estimated shortfall of public psychiatric beds needed to achieve a minimum level of psychiatric care is 95,820 beds. The consequences of the severe shortage in public psychiatric beds could be improved with the widespread utilization of PACT (Program of Assertive Community Treatment) programs and assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), both of which have been proven to decrease hospitalization. It could also be improved with greater flexibility in federal and state regulations allowing for the development of alternatives to hospitalization. |
E. Fuller Torrey, John Monahan, Jonathan
Stanley, Henry J. Steadman, the MacArthur Study Group |
Michael B. First,
Robert L. Halon # Use of DSM Paraphilia Diagnoses in Sexually Violent Predator Commitment Cases J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 36:443–54, 2008 There is legitimate concern in the psychiatric community about the constitutionality of sexually violent predator (SVP) commitment statutes. Such constitutionality depends on the requirement that a sexual offender have a mental abnormality that makes him commit violent predatory sex offenses and reflects almost exclusively a concern for public safety, with little regard for notions of clinical sensibility or diagnostic accuracy. However, given that mental health experts’ diagnostic opinions are, and will continue to be, important to the triers of fact in regard to the application of the SVP statutes, we describe valid means of making a DSM-IV-TR paraphilic diagnosis. We also provide a three-step approach for the judicious application of the diagnosis in the context of SVP commitment evaluations that emphasizes the importance of not making a paraphilia diagnosis based solely on the sexual offenses themselves. Finally, we discuss the appropriate use of a paraphilia NOS diagnosis in SVP cases. |
Kristin Davis, John Fallon, Sue Voge,
Alexandra Teachout |
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health |
Sheilagh Hodgins |
Samuel Lézé # Les Politiques de l'expertise psychiatrique. Enjeux, démarches et terrains. Séminaire GERN "Longues peines et peines indéfinies. Punir la dangerosité" (Paris, 21 mars 2008) http://champpenal.revues.org/ Champ pénal 2008 ; 5 Si la peine punit le crime passé qui établit une culpabilité, la dangerosité implique un expert chargé d'évaluer le risque d'un crime futur et l'existence d'un type d'institution aux confins du champ carcéral et médical, chargé de le réduire ou de l'annuler... Si la dangerosité est bien au centre du dispositif, c'est pour mieux en distinguer deux dimensions exclusives, “criminologiques” (Risque de commission d'une infraction liée à un trouble de la personnalité) et “psychiatriques” (passage à l'acte lié à un trouble psychiatrique). |
Reitske Meganck, Stijn Vanheule, Mattias
Desmet |
Greg A. Greenberg, Robert A. Rosenheck |
Jeremy W. Coid, James B. Kirkbride, Dave Barker, Fiona Cowden, Rebekah Stamps, Min Yang, Peter B. Jones # Raised Incidence
Rates of All Psychoses Among Migrant Groups.
Findings From the East London First Episode
Psychosis Study |
Jennifer Rubin,
Federico Gallo, Adam Coutts # Violent crime Risk models, effective interventions and risk management www.nao.org.uk/ Rand Europe 2008 Clinical versus research perspectives. Traditionally, the risk of violent behaviour has been assessed from at least two distinct research perspectives: 1) clinical 2) non-clinical. Clinicians have traditionally assessed violence risk on an individual basis, using a case formulation approach, i.e. “unaided clinical judgment”. On the other hand, until recently, research tended to focus on the accuracy of risk prediction variables in large, often heterogeneous, populations using statistical or actuarial models. |
Melissa Thompson |
Erik Bulten, Annelies Vissers, Karel T. Oei When it comes to mental health care and treatment in prison, several ‘stakeholders’ are of importance in defining the availability, the aims and the quality of care and treatment. This group of stakeholders consists of prisoners, the providers of care, the prison system, the government and society. As a consequence, the goals involved in care are divergent... |
Harvard Law Review Association The Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Booker dealt a strong blow to a system of federal sentencing guidelines that many viewed as unfair and unsuccessful... By permitting judges greater reliance on 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a) (the statute that sets forth Congress's sentencing objectives), the federal sentencing regime initiated by Booker allows for prison sentences for violent mentally ill offenders longer than those suggested by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The claim is not that defendants have been given longer sentences purely on account of mental illness. Rather, judges have imposed prison sentences beyond what the Guidelines recommend on some mentally ill offenders they view as dangerous or in need of treatment instead of supplementing Guidelines sentences as necessary with civil commitment. |
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
(UNODC) | Tomris Atabay Toughening criminal justice policies worldwide has meant that a growing number of women are being imprisoned for petty offences. In some countries tough legislation for drug-related offences has had a significant impact on the numbers of women in prison and the rate of their increase. In countries where legislation derives from certain interpretations of religious laws, women are often discriminated against, and imprisoned for so- called moral crimes. The umbrella term mental disability is used to include major psychiatric disorders, e.g. schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; more minor mental health problems, often referred to as psychosocial disabilities, e.g. mild anxiety disorders; as well as intellectual disabilities, following the terminology used by the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. |
Perrine Adam, Charlotte Richoux and Michel
Lejoyeux |
In the United
States District Courts for the Eastern District of
California and the Northern District of California -
United States District Court Composed of Three-Judge |
Ralph Coleman - Marciano Plate et a., v. A.
Schwarzenegger et al. # Expert Report of James Gilligan August 15, 2008 However, it has been found that the mentally ill are far more likely to be victims of violent crime than perpetrators of it.34 That is, they are likelier to be injured by someone else than they are to injure someone else. The research regarding mental illness and violence "does not support the stereotype that persons with severe mental illness are typically violent" toward others, but instead should raise more concerns regarding the vulnerability of the mentally ill to victimization... |
D Nagaraja,
Pratima Murthy (eds) | National Human Rights
Commission New Delhi - National Institute of Mental
Health and Neuro Sciences Bangalore # Mental Health Care and Human Rights www.bhrc.bih.nic.in/ National Human Rights Commission 2008 Many international studies have shown a high prevalence of mental disorders among prisoners. There are many public interest litigations regarding the issue of detaining mentally ill persons in jails. Unfortunately, only a few prisons in India have attending psychiatrists. This issue of mental health examination and assessment of prisoners requires to be streamlined and a system should be developed in which a copy of the FIR and charges framed against the referred mentally ill prisoner are made available to the treating psychiatrist. This will not only help the psychiatrist in understanding the mental condition of the prisoner during the crime, but also enable proper precautions to be taken with regard to his/her treatment and care. |
William W. Eaton, Silvia S. Martins, Gerald
Nestadt, O. Joseph Bienvenu, Diana Clarke, and Pierre
Alexandre |
R. Zoccali, M.R.A. Muscatello, A. Bruno, R.
Cambria, L. Cavallaro, G. D'Amico, S. Isgrò, V. Romeo,
M. Meduri The issue of the prevalence of psychiatric illnesses in Italian prison samples has not received the same attention paid at an international level. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders diagnosed according to DSM-III-R criteria among an Italian prisoner population, and to examine prisoners' requests for psychiatric intervention in relationship to the presence or absence of different psychiatric disorders. One hundred fortytwo Italian male subjects from the Casa Circondariale of Messina, Italy, were evaluated using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Non-Patient Version — SCID I and SCID II. A very high rate of disorders was found among inmates: 85.2% (n= 121) of the sample were affected by a psychiatric disorder. Of the total sample, 51.4% (n= 73) had requested psychiatric treatment during detention... |
Kenneth Adams, Joseph Ferrandino |
Jennifer M. Kilty |
United States Government Accountability
Office |
Celia Richardson, Ed Halliwell |
Roger H. Peters,
Marla G. Bartoi, Pattie B. Sherman # Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System https://csgjusticecenter.org/ CMHS National GAINS Center 2008 Rates of mental illness and substance abuse among justice-involved individuals are significantly higher than in the general population. For example, individuals in prison are diagnosed with schizophrenia at four times the rate as those in the general population. Well over half of all incarcerated individuals have significant substance abuse problems. The lifetime prevalence of substance abuse or dependence disorders among individuals in prison is 74 percent, including 46 percent for drug dependence and 37 percent for alcohol dependence, rates that far surpass those found in the general population. |
Cesare Bondioli |
World Health
Organization and World Organization of Family Doctors
(Wonca) # Integrating mental health into primary care: a global perspective www.who.int/ 2008 Where primary care services for mental health are inadequate or not available, people with mental disorders also are often inappropriately detained in prisons. In many countries, the prevalence of mental disabilities in prisons is disproportionately high. Many people with mental disorders are incarcerated for minor misdemeanours or for causing public disturbances. In some countries, people are detained in prisons simply because there is a lack of mental health services to provide them with treatment. With so many people inappropriately imprisoned, mental disorders continue to go unnoticed, undiagnosed and untreated. |
Marie Rueve, Randon S. Welton |
Allison G. Harvey # Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Bipolar Disorder: Seeking Synchrony, Harmony, and Regulation Am J Psychiatry 2008; 165:820–829 Despite advances in the treatment of bipolar disorder, a significant proportion of patients experience disabling symptoms between episodes, and relapse rates are high... Sleep disturbances are among the most prominent correlates of mood episodes and inadequate recovery, yet sleep has been minimally studied in ways that integrate mechanistic understanding and treatment. |
HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland |
Amanda Petteruti, Nastassia Walsh The bold vision to deinstitutionalize America’s psychiatric hospitals and shift the delivery of mental health services to the community failed to be realized. Jails have been likened to the “new asylums,” where six out of 10 people in jail suffer from a mental health problem. And, during the last decade—as the country has become more anxious about immigration—the jailing of people for immigration violations grew by 500 percent... |
Jean-Louis Senon,
Cyril Manzanera # Psychiatrie et justice: de nécessaires clarifications à l’occasion de la loi relative à la rétention de sûreté AJ Pénal n. 4 - Avril 2008 Les recherches internationales confirment que les crimes commis par les malades mentaux sont l’exception. Les études internationales avancent des données sensiblement homogènes tant en ce qui concerne les homicides que les violences sexuelles 1: — pour les homicides, dans les pays industrialisés, le taux d’homicide est compris entre 1 et 5 pour 100 000 habitants. Les troubles mentaux graves sont considérés comme responsables de 0,16 cas d’homicides pour 100 000 habitants. Les malades mentaux représentent donc, selon les pays, entre 1 auteur d’homicide sur 20 et 1 sur 50. Les homicides commis par les malades mentaux ont souvent comme victimes les proches et la famille. Ils sont en général commis dans une poussée évolutive de la maladie, schizophrénie ou dépression sévère ou dans un moment de rupture de soins. Le passage à l’acte criminel est souvent précédé de relations orageuses avec la future victime. |
Jérôme Endrass, Astrid Rossegger, Frank
Urbaniok, Arja Laubacher, Stefan Vetter |
E Álvaro-Brun, M
Vegue-González # Validity of the International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) questionnaire on a sample of prison inmates Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2008; 10: 35-40 The IPDE questionnaire is of little use amongst the studied prison population when the habitual reference standards were applied due to the very high number of false positives that were produced. The best validity indices for identifying one or more personality disorders are obtained with a probable cut off point being equal to 4 or more answers that do not coincide with those expected. The IPDE questionnaire was of no great benefit for the inmates in this study because, even when using the habitual cut off point of 3 or more non-coincident questions, sensibility to antisocial and borderline personality disorders, which are the most common PDs amongst the sample group, was found to be low |
Robert I. Simon |
Samuel Jan
Brakel, John M. Davis # Overriding Mental Health Treatment Refusal: How Much Process Is "Due"? Saint Louis UniversityLaw Journal, vol. 52, 2008 In the last forty to fifty years there has been an almost revolutionary shift in theories about schizophrenia, the classic form of mental illness. Absent a Maggelan of psychiatric medicine, it has taken time for that revolution to fully spread its tenets and inferences even within the psychiatric profession. In law, however, it appears that even rumors of this revolution have yet to penetrate as the advocacy bar persists in making sure patients do not fall off the precipice of law-protected self-determination into a psychiatric netherworld of custodial neglect and punishment, even as safe and effective treatments are becoming increasingly, if not globally, available. The premise underlying the revolutionary transformation of psychiatry is this: schizophrenia and other major mental disorders17 are biologically based and so, therefore, are the treatments of them. The implications of this reality once recognized are enormous. |
Christoph Abderhalden, Ian Needham, Theo
Dassen, Ruud Halfens, Hans-Joachim Haug and Joachim E.
Fischer |
Seena Fazel,
Vivek Khosla, Helen Doll, John Geddes # The Prevalence of Mental Disorders among the Homeless in Western Countries: Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis PLoS Med 5(12) 2008 We searched for surveys of the prevalence of psychotic illness, major depression, alcohol and drug dependence, and personality disorder that were based on interviews of samples of unselected homeless people. The most common mental disorders were alcohol dependence, which ranged from 8.1% to 58.5%, and drug dependence, which ranged from 4.5% to 54.2%. For psychotic illness, the prevalence ranged from 2.8% to 42.3%, with similar findings for major depression. The prevalence of alcohol dependence was found to have increased over recent decades.Homeless people in Western countries are substantially more likely to have alcohol and drug dependence than the age-matched general population in those countries, and the prevalences of psychotic illnesses and personality disorders are higher. Models of psychiatric and social care that can best meet these mental health needs requires further investigation. |
Graham Durcan |
Cindy Peternelj-Taylor |
Terry A. Kupers # Report on Mental Health Issues at Los Angeles County Jail www.aclu.org/ June 27, 2008 The population of individuals suffering from serious mental illness quickly became disproportionately represented among the homeless, and eventually among those behind bars. In 1955, there were approximately 550,000 patients in state psychiatric hospitals and V.A. psychiatric units in the USA. Today, the number of patients in mental hospitals (who are not there because of forensic status) is less than 60,000. Meanwhile, according to a recent study from the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are upwards of a million individuals suffering from significant mental illness in our jails and prisons. |
Franco Corleone # La rimozione dell'Ospedale psichiatrico giudiziario Sinistra senza sinistra, 2008 Ovviamente nelle occasioni in cui si affronta il nodo della psichiatria, non si può trascurare di citare il destino di quelle milleduecento persone rinchiuse nelle sei strutture esistenti, vere istituzioni totali. Se sul piano quantitativo può apparire una realtà insignificante, dal punto di vista qualitativo è un elemento non trascurabile perché coinvolge fondamentali questioni di principio. La tutela dei diritti del malato mentale che commette un reato propone una questione complessa, ponendo in evidenza le contraddizioni e le difficoltà derivanti dall'esigenza di risolvere il problema dell'infermità mentale in chiave interdisciplinare... |
Massimo Niro # Esecuzione delle misure di sicurezza. Il punto di vista della Magistratura di Sorveglianza www.altrodiritto.unifi.it/ 2008 |
Russ Immarigeon,
Judith Greene # Diversion Works: How Connecticut Can Downsize Prisons, Improve Public Safety and Save Money with a Comprehensive Mental Health and Substance Abuse Approach A Better Way Foundation - Drug Policy Alliance - Justice Strategies - April 2008 National studies indicate that estimates of the number of mentally ill in state prison populations vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and from one period of time to another. According to a recent article, one researcher suggested that 10-15 percent of state prisoners are seriously mentally ill, a second researcher felt the range covered 10-20 percent, and other researchers argue for 15-16 percent... |
Tracy D. Gunter, Stephan Arndt, Gloria
Wenman, Jeff Allen, Peggy Loveless, Bruce Sieleni,
Donald W. Black |
Guy Bourgon, R. Karl Hanson, Joanna D.
Pozzulo, Kelly E. Morton Bourgon, Carrie L.
Tanasichuk. |
Derek Summerfield # How scientifically valid is the knowledge base of global mental health? www.bmj.com/ BMJ | 3 May 2008 | V. 336 The danger of the medicalisation of everyday life is that it deflects attention from what millions... Many ethnomedical systems have categories that range across the physical, supernatural, and moral realms and do not conceive of illness as situated in body or mind alone. Distress is commonly understood and expressed in terms of disruptions to the social and moral order. of people worldwide might cite as the basis of their distress for example, poverty and lack of rights. |
Staley Yeo |
Claude-Olivier Doron |
Michel Cabanac, J. Martín Ramírez, Luis
Millana, Maria P. Toldos-Romero, M.-Claude
Bonniot-Cabanac |
Stephen Allen |
Annie K. Yessine,
James Bonta # Pathways to Serious Offending www.publicsafety.gc.ca/ 2008 Although the shape of the curve describing criminal behaviour as a function of age is indisputable, theorists and researchers still voice disagreement over how best to explain the curve. Whereas some scholars contend that the adolescent peak in offending most likely represents a change in incidence, others argue that it is predominantly due to a change in prevalence. Does the age-crime curve mirror a transitory increment in the actual number of criminal acts committed by a small and constant sub-group of adolescents, or is the number of individuals willing to offend during adolescence simply greater? |
Jean Bérard, Gilles Chantraine |
Marlena M. Wald,
Sharyl R. Helgeson, Jean A. Langlois # Traumatic Brain Injury Among Prisoners http://www.brainline.org/ Brain Injury Professional, January 2008 TBI among incarcerated populations is an important public health problem. Increased collaboration between traumatic brain injury and criminal justice professionals has the potential to inform more effective management of offenders and increase their potential for successful reintegration into the community. |
Henry J.
Steadman, Pamela Clark Robbins, Tariqul Islam, Fred C.
Osher # Revalidating the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen to Increase Accuracy for Women Psychiatric Services 58: 1598–1601, 2007 Jails need a reliable tool to identify inmates who require further mental health assessment and treatment. This research attempted to revalidate the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen (BJMHS) as such a tool. The original eight-item BJMHS is a practical, efficient tool for intake screening by jail correction officers of male and female detainees. |
C. Brooker, C.
Sirdifield, D. Gojkovic | e Prison Health Research
Network # Mental Health Services and Prisoners: an Updated Review http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/ Criminal Justice and Mental Health Research Group, CCAWI, University of Lincoln December 2007 Improve the quality of mental health care received by prisoners is an enormous challenge, with over 80,000 people in prison at any given time and as many as 90% having some kind of mental disorder (Singleton et al, 1998). The key principle of policy as been that prisoners should receive the same level of community mental health care within prisons as they would receive in the wider community, and this was exemplified by the fact that the NHS assumed responsibility for the provision of prison healthcare services in April 2006. |
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health |
Hans Joachim Salize, Harald Dreßing,
Christine Kief | Central Institute of Mental Health |
Heath Judson
Hodges # Psychopathy as a Predictor of Instrumental Violence. Among Civil Psychiatric Patients Drexel University, October 2007 The personality syndrome known as psychopathy is currently conceptualized as a constellation of personality traits denoting emotional detachment accompanied by antisocial behaviors. Hallmark characteristics of this syndrome are lack of remorse, lack of empathy, shallow affect, egocentrism, deceitfulness, impulsivity, and irresponsibility (Cleckley, 1982). Although there is deliberation among researchers concerning which traits are intrinsic to psychopathy and which are consequential, scholarly consensus and empirical evidence overwhelmingly support the existence of this disorder. |
WHO Europe |
Amanda Alden, Patricia Brennan, Sheilagh
Hodgins, Sarnoff Mednick |
A.J. Lewy # Melatonin and Human Chronobiology Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume LXXII, 2007 Perhaps the most complex circadian disorders are psychiatric. The precise mechanism for the circadian component of psychiatric disorders, as well as of poorly maintained and nonrestorative sleep, is likely based on internal circadian misalignment between the sleep/wake cycle (and rhythms related to it) and those circadian rhythms that are more tightly coupled to the endogenous pacemaker... |
HM Inspectorate of Prisons In general, we found that services were insufficiently responsive to diverse needs. Neither substance use nor mental health services were sufficiently alert to the different needs of BME (black and minority ethnic) prisoners; nor were they monitoring access effectively. Women had the highest levels of emotional and psychological distress, often related to past abuse and exacerbated by distance from home and children. Primary mental healthcare, relationship support, and survival counselling are particularly important to meet their needs. Finally, and importantly, the needs of learning disabled prisoners were neither properly identified nor adequately met... |
Max Rutherford,
Sean Duggan # Forensic Mental Health Services. Facts and figures on current provision Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, September 2007 The total number of people detained in forensic services has been increasing year on year for more than a decade. There were 3,658 people detained in forensic services at the end of 2006, up 7 per cent on 2005. By July 2007 the number had reached 3,723, a record high... |
Nacro # Effective mental healthcare for offenders: the need for a fresh approach www.nacro.org.uk/ Mental health and crime policy briefing 2007 While there is undoubtedly more to be done to improve prison mental healthcare – particularly where primary care, mental health awareness training and the recording and sharing of health information are concerned – Nacro believes that the focus of efforts to improve healthcare for offenders with mental health needs should be on the criminal justice process before sentencing. This shift in focus would ensure resources from primary care trusts (PCTs) are not siphoned off to prison healthcare when they could be more advantageously directed towards treating offenders earlier on in the criminal justice system. |
Mauro Palma |
Oronzo Greco,
Roberto Maniglio # Malattia mentale e criminalità Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia, anno 1, n. 1, 2007 A volte malattia mentale e criminalità sono contemporaneamente presenti e, in casi particolari, l’una può essere causa diretta dell’altra. Tuttavia, nella maggior parte dei casi, malattia mentale e criminalità sono fenomeni del tutto indipendenti l’uno dall’altro. È bene ricordare, infatti, che la possibilità di commettere reati riguarda tanto le persone mentalmente sane quanto quelle affette da disturbi psichiatrici. |
Giovanni A. Fava |
Dennis E. Reidy,
Amos Zeichner, Joshua D. Miller, Marc A. Martinez # Psychopathy and aggression: Examining the role of psychopathy factors in predicting laboratory aggression under hostile and instrumental conditions Journal of Research in Personality 41 (2007) 1244–1251 Psychopathy is a problematic configuration of traits and behaviors that is consistently correlated with aggressive, criminal behavior. Studies have suggested that psychopathy is composed of related but distinct factors that manifest divergent relations with a host of constructs including aggression. In the current study, we used a sample of 126 men to examine whether these psychopathy factors are differentially related to aggression manifested in two conditions (instrumental and hostile/reactive aggression) of a laboratory aggression paradigm. |
Amanda Howerton,
Richard Byng, John Campbell, David Hess, Christabel
Owens, Peter Aitken # Understanding help seeking behaviour among male offenders: qualitative interview study www.bmj.com/ BMJ 2007;334:303-6 Men who have been incarcerated have significantly higher rates of mental illness and suicide and underuse mental health services compared with the general population.1-4 Despite the psychological profile and risk factors that characterise this group—low socioeconomic status, increased levels of impulsivity and aggression, limited coping skills, social isolation, a history of self harm and attempted suicide5—no qualitative studies have focused specifically on the perceptions and beliefs that influence help seeking for this vulnerable group. |
Manel Capdevila, Marta Ferrer | Centro de
Estudios Jurídicos y Formación Especializada (CEJFE) |
Robert K. Ax,
Thomas J. Fagan, Philip R. Magaletta, Robert D. Morgan,
David Nussbaum, Thomas W. White # Innovations in Correctional Assessment and Treatment Criminal Justice and Behavior 2007; 34; 893 This article considers innovations in the assessment and treatment of incarcerated individuals. The emphasis is on immediate patient needs and inmate management concerns, rather than on rehabilitation. Assessment of this diagnostically complex population is framed in dimensional and biopsychosocial terms. Scarce resources, new scientific knowledge and technology, organizational barriers, and role transformations for psychologists will guide improvements and future research in correctional mental health care, as reflected in specific areas: dimensional assessment, suicide risk assessment, neuropsychological correlates of chronic maladaptive behavior, prescriptive authority for psychologists, and telehealth. In particular, outcome research based on a broader range of interventions will be increasingly crucial to the effectiveness of correctional psychologists’work. In the near future, the degree of impact that psychologists have will depend largely on their individual and collective initiative in promoting the benefits of their services. |
Chris Koyanagi |
James Bonta, D.
A. Andrews # Risk-Need-Responsivity Model for Offender Assessment and Rehabilitation www.publicsafety.gc.ca/ 2007 Developed in the 1980s and first formalized in 1990, the risk-need-responsivity model has been used with increasing success to assess and rehabilitate criminals in Canada and around the world. As suggested by its name, it is based on three principles: 1) the risk principle asserts that criminal behaviour can be reliably predicted and that treatment should focus on the higher risk offenders; 2) the need principle highlights the importance of criminogenic needs in the design and delivery of treatment; and 3) the responsivity principle describes how the treatment should be provided. |
Peter Lepping |
Glenn D. Walters,
Nicola S. Gray, Rebecca L. Jackson, Kenneth W. Sewell,
Richard Rogers, John Taylor, Robert J. Snowden # A Taxometric Analysis of the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV): Further Evidence of Dimensionality Psychological Assessment, 2007, Vol. 19, No. 3, 330 –339 A taxometric analysis of the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version was performed on a group of 2,250 male and female forensic/psychiatric patients and jail/prison inmates. The 4 PCL:SV facet scores (Interpersonal, Affective, Impulsive Lifestyle, Antisocial Behavior) served as indicators in this study, and the data were analyzed with 3 principal taxometric procedures—mean above minus below a cut, maximum eigenvalue, and latent mode factor analysis. |
Department of Justice |
Office of Justice Programs Researchers funded by the National Institute of Justice have created and tested two brief mental health screening tools and found that they are likely to work well in correctional settings. These tools are the Correctional Mental Health Screen (CMHS) and the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen (BJMHS). |
Giuseppe D’Acquì # Cenni sul concetto di malattia mentale Rivista Penale, 3/2007 Le nuove conoscenze scientifiche hanno di molto ampliato le cause di esclusione della imputabilità. La nota sentenza Raso delle Sezioni Unite non può che rappresentare il punto di partenza verso un nuovo modello di concetto di imputabilità. Certo il giudice dovrà compiere notevoli sforzi per dipanare le questioni scientifiche prospettate in sede di perizia. |
Marc Nesca |
Jangho Yoon |
Traskman-Bendz, Lil and Westling, Sofie. |
Marianne Moliner-Dubost |
Dale E. McNiel,
Renée L. Binder # Effectiveness of a Mental Health Court in Reducing Criminal Recidivism and Violence Am J Psychiatry 2007; 164:1395–1403 Participation in the mental health court program was associated with longer time without any new criminal charges or new charges for violent crimes. Successful completion of the mental health court program was associated with maintenance of reductions in recidivism and violence after graduates were no longer under supervision of the mental health court. The results indicate that a mental health court can reduce recidivism and violence by people with mental disorders who are involved in the criminal justice system. |
Jean-Paul Céré # Détention, maladie et traitement inhumain ou dégradant. Note sous l’arrêt Rivière c. France du 11 juillet 2006, de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (2e section) Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme: RTDH 69/2007 |
James RP Ogloff,
Michael R Davis, George Rivers, Stuart Ross # The identification of mental disorders in the criminal justice system www.aic.gov.au/ Australian Institute of Criminology March 2007 Rates of the major mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and depression, are between three and five times higher in offender populations than those expected in the general community. Mullen, Holmquist and Ogloff (2003) conducted an extensive review of existing Australian epidemiological data, collating datasets to arrive at composite prevalence data. They reported that 13.5 percent of male prisoners, and 20 percent of female prisoners, had reported having prior psychiatric admission(s). The same study found that ‘up to 8% of male and 14% of females in… (Australian) prisons have a major mental disorder with psychotic features’ ... Of the roughly 15,000 people with major mental illnesses in Australian institutions during 2001, around one-third were in prisons... |
Lynsey Gregg, Christine Barrowclough, Gillian
Haddock |
Jennifer Skeem, Peter Johansson, Henrik
Andershed, Margaret Kerr, Jennifer Eno Louden Although psychopathy usually is treated as a unitary construct, a seminal theory posits that there are 2 variants: Primary psychopathy is underpinned by an inherited affective deficit, whereas secondary psychopathy reflects an acquired affective disturbance. The authors investigated whether psychopathy phenotypically may be disaggregated into such types in a sample of 367 prison inmates convicted of violent crimes. |
Nancy Wolff,
Cynthia L. Blitz, Jing Shi # Rates of Sexual Victimization in Prison for Inmates With and Without Mental Disorders Psychiatric Services 58:1087–1094, 2007 It is well established in the literature that prisons are violent places. This research suggests that prisons are particularly violent for people with a mental disorder. As in the community, these individuals are more likely than their counterparts without mental disorders to experience sexual victimization inside prison. |
Charles W. Mathias, Matthew S. Stanford, Dawn
M. Marsh, Paul J. Frick, F. Gerard Moeller, Alan C.
Swann, Donald M. Dougherty |
Robert L. Trestman, Julian Ford, Wanli Zhang,
Valerie Wiesbrock |
Ricard A. R.
Nilsson # Diagnosing Psychopathy. The Role of Psychopathy in the Swedish Correctional System Mittuniversitetet - Mid Sweeden University, spring 2007 This study investigates if there is a scientific consensus among experts in regard to diagnosing psychopathy, treatment of psychopaths, and if psychopathy is a reliable/valid predictor for recidivism. These results have been compared to how psychopathic diagnoses’ are used within the Swedish correctional system. Questionnaires were answered by 11 experts in the field of psychiatry and psychology. The results showed that no consensus exists in regard to diagnosing psychopathy, or its treatment. If an inmate was deemed as psychopathic the possibility for rehabilitation, furloughs or other alleviations, were greatly diminished. |
Anasseril E. Daniel |
Jeffrey Draine,
Amy Blank Wilson, Wendy Pogorzelski # Limitations and Potential in Current Research on Services for People with Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Vol, 45(3/4), 2007 Intervention at the intersection of the mental health and criminal justice systems has followed a small set of service models with limited success and a narrow impact on the quality of treatment available to people with mental illness who experience arrest, court processing, incarceration, and release. In reviewing research on police, court, and corrections interventions, innovation seems to be largely limited to services for select individuals who are deemed worthy of access to treatment... |
Jeffrey Draine, Daniel B. Herman |
Miami-Dade County
Mayor's Mental Health Task Force # Care Comes First. Final Report February 14, 2007 According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, an estimated 40% of adults who suffer from serious mental illnesses (SMI) will come into contact with the criminal justice system at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, these contacts result in the arrest and incarceration of people with SMI at a rate vastly disproportionate to that of people without mental illnesses. |
Royal College of
Psychiatrists # Prison psychiatry: adult prisons in England and Wales www.rcpsych.ac.uk/ February 2007 The epidemiology of mental disorder and the nature of the prison environment result in a challenging role for the psychiatrist in prison. The distribution and prevalence of mental disorder in prisons differs substantially from the general population. Prisoners with mental disorders are significantly overrepresented in the prison population, and these individuals commonly have a diagnosis in more than one category. Substance misuse is a particularly significant problem for prisoners. |
Philip R. Magaletta, Marc W. Patry, Erik G.
Dietz, Robert K. Ax |
Joseph P. Morrissey, Gary S. Cuddeback,
Alison Evans Cuellar, Henry J. Steadman, Ph.D. |
Zach Walsh, Lindsay C. Allen, David S. Kosson |
Sheilagh Hodgins |
Sukanta Saha,
David Chant, John McGrath, FRANZCP # A Systematic Review of Mortality in Schizophrenia Is the Differential Mortality Gap Worsening Over Time? Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007;64(10):1123-1131 With respect to mortality, a substantial gap exists between the health of people with schizophrenia and the general community. This differential mortality gap has worsened in recent decades. In light of the potential for second-generation antipsychotic medications to further adversely influence mortality rates in the decades to come, optimizing the general health of people with schizophrenia warrants urgent attention. |
Andrea M. Odegaard |
Michelle Naples, Laura S. Morris, Henry J.
Steadman |
Walid Fakhoury, Stefan Priebe |
Kathleen, Joseph J. Cocozza | National Center for Mental
Health and Juvenile Justice # A Blueprint for Change: Improving the System Response to Youth with Mental Health Needs in the Juvenile Justice System www.ncmhjj.com/ 2007 |
Doug Jones # Discharge Planning for Mentally Ill Inmates in New York City Jails: A Critical Evaluation of the Settlement Agreement of Brad H. v. City of New York Pace Law Review Vol. 27 Issue 2 Winter 2007 People with serious mental illness, especially those who are also poor, homeless or suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, are often unable to obtain the mental health treatment they need.' With their illnesses left untreated, many act in ways that precipitate their entrance into the correctional system. When there is no other way for the poor and seriously mentally ill to obtain treatment, the correctional system becomes the only place where these individuals can receive treatment. As such, prisons and jails are becoming the primary caregiver for the poor and seriously mentally ill in the United States. Thousands of mentally ill inmates are released from American prisons every year. Approximately 600,000 men and women are released from prison annually, and approximately one-sixth of the prison population is mentally ill... |
Gill Mezey |
Julie Steel, Graham Thornicroft, Luke
Birmingham, Charlie Brooker, Alice Mills, Mari Harty
and Jenny Shaw |
H. Richard Lamb, Linda E. Weinberger, Jeffrey
S. Marsh, Bruce H. Gross |
Emil R. Pinta,
Robert E. Taylor # Quetiapine Addiction? Am J Psychiatry 164:1, January 2007 Quetiapine is not a controlled substance and is not considered addictive. Yet there are several reports describing abuse among inmates in jails and prisons. A 39-year-old incarcerated male with hepatitis C and a history of opiate abuse was treated for generalized anxiety disorder. When seen by the prison psychiatrist, he was receiving quetiapine 800 mg and clonidine 0.9 mg at bedtime. The psychiatrist was concerned about the risks of prescribing an antipsychotic medication for a patient with hepatitis without a serious mental disorder. The patient refused to discuss other treatment alternatives stating, “I need my Seroquel.” Efforts to enlist his cooperation for a quetiapine taper were unsuccessful. He abruptly left a treatment team meeting and informed staff that he would purchase quetiapine illegally from other inmates and had done this before. |
Ministerio del Interior - Direccion General
de Instituciones Penitenciarias http://www.msssi.gob.es/ Diciembre 2006 - Area de Salud Publica Junio 2007 |
David DeMatteo,
John F. Edens # The Role and Relevance of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in Court. Case Law Survey of U.S. Courts (1991–2004) Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, vol. 12, 2006 It appears that some prosecutors are well aware of this in relation to future dangerousness issues, and it now seems that psychopathy may be used in an attempt to supersede other forms of mental health evidence, in that the attribution made for the person’s behavior is that he or she is “bad” rather than “mad” (with little or no consideration that one may in fact be both). |
O Varela, I
Algora, M Gutiérrez, ME Larraz, L Barreales, A
Santamaría. # Use of psychotropic drugs in prison (Madrid III Penitentiary centre) Rev Esp Sanid Penit 2007; 9: 38-46 20,5% of the population was receiving some kind of psychiatric drug; 76% of those inmates undergoing treatment were receiving one or two psychotropic drugs; 65% were taking an anxiolytic, 38% antidepressants and 27% an antipsychotic. The total amount of psychotropic consumed was 9.840 DDDs, 46% of which were anxiolytic, 17% antidepressants and 14% antipsychotic. The total cost of those two-week treatments was 5.379 euros, 72% of which was spent on antipsychotics (3.857 euros). There are signs that compassionate use of new generation’s antipsychotics and antiepileptics are a main cause of the substantial increase in the costs, not always with well-demonstrated cost-efficiency. |
Treatment Advocacy Center |
Mary Zdanowicz |
W. David Ball |
Diana Fishbein, Monica Sheppard # Assessing
the Role of Neuropsychological Functioning in
Inmates’ Treatment Response |
Gregory DeClue Analysis of the diagnostic criteria and text in the current Diagnostic Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) leads the author to conclude that (1) Personality Disorders and Paraphilias are separate, independent diagnoses, (2) deviant sexuality need not be either obligatory or exclusive for a person to meet criteria for a diagnosis of Paraphilia NOS (nonconsenting), (3) either Antisocial Personality Disorder or Paraphilia NOS could serve as the qualifying disorder for civil commitment of a sexually violent predator (SVP), and (4) whether a person meets criteria for civil commitment as an SVP must be determined on a case-by-case basis rather than by cursorily considering the person’s psychiatric diagnosis. |
de la mission parlementaire de M. Jean-Paul Garraud
sur la dangerosité Dans le cadre de la présente mission parlementaire, il n'a pas été possible d'envisager les notions de dangerosité criminologique et de dangerosité psychiatrique, autrement que de manière simple et relativement empirique en se fondant sur les données et les définitions qui viennent d'être évoquées. Si ces premiers outils suffisent à nourrir la réflexion in abstracto sur la prise en compte de la dangerosité et sur le traitement qui peut lui être réservé dans le cadre judiciaire, ils ne peuvent suffire à alimenter l'évaluation in concreto, par les juridictions et les experts judiciaires, de la dangerosité des auteurs des crimes et délits les plus graves. |
Doris J. James, Lauren E. Glaze At midyear 2005 more than half of all prison and jail inmates had a mental health problem, including 705,600 inmates in State prisons, 78,800 in Federal prisons, and 479,900 in local jails. These estimates represented 56% of State prisoners, 45% of Federal prisoners, and 64% of jail inmates. The findings in this report were based on data from personal interviews with State and Federal prisoners in 2004 and local jail inmates in 2002. Mental health problems were defined by two measures: a recent history or symptoms of a mental health problem. They must have occurred in the 12 months prior to the interview. A recent history of mental health problems included a clinical diagnosis or treatment by a mental health professional. Symptoms of a mental disorder were based on criteria specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV). |
Bernard E. Harcourt |
Beecher-Monas, Edgar Garcia-Rill # Genetic Predictions of Future Dangerousness: Is there a Blueprint for Violence? Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 69:301, 2006 The brave new world of genomics, spurred on by the Human Genome Project, presents tantalizing possibilities for developments in criminal law as well as advances in medicine and understanding disease. DNA identification testing has become commonplace in the courts, transforming the criminal justice system, demonstrating innocence, and identifying perpetrators. Already it is clear that DNA testing will be used as a way of predicting which medical treatments will be effective. With predictive medicine becoming a reality, surely predicting human behavior cannot be far behind. The link between crime and genetics is hardly a new idea. Since at least the late nineteenth century, courts and prisons have reflected attempts to discriminate between the innately criminal and those who acted merely by force of circumstance, whose crimes would not pose a future danger to society. |
Seyed Mohammad Assadi, Maryam Noroozian,
Mahdi Pakravannejad, Omid Yahyazadeh, Shahrokh
Aghayan, Seyed Vahid Shariatand, Seena Fazel |
Bruno Falissard,
Jean-Yves Loze, Isabelle Gasquet, Anne Duburc,
Christiane de Beaurepaire, Francis Fagnani, Frédéric
Rouillon # Prevalence of mental disorders in French prisons for men www.biomedcentral.com/ BMC Psychiatry 2006, 6:33 Psychiatric diagnosis can be difficult to interpret in prison, especially using traditional standardized interviews. The approach proposed here, with good reliability and closer to a day-to-day clinical practice, confirms the high prevalence rates found in most of published surveys. The mere 3.8% found in schizophrenia indicates that these high prevalence rates do not correspond only to a particularly high level of distress inherent to imprisonment. |
Jeffrey W. Swanson, Richard A. Van Dorn, John
Monahan, Marvin S. Swartz |
Bernard E. Harcourt |
Christian Lobreau |
Joseph P. Morrissey |
Kathleen Hartford, Robert Carey, James
Mendonca |
Arboleda-Florez # Forensic psychiatry: contemporary scope, challenges and controversies World Psychiatry 5:2 - June 2006 How mental patients are managed in prisons is also a major matter of concern. Table 1 shows some of the currently available alternatives. Finally, on exit from the legal-correc88 World Psychiatry 5:2 - June 2006 tional system, forensic psychiatrists are expected to provide expert knowledge on matters such as readiness for parole, predictions of recidivism, commitment legislation applicable to exiting offenders, and the phenomenon of double revolving doors for the mentally ill in prisons and hospitals. |
Norbert Konrad |
Mental Health Foundation |
William H. Fisher, Eric Silver, Nancy Wolff |
Luigi Benevelli |
Gregory L.
Acquaviva # Mental Health Courts: No Longer Experimental Seton Hall Law Review: Vol. 36 2006 Mental health courts (MHCs) are problem-solving courts that, via a separate docket, divert mentally ill offenders away from jail and into long-term community mental health treatment. By combining a “problem-solving orientation,” the use of therapeutic jurisprudence, and a redefinition of adversarialism, MHCs seek to reduce recidivism. Though in existence for less than a decade, MHCs are not experimental courts. Rather, MHCs are successful, permanent components of the criminal justice system, possessing documented results, which have led to their blossoming in jurisdictions nationwide. Despite initial success, planners and policymakers refuse to acknowledge the permanent place MHCs should hold in the judicial landscape. |
Crystal Michelle Jones |
L. Rowell Huesmann, Laramie D. Taylor |
Stuart Grassian |
Massimo Clerici, Pietro Bertolotti Ricotti,
Silvio Scarone |
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada |
Luca Malatesti # Psychopathy in Psychiatry and Philosophy: An Annotated Bibliography www.hullhistorycentre.org.uk/ Institute of Applied Ethics - University of Hull (United Kingdom) April 2006 |
Kathleen Stone-Takai |
Barbara Gualco # Ordinamento penitenziario e assistenza sanitaria. Realtà e prospettive Noos Volume 12, Numero 1, Gennaio-Aprile 2006 La tutela della salute del detenuto, l’organizzazione sanitaria e i suoi compiti non possono essere pienamente compresi al di fuori del binomio sicurezza-trattamento che accompagna, con tutte le ambiguità e le difficoltà insite nel reciproco rapporto, l’espletamento di funzioni che rappresentano espressioni diverse dell’unica finalità della pena con valenza rieducativa. La garanzia della salute psicofisica rappresenta, quindi, uno dei presupposti essenziali di qualunque trattamento rieducativo del condannato. |
Giovanni Segagni
Lusignani, Caterina Giacobone, Florinda Pozzi, Francesca
Dal Canton, Pasuale Alecci, Giuseppe Carrà # Disturbi mentali in una casa circondariale: uno studio di prevalenza Noos Volume 12, Numero 1, Gennaio-Aprile 2006 Studio descrittivo osservazionale dei detenuti maschi consecutivamente inviati, in 34 mesi, per una valutazione psichiatrica, tra la popolazione (N = 1683) della casa circondariale “Torre del Gallo”, Pavia; valutazione diagnostica clinica secondo il DSM-IV e analisi retrospettiva dei trattamenti psichiatrici, colloqui psichiatrici e prescrizioni farmacologiche forniti. Risultati. 320 uomini (19%) avevano uno o più disturbi mentali attuali (escludendo i disturbi correlati a sostanze): 16 (1%) psicosi; 71 (4,2%) disturbi dell’umore; 32 (1,9%) disturbi d’ansia; 46 (2,8%) disturbi dell’adattamento; 96 (5,7%) disturbi di personalità; 54 (3,2%) disturbi di personalità + disturbi dell’umore; 5 (0,3%) ritardo mentale. Si rileva comorbilità per disturbi correlati a sostanze (N = 166, 51,9%) e ad HIV (N = 49, 15,3 %). |
Massimo Clerici,
Pietro Bertolotti Ricotti, Nazario D'Urso, Maria
Marasco, Sarah Candotti, Silsio Scarone # Un servizio di consulenza psichiatrica in ambito penitenziario. Quali bisogni, quali risposte? Noos Volume 12, Numero 1, Gennaio-Aprile 2006 Studio di 6 anni consecutivi delle valutazioni diagnostiche e dei percorsi assistenziali e di cura (visite psichiatriche e prescrizioni farmacologiche) di una popolazione di 1302 detenuti della Casa di Reclusione di Milano Opera. Risultati. Come evidente dalla letteratura internazionale, anche da questa ricerca emergono importanti bisogni assistenziali di tipo psichiatrico: questo tipo di bisogni deriva da pazienti appartenenti ad un ampio spettro di gruppi diagnostici e anche da detenuti senza una specifica diagnosi psichiatrica. In generale, il sottogruppo dei pazienti extracomunitari sembra avere una percentuale meno rilevante di diagnosi comorbili. La diagnosi di disturbo psicotico è associata a detenzione per crimini violenti. I soggetti in carcere per reati connessi a droga non si diversificano dagli altri detenuti per quanto riguarda le problematiche di tossicodipendenza e sono meno gravi dal punto di vista dei profili psicopatologici. Il carico assistenziale risulta più rilevante nei pazienti con disturbi psicotici e comorbilità (in particolare doppia diagnosi) e nei tentativi di suicidio... |
Luigi Ferrannini, Paolo Francesco Peloso,
Maurizio Cechini, Marco Demartini |
Marina Loi, Claudio Mencacci |
Pietro Buffa, Antonio Pellegrino, Elvezio
Pirfo |
Angelo Fioritti, Vittorio Melega, Elisa
Ferriani, Paola Rucci, Cristina Venco, Anna Rosa
Scaramelli, Fabio Santarini |
Giancarlo Nivoli,
Liliana Lorettu, Paolo Milia, Alessandra Nivoli, L.
Fabrizia Nivoli # Il colloquio con il detenuto: aspetti antropologici Noos Volume 12, Numero 1, Gennaio-Aprile 2006 All’interno del colloquio clinico – sia di tipo criminologico che psichiatrico – tra il detenuto ed una figura professionale nell’ambito della salute mentale (psichiatra, criminologo, psicologo, ecc.) in un’istituzione penitenziaria, si intrecciano una serie di elementi che concorrono a rendere tale relazione terapeutica assai difficoltosa: in primo luogo la diffidenza ed i pregiudizi presenti sia negli operatori sanitari nei confronti dei detenuti, sia da parte di questi ultimi nei confronti degli operatori. In secondo luogo, al fine di una migliore comprensione, è utile contestualizzare l’individuo, privato della propria libertà e costretto a lunghe detenzioni, all’interno di una costellazione di comportamenti, valori, regole e scelte, strettamente correlate ad una “sottocultura carceraria” e del tutto differenti da quelle che scandiscono la “vita al di fuori delle mura carcerarie”. Il colloquio quindi rappresenta il mezzo attraverso cui l’operatore sanitario attua un primo intervento terapeutico ed assume una valenza ricca di aspetti strettamente specifici. |
Wagdy Loza, Samia Hanna |
Robert I. Simon # The Myth of “Imminent” Violence in Psychiatry and Law University of Cincinnati Law Review, vol. 75, 2006 The term, “imminent violence,” is an entrenched illusion that bedevils both psychiatry and the law. It cannot deliver the prediction of violence that it promises. It merely casts a soothsayer’s spell. It is a distraction and an irrelevancy. It can detract from patient care, interfere with critical decision-making and hamper the administration of justice. The term “imminent violence” is, to borrow a phrase from Shakespeare, “full of sound and fury, [s]ignifying nothing.” |
Garth Davies, Kelly Dedel |
Mark R. Munetz,
Patricia A. Griffin # Use of the Sequential Intercept Model as an Approach to Decriminalization of People With Serious Mental Illness Psychiatric Services 57:544–549, 2006 The Sequential Intercept Model provides a conceptual framework for communities to use when considering the interface between the criminal justice and mental health systems as they address concerns about criminalization of people with mental illness. The model envisions a series of points of interception at which an intervention can be made to prevent individuals from entering or penetrating deeper into the criminal justice system. Ideally, most people will be intercepted at early points, with decreasing numbers at each subsequent point. The interception points are law enforcement and emergency services; initial detention and initial hearings; jail, courts, forensic evaluations, and forensic commitments; reentry from jails, state prisons, and forensic hospitalization; and community corrections and community support. |
Jerald Kay, Allan Tasman |
U.S. Department
of Health & Human Services | National Institutes of
Health | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism # National Epidemiologic Survey and Related Conditions http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/ Alcohol Alert n. 70 October 2006 Alcohol-related consequences run the gamut. Yet many health care providers see only the most severe cases—such as patients suffering from advanced alcohol-related liver disease or those with a history of alcohol dependence. Seeing only the severe end of the spectrum of alcohol- elated consequences provides a shortsighted view, however, and not a true picture of how alcohol abuse and dependence influence the population as a whole. Epidemiology, one of the foundations of public health, provides this broader view. Alcohol epidemiology gives specific information on the distribution of alcohol use, abuse, dependence, and other consequences in the population as well as related risk factors. Such information is vital. |
Jennifer L. Skeem, Paula Emke-Francis and
Jennifer Eno Louden |
Cynthia L. Blitz,
Nancy Wolff, Kris Paap # Availability of Behavioral Health Treatment for Women in Prison Psychiatric Services, ps.psychiatryonline.org, March 2006 Vol. 57 No. 3 Although the evidence on the ability to gain access to mental health treatment in this state prison is positive, it raises the question of quality: What types of treatment are available? Is treatment continuous? Does treatment address previous victimization and its connection to mental health or substance abuse problems? Is treatment more than the administration of medications? These issues need to be addressed next in future research. |
Geneviève Coco, Christian Mormont Bulletin de psychologie 1/ 2006 (Numéro 481), p. 63-73 La nocivité des comportements sexuels inappropriés et la dangerosité de leurs auteurs suscitent des réactions sociales considérables (manifestations, comités de soutien aux victimes...), qui semblent refléter ce que Petrunik (1994) nomme le « modèle socio-préventif de la dangerosité », qui traduit les « préoccupations des groupes de défenses des droits des victimes, des partisans de la prévention du crime et des mouvements de protection des femmes et des enfants qui soutiennent que les lois et les politiques fondées sur le modèle clinique... |
Jean-Louis Senon, Cyril Manzanera, Mikael
Humeau, Louise Gotzamanis |
John F. Edens, David K. Marcus, Scott O.
Lilienfeld, Norman G. Poythress Jr. |
Ilaria Cavallone |
Jamie Fellner |
J. Reid Meloy |
Virginia Aldige Hiday # Putting community
risk in perspective: A look at correlations, causes
and controls |
L. S. Joy Tong,
David P. Farrington # How effective is the "Reasoning and Rehabilitation" programme in reducing reoffending? A meta-analysis of evaluations in four countries Psychology, Crime & Law, January 2006, Vol. 12(1), pp. 3/24 This article aims to review the effectiveness of the ‘‘Reasoning and Rehabilitation’’ programme in reducing recidivism. Sixteen evaluations (involving 26 separate comparisons) were located in which experimental and control groups were compared. A meta-analysis showed that, overall, there was a significant 14) decrease in recidivism for programme participants compared with controls. This programme was effective in Canada, the USA, and the UK. It was effective in community and institutional settings, and for low-risk and high-risk offenders . |
Susan Stefan,
Bruce J. Winick # A Dialog on Mental Health Courts https://coursewebs.law.columbia.edu/ Psychology, Public Policy, and Law - December, 2005 The courtroom is no place for a therapeutic alliance to be forged. A judge sensitive to the truth that all people are equal before the law will treat people with dignity and respect without having to have training in or understanding of psychological principles. I support diversion programs for people with mental health problems from the criminal court system, but I do not support creating a separate court system for people already excluded and stigmatized in society. I think the place where both of us have absolute consensus is that the criminal justice system has been flooded with people with serious psychiatric disabilities and that for many of these people, serving time in jail is costly, cruel, unjust, and wasteful. |
H. Richard Lamb,
Linda E. Weinberger # The Shift of Psychiatric Inpatient Care From Hospitals to Jails and Prisons J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 33:529 –34, 2005 Far-reaching structural changes have been made in the mental health system. Many severely mentally ill persons who come to the attention of law enforcement now receive their inpatient treatment in jails and prisons, at least in part, because of a dramatic reduction of psychiatric inpatient beds. While more high-quality community treatment, such as intensive case management and assertive community treatment, is needed, the authors believe that for many, 24-hour structured care is needed in the mental health system for various lengths of time to decrease criminalization. Another central theme of this article is that when a mentally ill individual is arrested, that person now has a computerized criminal record, which is easily accessed by the police and the courts in subsequent encounters. This may influence their decisions and reinforce the tendency to choose the criminal justice system over the mental health system. |
J. Vevera, A. Hubbart, A. Vesely, H: Papezova
Barbara E. McDermott, Joan B. Gerbasi,
Cameron Quanbeck, Charles L. Scott |
Linda A. Teplin,
Gary M. McClelland, Karen M. Abram, Dana A. Weiner # Crime Victimization in Adults With Severe Mental Illness. Comparison With the National Crime Victimization Survey Arch Gen Psychiatry 2005;62:911-921 Since deinstitutionalization, most persons with SMI now live in the community rather than in hospitals or residential services has decreased from 471 451 in 1969 (237 per 100 000 persons with SMI) to 215 798 in 1998 (80 per 100 000 persons with SMI). Mean length of stay has decreased to less than 10 days. = Trends toward shorter and less frequent hospitalization are likely to continue as providers rely increasingly on nonresidential care and managed care to reduce costs. Deinstitutionalization may also have increased homelessness, a key risk factor for victimization; one quarter to one third of homeless persons have mental illness... |
Henry J.
Steadman, Michelle Naples # Assessing the Effectiveness of Jail Diversion Programs for Persons with Serious Mental Illness and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders Behav.Sci.Law 23:163-170 (2005) In recent years, jail diversion programs for people with serious mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders have received increasing attention and have rapidly grown in number. Previous studies suggest that jail diversion programs have the potential to achieve positive outcomes. The present study reports findings from 6 jail diversion programs (3 pre-booking and 3 post-booking) participating in a federally-funded research initiative to assess the effectiveness of jall diversion programs for people with co-occurring disorders. Diverted and nondiverted groups were compared on self-reported outcomes at 12 months following diversion. The findings suggest that jail diversion reduces time spent in jail without increasing the public safety risk, while linking participants to community-based services. |
H. Richard Lamb |
Stefano Pini,
Valéria de Queiroz, Daniel Pagnin, Lukas Pezawas, Jules
Angst, Giovanni B. Cassano, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen # Prevalence and burden of bipolar disorders in European countries Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2005 Aug;15(4):425-34 A literature search, supplemented by an expert survey and selected reanalyses of existing data from epidemiological studies was performed to determine the prevalence and associated burden of bipolar I and II disorder in EU countries. Only studies using established diagnostic instruments based on DSM-III-R or DSM-IV, or ICD-10 criteria were considered. Fourteen studies from a total of 10 countries were identified. The majority of studies reported 12-month estimates of approximately 1% (range 0.5-1.1%), with little evidence of a gender difference. The cumulative lifetime incidence (two prospective-longitudinal studies) is slightly higher (1.5-2%); and when the wider range of bipolar spectrum disorders is considered estimates increased to approximately 6%. Few studies have reported separate estimates for bipolar I and II disorders. Age of first onset of bipolar disorder is most frequently reported in late adolescence and early adulthood. A high degree of concurrent and sequential comorbidity with other mental disorders and physical illnesses is common. Most studies suggest equally high or even higher levels of impairments and disabilities of bipolar disorders as compared to major depression and schizophrenia. Few data are available on treatment and health care utilization. |
Jorge R. Petit # Management of the Acutely Violent Patient Psychiatr Clin N Am 28 (2005) 701–711 Understanding predictors and associated factors in violence as well as having a clear and well-defined strategy in approaching and dealing with the violent patient, thus, are crucial. Ensuring patient, staff, and personal safety is the most important aspect in the management of a violent patient. All of the staff must be familiar with management strategies and clear guidelines that are implemented and followed when confronted with a violent patient. The more structured the approach to the violent patient, the less likely a bad outcome will occur. Manipulating one’s work environment to maximize safety and understanding how to de-escalate potentially mounting violence are two steps in the approach to the violent patient. Restraint, seclusion, and psychopharmacologic interventions also are important and often are necessary components to the management of the violent patient. |
Amanda C. Pustilnik Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology,
Volume 96 Fall 2005 |
Margot B. Kushel,
Judith A. Hahn, Jennifer L. Evans, David R. Bangsberg,
Andrew R. Moss # Revolving Doors: Imprisonment Among the Homeless and Marginally Housed Population Am J Public Health. 2005;95:1747–1752. We interviewed 1426 community-based homeless and marginally housed adults. Almost one fourth of participants (23.1%) had a history of imprisonment. Models that examined lifetime substance use showed cocaine use (odds ratio [OR]=1.67; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.04, 2.70), heroin use (OR=1.51; 95% CI=1.07, 2.12), mental illness (OR=1.41; 95% CI=1.01, 1.96), HIV infection (OR=1.69; 95% CI=1.07, 2.64), and having had more than 100 sexual partners were associated with a history of imprisonment. Models that examined recent substance use showed past-year heroin use (OR = 1.65; 95% CI = 1.14, 2.38) and methamphetamine use (OR=1.49; 95% CI=1.00, 2.21) were associated with lifetime imprisonment. Currently selling drugs also was associated with lifetime imprisonment. |
Eric Silver, Louise Arseneault, John Langley, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt # Mental Disorder
and Violent Victimization in a Total Birth Cohort |
Lorna A. Rhodes # Pathological Effects of the Supermaximum Prison American Journal of Public Health | October 2005, Vol 95, No. 10 Even without a prior clinical condition, however, a prisoner may “break” under supermaximum confinement. Critical accounts of supermaximum prisons emphasize the negative effects of solitary confinement on the mental condition of many prisoners who experience extreme states of rage, depression, or psychosis. |
The Campaign for
Mental Health Reform | Robert Bernstein, Bazelon Center
for Mental Health Law; Robert W. Glover, National
Association of State Mental Health; Michael Faenza,
National Mental Health Association; Michael
Fitzpatrick, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill # Emergency Response. A Roadmap for Federal Action on America’s Mental Health Crisis The Campaign for Mental Health Reform, July 2005 An estimated 206,000 people with mental illnesses were admitted to state and federal prisons — many of them incarcerated due to the consequences of homelessness and neglect... Lack of access to appropriate and timely services contributes to the over-crowding of jails and prisons. An estimated 16 percent of jail and state prison inmates and 7 percent of federal prison inmates have a diagnosable mental disorder. Nearly 60 percent of males and more than two-thirds of females in juvenile detention have at least one mental disorder. |
Traolach Brugha, Nicola Singleton, Howard
Meltzer, Paul Bebbington, Michael Farrell,
Rachel Jenkins, Jeremy Coid, Tom Fryers, David Melzer,
Glyn Lewis |
Stephen Porter, Michael Woodworth |
M. Z. Hussain,
Waqar Waheed, Seema Hussain # Intravenous Quetiapine Abuse Am J Psychiatry 162:9, September 2005 The calming and sedating effects of quetiapine, which make it useful in clinical practice, also make it a substance of abuse and confer “street value” on it by the same token. |
Canadian Mental Health Association |
Ronald C.
Kessler, Olga Demler, Richard G. Frank, Mark Olfson,
M.D., Harold Alan Pincus, Ellen E. Walters, Philip Wang,
Kenneth B. Wells, Alan M. Zaslavsky # Prevalence and Treatment of Mental Disorders, 1990 to 2003 The New England Journal of Medicine, 2005;352:2515-23 The prevalence of mental disorders did not change during the decade (29.4 percent between 1990 and 1992 and 30.5 percent between 2001 and 2003, P=0.52), but the rate of treatment increased. Among patients with a disorder, 20.3 percent received treatment between 1990 and 1992 and 32.9 percent received treatment between 2001 and 2003 (P<0.001). Overall, 12.2 percent of the population 18 to 54 years of age received treatment for emotional disorders between 1990 and 1992 and 20.1 percent between 2001 and 2003 (P<0.001). Only about half those who received treatment had disorders that met diagnostic criteria for a mental disorder. Significant increases in the rate of treatment (49.0 percent between 1990 and 1992 and 49.9 percent between 2001 and 2003) were limited to the sectors of general medical services (2.59 times as high in 2001 to 2003 as in 1990 to 1992), psychiatry services (2.17 times as high), and other mental health services (1.59 times as high) and were independent of the severity of the disorder and of the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents. |
Jeffrey Draine, Amy Blank, Petra Kottsieper,
Phyllis Solomon |
Harald Dressing, Khristine Kuehner, Peter
Gass |
Mike Stephens |
Jean Louis Senon |
Julian Ford,
Robert L. Trestman # Evidence-Based Enhancement of the Detection, Prevention, and Treatment of Mental Illness in the Correction Systems www.ncjrs.gov/ August 2005 Data collection techniques involved the administration of a 25-minute “Composite Screening” interview in Phase 1. 20% of participants were then invited to complete a longer, more intensive “Structured Interview” one week later, which established a more detailed account of Axis I and Axis II psychiatric disorders and psychosocial functioning... This new brief screening tool is designed to expedite the process of accurately identifying individuals in the correctional system with mental illness. Dissemination of this tool can help to standardize screening practices nationwide. |
Kevin Corbett, Tristen Westwood |
Suprema Corte di Cassazione - Sezioni Unite
Penali # Ugo Fornari, I disturbi gravi di personalità rientrano nel concetto di infermità?, www.giustizia.lazio.it/ 2005 # Paolo Della Noce, Le Sezioni Unite voltano pagina in tema di imputabilità, Psicologia e Giustizia, Anno V, numero 2, Luglio - Dicembre 2004 # Aldo Franceschini, Disturbi di personalità e imputabilità nuove prospettive, www.carabinieri.it/ Rassegna dell'Arma > Anno 2006 > n. 1 - Gennaio - Marzo |
J.-L. Dubreucq,
C. Joyal, F. Millaud # Risque de violence et troubles mentaux graves Annales Médico Psychologiques 163 (2005) 852–865 Contrairement à une opinion fréquente dans les milieux psychiatriques, les troubles mentaux graves représentent à eux seuls, sans abus d’alcool ou de drogues, un risque de violence physique envers autrui beaucoup plus élevé que celui de la population générale. La même constatation vaut pour les homicides. L’ensemble de la littérature scientifique des 15 dernières années, consacrée à ce sujet, a été révisée et résumée dans un tableau récapitulatif. Les résultats contradictoires de l’étude Mc Arthur sont également présentés et commentés de façon critique. Un risque plus élevé d’agression physique concerne particulièrement un sous-groupe de patients, ayant l’un ou l’autre les caractéristiques suivantes : antécédents de violence, non-observance de la médication antipsychotique et du suivi, abus d’alcool ou de drogues, pensées ou fantasmes violents, symptomatologie psychotique aiguë et lésions cérébrales. Même si le risque de violence associé aux troubles mentaux graves est plus élevé que celui retrouvé dans la population générale, le nombre absolu des agressions commises par les patients reste faible. De 85 à 97 % des agresseurs ne sont pas des malades mentaux. Certains aspects de la désinstitutionnalisation tels le manque de ressources externes et une modification de la loi, traduisant une plus grande préoccupation envers les droits des patients, peuvent entraîner une rupture des soins. En revanche, l’engagement clinique relayé en cas de danger par un cadre légal s’accompagne d’une réduction du risque de violence. |
Marcelo Otero, Pierre Landreville, Daphné
Morin, Ghyslaine Thomas |
Linda A. Teplin,
Karen M. Abram, Gary M. McClelland, Jason J. Washburn,
Ann K. Pikus # Detecting Mental Disorder in Juvenile Detainees: Who Receives Services Am J Public Health. 2005; 95:1773–1780 Among detainees who had major mental disorders and associated functional impairments, 15.4% received treatment in the detention center and 8.1% received treatment in the community by the time of case disposition or 6 months, whichever came first. Significantly more girls than boys were detected and treated. Receiving treatment was predicted by clinical variables (having a major mental disorder or reported treatment history or suicidal behavior) and demographic variables. The challenge to public health is to provide accessible, innovative, and effective treatments to juvenile detainees, a population that is often beyond the reach of traditional services. |
Betty Brahmy |
Henry J. Steadman, Jack E. Scott, Fred Osher,
Tara K. Agnese, Pamela Clark Robbins |
Philip Thomas,
Patrick Bracken, Paul Cutler, Robert Hayward, Rufus May,
Salma Yasmeen # Challenging the globalisation of biomedical psychiatry Journal of Public Mental Health, vol 4, issue 3, 2005 For over 100 years biomedical psychiatry has dominated the way people throughout the western world understand their sadness and distress, despite the lack of empirical evidence that distress has a biological basis. Now, the interests of the global pharmaceutical industry and transational professional elites such as the World Health Organisation and the World Psychiatric Association are extending these biomedical accounts across the globe.This paper briefly describes biomedical psychiatry and its origins before considering how this project is closely aligned to the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. It ends with a call for a new agenda in mental health, driven by the concerns and interests of ordinary people in local communities... |
GAINS | SAMHSA # The Nathaniel Project: An Alternative to Incarceration. Program for People with Serious Mental Illness. Who Have Committed Felony Offenses http://gainscenter.samhsa.gov/ Fall 2002/Revised Summer 2005 The Nathaniel Project has tremendous success engaging clients who have previously repeatedly disengaged from treatment. At six months, the program has 88 percent retention of participants and 80 percent retention over the course of two years. |
Kevin S. Douglas,
Jennifer L. Skeem # Violence Risk Assessment: Getting Specific About Being Dynamic Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 3, 347–383 In this article, the authors (a) differentiate risk status (interindividual risk level based largely on static risk factors) from risk state (intraindividual risk level determined largely by current status on dynamic risk factors), (b) analyze the elevance of contemporary risk assessment measures for apturing dynamic risk, and (c) distill potentially important dynamic risk factors from the literature in order to facilitate future research. |
Deborah W. Denno Freudian psychoanalytic theory has greatly influenced the modern definition of criminal culpability. Indeed, much of the language of key criminal statutes, cases, and psychiatric testimony is framed by psychoanalytic concepts. This impact is particularly evident in the Model Penal Code's mens rea provisions and defenses, which were developed in the 1950s and 1960s, a time of Freudian reign in the United States. For contemporary criminal law, however, this degree of psychoanalytic presence is troublesome. Freudian theory is difficult to apply to group conflicts and legal situations, and the theory emphasizes unconscious (rather than conscious) thoughts. The rising new science of consciousness and conscious will provides continuity with Freudian theory. Yet, in contrast to Freudian principles, this new science offers criminal law a means of enlightening existing mens rea doctrine with advanced discoveries that more easily comport with human behavior and evidentiary standards. |
Fabien Juan,
Anne-Sophie Chocard, Michel David # État des lieux des services médicopsychologiques régionaux L’Information psychiatrique 2005 ; 81 : 609-19 Durant ces dix dernières années, les soins psychiatriques délivrés par les SMPR aux personnes détenues se sont très nettement améliorés, mais insuffisamment en regard de l’ampleur des besoins. Les actions principales des SMPR pourraient se synthétiser en deux : le dépistage de la pathologie psychiatrique et psychologique, le développement et l’adaptation de soins aux spécificités de la population carcérale et du milieu d’intervention. Les soignants psychiatriques, conscients de ces spécificités, cherchent à développer dans les structures des soins répondant aux besoins de cette population et compatibles avec les moyens qui leur sont alloués. |
Herschel Prins |
Ron Honberg, Darcy Gruttadaro |
Royal College of
Nursing # Violence. The short-term management of disturbed/violent behaviour in in-patient psychiatric settings and emergency departments www.nice.org.uk/ February 2005 Rapid tranquillisation, physical intervention and seclusion should only be considered once de-escalation and other strategies have failed to calm the service user. These interventions are management strategies and are not regarded as primary treatment techniques. When determining which interventions to employ, clinical need, safety of service users and others, and, where possible, advance directives should be taken into account. The intervention selected must be a reasonable and proportionate response to the risk posed by the service user. |
Anne Duburcq, Sandrine Coulomb, Juliette
Bonte, Cédric Marchand, Francis Fagnani, Bruno
Falissard | Ministère de la Santé | Ministère de la
Justice (Direction de l’Administration Pénitentiaire) Par grands types de troubles, les troubles anxieux apparaissent les plus fréquents (56% des détenus en présentent au moins un), suivis des troubles thymiques (47%, moins fréquents en centre de détention : 37%). 34% des détenus présentent une dépendance aux substances et/ou à l’alcool et 24% un trouble psychotique. |
C. Manzanera,
J.-L. Senon # Psychiatrie de liaison en milieu pénitentiaire: organisation, moyens, psychopathologies et réponses thérapeutiques. Consultation–liaison psychiatry in jails: procedures, modes and therapeutic strategies Annales Médico Psychologiques 162 (2004) 686–699 L’essor de la pratique de la psychiatrie en milieu carcéral est récent. Il correspond à la mise en place, depuis la loi du 18 janvier 1994, d’interventions d’équipes de secteurs de psychiatrie dans les établissements pénitentiaires afin de compléter l’action des Services Médico- Psychologiques Régionaux implantés au nombre de deux ou trois par région. La pratique de la psychiatrie en milieu carcéral doit tenir compte d’une clinique particulière où domine le passage à l’acte et d’un lieu particulier fait de privation. Le modèle de la psychiatrie de liaison tel qu’il a été développé en soins généraux est tout à fait approprié à ces conditions de travail. Elle permet non seulement une réécriture nécessaire de la clinique psychiatrique, mais aussi une prise en compte des difficultés propres à ce milieu de travail (surveillance, isolement, risque de clivage...). Enfin, une adaptation de la prise en charge thérapeutique est nécessaire non seulement en fonction des pathologies présentes, mais aussi en fonction du cadre et de la durée limitée des prises en charge. Le rôle de l’entretien d’accueil est primordial à ce niveau. |
Richard E. Redding |
Jennifer L. Skeem, John F. Edens, Jacqueline
Camp, Lori H. Colwell Although considerable research on psychopathy has been conducted over the past 30 years, relatively few studies have examined key issues related to potential ethnic differences in this constellation of socially maladaptive personality traits. Given recent sociopolitical and scientific developments, an issue of considerable debate is whether Black individuals possess “more” traits of psychopathy than do Whites... Our finding that Blacks and Whites do not meaningfully differ in their levels of core psychopathic traits is consistent with community-based findings for self-report measures of psychopathy and clinical diagnoses of antisocial personality disorder. |
R.L. Weisman,
J.S. Lamberti, N. Price # Integrating Criminal Justice, Community Healthcare, and Support Services for Adults with Severe Mental Disorders Psychiatric Quarterly March 2004, Volume 75, Issue 1, pp 71-85 Persons with severe mental disorders are overrepresented in our nation's jails and prisons. Factors including cooccurring substance use disorders, homelessness, and lack of access to community services have contributed to this problem, as have gaps between criminal justice, healthcare, and community support systems. In order to address these issues, Project Link was developed by the University of Rochester Department of Psychiatry in collaboration with five local community agencies. Project Link is designed to prevent involvement of individuals with severe mental illness from entering the criminal justice system. While many models of diversion programs exist, they are all dependent on access to appropriate community-based services. This paper will describe the steps that Project Link has taken towards integrating criminal justice, healthcare, and community support services for individuals with severe mental disorders involved in the criminal justice system. |
Arseneault, Mary Cannon, John Witton, Robin M. Murray # Causal association between cannabis and psychosis: examination of the evidence The British Journal of Psychiatry BJP 2004, 184:110-117 On an individual level, cannabis use confers an overall twofold increase in the relative risk for later schizophrenia. At the population level, elimination of cannabis use would reduce the incidence of schizophrenia by approximately 8%, assuming a causal relationship. Cannabis use appears to be neither a sufficient nor a necessary cause for psychosis. It is a component cause, part of a complex constellation of factors leading to psychosis. Cases of psychotic disorder could be prevented by discouraging cannabis use among vulnerable youths. Research is needed to understand the mechanisms by which cannabis causes psychosis. |
HG Kennedy, S Monks, K Curtin, B Wright, S
Linehan, D Duffy, C Teljeur, A Kelly |
Holly Hills, Christine Siegfried, Alan
Ickowitz |
J. L. Senon # Psychiatrie et prison : toujours dans le champ de l’actualité Annales Médico Psychologiques 162 (2004) 646–652 Les rapports entre psychiatrie et prison sont toujours dans le champ de l’actualité dans tous les pays industrialisés. Tous ont connu une désinstitutionnalisation psychiatrique et un désengagement de l’hébergement social, tous connaissent une montée de la violence et y font souvent face par le recours à des peines de détention souvent plus longues du fait du développement du mouvement de « tolérance zéro » visant à réprimer toute délinquance, même mineure. L’augmentation souvent avancée du nombre des détenus présentant des troubles mentaux a été peu étudiée, en dehors de travaux récents. Elle peut être mise en rapport avec la population repérée il y a plus d’un siècle par les aliénistes français, population de sujets qui ne sont pas reconnus irresponsables mais présentent néanmoins des troubles mentaux. En France, depuis 1994, la santé est réalisée en prison par les équipes des hôpitaux. Les Services Médico-Psychologiques Régionaux (SMPR) ont été confortés. Pourtant nombre de détenus malades mentaux n’ont toujours pas les soins dignes de notre société républicaine. Dix ans après la loi du 18 janvier, aucune évaluation et aucun bilan ne sont réalisés. Pourtant il s’agit bien de penser ensemble l’articulation du soin et de la peine dans notre société démocratique. |
James D. Unnever, Mark Colvin, Francis T.
Cullen |
Robert D. Morgan,
Alicia T. Rozycki, Scott Wilson # Inmate Perceptions of Mental Health Services Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 2004, Vol. 35, No. 4, 389–396 Black inmates are disproportionately incarcerated and for longer sentences compared with their White counterparts. As the discipline of psychology considers its role in advocacy, psychologists should note that the U.S. legal system is clearly one governing body that continues to marginalize minorities and thereby warrants the advocacy efforts of psychologists. Of additional concern is the finding that White inmates were more likely to have received mental health counseling as children than were their Black counterparts. |
Nathan Gregory # The link between mental health problems and violent behaviour http://www.nursingtimes.net/ Nursing Times; 100: 14, 34–36, 2004 Fear of violence in relation to people with mental illness is common and affects the way society views and treats such individuals. This article reviews literature on mental illness and violence with the aim of clarifying whether there is a link between the two. While higher rates of violence have been found among people with mental illness, most studies have flaws and their results should be viewed with caution. |
Hans Joachim
Salize, Harald Dressing # Epidemiology of involuntary placement of mentally ill people across the European Union The British Journal of Psychiatry BJP 2004, 184:163-168. Information about the socio-demographic characteristics of involuntarily admitted patients is as scarce as the psychopathological background information. Even the most basic gender data were available from only nine countries, five of which showed a tendency to place male patients more often involuntarily than females (Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg and The Netherlands). An overrepresentation of male patients might serve as a rough indicator that danger is the prime consideration in involuntary placement, since men with mental illness reportedly are more likely than women to show dangerous behaviour. |
Victorian Law Reform Commission |
Holly Hills, Christine Siegfried, Alan
Ickowitz |
Joseph M. Pierre, Igor Shnayder, Donna A.
Wirshing, William C. Wirshing |
Paolo Cendon,
Giuseppe Citarella # Disagio psichico e risarcimento del danno, in Persona e danno, a cura di Paolo Cendon - Enrico Pasquinelli Giuffrè 2004 Accade spesso che la condanna dello psichiatra dipenda da omissioni di sorveglianza, relative alla persona dell’infermo. Un esempio è quello dei reparti ospedalieri in cui non sia stata impedita, ai degenti, la vicinanza con oggetti pericolosi (arnesi taglienti, medicinali, sostanze velenose) o la disponibilità di capi di vestiario (cinture, cravatte) suscettibili di trasformarsi facilmente in mezzi di autolesione. La casistica è copiosa... |
Arthur J.
Lurigio, Angie Rollins, John Fallon # The Effects of Serious Mental Illness on Offender Reentry Federal Probation September 2004 In this paper, we examine the factors that have led to increasing numbers of the mentally ill being processed through the criminal justice system. We review findings to estimate the prevalence of major psychiatric problems in the parolee population. We discuss the importance of implementing specialized case management strategies to respond more effectively to the needs of parolees with SMI. We describe a program, administered by Thresholds, that uses Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) to facilitate the reentry of mentally ill parolees in Illinois. Finally, we explore the common challenges of managing mentally ill offenders (MIOs) in the community. uses Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) to facilitate the reentry of mentally ill parolees in Illinois. Finally, we explore the common challenges of managing mentally ill offenders (MIOs) in the community. |
James R. P. Ogloff, Michael R. Davis, Julian
M. Somers |
Jennifer R. Wynn, Alisa Szatrowski, Gregory
Warner | The Correctional Association of New York |
Patricia Sealy, Paul C Whitehead |
L. P. Sheridan,
E.Blaauw # Characteristics of False Stalking Reports Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 31 No. 1, February 2004 ... A proportion of those who make false reports of stalking have various psychiatric needs and should be referred to an appropriate agency by the police and victim support groups. To this end, legal authorities and victim service providers should be made aware that the majority of false stalking reports may be lodged by individuals who require professional support, rather than those who may be viewed as wasting resources... |
Jackie Massaro http://gainscenter.samhsa.gov/ September
2003/Revised February 2004 |
TAPA Center for Jail Diversion | National
Mental Health Association |
Giuseppe Carrà,
Massimo Clerici # The Italian Association on Addiction Psychiatry (SIPDip), formerly The Italian Association on Abuse and Addictive Behaviours Addiction, 98, 2003 We are witnessing a satisfying trend of growing interest in dual diagnosis and psychopathological comorbidity in substance-related disorders in Italy, above all among health professionals whose interest is borne out by the large number of applications to the Consensus Conference. This was the background to the decision at the last National Board meeting to submit to the General Assembly, held in Pescara on 11 April 2003, the proposal to modify the Association’s byelaws and change the name to the Italian Association of Addiction Psychiatry (Società Italiana Psichiatria delle Dipendenze–SIPDip). |
Tony Butler,
Stephen Allnutt # Mental Illness Among New South Wales’ Prisoners www.justicehealth.nsw.gov.au/ NSW Corrections Health Service, 2003 While the static population was 7,735, approximately 12,483 males and 1,566 females were received into the NSW correctional system in 2000/2001. Based on these figures, 9,693 would have been diagnosed with having had ‘any psychiatric disorder’ in the previous month; 5,427 with ‘any mental disorder’; and 6,739 with a substance use disorder in the previous month. Approximately 1,581 reception inmates would have reported experiencing psychotic symptoms in the previous twelve-months. |
John Reed # Mental health care in prisons British Journal of Psychiatry 2003 Only one prisoner in ten showed no evidence of any mental disorder and no more than two out of ten had only one disorder. Ten per cent of men on remand and 14% of all female prisoners had shown signs of psychotic illness in the year prior to interview in prison compared with 0.4% in the general household population, and 59% of remanded men and 76% of remanded women had a neurotic disorder. |
Deborah W. Denno |
Ricardo Araya,
Graciela Rojas, Rosemarie Fritsch, Jorge Gaete, Maritza
Rojas, Greg Simon, Tim J Peters # Treating depression in primary care in low-income women in Santiago, Chile: a randomised controlled trial www.thelancet.com/ The Lancet • Vol 361 • March 22, 2003 Despite few resources and marked deprivation, women with major depression responded well to a structured, stepped-care treatment programme, which is being introduced across Chile. Socially disadvantaged patients might gain the most from systematic improvements in treatment of depression. |
R Araya, G Lewis,
G Rojas, R Fritsch # Education and income: which is more important for mental health? www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ J Epidemiol Community Health 2003 There is a strong, inverse, and independent association between education and common mental disorders. However, income was not associated with the prevalence of common mental disorders, after adjusting for other socioeconomic variables. Similar results have been found in other Latin American studies but British studies tend to find the opposite, that income but not education is associated with common mental disorders. Understanding the impact of socioeconomic factors on mental health requires research in poor as well as rich countries. |
Cyrille Canetti |
Società Italiane di Criminologia, Medicina
legale e Psichiatria |
Kevin S. Douglas,
James R. P. Ogloff, Stephen D. Hart # Evaluation of a Model of Violence Risk Assessment Among Forensic Psychiatric Patients Psychiatric Services 54:1372–1379, 2003 The findings support the structured professional judgment model of risk assessment as well as the HCR-20 specifically and suggest that clinical judgment, if made within a structured context, can contribute in meaningful ways to the assessment of violence risk. |
Ken Inoue, James R Lupski |
Jack M. Gorman |
L. Rowell
Huesmann, Jessica Moise-Titus, Cheryl-Lynn Podolski,
Leonard D. Eron # Longitudinal Relations Between Children’s Exposure to TV Violence and Their Aggressive and Violent Behavior in Young Adulthood: 1977–1992 Developmental Psychology, 2003, Vol. 39, No. 2, 201–221 Although the relation between TV-violence viewing and aggression in childhood has been clearly demonstrated, only a few studies have examined this relation from childhood to adulthood, and these studies of children growing up in the 1960s reported significant relations only for boys. The current study examines the longitudinal relations between TV-violence viewing at ages 6 to 10 and adult aggressive behavior about 15 years later for a sample growing up in the 1970s and 1980s. Follow-up archival data (N 450) and interview data (N 329) reveal that childhood exposure to media violence predicts young adult aggressive behavior for both males and females. Identification with aggressive TV characters and perceived realism of TV violence also predict later aggression. These relations persist even when the effects of socioeconomic status, intellectual ability, and a variety of parenting factors are controlled. |
David Lovell,
Gregg J. Gagliardi, Paul D. Peterson # Recidivism and Use of Services Among Persons With Mental Illness After Release From Prison Psychiatric Services, VOL. 53, No. 10, October 01, 2002 Whether community mental health treatment affects recidivism cannot be assessed fairly in the absence of higher levels of service during the first months after release. This study also identifies actuarial risk factors that predict new offenses at a level comparable to that of published risk assessment instruments. Commission of less serious offenses that usually precede felonies may provide an early warning of risk for new felonies and an opportunity for strategic intervention. The low rate of serious violence in the community by mentally ill offenders released from prison suggests that the risk of violence may be a weak and potentially counterproductive rationale for community support and mental health treatment of mentally ill offenders. |
Seena Fazel, John Danesh About 9 million people are imprisoned worldwide, including 2 million in the USA and 70 000 in the UK. Many psychiatric surveys have been done in prisons, but they have generally been small, have often included selected populations (such as prisoners referred to psychiatric services), and have not been assessed systematically. Indeed, three reviews included a total of only ten studies in general prison populations. More reliable estimates of the prevalence rates of serious mental disorders in prisoners, such as psychotic illnesses, major depression, and antisocial personality disorder should help inform public policy and prison health services. We have done a systematic review of psychiatric surveys of people in general prison populations in western countries (with results subdivided by disorder, sex, and type of prisoner). |
Magali Coldefy,
Patricia Faure, Nathalie Prieto # La santé mentale et le suivi psychiatrique des détenus accueillis par les services médico-psychologiques régionaux http://drees.solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/ Juillet 2002 Quatre profils types de détenus suivis se dégagent : ceux atteints de troubles de l'humeur et du comportement incarcérés en majorité pour la première fois ; des usagers de substances psycho-actives et incarcérés pour infractions orrectionnelles ; des condamnés à de longues peines présentant principalement des troubles sexuels ou de la personnalité ; enfin des détenus souffrant de troubles émotionnels et du comportement, souvent mineurs, et en prison pour de courtes peines. |
Council of State
Governments # Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus Project www.ncjrs.gov/ June 2002 This report comprises 46 policy statements, each of which can serve as a guiding principle or as the underpinning of an initiative to improve the criminal justice system’s response to a person with mental illness. Each policy statement is followed by a series of recommendations—lettered statements in bold text—highlighting the steps that should be taken to implement the corresponding policy. The policy statements and recommendations will help agents of change to focus their efforts on particular aspects of the interaction between individuals with mental illness and the criminal justice system. |
Craig Haney The increased use of supermax and other forms of extremely harsh and psychologically damaging confinement must be reversed. Strict time limits must be placed on the use of punitive isolation that approximate the much briefer periods of such confinement that once characterized American corrections, prisoners must be screened for special vulnerability to isolation, and carefully monitored so that they can be removed upon the first sign of adverse reactions. |
Daniel Freeman,
Philippa A. Garety, Elizabeth Kuipers, David Fowler,
Paul E. Bebbington # A cognitive model of persecutory delusions British Journal of Clinical Psychology (2002), 41, 331–347 A multifactorial model of the formation and maintenance of persecutory delusions is presented. Persecutory delusions are conceptualized as threat beliefs. The beliefs are hypothesized to arise from a search for meaning for internal or external experiences that are unusual, anomalous, or emotionally significant for the individual. The persecutory explanations formed reflect an interaction between psychotic processes, pre-existing beliefs and personality (particularly emotion), and the environment. It is proposed that the delusions are maintained by processes that lead to the receipt of confirmatory evidence and processes that prevent the processing of disconfirmatory evidence. |
Dennis S. Charney, David H. Barlow, Kelly Botteron, Jonathan D. Cohen, David Goldman, Raquel E. Gur, Keh-Ming Lin, Juan F. López, James H. Meador-Woodruff, Steven O. Moldin, Eric J. Nestler, Stanley J. Watson, Steven J. Zalcman in David J. Kupfer, Michael B. First, Darrel A. Regier (eds), A Research Agenda for DSM-V, American Psychiatric Association 2002 It is our hope and expectation that through advances in animal models, genetics, neuroimaging, and postmortem investigations psychiatry will ultimately have a diagnostic system based on etiology and pathophysiology. Such a system should result in reliable and valid diagnosis, more specific and effective treatments, and therapeutic strategies to delay and even prevent the development of psychiatric disorders. |
Rodrigo Becerra, Andrew Amos, Steven
Jongenelis |
Eloise Dunlap, Andrew Golub, Bruce D.
Johnson, Damaris Wesley |
Woodworth, Stephen Porter # In Cold Blood: Characteristics of Criminal Homicides as a Function of Psychopathy Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2002, Vol. 111, No. 3, 436–445 This study investigated the relationship between psychopathy and the characteristics of criminal homicides committed by a sample of 125 Canadian offenders. It was hypothesized that the homicides committed by psychopathic offenders would be more likely to be primarily instrumental (i.e., associated with premeditation, motivated by an external goal, and not preceded by a potent affective reaction) or “cold-blooded” in nature, whereas homicides committed by nonpsychopaths often would be “crimes of passion” associated with a high level of impulsivity/reactivity and emotionality. The results confirmed these predictions; homicides committed by psychopathic offenders were significantly more instrumental than homicides by nonpsychopaths. Nearly all (93.3%) of the homicides by psychopaths were primarily instrumental in nature compared with 48.4% of the homicides by nonpsychopaths. |
M. Casas, J.
Guardia # Patología psiquiátrica asociada al alcoholismo Adicciones (2002), Vol. 14, Supl. 1 Aproximadamente el 50 % de pacientes con enfermedades mentales graves, tales como esquizofrenia o trastorno bipolar, desarrollan un trastorno por abuso de sustancias, a lo largo de su vida. Esta tasa es probablemente más elevada entre los jóvenes con antecedentes de violencia o que duermen en la calle y entre los pacientes atendidos en servicios de urgencias. |
Jeffrey W. Swanson, Marvin S. Swartz, Susan
M. Essock, Fred C. Osher, H. Ryan Wagner, Lisa A.
Goodman, Stanley D. Rosenberg, Keith G. Meador |
John Reed |
Denise Hugaboom |
Janet I. Warren # Baseline psychopathology in a Women's Prison: Its Impact on Institutional Adjustment and Risk for Violence www.ncjrs.gov/ National Institute of Justice 2001 As chronicled by Megargee, over the past twenty years, the number of individuals incarcerated in state and federal prisons has increased 446%. This increase has been accompanied by a growing recognition that a substantial proportion of these individuals suffer from significant degrees of mental illness or impairment. Reports ... have begun to make apparent the transfer of mentally ill individuals from state psychiatric institutions to jails and prisons. According to Torrey, the prevalence of serious mental illness in correctional systems is 6-15%, with there being twice as many individuals with serious mental illness in jail and prison than in state psychiatric hospitals. |
Paul E. Mullen |
W. Gordon Frankle, David Shera, Herbert
Berger-Hershkowitz, A. Eden Evins, Christine Connolly,
Donald C. Goff, David C. Henderson, |
H. Richard Lamb, Leona L. Bachrach |
Julian Leff |
Laub, John H.,
Robert J. Sampson # Understanding desistance from crime. Crime and Justice www.press.uchicago.edu | http://nrs.harvard.edu/ 28: 1-69 Why do they stop? Although the vast majority of criminal offenders stop committing crimes, desistance is not well understood. Criminol- ogy has been far more interested in the question, Why do individuals start? Most criminological research consists of cross-sectional "snap- shots" or short-term panel studies of offending. There have been few long-term longitudinal studies of crime over the full life span. As a consequence, relatively little is known about desistance and, for that matter, the processes of persistent criminal behavior throughout ife course. Indeed, the characteristics hat distinguish persistence n a life of crime from desistance within any group of high-risk offenders are generally unknow |
Louise C. Johns, Jim van Os |
Kenneth L.
Appelbaum, James M. Hickey, Ira Packer # The Role of Correctional Officers in Multidisciplinary Mental Health Care in Prisons Psychiatric Services 52:1343–1347, 2001 Prisons have become the homes of thousands of inmates who have mental disorders. The stress of incarceration can cause morbidity among these individuals, resulting in more severe symptoms and more disruptive behavior. Effective treatment for such inmates often involves services provided by a multidisciplinary treatment team that includes correctional officers. Correctional officers can assist in observations and interventions, and they play a unique role on specialized housing units. Successful collaboration between correctional officers and treatment teams requires a foundation of mutual respect, shared training, and ongoing communication and cooperation. With these elements in place, correctional officers can assist the treatment team and make important and constructive contributions to the assessment and management of offenders who have mental disorders. |
Ministere de la Justice | IGSJ Inspection
Generale des Services Judiciaries | IGAS Inspection
Generale des Affaires Sociales |
Senon Jean Louis,
Lafay Nicolas, Papet Nathalie, Manzanera Cyril # Psychoses et prison: un équilibre impossible entre sanitaire et judiciaire Revue Pénitentiaire et de Droit Pénal, 2001 Tous les pays industrialisés constatent en milieu pénitentiaire une augmentation des cas de détenus présentant des psychoses chroniques et notamment des schizophrénies. Notre société sera toujours à la recherche d’un difficile équilibre entre punir et soigner, entre liberté individuelle et contrainte aux soins quand bien même la maladie est aliénation, entre social, sanitaire et judiciaire. Plus que de légiférer dans la hâte, ne faut-il pas plutôt se hâter de penser en décloisonnant cette réflexion ? |
Macheret-Christe, B. Gravier # Schizophrénie, psychose et prison www.psychiatrieviolence.info/ mai 2001 | "la lettre de la Schizophrénie", n°23, juin 2001 Senon et coll., dans un travail très approfondi sur les pathologies rencontrées en milieu pénitentiaire notent que toutes les formes de psychoses schizophréniques se rencontrent en prison. Les patients souffrant de formes paranoïdes sont les plus aisément dépistés. Mobilisant l’institution lorsqu’ils présentent une décompensation, ces patients sont ceux qui interrogent le plus le monde pénitentiaire sur l’adéquation de leur pathologie avec leur présence en milieu carcéral. Certains patients stabilisés, ayant appris à vivre avec leur délire, s’accommodent finalement assez bien de la routine pénitentiaire qui reproduit rapidement le rythme de la chronicisation asilaire. |
Paula G. Panzer, Nahama Broner, Hunter L.
McQuistion |
Edelyn Verona, Christopher J. Patrick, Thomas
E. Joiner |
José M. Sánchez Bursón |
Robin Shepard Engel, Eric Silver |
World Health Organization While de-institutionalization is an important part of mental health care reform, it is not synonymous with de-hospitalization. De-institutionalization is a complex process leading to the implementation of a solid network of community alternatives. Closing mental hospitals without community alternatives is as dangerous as creating community alternatives without closing mental hospitals. |
Nazionale per la Bioetica # Psichiatria e salute mentale: orientamenti bioetici www.governo.it/ 24 novembre 2000 |
Craig Dowden - D. A. Andrews |
Steven Raphael # The Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill and Growth in the U.S. Prison Populations: 1971 to 1996 http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/ September 2000 This paper tests for a relationship between the size of the population institutionalized in state and county mental hospitals and the size of state prison populations. The analysis exploits inter-state differences in the pace of deinstitutionalization to identify this relationship. While mental hospital populations declined nation-wide, decreases in hospitalization rates vary considerably from state to state. To the extent that the deinstitutionalized mentally ill transfer from mental hospitals to prisons, there should be a negative within-state correlations between these populations. Using standard panel data techniques, I probe the robustness of this relationship. I find strong negative effects of hospitalization rates on prison incarceration rates. The estimation results imply that deinstitutionalization between 1971 and 1996 is directly responsible for 48,000 to 148,000 of the inmates in state prison systems in 1996. This accounts for 4.5 to 14 percent of the total prison population for this year and for roughly 28 to 86 percent of prison inmates suffering from mental illness. |
Sénat - Session Ordinaire de 1999-2000 Les malades mentaux : vers la prison-asile... Les « malades mentaux » représentent aujourd'hui près de 30 % de la population carcérale : une telle proportion s'explique principalement par une réforme du code pénal et par une évolution inquiétante de la psychiatrie en France... Les psychiatres jouent aujourd'hui un ròle considérable dans le système judiciaire et pénitentiaire : ils peuvent établir l' irresponsabilité de l'accusé; une fois emprisonné, ils donnent différents avis sur les placements en quartier disciplinaire et sur les hospitalisations d' office. |
Eric Blaauw,
Ronald Roesch, Ad Kerkhof # Mental Disorders in European Prison Systems. Arrangements for Mentally Disordered Prisoners in the Prison Systems of 13 European Countries International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Vol. 23, No. 5–6, pp. 649–663, 2000 European studies have yielded fairly consistent findings about the prevalence rates of mental disorders in samples of unsentenced prisoners. Lifetime prevalence rates of mental disorders, including substance-related disorders and personality disorders, were found to be 71% in Denmark and 71% in England. Current prevalence rates were found to be 64% in Denmark, 62% in England, 63% in England and Wales and 62% in Ireland. Thus, studies in samples of unsentenced prisoners have consistently found a lifetime prevalence of mental disorder of 71% and a current prevalence rate of about 63%. |
Martin Humphreys # Aspects of basic
management of offenders with mental disorders |
Cécile Prieur ...Augmentation inquiétante de la proportion de malades mentaux parmi les détenus... Si "d'indéniables progrès" ont été réalisés en matière de médecine générale pour les détenus, les inspections ont constaté que le "dispositif actuel de soins psychiatriques n'est pas en mesure de répondre à la demande de santé mentale, aussi bien à l'intérieur de la prison qu'à l'extérieur"... Le rapport évalue à au moins un quart la proportion de personnes présentant des troubles mentaux en prison. "En 1997, on pouvait évaluer le pourcentage des entrants en prison souffrant de troubles mentaux entre 14 % et 25 % chez les hommes et jusqu'à 30 % chez les femmes, explique la mission. Selon la majorité des personnes interrogées, cette proportion et la gravité des troubles psychiatriques se seraient aggravés depuis." |
Robert L Trestman # Behind Bars: Personality Disorders www.jaapl.org/ J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 28:232-5, 2000 Antisocial personality disorder is endemic to correctional settings. Individuals who meet this diagnosis have difficulty cooperating with authorities, living in a structured fashion, and assuming responsibility for their behaviors. They are commonly seen as manipulative and impulsively aggressive. BPD is the diagnosis that is characteristic of many of the most troubling and difficult individuals found in correctional settings. Prevalence rates of BPD in prison studies have been estimated at 12 percent of male prisoners and 28 percent offemale prisoners... |
R Herrera Valencia |
Gwen Adshead |
David S. Satcher The sciencebased report conveys several messages. One is that mental health is fundamental to health.The qualities of mental health are essential to leading a healthy life. Americans assign high priority to preventing disease and promoting personal well-being and public health... A second message of the report is that mental disorders are real health conditions that have an immense impact on individuals and families throughout this Nation and the world. Appreciation of the clinically and economically devastating nature of mental disorders is part of a quiet scientific revolution that not only has documented the extent of the problem, but in recent years has generated many real solutions... |
Randy K. Otto # Assessing and Managing Violence Risk in Outpatient Settings http://psychology.illinoisstate.edu/ J. of Clinical Psychology, vol. 56(10) 2000 Over the past 25 years much has been learned about the relationship between violence and mental disorder, and about assessing violence risk. In this article risk factors for violence among persons with mental disorder are reviewed, clinical assessment strategies are discussed, and a model for thinking about treatment and other types of interventions designed to minimize violence risk is offered. |
Mairead Dolan,
Michael Dolan # Violence risk prediction. Clinical and actuarial measures and the role of the Psychopathy Checklist The British Journal of Psychiatry (2000) 177: 303-311 Systematic/structured risk assessment approaches may enhance the accuracy of clinical prediction of violent outcomes. Data on the predictive validity of available clinical risk assessment tools are based largely on American and North American studies and further validation is required in British samples. The Psychopathy Checklist appears to be a key predictor of violent recidivism in a variety of settings... Violence risk prediction is an inexact science and as such will continue to provoke debate. Clinicians clearly need to be able to demonstrate the rationale behind their decisions on violence risk and much can be learned from recent developments in research on violence risk prediction. |
Sanford L. Drob, Kevin Meehan |
Graeme J. Taylor,
R. Michael Bagby, Olivier Luminet # Assessment of Alexithymia_Self-eport and Observer-Rated Measures www.ecsa.ucl.ac.be/In J.D.A. Parker and R. Bar-On (Eds.). The handbook of emotional intelligence. (pp. 301- 319). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. 2000 The items representing the "most characteristic" attributes of alexithymia included difficulties experiencing and expressing emotion, lack of imagination, lack of insight, being literal and utilitarian, being humorless, and experiencing meaninglessness.... The items representing the "most uncharacteristic" attributes of alexithymia included engaging in personal fantasy and daydreams, having insight into one’s own motives and behaviors, being warm and compassionate, having the capacity for close relationships, being introspective and concerned with self as an object, and enjoying esthetic impressions... |
John Gunn |
Susan E. Holt, J.
Reid Meloy, Stephen Strack # Sadism and Psychopathy in Violent and Sexually Violent Offenders J Am Acad Psychiatry law, Vol. 27, No.1, 1999 A non random sample (N =41) of inmates from a maximum security prison were .'. classified as either psychopathic or nonpsychopathic (using the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCl-R» and violent or sexually violent. Sadism was measured using the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-II (MCMI-II) Scale 6B, the Personality Disorder Examination (POE) items for sadistic personality disorder, and the sexual sadism criteria of DSM-IV. Psychopaths were found to be significantly more sadistic than nonpsychopaths (MCMI-II and POE). Overall power was relatively high. Sadism did not differentiate the violent and sexually violent groups. A diagnosis of sexual sadism was too infrequent (n =3) for meaningful statistical analysis. The trait measures of sadism and psychopathy measures (PCl-R, Factor 1 and Factor 2) significantly and positively correlated. Results provide further empirical validity for the theoretically proposed and clinically observed relationship between sadistic traits and psychopathic personality. |
A. I. F. Simpson, P. M. J. Brinded, T. M.
Laidlaw, Nigel Fairley, Fiona Malcolm The results indicate a markedly elevated rate of mental disorder over that in the general community. This is especially so for substance misuse, but also strongly for psychotic illnesses, major depression, bipolar disorder, OCD and PTSD. All these conditions are associated with high levels of distress and disability, especially during the acute phases of the illness. These conditions are readily treatable in most cases. |
Markus Nieto # Mentally Ill Offenders in California's Criminal Justice System California Research Bureau, february 1999 Seventy percent of the inmates with major mental disorders suffer from psychosis resulting from chemical reactions in the brain. According to Wasco State Prison Dr. David Lewengood. Mind-altering drugs such as LSD, PCP, and methamphetamine are generally the primary causes. These patients can usually heal within six months with proper care. They are then reassigned from the reception center to the mainline prison population. Very few inmates are held longer than six months at state prison reception centers for mental health reasons. |
Nicola Singleton,
Howard Meltzer, Rebecca Gatward, Jeremy Coid, Derek
Deasy # Psychiatric morbidity among prisoners: Summary report www.ons.gov.uk/ Office for National Statistics 1998 This report presents the findings of a survey of psychiatric morbidity among prisoners aged 16-64 in England and Wales. The survey was carried out between September and December 1997. It was commissioned by the Department of Health. The first part of the report focuses on the prevalence rates of mental disorders among male and female, remand and sentenced prisoners. The remainder shows the way in which prisoners with each of five mental disorders vary from those without that disorder on a range of factors including their background and personal characteristics, physical health, treatment and use of services, activities of daily living, stressful life events, and social functioning. |
Giuseppe Dell’Acqua |
Marvin S. Swartz, Jeffrey W. Swanson, Virginia A. Hiday, Randy Borum, H. Ryan Wagner, Barbara J. Burns # Violence and
Severe Mental Illness: The Effects of Substance
Abuse and Nonadherence to Medication |
Stephen D. Hart # The role of psychopathy in assessing risk for violence: Conceptual and methodological issues Legal and Criminological Psychology (1998), 3, 121-137 There is growing evidence that psychopathic (dissocial) personality disorder is associated with violence. The purpose of this paper is to consider the rale of psychopathy in clinical assessments of risk for violence. Information about psychopathy can be used to make relatively accurate predictions of violence. Of course, decisions concerning if and how such information should be used are another matter. The paper concludes with recommendations concerning the appropriate role of psychopathy in violence risk assessments and avenues for future research. |
H. Richard Lamb,
Linda E. Weinberger # Persons With Severe Mental Illness in Jails and Prisons: A Review Psychiatric Services 1998 Clinical studies suggest that 6 to 15 percent of persons in city and county jails and 10 to 15 percent of persons in state prisons have severe mental illness. Offenders with severe mental illness generally have acute and chronic mental illness and poor functioning. A large proportion are homeless. It appears that a greater proportion of mentally ill persons are arrested compared with the general population. Factors cited as causes of mentally ill persons' being placed in the criminal justice system are deinstitutionalization, more rigid criteria for civil commitment, lack of adequate community support for persons with mental illness, mentally ill offenders' difficulty gaining access to community treatment, and the attitudes of police officers and society. |
Tom Fryers,
Traolach Brugha, Adrian Grounds, David Melzer # Severe mental illness in prisoners. A persistent problem that needs a concerted and long term response BMJ Volume 317 17 October 1998 It will surprise few that mental health problems are common in people in prison, especially those on remand.1 2 But in the light of the longstanding policy consensus that people with severe mental illness should be cared for in health and social services, the results of a recent national survey of mental disorders in prisons are still a shocking indication of inappropriate and inadequate psychiatric care on a huge scale. |
Fox Butterfield |
S. Baron-Laforet,
B. Brahmy # Psychiatrie en milieu pénitentiaire Encycl Méd Chir (Elsevier, Paris), Psychiatrie, 37-953-A-10, 1998 |
Margo Wilson, Martin Daly |
Henry J. Steadman, Bonita M. Veysey |
E. Fuller Torrey # Out of the Shadows: Confronting America's Mental Illness Crisis (excerpt) New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997 Deinstitutionalization began in 1955 with the widespread introduction of chlorpromazine, commonly known as Thorazine, the first effective antipsychotic medication, and received a major impetus 10 years later with the enactment of federal Medicaid and Medicare. Deinstitutionalization has two parts: the moving of the severely mentally ill out of the state institutions, and the closing of part or all of those institutions. The former affects people who are already mentally ill. The latter affects those who become ill after the policy has gone into effect and for the indefinite future because hospital beds have been permanently eliminated. |
Stuart A.
Greenberg, Daniel W. Shuman # Irreconcilable Conflict Between Therapeutic and Forensic Roles Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1997, Vol. 28, No. 1, 50-57 Despite being contrary to good patient care and existing clinical and forensic practice guidelines, some therapists nevertheless engage in dual clinical and forensic roles. Perhaps because an injured litigant seeking treatment is required to engage in 2 distinct roles (litigant and patient), care providers may be tempted to meet both sets of that person's needs. Through the presentation of 10 principles that underlie why combining these roles is conflicting and problematical, the authors stress the importance of avoiding such conflicts, avoiding the threat to the efficacy of therapy, avoiding the threat to the accuracy of judicial determinations, and avoiding deception when providing testimony. |
Jari Tiihonen, Matti Isohanni, Pirkko
Räsänen, Markku Koiranen, Juha Moring |
Armand W.
Loranger, Aleksandar Janca, Norman Sartorius # Assessment and diagnosis of personality disorders. The ICD-10 international personality disorder examination (IPDE) World Health Organization 1997 One of the major goals of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Mental Health Programme has been the development of a common language for worldwide use by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. The WHO/NIH Joint Project on Diagnosis and Classification of Mental Disorders, Alcohol- and Drug-related Problems is the most recent endeavour in this programme... |
Kim English, Suzanne Pullen, Linda Jones |
Bernice A. Pescosolido, Jack K. Martin, Bruce
G. Link, Saeko Kikuzawa, Giovani Burgos, Ralph
Swindle, Jo Phelan Between 1950 and 1996, the proportion of Americans who describe mental illness in terms consistent with violent or dangerous behavior nearly doubled. The vast majority of the American public believes that persons suffering from depression, schizophrenia, alcohol dependence, and drug dependence are likely to represent a threat for violence toward self. Similarly, with the exception of depression, the public also believes that those experiencing mental health problems pose a threat for violence toward others. |
E. Fuller Torrey # Jails and Prisons-America's New Mental Hospitals American Journal of Public Health December 1995, Vol. 85, No. 12 Quietly but steadily, jails and prisons are replacing public mental hospitals as the primary purveyors of public psychiatric services for individuals with serious mental illnesses in the United States. The trend is evident everywhere. In the San Diego County jail, where 14% of the 4572 male and 25% of the 687 female inmates are on psychiatric medications, the assistant sheriff says that "we've become the bottom-line mental health provider in the county."' In Seattle's King County jail, where "on any given day about 160 of the 2000 inmates are severely mentally ill . . . the jail has become King County's largest institution for the mentally ill." In Travis Countyjail in Austin, Tex, 14% of inmates have serious psychiatric illnesses and "its psychiatric population rivals that of Austin State Hospital." Miami's Dade County jails "usually house about 350 people with mental illnesses, more than any single institution or hospital in the county." ... |
Linda A. Teplin, Karen M. Abram, and Gary M. McClelland # Does Psychiatric
Disorder Predict Violent Crime Among Released Jail
Detainees? A Six- Year Longitudinal Study |
D. A. Andrews,
James Bonta # The Psychology of Criminal Conduct | ch. 2, 5th ed. LexixNexis 1994 -- 2010 |
National Institute of Justice |
Michael Petrunik |
Christopher J. Patrick, Margaret M. Bradley,
Peter J. Lang |
Terrie E. Moffitt # Adolescence-Limited and Life-Course-Persistent Antisocial Behavior: A Developmental Taxonomy Psychological Review, 1993, Vol. 100, No.4, 674-701 The stability of antisocial behavior is closely linked to its extremity. The extreme frequency of crime committed by a very few males is impressive; it has been repeatedly shown that the most persistent 5% or 6% of offenders are responsible for about 50% of known crimes. In their study of 10,000 men, Wolfgang et al. found that 6% of offenders accounted for more than half of the crimes committed by the sample; relative to other offenders, these high-rate offenders began their criminai careers earlier and continued them for more years. |
Peter Conrad |
Douglas Shenson,
Nancy Dubler, David Michaels # Jails and Prisons: The New Asylums? American Journal of Public Health AJPH June 1990, Vol. 80, No. 6 Almost half of all prisoners (47 percent) are African-American; a large number are also young and poor.' Prisons have now become the new tenements, overcrowded compounds fertile and accommodating to disease. Dr. Teplin raises the issue ofwhether they are also becoming the new asylums.... Dr. Teplin and other epidemiologists have shown that the need for mental health services by inmates is great, and probably growing. Several factors are intensifying the trend. The government's zealous criminalization of drug use has transformed a major psychosocial and public health problem into a predominately criminal matter. |
Linda A. Teplin |
Thomas M.
Arvanites # A Comparison of Civil Patients and Incompetent Defendants: Pre and Post Deinstitutionalization Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1990 There has been a great deal of speculation that deinstitutionalization has resulted in the criminalization of the mentally ill. Using two samples of defendants found incompetent to stand trial (IST) and two samples of civil patients randomly selected from five states, pre and post deinstitutionalization, this research compares changes in their mental health and arrest histories. After deinstitutionalization, fewer and less dramatic differences in the arrest and mental health histories were evident between lSTs and civil patients. Both patient samples displayed significant increases in prior hospitalization and arrest histories. Among the civil patients there was a significant increase in the frequency and seriousness of criminal activity. There was no evidence that IST commitments are being expanded to hospitalize the nondangerous mentally ill no longer subject to civil commitment. |
Gilles Côté, Sheilagh Hodgins, |
Richard M. Yarvis # Axis I and Axis II Diagnostic Parameters of Homicide Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1990 A series of 100 murderers was examined to discern overall patterns of psycho-pathology. In addition, demographic and other discriminating factors were used to test the hypothesis that murderers do not constitute a homogenous population and that subgroups will differ diagnostically. DSM-Ill diagnostic criteria were used to make each diagnosis. The sample was found to be representative of the universe from which it was drawn at least as could be determined by available comparative criteria. Four Axis I (psychoses, substance abuse, dysthymia, no Axis I) and three Axis II (antisocial, borderline, no Axis II) diagnostic categories accounted for more than 80 percent of the study population. |
Henry C. Weinstein, James 0. Hoover, Jeffrey
L. Metzner, Robert L. Sadoff, Veva H. Zimmerman, Bruce
Kagan, Saleem A. Shah, Henry J. Steadman, Rachel
Ehrenfeld, Susan 0. Reed, |
Thomas M.
Arvanites # The Differential Impact of Deinstitutionalization on White and Nonwhite Defendants Found Incompetent to Stand Trial Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1989 Previous studies have reported that state mental hospital deinstitutionalization has resulted in the processing of the mentally ill through the criminal justice system. Using pre- and postdeinstitutionalization samples of defendants found incompetent to stand trial (IST) selected from three states, this study examines changes in the mental health and arrest histories of white and nonwhite ISTs. These data reveal a significant increase in the number of nonwhite ISTs. Also, after deinstitutionalization, nonwhite lSTs had significantly more prior arrests and hospitalizations than white ISTs. There were, however, no differences in the offenses for which whites and nonwhites were arrested. |
Gerry Ferguson |
T. G. Sriram, S.
K. Chaturvedi, P. S. Gopinath, D. K. Subbakrishna # Assessment of Alexithymia: Psychometric Properties of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) - A Preliminary Report Indian Journal of Psychiatry, April 1987, 29(2), pp. 133-138 |
Christian Debuyst # La notion de dangerosité, maladie infantile de la criminologie Criminologie, vol. 17, n° 2, 1984, p. 7-24. La définition de la dangerosite établit-elle une équivalence entre les deux termes : dangerosite = probabilité d'un comportement délinquant ou d'une récidive. Peut-on inverser les propositions et dire qu'une probabilité de récidive (ou qu'une probabilité de comportement délinquant) doit nécessairement se traduire en termes de dangerosite? Est-ce la seule manière d'aborder cette réalité? |
John A. Talbott |
Jeremy Coid # How many Psychiatric Patients in Prison? British Journal of Psychiatry, (1984), 145, 78-86 The paper compares the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity amongst sentenced prisoners and in the general population. Major psychosis was no more common in the majority of studies of criminal populations. Although prisoners have a higher level of neurotic symptomatology, this was mainly found to be secondary to imprisonment itself. Long term imprisonment was not found to be a precipitant of severe psychiatric morbidity or intellectual deterioration, and prisoners adopt elaborate coping mechanisms which may themselves be protective. However, there is a higher prevalence of mentally handicapped and epileptic prisoners, and doctors in the Prison Medical Service have to cope with frequent, serious behavioural problems. Prisons appear to be a particularly important area for future psychiatric research. |
David C. Raskin, Robert D. Hare There is little evidence on the relationship between psychopathy and the effectiveness of detection of deception techniques. However, there is laboratory evidence that psychopathic (or sociopathic) criminals are electrodermally hyporeactive under some experimental conditions. On the basis of such findings and the commonly-held belief that psychopaths are very adept at manipulating and deceiving others, there are frequent claims that psychopaths can "beat" the polygraph test... |
John Gunn # Management of the Mentally Abnormal Offender Proc. roy. Soc. Med. Volume 70 December 1977 Security reorganization can use an integrated model, a parallel model, or a mixture of both. In the absence of experience it is difficult to be certain which is correct. Surely it would be a mistake to apply one blueprint to the whole country? Given the shortage of funds and the reluctance of some regions to develop security policies, perhaps the best tactic is to fall back on administrative empiricism, encourage developments by adequate funds but allow different schemes to develop in different regions so that disparate knowledge can be accumulated gradually. |
Philip G. Zimbardo |
Richard J.
Thurrell, Seymour L. Halleck, Arvid F. Johnsen # Psychosis in Prison Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Fall 1965 Psychotic symptomatology within prison runs the gamut of conditions seen in the "free world". Although it is always cast against the backdrop of a highly regimented, peculiarly stressful penal milieu and is therefore highly seasoned with a "prison flavor", it is not felt that "prison-specific" diagnostic labels are often needed. Confused states approximating "Ganser's syndrome' or "prison psychosis" are seen on rare occasions, but "garden variety" schizophrenia is much more common. |
Gresham M. Sykes, David Matza |
Fillmore H. Sanford |
Harold Garfinkel |
Cornelius C. Wholey |
autolesionismo e suicidio |
Adrian P Mundt, Pablo A Cifuentes-Gramajo, Gergő Baranyi, Seena Fazel |
R. Miller, Lauren M. Weinstock, Brian K. Ahmedani, Nancy N. Carlson,
Kimberly Sperber, Benjamin Lê Cook, Faye S. Taxman, Sarah A. Arias,
Sheryl Kubiak, James W. Dearing, Geetha M. Waehrer, James G. Barrett,
Jessica Hulsey, Jennifer E. Johnson. |
Silvia Coretti, Silvia Fedeli, Michele Santoni
# Assessing the ethics of prison policies to ensure human rights compliance: Suicides and self-inflicted critical events in Italian prisons European Journal of Political Economy, June 2023 |
Sergio Romice
# Condotte
suicidarie in carcere e responsabilità
penale del terzo.
Giurisprudenza Penale Web, 2, 2023
Garante Nazionale dei
diritti delle persone private della
libertà personale
un’analisi dei suicidi negli
Istituti penitenziari
5 gennaio 2023
e riflessioni sui suicidi in carcere
www.questionegiustizia.it/ 5 settembre
Alexis Vanhaesebrouck, Amélie
Tostivint, Thomas Lefèvre, Maria Melchior, Imane
Khireddine‑Medouni, Christine Chan Chee
# Characteristics of
persons who died by suicide in prison in France:
https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/ 4 january
2017–2018, 235 prisoners died by suicide. The
suicide rate was 16.8/10 000 person-years. Among
suicide cases, 94.9% were male, 27.2% were under 30,
25.1% were aged 30 to 39, 27.7% were aged 40 to 49
and 20.0% were 50 or older. At the time of suicide,
48.5% were on custodial remand. Incarceration is
associated with a threefold increase in the
frequency of anxio-depressive disorders (24.6% in
prison versus 8.2% before prison). The week before
the suicidal act, 60% of prisoners visited the
health unit and a signifcant event was detected for
61% of all cases. Suicide was less than 1 week after
prison entry for 11.9% of prisoners, corresponding
to a suicide rate 6.4 (CI95% [4.3 – 9.5]) times
higher than for the remaining time in prison, and
was more than 1 year after entry for 33.7% of them.
# Il suicidio in carcere. Una
catastrofe umanitaria
Gennaio 2022
Bukten, Marianne Riksheim Stavseth |
Ceraudo |
Shaoling Zhong, Morwenna
Senior, Rongqin Yu, Amanda Perry, Keith Hawton, Jenny
Shaw, Seena Fazel # Risk factors for suicide in prisons: a systematic review and meta-analysis www.thelancet.com/ 6 March 2021 We identified 8041 records through our searches, and used 77 eligible studies from 27 countries, including 35 351 suicides, in the main analysis. Deaths by suicide among people in prison have long been shown to occur at higher rates than among general populations of similar ages. In a study done in 24 highincome countries in 2013–17, suicide rates in male prisoners were 3–8 times higher than in the general population, whereas the rate in female prisoners was typically more than 10 times higher. |
Pietro Buffa #
Il suicidio
del personale del Corpo di Polizia penitenziaria.
Aggiornamento al 31 luglio 2019 |
Marion Eck, Tatiana Scouflaire, Christophe
Debien, Ali Amad, Olivier Sannier, Christine Chan
Chee, Pierre Thomas, Guillaume Vaica, Thomas Fovet |
Louis Favril, Ciska Wittouck, Kurt Audenaert,
Freya Vander Laenen |
Presidenza del
Consiglio dei Ministri - Conferenza Unificata # Piano nazionale per la prevenzione delle condotte suicidarie nel sistema penitenziario per adulti Accordo 27 luglio 2017; in G.U. del 14 agosto 2017, n.189 Sulla specifica materia dell'isolamento della persona detenuta, le linee di indirizzo della Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità affermano che esiste una forte associazione tra scelte suicidarie e collocazione del detenuto in isolamento. Va quindi contrastata la tendenza ad isolare le persone a rischio, ricorrendo all'ausilio di detenuti in funzione di peer - supporters (compagni o ascoltatori) addestrati, tramite attività di gruppo organizzate in sinergia tra Amministrazioni Sanitaria e Penitenziaria, ad offrire vicinanza e supporto sociale quali elementi importanti ai fini della prevenzione del rischio suicidario |
Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone detenute o private della libertà personale. Meccanismo nazionale di prevenzione della tortura e dei trattamenti o pene, crudeli, inumani o degradanti #
Comunicato stampa sul
suicidio di Marco Prato # Eleonora Martini, Suicidio annunciato di Marco Prato, trasferito in un carcere meno «favorevole», https://ilmanifesto.it/ 21.06.2017 |
Michael Buchanan # Suicide jail failed to improve, says doctor www.bbc.com/ 22 May 2017 Safety improvements were not made at a prison with the highest suicide rate in England and Wales despite a spate of deaths, a psychiatrist has told the BBC... Asked if anything had changed at the prison following each suicide, as management had promised families and the courts, Dr van Horn was clear: "No, not really, not in terms of an obvious change... |
Arianna Giunti |
N. Verdolini, A.
Murru, L. Attademo, R. Garinella I. Pacchiarotti, C. del
Mar Bonnin, L. Samalin, L. Pauselli, M. Piselli, A.
Tamantini, R. Quartesan, A.F. Carvalho, E. Vieta, A.
Tortorella # The aggressor at the mirror: Psychiatric correlates of deliberate self-harm in male prison inmates European Psychiatry, April 2017 Deliberate self-harm (DSH) causes important concern in prison inmates as it worsens morbidity and increases the risk for suicide. The aim of the present study is to investigate the prevalence and correlates of DSH in a large sample of male prisoners... Ninety-three of 526 inmates (17.7%) reported at least 1 lifetime DSH behavior, and 58/93 (62.4%) of those reported a DSH act while in prison... Borderline personality disorder and misuse of multiple substances are established risk factors of DSH, but psychotic and affective disorders were also associated with DSH in male prison. |
Alan Travis A record 119 people killed themselves in prisons in England and Wales in 2016 – an increase of 29 (32%) on the previous year, according to Ministry of Justice figures. The record number of self-inflicted deaths in prison – equal to one every three days – compares with the previous high of 96 in 2004 and represents a doubling of the jail suicide rate since 2012. The latest official “safety in custody” statistics show that an epidemic of violence has swept prisons in the 12 months to September, with a 40% rise in assaults on staff and a 28% increase in prisoner-on-prisoner assaults. The rise in jail suicides has been accompanied by a 23% increase in incidents of self-harm, to a total of 37,784. |
Alan Travis BBC |
Chan Chee C., Moutengou E. |
Howard League for
Penal Reform # Preventing prison suicide: Perspectives from the inside http://howardleague.org/ 2016 Howard
League for Penal Reform |
Jamie Doward |
Pedro Oliver Olmo |
Matthew Weaver # Suicides and assaults in prisons in England and Wales at all-time high. Figures show more than one in 10 prison suicides are by women, while self-harm is also on the rise www.theguardian.com/ Thursday 28 July 2016 ... 105 “self-inflicted deaths”, which include suicides and accidental deaths as a result of the person’s own actions, in the 12 months to June 2016, 23 higher than the previous 12 months, representing an increase of 28%. In the second quarter of 2016 alone there were 31 self-inflicted deaths, the highest ever level in a single quarter |
Noonan, Harley Rohloff, Scott Ginder # Mortality in Local Jails and State. Prisons, 2000–2013 - Statistical Tables Bureau of Justice Statistics, August 2015 In 2013, a total of 967 jail inmates died while in the custody of local jails. The number of deaths increased from 958 deaths in 2012 to 967 in 2013, while the jail population decreased 4%. As a result, the overall mortality rate in local jails increased from 128 per 100,000 jail inmates in 2012 to 135 per 100,000 in 2013. Suicide and heart disease have been the top two causes of death in local jails since 2000. Suicide has been the leading cause of death in jails every year since 2000. In 2013, a third (34%) of jail inmate deaths were due to suicide. The suicide rate increased 14%, from 40 suicides per 100,000 jail inmates in 2012 to 46 per 100,000 in 2013. |
Roberta Girau Il suicidio all'interno degli istituti carcerari è un tema dolente che investe prima di tutto degli individui che arrivano ad un livello di sofferenza tale da scegliere come estrema ratio un gesto così drastico e ineluttabile. E investe le loro famiglie, già minate dal vissuto difficile e doloroso di avere un parente lontano e detenuto e che si ritrovano ad affrontare una tragedia ancora più grande... |
Alberto Custodero Un sacchetto in testa. Una sniffata al gas delle bombolette del cucinino. Una laccio di scarpa, una felpa, una cintura, una striscia di lenzuolo o di jeans stretta al collo, un taglio in gola, le vene dei polsi squarciate. Così ci si toglie la vita, in carcere. Ogni anno nelle 200 prigioni italiane si suicidano in media sessanta detenuti... |
Brian K. Ahmedani, Christine Stewart, Gregory
E. Simon, Frances Lynch, Christine Y. Lu, Beth E.
Waitzfelder, Leif I. Solberg, Ashli A.
Owen-Smith, Arne Beck, Laurel A. Copeland, Enid M.
Hunkeler, Rebecca C. Rossom, Keoki Williams |
Federica Soscia, Giuseppe Cardamone |
Torrente, Michele Miravalle # La pena del suicidio: la normalizzazione della sofferenza nelle pratiche penitenziarie I Quaderni di A buon diritto, n. 4, settembre 2015 In Italia, il carcere è un luogo dove il rischio che si verifichi un suicidio è tra le 9 e le 21 volte superiore rispetto all’esterno... I dati mostrano come, fra la popolazione libera, negli ultimi 20 anni i tassi di suicidi realizzati diminuiscano progressivamente, passando dallo 0,80 ogni 10.000 abitanti del 1993 allo 0,51 del 2010. Si tratta di una diminuzione netta e progressiva. Ciò non accade in carcere. Le variazioni dei tassi di suicidio fra i detenuti, anche solo da un anno all’altro, appaiono assai significative. Tali oscillazioni determinano che proprio negli ultimi anni, con la punta massima del 2007, si sia accentuata la forbice fra il carcere e il mondo esterno. Là dove, infatti, nel mondo esterno tale fenomeno appariva in calo, in carcere rimaneva su livelli assai elevati con profonde oscillazioni fra un anno e il successivo con variazioni che non appaiono riconducibili ad un'unica interpretazione. |
Elena Pini,
Ilaria Riboldi, Francesca Cova, Enrico Capuzzi, Milena
Provenzi, Maria Ripalta Sergio, Sara Mauri, Paola
Rubelli, Emanuele Truisi, Umberto Mazza, Massimo Clerici # Valutazione e prevenzione del rischio auto/etero lesivo e suicidario in carcere: l'attività di un DSM Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria, vol. CXXXIX - n. 3, 2015 Le questioni da affrontare nell'ambito della tutela della salute mentale all'interno delle carceri appaiono diverse e complicate proprio a partire dalla condizione di reclusione, esperienza umana "al limite" che coincide, da un lato, con lo perdita della libertà individuale e, dall'altro, con la frattura della continuità esistenziale. È proprio nell'immediatezza del! 'ingresso in istituto, dalla libertà, che si rileva un rischio maggiore di condotte autolesive o suicidarie. Gli agiti autolesivi, infatti, rappresentano uno dei pochi strumenti di cui il detenuto dispone per influenzare l'ambiente che lo circonda ma, nel contempo, sottendono una problematica ben più profonda ed una richiesta di aiuto... |
Katie Dhingra,
Daniel Boduszek, Philip Hyland, Sonia Shagufta # Suicide attempts among incarcerated homicide offenders Suicidology Online, 2015 The aim was to investigate the role of age, drug abuse, period of confinement, loneliness, difficulty in controlling emotions, having no friends in prison, victimization in prison, guilt over crimes, insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and mood change in predicating suicide attempts in a sample of homicidal young prisoners. Poisson regression model indicated that five variables contributed significantly to the prediction of suicide attempts. Specifically, participants reporting drug abuse, difficulty in controlling emotions, victimization in prison, nightmares, and depression were significantly more likely to report suicide attempts while incarcerated. |
Department of Health | Office for National
Statistics |
Monica Vichi (a cura di) |
Giuseppe Maria
Berruti # Un carcere più giusto per onorare i nostri valori. I suicidi in cella e gli insulti sui social Corriere della Sera, 24 febbraio 2015 |
Lael Reinstatler, Nagy A. Youssef |
Alan Travis # Prison suicide rate at highest level since 2007, figures show. Justice ministry report will confirm number of self-inflicted prisoner deaths rose to 82 in 2014 The Guardian, Thursday 22 January 2015 Of 235 deaths inside English and Welsh prisons in 2014, 82 were suicides. Prison suicides in England and Wales have risen to the highest level for seven years with 82 prisoners taking their own lives last year, according to new figures. The Howard League for Penal Reform said that Ministry of Justice figures to be published next week will confirm the rise in the prison suicide rate. The justice ministry notifications include the deaths of 14 people between the ages of 18 and 24. |
Prisons and
Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales | Nigel
Newcomen # Annual Report 2013–2014 http://mojppo.wpengine.com/ September 2014 Self-inflicted deaths among prisoners are tragic indicators of the level of personal distress and mental ill health in prisons. Some may even evidence broader institutional stresses and failures. It is, therefore, a troubling reflection of the state of our prisons that we recorded a 64% increase in self-inflicted deaths in 2013–14. This reverses the fall in the number of such deaths over the previous year and reflects a rising toll of despair among some prisoners. |
Campaniello, Theodoros Diasakos, Giovanni Mastrobuoni # Rationalizable Suicides: Evidence from Changes in Inmates’ Expected Length of Sentence IZA Discussion Paper No. 8333 - July 2014 We use the legislative proposals for collective pardons to measure changes in the inmates’ expectations about the length of their sentences, and find that suicide rates tend to be significantly lower when par- dons are proposed in congress. This suggests that, amongst inmates in Italian prisons, the average decision to commit suicide responds to changes in current expectations about future conditions. |
Jake Pearson # AP IMPACT: NYC jails neglected suicide precautions http://bigstory.ap.org/ Jun. 27, 2014 Gregory Giannotta committed suicide in October 2012 while jailed on burglary charges. Investigative documents obtained by The Associated Press on the 11 suicides in New York City jails over the past five years show that in at least nine cases, protocols and safeguards designed to prevent inmates from harming themselves were not followed. |
Giandomenico Dodaro |
Nigel Newcomen | Prisons and Probation
Ombudsman (PPO) for England and Wales # Learning from PPO Investigations: Risk factors in self-inflicted deaths in prisons April 2014 # Learning from PPO investigations: Self-inflicted deaths of prisoners on ACCT April 2014 |
M. D. Denhof, C. G. Spinaris |
Jean-Pierre Stroobants |
Fatos Kaba, Andrea Lewis, Sarah
Glowa-Kollisch, James Hadler, David Lee, Howard Alper,
Daniel Selling, Ross MacDonald, Angela Solimo, Amanda
Parsons, Homer Venters |
Pietro Saitta # Pedagogie dell'annientamento. Carcere e suicidi nell'Italia della crisi In: A. Simone (ed.) Suicidi. Studio sulla condizione umana nella crisi. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 77-95. Il presente saggio ha come obiettivo l’esplorazione della relazione tra detenzione e suicidio nell'Italia della crisi. Sulla base di dati etnografici secondari, viene osservato il dispositivo carcerario e sociale che induce gli individui detenuti al suicidio tra venti e cinquanta volte più che quelli in condizioni di libertà. La tesi proposta è che, malgrado le retoriche pubbliche, l'autosoppressione sia una possibilità ammessa dal circuito istituzionale e costituisca, anzi, un surrogato informale della pena capitale. |
Andrew Forrester, Karen Slade Despite clear gains in the care of prisoners and prevention of self-harm and suicide in prisons in England and Wales, much work remains to be done. Linking epidemiological samples and ground-level improve ments is not easy. A renewed approach is needed that seeks to understand better the connection between suicidal ideation and completed suicide. We need to invest in the wide inclusion of all people who, on the ground, can listen to prisoners who are experiencing distress, mobilise concern, and help to deliver joined-up care. |
Edward Chesney,
Guy M. Goodwin, Seena Fazel # Risks of all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders: a meta-review World Psychiatry 2014;13:153–160 A meta-review, or review of systematic reviews, was conducted to explore the risks of all-cause and suicide mortality in major mental disorders. A systematic search generated 407 relevant reviews, of which 20 reported mortality risks in 20 different mental disorders and included over 1.7 million patients and over a quarter of a million deaths. All disorders had an increased risk of all-cause mortality compared with the general population, and many had mortality risks larger than or comparable to heavy smoking. Those with the highest all-cause mortality ratios were substance use disorders and anorexia nervosa. These higher mortality risks translate into substantial (10-20 years) reductions in life expectancy. Borderline personality disorder, anorexia nervosa, depression and bipolar disorder had the highest suicide risks. |
Cristine Raquel
Rotenberg # Cutting Knowledge: The Pathologization of Self-Injury in Correctional Discourse Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario 2014 Previous salient understandings of prisoner self-injury as a ‘security risk’ have been replaced with its interpretation as evidence of ‘mental disorder’. This is not to suggest that self-injury amongst prisoners is no longer considered a security risk in correctional discourse; indeed, this principle remains. Nonetheless, the previously dominating languages of ‘risk’, ‘security’ and/or ‘threat’ have been softened in recent texts produced by the CSC, and in their place has grown a new dominant theme, this time on how self-injurious behaviour is explained as the byproduct of mental illness. |
Stefano Pasta |
Marlon Hamer |
Eric Allison # Suicide and murder rate in British prisons at highest level for years . Ministry of Justice figures show deaths up in men's jails but down in women's facilities thanks to improved safety measures The Guardian, Monday 20 January 2014 Statistics gathered by the Prison Reform Trust indicate mental health problems may be behind the increase in suicide and self-harm rates: 26% of women and 16% of men were treated for a mental health problem in the year before custody. |
Larrotta C., R., Luzardo B., M., Vargas C.,
S. & Rangel N., K. |
Department of
Health # Statistical update on suicide www.gov.uk/ January 2014 (revised) There were 59 ‘apparent suicides following police custody’ during 2012/13 in England. This is notably higher than the 2011/12 and is the highest since 2004/5... |
Nicholas G
Procter, Diego De Leo, Louise Newman # Suicide and self-harm prevention for people in immigration detention MJA 199 (11) · 16 December 2013 Suicide is the leading cause of premature death for people in the Australian immigration detention network. Prolonged detention in poor conditions directly contributes to mental deterioration. What we do for asylum seekers while they are in detention has the potential to prevent future loss of life. Optimal mental health promotion and suicide prevention strategies can help to prevent self-harm among detainees and help detainees reclaim their lives on release. |
Keith Hawton, Louise Linsell, Tunde Adeniji,
Amir Sariaslan, Seena Fazel |
Adrienne Rivlin, Keith Hawton, Lisa Marzano,
Seena Fazel |
Laura Frank, Regina T. P. Aguirre Suicide was the leading cause of unnatural deaths in local jails, accounting for 29% of all jail deaths between 2000 and 2007. Though much literature exists on suicide in jails, very little is qualitative. Additionally, little attention has been focused on how the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide applies to the jail environment. To gain a better understanding of suicide in jails, an interpretive meta-synthesis of three qualitative articles was conducted... |
Javier Saavedra,
Marcelino López # Riesgo de suicidio de hombres internos con condena en centros penitenciarios Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment (Barc.), 2013. Numerosas investigaciones muestran que el riesgo de suicidio en los centros penitenciarios es superior al de la población general. Los objetivos del trabajo son primero explorar el riesgo de suicidio de internos condenados masculinos en centros penitenciarios andaluces; y segundo, estudiar los factores sociodemográficos, penales y, especialmente, psicopatológicos, asociados a este riesgo. Métodos: Fueron evaluados 472 internos con condena de 2 centros penitenciarios andaluces aplicándose una entrevista sociodemográfica, el cuestionario de trastornos de personalidad IPDE, la entrevista diagnóstica SCID-I (DSMIV) y el cuestionario de riesgo suicida Plutchick. |
Regione Lombardia - La Giunta |
Patrizio Gemello # Il suicidio nelle carceri: analisi sociologica, fattori di rischio e di prevenzione Università degli Studi di Perugia, 2012-2013 |
E. Barker, A. Novic, H. Houweling, S.
McPhedran, D. De Leo | Australian Institute for
Suicide Research and Prevention |
The Correctional
Investigator Canada | L’Enquêteur correctionnel Canada # Risky Business: An Investigation of the Treatment and Management of Chronic Self-Injury Among Federally Sentenced Women www.oci-bec.gc.ca/ September 30, 2013 The extreme deprivation and isolation that prevails in segregation, observation or clinical seclusion cells can exacerbate symptoms of mental illness. Not surprisingly, a disproportionate number of prison self-injury incidents occur in cells that are particularly austere (Secure Units in Maximum Security), lack external stimuli (clinical seclusion) or limit contact and association with others for behavioural, disciplinary or protective reasons (segregation). The irony, of course, is that the severity and frequency of self-injurious and/or resistive behaviours often intensifies as the conditions of confinement become more isolating. In prison, placements on suicide watch, clinical seclusion or observation cells are preservation- f-life measures; in most cases, they are not clinical interventions. As the review notes, many women in this sample viewed such placements as a punitive response to their acts of self-injury- |
Gemma Brandi |
Margaret E. Noonan |
Ministero della Giustizia | Dipartimento
dell’Amministrazione Penitenziaria # Eventi Critici negli Istituti Penitenziari - Anno 2011 #
Critici negli Istituti Penitenziari - Anno 2010 |
Ministry of Justice |
E. Cinosi, G. Martinotti, L. De Risio, M. Di
Giannantonio |
L Negredo, F Melis, O Herrero |
E. Cinosi, G. Martinotti, L. De Risio, M. Di
Giannantonio |
Jaime Brower | U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs Diagnostic Center, |
Jelena Papovic, Aleksandar Mihajlovic |
Allison Milner,
Heidi Hjelmeland, Ella Arensman, Diego De Leo # Social-Environmental Factors and Suicide Mortality: A Narrative Review of over 200 Articles Sociology Mind 2013. Vol.3, No.2, 137-148 Suicide mortality in a population has long been thought to be sensitive to social, economic and cultural contexts. This review examined research on the relationship between social-environmental variables and suicide mortality published over a ten-year period. The main areas covered in the review included: the economy and income, unemployment, relationship status, fertility and birth rates, female participation in the workforce, religion, migration, location of residence, modernisation, media reporting, alcohol, and access to suicide methods. Results of the review indicated that rates of suicide mortality (deaths per 100,000 in a population) were sensitive to a wide range of social factors. |
Luigi Manconi e Giovanni Torrente |
Bristol NHS | Primary Care Trust |
ENA Emergency Nursing Resources Development
Committee |
Giulia Torbidoni # Suicidi, la strage in carcere L'Espresso 05 dicembre 2012 |
Pietro Buffa |
Katherine Dixon-Gordon, Natalie Harrison,
Ronald Roesch |
José L. Ayuso-Mateos, Enrique Baca-García,
Julio Bobes, José Giner, Lucas Giner, Víctor Pérez,
Pilar A. Sáiz, Jerónimo Saiz Ruiz, Grupo RECOMS |
Giuseppe Nese, Stefania Grauso, Loredana
Cafaro, Grazia Campanile, Vittorio Borrelli,
Pasqualina Borzacchiello, Elena Amoroso |
Regione Abruzzo |
Francesca Sicoli # Vittimologia penitenziaria: uno studio esplorativo nella Casa Circondariale di Torino Università degli Studi di Torino 2012 |
World Health Organization |
Antonella Pacini |
D.M. Skerrett, E.
Barker, D. De Leo | Australian Institute for Suicide
Research and Prevention # Suicide Research: Selected Readings www.griffith.edu.au/ Volume 8 May 2012 – October 2012 |
Larney S, Topp L, Indig D, O’Driscoll C, Greenberg D #
cross-sectional survey of prevalence and correlates
of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among
prisoners in New South Wales, Australia |
D.M. Skerrett, E.
Barker, D. De Leo | Australian Institute for Suicide
Research and Prevention # Suicide Research_Selected Readings www.griffith.edu.au/ Vol. 8, May 2012 – October 2012 The central part of the volume represents a selection of research articles of particular significance; their abstracts are reported in extenso, underlining our invitation at reading those papers in full text: they represent a remarkable advancement of suicide research knowledge. The last section reports all items retrievable from major electronic databases. We have catalogued them on the basis of their prevailing reference to fatal and non-fatal suicidal behaviours, with various sub-headings (e.g. epidemiology, risk factors, etc). The deriving list guarantees a level of completeness superior to any individual system; it can constitute a useful tool for all those interested in a quick update of what most recently published on the topic. |
Howard League for
Penal Reform | Loraine Gelsthorpe, Nicola Padfield, Jake
Phillips # Deaths on probation: An analysis of data regarding people dying under probation supervision www.howardleague.org/ 17 September 2012 The data show that whilst a high proportion of the deaths related to natural causes (over 25 per cent in each year); suicide (not less than 13 per cent in each year), alcohol issues (8 per cent in each year for which there are figures), unlawful killing (5 per cent in each year), and misadventure/accident (not less than 8 per cent) also feature in significant proportion. Also, a large number of deaths were classified as ‘unknown’ cause (not less than 15 per cent). The data show that men and women under probation supervision are equally likely to die from natural causes. |
Jakov Zlodre, Seena Fazel |
Keith Hawton, Carolina Casañas i
Comabella, Kate Saunders, Camilla Haw | Centre for Suicide Research at the University
of Oxford Approximately 90% of people dying by suicide have a psychiatric disorder. No one is immune to suicide. People with depression are at particular risk for suicide. Previous self-harm (i.e. intentional self-poisoning or self-injury, regardless of degree of suicidal intent) is a particularly strong risk factor. |
Lauren Alana Seibert |
European Court of Human Rights - Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme # Affaire Ketreb c. France (Requête n. 38447/09) Strasbourg 19 juillet 2012 - Définitif 19/10/2012 A 21 h 15, le même surveillant le trouva pendu à une grille du sas de sa cellule à l’aide d’une ceinture en tissu tressé munie d’une boucle métallique d’attache... 115... la Cour considère que le placement en cellule disciplinaire de Kamel Ketreb pendant quinze jours n’était pas compatible avec le niveau de traitement exigé à l’égard d’une personne atteinte de tels troubles mentaux. Cette sanction a constitué un traitement et une peine inhumains et dégradants. 116. Partant, il y a eu violation de l’article 3 de la Convention... |
Department of Health |
Eeva-Katri Kumpula, Diego De Leo | Australian
Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention |
Nestor D. Kapusta |
Peter Lehmann |
E Michael
Lewiecki, Sara A Miller # Suicide affects all of us www.thelancet.com Vol 379 June 23, 2012 The family and friends of suicide victims are often reluctant to openly discuss the cause of death because of profound sadness, sense of privacy, embarrassment, or cultural taboos. Public discourse on suicide is also limited, perhaps because of unease with the topic of self-destruction or cultural bias against suicide. The news media generally pay scant attention to suicide other than celebrity suicides and suicide clusters. Yet, we are all affected by suicide. There are few among us who have not been touched by the loss of a loved one, friend, colleague, or patient who has chosen to end their life by suicide. |
Karen Slade, Robert Edelmann, Marcia Worrall,
Diane Bray |
Anja Dirkzwager,
Paul Nieuwbeerta, Arjan Blokland # Effects of First-Time Imprisonment on Postprison Mortality: A 25-Year Follow-Up Study with a Matched Control Group Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 49(3) 383-419, 2012 The magnitude of the standardized mortality risks of ex-prisoners observed in our study, and in the other 24 studies, differed substantially between studies. For instance, Australian ex-prisoners were 10.4 times more likely to die during 6 months to 10.5 years after release from prison compared with the general population, whereas American ex-prisoners were 3.5 times more likely to die on average 1.9 years after their prison experience... |
Margaret S Andover, Blair W Morris, Abigail
Wren, Margaux E Bruzzese |
A. Ghanizadeh, S.Z. Nouri, S.S. Nabi |
Pietro Buffa # Il suicidio in carcere: la categorizzazione del rischio come trappola concettuale ed operativa Rassegna penitenziaria e Criminologica, 1, 2012 Tra le varie fi gure che compongono il contesto penitenziario, il personale addetto alla sicurezza assume una connotazione centrale nell’osservazione diretta degli atteggiamenti e dei comportamenti delle persone in ragione del fatto che l’esame costante è l’unico che può far percepire quei fl ebili segnali che possono fi ltrare dalla dissimulazione che spesso fa da corollario al tentativo di uccidersi. Per lo stesso motivo sono, a nostro parere, da ricomprendersi anche i compagni di detenzione che quotidianamente vivono la contiguità della detenzione, i familiari, i legali, i servizi di cura operanti all’esterno e fi nanco i giudici, tutti accomunati dalla percezione delle reazioni umane intessute nel calderone penitenziario e penale. |
Paul Moran,
Carolyn Coff ey, Helena Romaniuk, Craig Olsson, Rohan
Borschmann, John B Carlin, George C Patton # The natural history of self-harm from adolescence to young adulthood: a population-based cohort study www.thelancet.com/ January 21, 2012 Self-harm is an act with a non-fatal outcome in which an individual deliberately initiates behaviour (such as selfcutting), or ingests a toxic substance or object, with the intention of causing harm to themselves. It is a global health problem and is one of the strongest predictors of completed suicide. Self-harm is especially common in 15–24 year old women, a group in whom rates of serious self-harm seem to be rising. |
Géraldine Duthé, Angélique Hazard, Annie
Kensey, Jean‑Louis Pan Ké Shon |
Dipartimento dell’Amministrazione
Penitenziaria | Istituto Superiore di Studi
Penitenziari |
Moscatelli # Carceri, la fabbrica dei suicidi La Stampa 21/11/2011 |
Perlman CM, Neufeld E, Martin L, Goy M,
Hirdes JP | Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) |
Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) |
Prisons and
Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales # Learning from PPO investigations: Self-inflicted deaths in prison custody 2007-2009 London, June 2011 This paper presents an overview of one of the higher profile aspects of my office’s work, the investigation of self-inflicted deaths in custody. The key facts and figures from over 200 self-inflicted deaths are summarised... |
Lisa Marzano, Keith Hawton, Adrienne Rivlin,
Seena Fazel |
Julio Bobes
García, José Giner Ubago, Jerónimo Saiz Ruiz (eds) # Suicidio y psiquiatría. Recomendaciones preventivas y de manejo del comportamiento suicida www.fepsm.org/ Fundación Española de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 2011 Modelo de prevención primario, secundario, terciario La prevención primariase centra en la profilaxis del inicio de la enfermedad y va dirigida a poblaciones, no a individuos concretos. Los ejemplos más claros de intervenciones utilizadas en el modelo de la prevención primaria del comportamiento suicida son: Programas educativos y de concienciacion, que pueden dirigirse de la comunidad (escuelas, lugares de trabajo, prisiones, etc.)... |
CAMH # Suicide Prevention and Assessment Handbook www.camh.ca/ Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 2011 |
Roger T. Webb, Ping Qin, Hanne Stevens,
Preben B. Mortensen, Louis Appleby, Jenny Shaw |
Knesper, D. J. | American Association of Suicidology, & Suicide Prevention Resource Center #
of care for suicide prevention and research: Suicide
attempts and suicide deaths subsequent to discharge
from the emergency department or psychiatry
inpatient unit. |
European Court of
Human Rights - Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme # Affaire Rahimi c. Grèce (Requête no 8687/08) Strasbourg 5 avril 2011 - Définitif 05/07/2011 |
European Court of Human Rights - Cour
Européenne des Droits de l'Homme |
Laura Negredo López, Francesca Melis Pont,
Óscar Herrero Mejías |
permanente sule morti in carcere # I regimi detentivi più “duri” causano un aumento del numero di suicidi www.ristretti.it/ 2010 I. |
Ildiko Suto, Genevieve L. Y. Arnaut |
Denis Bouchard, Catherine Laurier |
Lindsay M. Hayes - National Center on
Institutions and Alternatives |
Douglas G.
Jacobs, Ross J. Baldessarini, Yeates Conwell, Jan A.
Fawcett, Leslie Horton, Herbert Meltzer, Cynthia R.
Pfeffer, Robert I. Simon # Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Treatment of Patients With Suicidal Behaviors American Psychiatric Association 2010 [Originally published in November 2003] |
Matthew K. Nock # Self-Injury Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 2010 The dramatic increase in systematic and rigorous research on self-injury—perhaps resulting from the apparent increase in the prevalence of this behavior—has led to exciting advances in the understanding of why people hurt themselves. Although impressive gains have been made, there is still much to learn about why people intentionally and repeatedly harm themselves. |
Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica # Il suicidio in carcere. Orientamenti bioetici Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri 25 giugno 2010 La prevenzione del suicidio passa innanzitutto attraverso la garanzia del diritto alla salute (inteso, come oggi avviene, come promozione del benessere psicofisico e sociale della persona) e del diritto a scontare una pena che non mortifichi la dignità umana. |
Hayden P. Smith, Robert J. Kaminski |
John Mendoza,
Sebastian Rosenberg # Suicide and Suicide Prevention in Australia. Breaking the Silence http://sydney.edu.au/ May 28, 2010 |
Charlie Brooker,
John Flynn, Clare Fox # Trends in self-inflicted deaths and self-harm in prisons in England and Wales (2001-2008): In search of a new research paradigm University of Lincoln - March 2010 |
Adrienne Rivlin, Keith Hawton, Lisa Marzano
and Seena Fazel |
Lisa Marzano,
Seena Fazel, Adrienne Rivlin and Keith Hawton # Psychiatric disorders in women prisoners who have engaged in near-lethal self-harm: case–control study The British Journal of Psychiatry (2010) 197, 219–226 This research underlines the importance of psychiatric risk factors for suicide in custody and in particular comorbidity. The finding that a formal care plan was in place for most cases at the time of their near-lethal act is indicative of good risk detection, but also suggests high levels of unmet need. Given the potential complexity of their mental health needs, interventions incorporating pharmacological and psychological treatments should be considered for at-risk prisoners. |
Seena Fazel, Martin Grann, Boo Kling, Keith
Hawton |
Kahyee Hor, Mark Taylor |
Annette Hanson |
Amanda E. Perry,
Rania Marandos, Simon Coulton, Mathew Johnson # Screening Tools Assessing Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm in Adult Offenders: A Systematic Review International Journal Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 2010, 54:803 This systematic review assessed the validity of screening instruments to identify the risk of suicide and self-harm behaviour in offenders. A search of 11 electronic data-bases and grey literature resulted in the inclusion of five studies. The five studies revealed four screening instruments, including the Suicide Checklist, the Suicide Probability Scale, Suicide Concerns for Offenders in Prison Environment (SCOPE), and the Suicide Potential Scale. Two instruments, SCOPE and Suicide Potential Scale, shared promising levels of sensitivity and specificity. The reporting of information was generally varied across items on the Standards for the Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy (STARD). Research is needed to assess the predictive validity of tools for offender populations in the identification of those at risk, particularly those in probation and community setting |
Amresh Shrivastava |
Bo Runeson, Dag Tidemalm, Marie Dahlin, Paul
Lichtenstein, Niklas Langström |
Jenelle Power,
Shelley L. Brown # Self-Injurious Behaviour: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Corrections Correctional Service of Canada - February 2010 SIB (self-injurious behaviour) includes behaviours such as cutting, ligature use, burning, hitting, swallowing sharp or indigestible objects, inserting and removing objects, and head banging. While SIB is, by definition, an action undertaken by an individual to deliberately cause harm to him- or herself... |
France - Direction de l’administration
pénitentiaire |
Géraldine Duthé, Angélique Hazard, Annie Kensey, Jean-Louis Pan Ké Shon | Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined) - Direction de l’administration pénitentiaire # Suicide en
prison: la France comparée à ses voisins européens |
Bruno Aubusson de
Cavarlay # Note sur la sursuicidité carcérale en Europe : du choix des indicateurs Champ Pénal, 16 décembre 2009 |
Seena Fazel and Ram Benning #
in female prisoners in England and Wales, 1978–2004 |
Robert J. Kaminski, Hayden P. Smith, Dana D. DeHart, . #
National Survey of Self-Injurious
Behaviors in Prison, 2008 |
Government of Western Australia - Department
of Health |
Oregon Department
of Corrections # Inmate Suicide Prevention Study www.oregon.gov/ May 2009 |
Hal S. Wortzel, Ingrid A. Binswanger, C. Alan
Anderson, Lawrence E. Adler |
Marc T. Swogger, Kenneth R. Conner, Sean C.
Meldrum, Eric D. Caine Externalizing psychopathology is associated with an increased risk for suicidal behavior. Within the externalizing domain, psychopathy may be an important construct for the understanding of which individuals are at particularly high risk. However, prior studies of psychopathy and suicidal behavior have not distinguished between suicide attempts and nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior (NSIB). |
César Augusto
Mojica, Diego Arturo Sáenz, César Armando Rey-Anacona # Riesgo suicida, desesperanza y depresión en internos de un establecimiento carcelario colombiano Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría 2009 38(4) Entre los factores que se han relacionado con el comportamiento suicida entre los presos y detenidos se encuentran los estresores “institucionales”, como la poca adaptación al lugar de destino, el aislamiento disciplinario, los conflictos interpersonales, el tiempo de reclusión o los juicios pendientes; las enfermedades crónicas; la culpa, vergüenza o estigma por la comisión de crímenes violentos; las pérdidas por separación, divorcio o la muerte de un ser querido; los intentos de suicidio previos; los trastornos mentales y de personalidad (en particular el trastorno límite y el antisocial); un estado psicopatológico de depresión y desesperanza y ser joven. |
Jacques Baillargeon, Joseph V. Penn, Christopher R. Thomas, Jeff R. Temple, Gwen Baillargeon, Owen J. Murray #
Disorders and Suicide in the Nation’s Largest State
Prison System |
A Bedoya, PA Martínez-Carpio, V Humet, MJ Leal, N Lleopart #
del suicidio en las prisiones de Cataluña: análisis
descriptivo y comparado |
générale des services correctionnels - Ministère de la
Sécurité publique | Pierre Lalande, Guy Giguère # La problématique du suicide en milieu carcéral et portrait de la situation dans les établissements de détention du Québec (du 1er janvier 2000 au 31 décembre 2006) Gouvernement du Québec, Février 2009 |
State of New Jersey |
Fabrice Fernandez # Suicides et conduites auto-aggressive en prison: pour une sociologie du mal etre carcéral Anthropologie Médicale Appliquée au Dévelopment et à la Santé AMADES Janvier 2009 |
Louis Albrand | La Garde des Sceaux |
European Court of Human Rights - Cour
Européenne des Droits de l'Homme |
M. Bénézech # Troubles mentaux, suicide, agression et meurtre dans les prisons françaises La Lettre du Psychiatre - Vol. IV - n° 3-4 - mai-juin-juillet-août 2008 La prison sécrète en eff et de la violence qui appartient au fonctionnement même de l’institution et à la population pénale : violence suicidaire et hétéro-agressive entre détenus, violence du détenu contre le personnel de surveillance et l’institution, violence de l’institution contre le détenu lui-même... |
Pietro Buffa |
Tribunale di
Milano - Sezione 10^ civile (Giudice Andrea Manlio
Borrelli) # Sentenza: risarcimento danni da morte di congiunto in carcere Sentenza esecutiva | Milano, 27.5.2008 |
Catherine M. Herba, Robert F. Ferdinand, Theo
Stijnen, René Veenstra, Albertine J. Oldehinkel, Johan
Ormel, Frank C. Verhulst |
World Health
Organization # Preventing Suicide. A Resource for Media Professionals www.who.int/ 2008 |
Joanne McLean,
Margaret Maxwell, Stephen Platt, Fiona Harris, Ruth
Jepson # Suicide in Prisoners: A Systematic Review of Risk Factors Scottish Government Social Research 2008 |
Michael J. Hanes |
Philip R. Magaletta, Marc W. Patry, Ben
Wheat, Jeffery Bates |
Meredith P. Huey
# Deprivation, Importation, and Prison Suicide: The Combined Effects of Institutional Conditions and Inmate Composition University of North Carolina, 2008 |
Seena Fazel, M.D.; Julia Cartwright, Arabella
Norman-Nott, Keith Hawton |
Sheila M. Bird #
in male suicides in Scottish prisons: 10-year study |
Jennifer Kilty |
Yoshimasu, Chikako Kiyohara, Kazuhisa Miyashita, The
Stress Research Group of the Japanese Society for
Hygiene # Suicidal risk factors and completed suicide: meta-analyses based on psychological autopsy studies Environ Health Prev Med (2008) 13:243–256 |
World Health Organization WHO | International
Association for Suicide Prevention IASP |
Roberto Tatarelli # Psicopatologia e prevenzione del Suicidio www.asplazio.it/ 2007 |
Norbert Konrad, Marc S. Daigle, Anasseril E. Daniel, Greg E. Dear, Patrick Frottier, Lindsay M. Hayes, Ad Kerkhof, Alison Liebling, Marco Sarchiapone #
Preventing Suicide in Prisons, Part I.
Recommendations from the International Association
for Suicide Prevention Task Force on Suicide in
Prisons |
Eduardo J.
Aguilar, Samuel G. Siris # Do Antipsychotic Drugs Influence Suicidal Behavior in Schizophrenia? Psychopharmacology Bulletin: Vol. 40 · No. 3, 2007 |
Merete Nordentoft |
Jens Ludwig, Dave E. Marcotte, Karen Norberg |
Stephen J. Tripodi, Kimberly Bender #
Inmate Suicide: Prevalence, Assessment, and
Protocols |
Luigi Manconi
Andrea Boraschi # Quando hanno aperto la cella era già tardi perché… Suicidio e autolesionismo in carcere. 2002 - 2004 Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, a. XLVII, n. 1, gennaio-marzo 2006, pp. 117-148. |
Anasseril E. Daniel |
Nayan Acharya,
Amy S. Rosen,John P. Polzer, Deborah N. D’Souza, David
G. Perahia, Patrizia A. Cavazzoni, Ross J. Baldessarini # Duloxetine. Meta-analyses of Suicidal Behaviors and Ideation in Clinical Trials for Major Depressive Disorder J Clin Psychopharmacol 2006;26:587–594 |
Jim Thomas, Margaret Leaf, Steve Kazmierczak,
Josh Stone |
Jari Tiihonen, Jouko Lönnqvist, Kristian
Wahlbeck, Timo Klaukka, Antti Tanskanen, Jari Haukka |
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) |
Christopher J. Mumola | Bureau of Justice
Statistics |
Luigi Manconi, Andrea Boraschi |
Gregory K. Brown, Thomas Ten Have, Gregg R.
Henriques, Sharon X. Xie, Judd E. Hollander, Aaron T.
Beck |
David Le Breton #
Lesioni corporali
deliberatamente inflitte in situazione carceraria |
in La pelle e la traccia. Le ferite del sé |
Ghazala Sattar, Martin Killias |
Jenkins R, Bhugra
D, Meltzer H, Singleton N, Bebbington P, Brugha T, Coid
J, Farrell M, Lewis G, Paton J. # Psychiatric and social aspects of suicidal behaviour in prisons Psychological Medicine, 2005, 35, 257–269 Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts were commoner in prisons than in the general population and these were significantly associated with higher rates of psychosis, neurosis and personality disorder in prisons. In addition, demographic and factors such as being young, single, white, leaving school early and experiencing poor social support and significant social adversity were important risk factors for suicidal thoughts. Crucially, there was no separate category of people at suicidal risk who did not have psychiatric disorders. |
Gary Junker, Art Beeler, Jeffrey Bates |
Royal College of Psychiatrists London |
Eric Blaauw, JFM Kerkhof, Lindsay M Hayes |
Luigi Manconi, Andrea Boraschi, Elina Lo Voi |
Richard Edney |
NSW Department of
Health # Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Protocols. Community Mental Health Service www.health.nsw.gov.au/ NSW Department of Health 2004 |
Jenny Shaw, Denise Baker, Isabelle M. Hunt,
Anne Moloney, Louis Appleby |
Kennedy DB, McKeon, R (eds.). |
Mohino Justes S., Ortega-Monasterio
L.,Planchat Teruel, L. M., Cuquerella Fuentes,
A.,Talon Navarro, T., Macho Vives, J. L. |
Stefan Fruehwald,
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Jean-Louis Terra
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Marc Daigle,
Gilles Côté | Centre de recherche et d’intervention sur
le suicide et l’euthanasie (CRISE) # Troubles mentaux et problématique suicidaire chez les femmes incarcérées dans un établissement de détention provincial www.psychiatrieviolence.ca/ Octobre 2003 |
Eastern Michigan University of Police and
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Melinda M. Winter |
José Ignacio Ruiz, Ingrid Gómez, Mary Luz
Landazabal, Sully Morales, Vanessa Sánchez, Darío Páez |
N. Papet, S. Lepinçon, N. Lafay, C.
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David K. Carlson |
Mondiale de la Santé # La prévention du suicide. Indications pour le personnel pénitentiaire Genève 2002 En tant que groupe, les détenus ont un taux de suicide plus élevé que la population libre dans la même communauté. Par exemple, dans les maisons d’arrêt où séjournent des détenus pour une courte période, le taux de suicide est dix fois plus élevé que dans la population non carcérale. Dans les établissements pénitentiaires où séjournent des prisonniers condamnés, le taux de suicide est trois plus élevé que dans la population générale. De même, pour toute mort par suicide, il y aura encore plus de tentatives de suicide. |
Barrios Flores #
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Cherami Wichmann,
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Marc Daigle, Gilles Côté |
E. Blaauw, E.
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Alison Liebling |
European Court of
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European Court of Human Rights - Cour
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Cathy Fillmore, Colleen Anne Dell |
Her Majesty's
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Howard Meltzer, Rachel Jenkins, Nicola
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John Howard Society of Alberta |
Franco Taggi, Roberto Tatarelli, Gabriella
Polidori, Iginia Mancinelli |
Gilberto Terracina |
Ubaldi # Il suicidio in carcere www.altrodiritto.unifi.it/ 1997 |
U.S. Department of Justice | National
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J. John Mann, Frederick K. Goodwin, Charles P. O'Brien, Donald S. Robinson #
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Nicolas Bourgoin # Le suicide en milieu carcéral Population, 48ᵉ année, n°3, 1993. pp. 609-625 |
Policy & Planning Unit of the Victorian
Office of Corrections |
Louis Vervaeck |
UNODC | Enrico Bisogno, Jenna Dawson-Faber,
Michael Jandl, Kristiina Kangaspunta |
Marieke Liem, William Alex Pridemore |
Cathryn Rodway,
Sandra Flynn, David While, Mohammed S Rahman, Navneet
Kapur, Louis Appleby, Jenny Shaw # Patients with mental illness as victims of homicide: a national consecutive case series http://www.thelancet.com/ July 2014 |
Alyssa A Rheingold |
Alexandra V. Lysova, Nikolay G. Shchitov,
William Alex Pridemore |
Manuel Eisner |
Soenita M. Ganpat, Marieke C.A. Liem |
Nora Markwalder,
Martin Killias # Homicide in Switzerland www.uzh.ch/ 2012 |
Sven Granath, Johanna Hagstedt, Janne
Kivivuori, Martti Lehti, Soenita Ganpat, Marieke Liem,
Paul Nieuwbeerta |
David M. Buss |